[mou-net] Nelson's Sparrow, Ramsey County

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
I'm listening to a singing Nelson's Sparrow right now at Crosby Farm Park
in St. Paul. The bird is singing from the cattails on the east side of the
boardwalk, opposite the wooden dock and blind, on the west side of the park.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Westwood Bird Walk

2012-05-12 Thread Victor Lewis
Sorry for the mistakes on the birdwalk!! Thursday MaY 17th at 7:30 am!!
lol!:))) Vic

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[mou-net] Connecticut Warbler, Wabasha County

2012-05-12 Thread Dedrick Benz
At about 8:30AM Saturday I heard a Connecticut Warbler sing repeatedly the the 
Kruger Recreation Area.  At the back of the main entrance there is a paved 
trail which periodically splits off from itself and reconnects.  When in doubt, 
veer left and follow paved trail to it's absolute end.  There is a picnic table 
here, and unpaved trail begins.  Follow this up the hill until the hill crests 
(200 yds.?).  There will be a small (12ft.) broken snag with a piece of orange 
flagging tape double wrapped around the trunk on the right side of the trail.  
The bird was singing 10 yds. downslope from here.
Veery, Wood Thrush, BT Green Warbler, and Magnolia Warbler were especially 
common in here today.
I travelled back to Winona County through Weaver Dunes/McCarthy Lake and heard 
Bell's Vireo back on territory.
Dedrick BenzWinona, MN

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[mou-net] Houston County - 5/11/12

2012-05-12 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
5/11/12Friday Finished a birding trip to Southeastern Minnesota on Friday, in 
Houston county.  There were very few migrants today, but here are a few of the 
birds we observed: Eastern Whip-poor-willAcadian flycatcher - Beaver Creek 
Valley State park.  Several birds were heard and one observed on the Beaver 
Creek Valley Trail.Louisiana Waterthrush - Four birds were heard and several 
observed at Beaver Creek Valley State park, along the Beaver Creek Valley 
Trail.Prothonotary Warbler - One bird was observed at Millstone Landing, which 
is along Highway 26, South of the town of Reno.Orchard Oriole Craig 
MandelMinnetonka, Hennepin countyegretc...@msn.com  

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2012-05-12 Thread Nicholas Tangen
A small group went to the Old Cedar Bridge this morning and spotted a Virginia 
Rail off the end of the boardwalk. Good numbers of Marsh Wrens and Yellow 
Warblers as well.

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Saturday May 12 Old Cedar Bridge

2012-05-12 Thread Brian Wisconsin
Spent two hours this morning looking for warblers and vireos but was unable to 
make out anything other than a couple redstarts and a common yellowthroat.

I give up and may just wait till fall when perhaps leaves will fall from the 
trees.  Apparently I'm doing something wrong.


Sent from my Kindle Fire

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[mou-net] Shorebirds and Forster's Terns: Wirth Lake Volleyball Pond, Golden Valley, Hennepin County

2012-05-12 Thread Alex Cruz
There was a nice selection of very approachable shorebirds at the Wirth
Lake Volleyball Pond in Golden Valley (on Glenwood Ave, east of Theodore
Wirth Parkway).
May 12, 2012 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

*Highlights: *

   1. Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)  2
   2. Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius)  1
   3. Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria)  3
   4. Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)  12
   5. Forster's Tern (Sterna forsteri)  6. Flew over pond just west of
   volleyball courts Tight flock, bright white underneath, dark line on inside
   of primaries otherwise pale underwings, backs pale gray, no dark on
   primaries from above. Lost sight as they headed to NE. FOY.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, MN

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[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
A Prothonotary Warbler was back at the 2nd(beaver pond) outlet channel at 
Rapids Lake MVNWR.   I initially heard him, and he eventually came into view. 
The Henslow's Sparrow  was still in the grassland north of the north hunters 
lot.   While last summer the Henslow's Sparrows were further north closer to 
the neighborhood, so far this year he has stayed closer to the hunters lot just 
north of the dirt track that briefly heads east/west.  Besides Tennessee and 
resident warbler, other migrant warbler took some work to see.  The most 
unusual birds of the morning were a few late Purple Finch.   The arboretum on 
the other hand was pretty empty with only 16 species found and no obvious 

