[mou-net] Raptor Species?

2010-04-23 Thread James Griffin
Hi All, Yesterday at about 2 pm I heard a very vocal group of crows from my 
home office. I went outside thinking they were mobbing a red tail or owl in the 
spruces in the side yard. As I left the house I saw the group of 6-8 crows 
harassing a large raptor. I only got the briefest of looks but the raptor had a 
crow in it's talons! I jumped into the car and tried to relocate the birds to 
no avail. I live just 2 short blocks from Lilydale park and the bluffs along 
the Mississippi in St. Paul and my guess is that they went straight into 1 of 
the many wooded areas. My question is - What local raptor would take a crow? As 
I said, all I really got a glimpse of was the crow in the talons as the group 
disappeared behind the tree line. Just the impression of white(or 
light-colored) belly. I can't ever remember seeing a bird of prey with a crow. 
Any ideas as to species?Just curious.  
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[mou-net] Carver County

2010-04-23 Thread John Cyrus
Usually I have pretty good luck.Today, not so much.   Or we are far enough 
along into spring that my birding standards have changed, and what I considered 
to be a great day 3 weeks ago is now just kinda lackluster.   The Cinnamon Teal 
and Blue-winged Teal were nowhere to be seen along Salem Ave.The farmer was 
working the fields with his tractor this morning so that may have had something 
to do with it, and a large construction vehicle went by scaring the few things 
that were around.   All the Bonaparte's Gulls have left with only a few 
Ring-billed remaining.   I only noticed a single Greater and a single Lesser 
Yellowlegs in that area.   In a field along Post Rd. there were 9 Pectoral 
Sandpipers with a Wilson's Snipe(also seen in field along Cty. Rd. 50).  Rapids 
Lake MVNWR wasn't overly active this morning(or I just didn't hit the right 
spot).3 American Woodcock were right along the loop trail.   I got a 2nd 
hand report of the first Palm, Orange-crowned Warbler, Lark, and Henslow's 
Sparrow over the last week at the refuge, but I didn't see any of those today.  
 Both Yellow-rumped Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet were less numerous this 
morning.  The only lingering waterfowl in the area were Gadwall, Shoveler, and 
Lesser Scaup.   More Ruddy Duck have moved onto  Winkler Lake, and there are 
now 5 Red-necked Grebes on Assumption Lake.  3 Sora were at Spring Peeper 
Meadow earlier in the week.   Yellow-headed Blackbird returned to Chevalle 
wetlands earlier in the week and were at Rapids Lake today.  I only saw Eastern 
Meadowlark at the refuge this morning but a Western Meadowlark has been in a 
similar location for the past week northeast of Assumption Lake.
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[mou-net] New MOU Field Trip

2010-04-23 Thread Pastor Al Schirmacher
New MOU field trip:

South Metro  Beyond

We'll start out in the Minnesota River Valley, then move to Murphy-Hanrehan, 
prairie areas in rural Dakota County, and more.  Possible species include 
Bell's Vireo, Acadian Flycatcher, Loggerhead Shrike, 
Prothonotary/Hooded/Cerulean Warblers, and Henslow's Sparrow.  Trip is Saturday 
June 12, meeting at 7:00 AM.  Further details available upon request.  Contact 
Matt Dufort at zelodo...@gmail.com

For other field trips, check www.mounmn.org/trips/html

The Sherburne  Aitkin trips are currently full.


Al Schirmacher, Field Trip Chair
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs  Sherburne Counties

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[mou-net] Bald Eagle in St. Paul.

2010-04-23 Thread Lee Pratsch
Good afternoon,

A bald eagle was at about 100' above Shepard Road at about 10a. 

Flying ESE between Alton and Homer s/he was joined by another bird over the 
bluffs above Crosby Park.

I'm not sure of the other bird, but it had a similar size and shape.

I'm not an expert in identification, however, all the characteristics in 
Peterson's were there: white hood, white tipped wings, yellow beak, wings 
extended, not bent.  Right size too.

Lee in St. Paul

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[mou-net] Cinnamon Teal present as posted

2010-04-23 Thread jbaines317
Linda Whyte just texted : Cinnamon Teal Present as Posted

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[mou-net] Prairie Chicken Festival in central Wisconsin

2010-04-23 Thread Rosie Bunge
Two of us attended the Prairie Chicken Festival in central Wisconsin, near 
Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids, on  April 17-18.  From a blind, we were 
able to see prairie chickens displaying on the booming ground.  What a thrill!
As I understand it, the season for displaying is nearing the end.  However, you 
may want to contact Carl Flaig, 714-570-0782, who is a farmer who has private 
blinds.  He is very helpful.  This website is:
The website for the festival is:
 Next year the days are April 15-17, 2011.
Rosie from St. Paul

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[mou-net] Cinnamon Teal and shorebirds, Carver Co.

2010-04-23 Thread Matt Dufort

Hi all,

The Cinnamon Teal was still in the drainage ditch along Salem Ave this 
afternoon at 5:00.  There are quite a few flooded fields in the area, 
with a few ducks and a lot of shorebirds.  Solitary Sandpiper and Snipe 
were in the flooded corn field near where the teal was hanging out.  
Further south on Salem Ave, a field on the east side of the road, just 
north of County Road 50, had at least 80 Greater Yellowlegs, 30 Lesser 
Yellowlegs, and 60 Pectoral Sandpipers.  Another flooded area, on the 
south side of CR 50 just west of CR 41, had 40+ Pectoral Sandpipers.  
Both of these spots looked very promising for other shorebird species, 
but I was in a hurry and didn't have much time to scrutinize them.

Matt Dufort

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