[mou-net] Ruddy Turnstone and other shorebirds in Rice County

2009-05-15 Thread Williams, Bob
My friend Brad Beisel and I spent the day in Scott, Dakota and Rice Counties 
and recorded 132 species for the day.

In Rice County we found shorebirds at a few places:
 1.  5 Red-necked Phalaropes at a small wetlands on the south side of Co. 
Rd. 1 between Dundas and I-35.  
 2.  1 Stilt Sandpiper and 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper at a larger wetlands 
across the road from the boat launch on Circle Lake.
 3.  1 Ruddy Turnstone and a mix of Dunlins, Wilson's Phalaropes, Baird's 
and Least Sandpipers on the island in Cody Lake towards the east end of the 

At the Cannon River Wilderness Area on the east side of the river there were 
Cerulean Warblers calling and we were able to get excellent looks.  

Also of interest were several Henslow's Sparrows calling at Murphy-Hanrehan in 
Scott County this morning. 

Bob Williams, Bloomington

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Duluth RBA 5/15/09

2009-05-15 Thread Jim Lind
*Duluth/North Shore
*May 15, 2009

-Birds mentioned
Long-tailed Duck
Virginia Rail
Piping Plover
Thayer's Gull
Chimney Swift
Black-backed Woodpecker
Blue-headed Vireo
Bank Swallow
House Wren
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Mourning Warbler
Clay-colored Sparrow

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: May 15, 2009
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jsl...@frontiernet.net)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, May 14th, 2009 sponsored
by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A PIPING PLOVER was found by Jan and Larry Kraemer on the 14th on the
lakeside of the Park Point Recreational Area. This may be the same bird
reported from Wisconsin Point on the 13th. Peder Svingen found a
first-cycle THAYER'S GULL on the 13th on the Minnesota side of the
Superior Entry. Chris and Cindy Edwardson found a BLACK-BACKED
WOODPECKER on the 10th in Hartley Nature Reserve along one of the
mountain bike paths in the Kenwood area.

Five LONG-TAILED DUCKS were seen on the 10th and 11th at Burlington Bay
in Two Harbors.

New arrivals during the past week include SORA, VIRGINIA RAIL, CHIMNEY

The Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is looking for observations and
locations of nesting raptors in the city of Duluth. Reports should be
sent ASAP to assure time for nesting observations to occur. Please
contact Frank Nicoletti either by phone at (218) 724-0758 or by e-mail
at fnicole...@hawkridge.org

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, May 21st.

The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us
at m...@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.

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[mou-net] red-headed woodpecker

2009-05-15 Thread Diana Rankin
Another first-ever visitor to our feeders and 40-foot tall white 
spruce this morning -- a red-headed woodpecker. (On Tuesday it was 
the yellow-headed blackbird.)

This has been a very exciting spring at our feeders in Pomroy 
Township, Kanabec County. The sparrows are abundant -- Harris's, 
white crowned, field, chipping, song, clay-colored, and savannah -- 
as are the brown-headed cowbirds, gold finches, mourning doves, and 
red-wing blackbirds. A lone male hummer and a male red-breasted 
grosbeak  arrived this week, and bluebirds are nesting in the woods 
and tree swallows in the bluebird houses. The bobolinks and 
meadowlarks are enjoying the hay field and a belted kingfisher 
perches above the South Fork of the Grindstone River across the road. 
We've been hearing Wilson's snipe winnowing to each other for a month now.

Diana Rankin
Pomroy Township
Kanabec County  

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[mou-net] Sandhills in Ramsey (Anoka Co.)

2009-05-15 Thread Stephen Savior
A pair of Sandhill cranes are hanging out in a marsh to the east of Olivine St. 
between 163rd and 164th.  The marsh is behide houses, but I got some good 
looks closer to 164th.  Back channel me if you want better directions.

Stephen Savior
Ramsey, Anoka co.

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[mou-net] Seeking a Rehabber for Day 0/1 Eastern Bluebird Chicks

2009-05-15 Thread Birding Lists
Morning all, 


What should have been a very happy day has turned sad and I'm trying to do
some leg work on a contingency basis and would love some input. 


Our EABLs had a 5-egg nest that was supposed to hatch this morning. Sadly it
seems as soon as they did, the HOSP swooped in and took out 2 of the babies,
one hatched, one barely out of the egg. 


They had flung 2 to the ground and one was still alive in the nest with no
signs of being pecked as the HOSP may have been interrupted by us going out
to the box.  We managed to clean the nest and CAREFULLY get the babies back
inside and the spooker is back up @ full strength with extra streamers but
the HOSP are still circling and the EABL parents while seen when we first
went outside have not been back to the box since. 


