[mou-net] Least Bittern: Ol' Cedar Bridge, Mn River NWR, Hennepin Co, MN

2012-09-16 Thread Alex Cruz
Hello birders!

Had a terrific morning birding with Scott Meyer. We started off at the Bass
Ponds (MRNWR) at 6:35 am because Scott promised me some sort of
yellow-crowned night-thingamajig but no luck on that bird! But we had lots
of cool birds at the Bass Ponds area like wigeons and Franklin's gulls.
After we moseyed over to Ol' Cedar Bridge where which was basically
Soralapooza! We managed to scare up my second only Minnesota *Least
Bittern*which disappeared into the cattails just south of the
boardwalk observation
platform! The woods west of boardwalk entrance were buzzing with warblers
and 2 Scarlet Tanagers.

For the morning, we had 13 or so species of warblers (between Bass and Ol'
Cedar) with the best ones being parula, yellow, and blackpoll!

Lookin' up,
Alex Cruz
Ramsey Co, MN

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[mou-net] Common Raven in Clay County

2012-09-16 Thread MARK OTNES
There was a Common Raven circling over the pine grove at the entrance to
Buffalo River State Park in Clay County at about 11:00 this morning.  The
is my first raven sighting in the area since last spring.  In the park
there were 5 species of warbler (Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, Nashville, Palm,
and Common Yellowthroat), very large numbers of robins and flickers, many
White-throated Sparrows, 2 Lincoln's Sparrows, and my first Dark-eyed Junco
of the fall.

Mark Otnes
Fargo ND

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[mou-net] Sherburne NWR on Saturday, Great Egret flock

2012-09-16 Thread Erika Sitz
We spent late afternoon yesterday at Sherburne NWR.  The overwhelming aura
was DRY!!   Birding was slow on the Wildlife Drive, highlight was a gorgeous
juvenile Northern Harrier, coursing over what's left of Little Bluestem
pool.  Also saw three Great Egrets in Big Bluestem, two Trumpeter Swans at
the perpendicular crossing midway through, where they've been regular, two
more at the farthest Stickney Pool, and a juvenile Bald Eagle at first
Stickney.  Waterfowl was only Canadas and a very few ducks.  Only small
birds were a few each of Bluebirds, Red-Winged Blackbirds still hanging
around, and un-ID'd brown UFOs.  


Went up to the northwest corner, along CR3 and CR70, over to CR11 and back,
for the last 20 minutes of daylight.  Most unusual was a wing of 14 Great
Egrets flying in from the north - we haunt that spot quite a bit in Sept-Oct
and we've never seen Egrets like that before.  We did see a total of about
20 Sandhill Cranes in small groups come in from the north; a few may have
passed over before we got up there, but it's early for any significant
numbers to be building anyway. I think.   We were surprised to see a group
of six Nighthawks, hunting  (also saw a pair over the River at the Anoka
bridge last week) - seems late for them? 


Erika Sitz

Ramsey, north Anoka County  


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[mou-net] Polk County arrivals

2012-09-16 Thread Sandy Aubol
In my yard in East Grand Forks (Polk County) this weekend, the first of the 
season Harris's Sparrow arrived yesterday, 9/15. Today, 9/16, the first 
Dark-eyed Junco, Palm Warbler, and Swainson's Thrush. There was also a 
Peregrine Falcon sitting on the water tower on the north end of town this 

Sandy Aubol
Polk County
East Grand Forks, MN

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[mou-net] Nelson's (Sharp-tailed) Sparrow (3), Old Cedar Ave., Hennepin Co.,

2012-09-16 Thread linda whyte
It had seemed today's birding would be confined to a trip to Mankato to
bring an injured Red-tailed Hawk to the Raptor Center, but fate dictated
otherwise. We decided to do our exercise hike at Old Cedar Avenue this
evening, in hopes of seeing the Least Bittern reported there. Ultimately we
had as little luck with that,  as we had in our search for the
Yellow-crowned Night Heron at Bass Ponds last week. However, as often
happens, when you miss one thing, you may very well get something just as
good or better.

Thanks to Bob and Nancy Williams, we finally got our lifer-looks at a
Nelson's Sharp- tailed Sparrow. The Williams' shared that they had just
seen the Sparrow about 5 minutes prior to our arrival, and it had flown in
a circle around and  through the grasses by the platform.  After awhile,
one of the birds showed up in a clump of grasses, and was eventually joined
by two more. They gave us perfect looks as they circled around the platform
and perched periodically in full view--certainly a most colorful species,
with that orange-gold background in its plumage. Life may be "about the
journey," but in this case, the destination was equally rewarding.

Among others seen seen: a Snipe flushed from the dirt path leading out to
the boardwalk; a Barred Owl flushed from a tree next to the path leading
west from the parking lot; Common Yellow-throat Warbler and many Sora
foraging out from the platform.

Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Roberts Bird Sanctuay 9/16

2012-09-16 Thread Jason Caddy
While some friends were watching my daughter I checked out the west end of the 
Robert Bird Sanctuary for migrants. In a clearing the trees and bushes were 
full of warblers and other birds. I really enjoyed watching a 1st year Northern 
Parula and male Golden-winged Warbler bath with a couple of chickadees. There 
were seven species of warbler with the most notable being a striking male 
Blue-winged Warbler which is a species I rarely see in fall migration. There 
were also two vireo species, a Swainson's Thrush, White-throated Sparrows and a 
Brown Thrasher. I left the area and came back twenty minutes later at around 
5:30pm to find that all of the migrants had left and the place was mostly 
quiet. Pretty cool to be able to watch birds with a live orchestra blaring in 
the background.   Jason Caddy, Minneapolis  j.ca...@hotmail.com 

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[mou-net] Mississippi Kite- Hawk Ridge

2012-09-16 Thread Karl Bardon
Another Mississippi Kite was seen at Hawk Ridge today (16 September), which is 
the third seen from the Ridge this season, and the fifth sighting in Duluth 
this fall. Today's kite was first seen from the main overlook at 4:08 pm, and 
we were able to watch it for an extended period of time- although it 
disappeared several times, the bird was in view off and on for over an hour!, 
with the last sighting at 5:18 pm. The bird repeatedly caught and ate 
dragonflies around us, and on one of its last passes, came directly over the 
main overlook, allowing us to take some identifiable photos. Observers on the 
platform besides myself included Andrew Longtin, Dave Carman, Steve Bockhold, 
Russ Edmonds, and Cory Ritter, but many other observers were able to see the 
kite as well. This sighting follows one seen from the Hawk Ridge main overlook 
on 27 August by Dave Carman and myself, an adult seen by Mike Hendrickson in 
Smithville on 3 September, a juvenile seen and
 photographed from the Paine Farm banding station near Hawk Ridge on 5 
September (about 6 pm) by Cory Ritter and Nova Mackentley, and a juvenile seen 
and photographed at the Hawk Ridge main overlook on 6 September (about 9:52 am) 
by Cory Ritter.

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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