[mou-net] Duluth raptor/songbird movement!

2011-04-05 Thread Erik Bruhnke
The conditions for counting raptors today in Duluth could not have been more
pleasant for raptor-viewing, and were very encouraging to raptors just
urging to head north. Today's flight was spectacular; a total of 300 raptors
were counted today!

Red-tailed Hawks were the most commonly-observed raptor today. Of the 158
Red-tailed Hawks observed today, three were dark morphs! Today I got to
observe the largest kettle of Red-tailed Hawks I've ever seen... A total of
18 Red-tailed Hawks were soaring upwards in a single kettle - two Bald
Eagles were mixed in there too. Seeing this scattered concentration (if
there is such a thing) made me watery-eyed. It was such a treat to witness,
and I'm sure that there are more impressive raptor flights to come this
spring! A "kettle" is a migrating group of raptors which is riding a
thermal/set of thermals higher and higher. It was so cool to see the groups
Red-tailed Hawks migrating up high. I have many pictures taken today during
the count, however they'll have a to come in a day or so :-) It's getting
late, and I have to be up early for another action-packed day of hawk
counting! Photos from today will be up soon, possibly including a fly-away
butt-shot of the little longspur cursing the skies - but also a large
section of the Red-tailed Hawk kettle... and more!

Today I observed several other new migrants to the area: A single Lapland
Longspur gave bubbly trills and the chew-note call as it flew north, as well
as observing a Killdeer, 2 Common Grackles. In the early afternoon today, a
lone, high-flying Sandhill Crane flew by!

In case you're interested in seeing more about the day's count details, the
link below has what you're looking for :-)

Good birdwatching,
Erik Bruhnke
Duluth, MN
*NATURALLY AVIAN* - Bird photography and guided birdwatching tours

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[mou-net] Osprey in Crow Wing County

2011-04-05 Thread Steve & Jo Blanich
An Osprey was back at a nest today on Co.Rd.30, Wolford Twp., off Hwy. 6 north 
of Crosby, Crow Wing County..  Steve & Jo Blanich

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[mou-net] Phoebes at Sherburne

2011-04-05 Thread Betsy Beneke
There are 3 eastern phoebes right outside the front door of our 
headquarters/office right now!

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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[mou-net] Springbrook Nature Center

2011-04-05 Thread Scott Loss
For the second spring in a row I am leading a birding course through the U of 
M's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Our first outing was this morning to 
Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley. I was surprised by the diversity of early 
migrants present, and there seemed to be a notable movement of migrating birds 
to the northwest as we saw many flyover Ring-billed Gulls and several Killdeer. 
On a side-note, I saw my first Hermit Thrush Monday evening on the U of M - St 
Paul campus. Highlights from Springbrook follow:

Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
Blue-winged Teal
Common Merganser (flyover)
Belted Kingfisher
Killdeer (flyover)
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpeckers at nest hole
Winter Wren
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (3)
Eastern Phoebe
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Fox Sparrow (2)

Scott Loss
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Hyland Lake, Bloomington - New Arrivals

2011-04-05 Thread Ben Harste
At Hyland yesterday many of the same birds were present that were also
present on Sunday April 3.  The main differences were that the Shovelers and
Blue-winged Teals were gone.

The new arrivals though were 2 American Wigeons and I believe 1 female
Pintail.  I believe it was a pintail at least, based on the body shape with
the long slender neck.


Everything else was still there from the previous day. All three Merganser
species, less Ring-necked Ducks, more Scaups (only noticed Lesser), and 2

Ben Harste
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Peculiar Waterfowl Observations

2011-04-05 Thread Pastor Al Schirmacher
Stop regularly at a temporary ag pond this time of year, since interesting 
waterfowl have been known to show up.  However, the last few days, I've 
begun to wonder what is in the water.

1) While scoping through geese, hoping for something beyond the omnipresent 
Canadas, one Canada did a forward roll in the water.  As in a somersault. 
From a still position, not landing.  Must admit, first for me in 18 years of 


2) While scoping through mallards and ring-necked (at perhaps 800 yards at 
50-60x), observed a mallard-sized duck with dark (black or very dark brown) 
head, brownish red breast/upper abdomen and a full whitish crescent in the 
uppertail coverts area.  The male mallards' green heads were easily 
distinguished around it, as were the ring-neckeds head shapes (neither fit). 
And I have no clue what to do with the full crescent.  Hybrid?

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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[mou-net] Carver County

2011-04-05 Thread John Cyrus
New migrants this morning included Blue-winged Teal, Common Loon, Greater 
Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Winter Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and 
Yellow-rumped Warbler.

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[mou-net] Barred Owl pair, visible, Minnetonka, Hennepin Co

2011-04-05 Thread George B Skinner
At 7:50 am one owl sitting in the Norway Spruce
north of our deck. I think you can only see it from
inside our house. You can call me if you want to
see it (if it stays put).

The other is in a tall thin pine 30 ft. north of the
pole mounted wood duck boxes at the northwest
corner of our house. You can see it from the street.
Just park west of the spruce trees at the southwest
corner of our house.

The owls seem to be snoozing. 

I have put up a nest box for Barred Owls along
my north property line. Maybe I'll get a pair.

Good Luck,

George Skinner
15330 Lynn Terrace
Minnetonka, MN

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[mou-net] Live from Freeborn County

2011-04-05 Thread Al Batt
Purple martin here on April 3. It was welcomed with open  eyes.
  Vesper sparrow songs this morning. "Here, here, there,  there, everybody 
down the hill."
  Pleasant birding.
Al Batt

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[mou-net] new arrival SNWR

2011-04-05 Thread Betsy Beneke
Fox sparrow made a 
Brown-headed Cowbird at Sherburne NWR - woo hoo!!!

Fox sparrow made a brief appearance under the feeder early this morning.  
Al and others have seen them on Mahnomen Trail.

Blue Hill Trail is still a bit snowy, and icy, in spots - a little treacherous.

We HOPE to be able to open the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive for the weekend of 
April 23-24.  No promises, as it's very soft, muddy, and flooded in a couple of 
spots yet.

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR
Sherburne County

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