[mou-net] Sherburne Warblers

2010-09-12 Thread Pastor Al Schirmacher
Still had 12 warbler species Saturday morning in Sherburne NWR.  Best area 
was Mahnomen Trail (even though I only walked the first third before 
checking out to watch the Badgers game).

The mix was surprising - Northern Waterthrushes and Golden-winged (think of 
these two as early departures) - with first Orange-crowned of season - yet 
no Yellow-rumpeds (they'll swamp here soon enough).

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs  Sherburne Counties

PS Regarding recordings, this was my first opportunity to see a mobbing 
track in action; understand they're commonly used for species surveys and 
other applications in Minnesota.  Very effective!  The use was intentionally 
limited.   Thanks for the input. 

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[mou-net] Carver County

2010-09-12 Thread John Cyrus
I squeezed in as much birding this past week as I could, since I will not have 
the opportunity to bird the area this next week.Today's count at Carver Park

Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Least Flycatcher 1
Eastern Phoebe 5
Yellow-throated Vireo 1
Blue-headed Vireo 5
Warbling Vireo 1
Philadelphia Vireo 1
Red-eyed Vireo 5
House Wren 4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 7
Swainson's Thrush 1
Tennessee Warbler 2
Nashville Warbler 8
Yellow Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Bay-breasted Warbler 2
Northern Waterthrush 2
Common Yellowthroat 1
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
Purple Finch 2

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[mou-net] Sabine's Gull in Stevens County

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
John Hockema just called to report that Ben Fritchman, Chris Hockema,  
and himself found a juvenile Sabine's Gull on the south side of Gorder  
Lake southwest of Morris in Stevens County. They originally found the  
bird at 5:45p.m. and observed it flying west-northwest out of site at  

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Fwd: Swainson's Hawk, Goodhue Cty

2010-09-12 Thread Laura Coble
Begin forwarded message:

 From: Laura Coble shearwate...@frontiernet.net
 Date: September 12, 2010 6:58:10 PM CDT
 To: mnb...@lists.mnbird.net
 Subject: Swainson's Hawk, Goodhue Cty
 Today I went to Dakota Cty Spring Lake Park, visiting both the lower park and 
 Schaar's Bluff for migrants.  It was an exceptionally beautiful day for a 
 bird hike, though I saw very few new warblers or other migrants.  I met up 
 briefly with Jim Mattson, who spotted a Common Nighthawk as we were talking.  
 I enjoyed seeing other nighthawks off and on, flying among the gulls high 
 overhead, throughout the early afternoon.  I also saw large flocks of 
 American White Pelicans, always fun and lovely to watch, flying in the 
 thermal updrafts.
 About 3 pm, I returned to Cannon Falls on Dakota Cty 85.  After turning east 
 on Dakota Hwy 86, I entered  Goodhue Cty as the highway turns southeast, and  
 I spotted a raptor on the SE side of the road, flying in a slight V.  It 
 was light underneath, with dark flight feathers.  I turned around, and went 
 back to watch an adult Swainson's Hawk for about 10 minutes, hunting in a 
 relatively small field, even though the field was being mowed. There is a 
 Land For Sale sign posted, and this area is part of the Cannon Falls 
 industrial park.  
 At first I was amazed that the large field mower didn't bother the bird a 
 bit, but when I got home, I found a video on YouTube that showed a Swainson's 
 Hawk doing exactly the same thing, probably to take advantage of whatever 
 prey is found in the newly-mown grass.  The hawk flew and floated in the 
 wind, back and forth, occasionally hovering above the field, and I had great 
 looks at it.  It finally flew south, and out of sight.  
 This is the second Swainson's Hawk I've seen in MN.  The other one was 
 originally spotted by Jim Otto in early June on Wild Turkey Rd., which is 
 also in Goodhue Cty on one of my breeding bird blocks.  The hawk was seen 
 again a month later by me (a life bird at that time), and several days later 
 by Diana Doyle and Susan Plankis.  I recently returned from Colorado and 
 western NE, where I had seen many Swainson's Hawks, but I didn't expect to 
 see another one so soon--especially in my back yard!
 Laura Coble

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