Rapids Lake highlights

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Least Flycatcher 4
Eastern Phoebe 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 5
Yellow-throated Vireo 3
Warbling Vireo 7
Philadelphia Vireo 2
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Gray-cheeked Thrush 1
Wood Thrush 1
Northern Waterthrush 1
Blue-winged Warbler 4
Black-and-White Warbler 2
Prothonotary Warbler 1
Tennessee Warbler 30
Nashville Warbler 1
Bay-breasted Warbler 1
Blackburnian Warbler 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1
Blackpoll Warbler 7
Yellow-rumped Warbler 5
Eastern Towhee 1
Lark Sparrow 1
Grasshopper Sparrow 4
Henslow's Spaarrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 1
Purple Finch 3


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[mou-net] Louisville Swamp

2012-05-12 Thread Bruce Baer
I spent several hours making the loop at Louisville this morning. Tennessee 
Warblers were common and good numbers of Yellow Warbler. Otherwise no other 

Wood Thrush
Orchard Oriel
Baltimore Oriel 
R-b Grosbeaks were numerous
Eastern Kingbird
Indigo Bunting
R-e Vireo
Y-t Vireo
Bell’s Vireo and Sedge Wren at Blackdog Fen

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Sherburne Trip

2012-05-12 Thread Al Schirmacher
Led one of the birding trips at Sherburne Refuge today.  Little quiet, among 83 
species were 12 warblers, Least Bittern, Olive-sided Flycatcher.  Again, no 
sign of moorhen/gallinule.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN

Sent from my iPhone

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[mou-net] Boulder Birding Big Day warblers near Duluth

2012-05-12 Thread Chris Edwardson
This morning Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center , near Duluth,
hosted a friendly birding competition for 4 hours in perfect weather.
There were 18 warbler species seen among the 75 species located.  Migration
is well underway here.

Cindy and Chris Edwardson
Duluth, MN


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Re: [mou-net] Saturday May 12 Old Cedar Bridge

2012-05-12 Thread Bill Kahn
Once that green curtain so tightly is drawn, 
So that only the patient or lucky may see:
You know that they're there
And too soon will be gone,
So heed more to the sound and less to the feather
Of those birds so well hidden or sing, Woe is me. 

Hang in there and do the best that you can. I guess if we continue to have such 
springs, we'll need spy cameras in the canopy to know who's passing by.

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Re: [mou-net] Saturday May 12 Old Cedar Bridge

2012-05-12 Thread Nick Mattsson
I spent an hour down by the Minnesota River in Bloomington yesterday morning 
and saw very little. Either the warbler flight has peaked or the weather was 
too nice. Try a rainy day. 


On May 12, 2012, at 12:49 PM, Brian Wisconsin birddud...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Spent two hours this morning looking for warblers and vireos but was unable 
 to make out anything other than a couple redstarts and a common yellowthroat. 
 I give up and may just wait till fall when perhaps leaves will fall from the 
 trees.  Apparently I'm doing something wrong.
 Sent from my Kindle Fire
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[mou-net] Wild River state park today

2012-05-12 Thread Thomas P. Malone
I couldn't find what I thought was a bird hike conducted by the Wild River 
Audubon chapter, but I did see 34 species, including 5 thrushes, in about 4 
hours of driving and hiking. So it was a good day. 
Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy  Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)

[mou-net] Laughing Gull in Watonwan County

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
Chad Heins just called to report that he and Andrew Krenz are looking at a
Laughing Gull on Sulem Lake southwest of Butterfield in southwest Watonwan
County. He said the bird may be injured as one of its wings looks a bit odd.

Bob Dunlap

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Common Terns in Aitkin Crow Wing Counties

2012-05-12 Thread Steve Jo Blanich
2 to 3 dozen Common Terns were observed today at Rice Lake National Wildlife 
Refuge Mandy Lake, Aitkin County, and 9 were observed at the Ironton Sewer 
Ponds, Co. Rd. 31, Crow Wing County.  Also at the Ironton Sewer Ponds was a 
Black- bellied Plover  4 Lesser Yellowlegs.
Jo Blanich
Crow Wing County

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[mou-net] Laughing Gull NOT

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
After further discussion from Chad and others, it sounds like the Laughing
Gull in Watonwan County reported earlier this evening is actually an
injured Franklin's Gull.

Bob Dunlap

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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