Does anyone have a network they can tap into to find someone who has a Day
0/1 nest that MIGHT be able to give these baby EABLs a shot if the parents
abandon the nest completely?? Another local nest with babies about the same
age that might be adopted Or am I out of luck because they're so small and
likely won't make it w/out mom + dad. If that's the case, should we wait
till the babies expire (god that hurts to write), clean the nest box and
take it down till we can find a trapping solution for the HOSP?


This is the first nest that I've had any HOSP interference with and it's
killing me inside even though I know it's a part of having EABLs.




Brooklyn Park, MN


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[mou-net] [mou-rba] MOU RBA 15 May 2009

2009-05-15 Thread Anthony Hertzel
*Minnesota Statewide
*May 15, 2009

-Birds mentioned
Black-bellied Plover
Piping Plover
Arctic Tern
Western Kingbird
Marsh Wren
American Pipit
Prairie Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: May 15, 2009
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel (axhert...@sihope.com) 

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 14th 2009.

On May 13th, there were two brief observations of an ARCTIC TERN at the
western end of Lake Byllesby in Dakota County, but with the recent
change in weather, the bird has apparently moved on. However, there was
a female RUFF at this same location on the 14th.

A male PRAIRIE WARBLER was banded near Dundas, Rice County on the 13th,
but I have no information as to its current whereabouts.

In Minneapolis, a WHITE EYED VIREO was reported from the 3500 block of
34th Avenue South on May 12th.

In Duluth, a PIPING PLOVER was seen May 14th on the lake side of the
Park Point Recreational Area.

I have a report of a SUMMER TANAGER from Waseca County, but no location,
date, or details. Another was in Good Thunder, Blue Earth County on the
13th, at the feeders of John Nelson.


The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, May 21st 2009.

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Warbler Fall-out 5/14 (Ramsey County, Little Canada) with 2 Scarlet Tanagers and 2 Blackburians 5/15

2009-05-15 Thread Cheri Steinmueller
A ponding area beneath the water tower in Little Canada provided an 
unexpectedly great day of Warbler viewing last year so I've been monitoring 
this park daily of late.  Began to see waves of warblers high in the tree tops 
on Wed. evening, 5/13, so I made a point of birding there at 6:45 AM the next 
morning (Thursday, 5/14).  There were warblers everywhere.  I saw 16 species of 
warbler, 59 species of birds for the day.  As I delighted in having a 
Blackburian Warbler singing for me at an easy viewing range of about six feet 
off the ground, I kept wishing that I had others there to enjoy it with me.  I 
finally left him in order to search for other species but it seemed almost 
irreverent to be turning my back on such a beautiful sight. None of my birding 
friends could break free for the day and when I stopped home and tried to 
figure out how to post this event on the UMN site, I couldn't find the proper 
address info.  However, by the time I returned to the park at 11:00 AM, things 
were really quieting down and a posting would have been too late anyway.  I 
could still find some warblers but most weren't singing. 

This morning, 5/15, wasn't anything like yesterday but did produce several good 
birds.  Spotted two Blackburians chasing each other.  Similarly, two Scarlet 
Tanager males were chasing at the tops of the cottonwoods (poplars?) next to 
the parking lot located off of Edgerton St, just south of Labore Rd. I wouldn't 
make a trip to this site to see warblers because they seem to be winding down 
but the Scarlet Tanagers have been there for a couple of days and might stick 

Cheri Steinmueller 

Little Canada, MN 

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[mou-net] DL update

2009-05-15 Thread Beau Shroyer
Today there were virtually no warblers on the city beach.  There are still 
sanderlings on the beach.  Saw 9 species of warbler at Dunton Locks in 30 
mnutes.  Several hundred individuals.
Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.

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[mou-net] Albany Schoessling

2009-05-15 Thread Milton Blomberg
Albany Wastewater lagoons (7:15am), of note: Dunlins, WhRumpSP, Stilt SP-2, 
2ea-Dowitchers, Sanderling, SemiPalm SP's, Bairds, Pectoral, Black-bellied 
Plover-1, Red-necked Phalarope-1, Black Terns. (SW of the SW pond best--with 
lower level, SE pond levels rising).


Last eve (14th)Scholessling (N unit of Lindburgh Prk) Little Falls (5:30pm): 10 
warblers: FOY for myself- Blackburnian, Nashville, Redstart.  Also-Blackpoll, 
Pine, Palm, Ovenbird, BW, Yrumped, Yellow.

Swainson's(2) and Gray-cheeked Thrush(1), singing Wood Thrush.  BlueHeaded 
Vireo(2) and a FOY-Yellowthroated Vireo. mjb

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[mou-net] Albany Avocets

2009-05-15 Thread Milton Blomberg
Oh...how could I forget the two well-plumaged Avocets there (Stearns). mjb

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[mou-net] New E-Mail Address

2009-05-15 Thread Forest Kirsten Strnad
 I'm sorry I goofed so badly in trying to send out our

 I'm sorry I goofed so badly in trying to send out our new E-Mail address.  We 
were getting so many SPAMS that we decided to get a new E-Mail address.  I 
forgot this message and the new E-Mail address.

New E-Mail Address is:prairie...@yahoo.com. This goes into effect May 15, 2009.

Thanks for being patient with me.

Forest V. Strnad
Faribault, MN.

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[mou-net] Purgatory Creek Peregrine Falcon

2009-05-15 Thread Andrew Longtin
While at Purgatory Creek this afternoon I had a Peregrine Falcon do a little
look see over the area..



I'm in need of a job!!  

Please see http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewlongtin

Thank you..


Andrew Longtin

Corcoran (Hennepin Co.) Minnesota

See my WEB pages at: www.birderguy.com

Email: birder...@comcast.net


Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Supporter


Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Member

Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) Member


Cornell Lab Member (PFW)



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[mou-net] orange rind grape jelly

2009-05-15 Thread john c. nelson
Another first (for me), a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker eating grape jelly  
from an orange half.
Latest Rose-Breasted Grosbeak count at the BOSS--7 females and three  
males. Anyone know if they pair or are

(for lack of a better word) polygamus?
Got my Bluebird nest cam up and running, her nest is about finished.  
Our Bluebirds are always rather late.

Perhaps a dozen Baltimore Orioles and one Orchard.
Interesting that a Grackle will spook the Grosbeaks, but the Orioles  
don't seem bothered.

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN

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[mou-net] Today in Rock County

2009-05-15 Thread Bob Dunlap
I spent most of this ridiculously windy (sustained 30 mph) afternoon  
birding Rock County and found several interesting birds.

Sand pit ponds north of Luverne:
-9 Ruddy Turnstones
-several Sanderlings
-1 Common, 1 Caspian, and many Black Terns

Blue Mounds State Park:
-Swainson's Hawk
-Yellow-throated Vireo
-Gray-cheeked and Swainson's Thrushes
-large flock of mostly Yellow and Yellow-rumped Warblers, but also  
contained single Bay-breasted and Blackpoll

-Upland Sandpiper

Downtown Luverne:
-Peregrine Falcon

Hills sewage ponds:
-125 Wilson's Phalaropes (!)

I also heard a towhee call near the campground at Blue Mounds SP; out  
here right now there's just as good a chance (if not better) of it  
being a Spotted rather than an Eastern. I'll investigate tomorrow  
morning...hopefully the wind dies down so that I can actually hear  

Bob Dunlap, spending the night in Rock County

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[mou-net] Lake Byllesby (Dakota Cty) Fri 7-9am (Willet, both Godwits, Sanderling)

2009-05-15 Thread Derek Bakken

I headed out to Byllesby this morning hoping to see the Ruff (and the
many other shorebirds reported the last few days).

I missed out on the Ruff even though it was sighted for a couple of
minutes around 8am (I was a few hundred yards east) but I did see a
new life bird: a couple of Sanderlings (thanks to Bruce Fall for
spotting them and helping me ID them).

Also seen between 7-9am:

Least Sandpiper - hundreds
Baird's Sandpiper - few dozen (FOY)
Semipalmated Plover - 50-100
Killdeer - a few
Spotted Sandpiper - 2 (FOY)
Willet - a few flybys
Hudsonian Godwit - 2 (FOY)
Marbled Godwit - 5-6 (FOY)
Dunlin - about 20
Dowitcher (unsure of which sp.)
Lesser Yellowlegs
Sanderlings - 2 (FOY and life bird)

Also: Caspian Tern, Forster's Tern, and Franklin's Gull

Seen shortly before I arrived by Bruce Fall:

Ruddy Turnstone
Plover (I can't remember if he said BB or Am Golden)

The Ruff was seen for a few minutes around 8am on the far west end but
we presumed that it may have left with the strong southerly winds)

Derek Bakken

Please contribute your sightings to our list; it is only as good as
members make it!

Also, please report your bird sighting to eBird and/or the MOU.  The
information gathered is vital to the future of birds.

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[mou-net] Murphy Hanrehan Warblers, Scott Co.

2009-05-15 Thread Bob Heise
Thirteen warblers were counted this morning at Murphy including:

Blue Winged (several)
Golden winged (1)
Tennessee (majority)
Magnolia (1)
Cape May (1)
Black Throated Green
Cerulean (2)
Black and White
Redstart (majority)
Ovenbird (4)
Common Yellow Throat
Canada (2)

Other highlights:

Scarlet Tanager (1)
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Baltimore Oriole

Bob Heise

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