[mou-net] MVNWR - Wilkie Unit - Bird Watching Walk - 11/10/12

2012-11-10 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
November 10, 2012 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife RefugeWilkie UnitBird 
watching walkField Trip Report Enjoyed a nice walk at the Wilkie Unit this 
morning.  There were a few Tundra Swans observed on Fisher Lake and there was a 
nice mix of waterfowl on the Blue Lake water treatment pond.  Blue Lake itself, 
had a large raft of American Coots.  Here are a few of the species observed 
this morning. Tundra SwanGadwallRing-necked DuckLesser ScaupHooded 
MerganserAmerican RobinAmerican Tree SparrowDark-eyed Junco Craig 
MandelMinnetonka, Hennepin countyegretc...@msn.com  

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[mou-net] MVNWR/MRVAC - Field Trip - Sunday - 11/11/12 - Meeting location update

2012-11-10 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
Bird Watching TrekNovember 11, 2012 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife 
Refuge/Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter Field Trip Meeting Location: 
Please take note that the field trip scheduled for November 11, 2012, will be 
meeting at the Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center at 8:00 and not at the 
Old Cedar Avenue Bridge. Sorry for any confusion on this, Craig Craig 
MandelMinnetonka, Hennepin countyegretc...@msn.com  

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[mou-net] week highlights from Carver County and warbler statistics

2012-11-10 Thread John Cyrus
Overall it was pretty quiet in the area this past week.   On November 6 there 
was a single Snow Goose and multiple migrating flocks of Tundra Swans at Rapids 
Lake MVNWR.  I counted 111 swans in 5 flocks.   I also heard 3 additional 
flocks that I was unable to find in the sky.  Also at the unit were Killdeer, 
several Bluebird, Purple Finch, and White-winged Crossbill.  On November 8 at 
Rapids Lake there were a single Bluebird, a couple Swamp Sparrow, and decent 
numbers of Red-winged and Rusty Blackbird along with the usual residents.  I 
did have a flyover winter finch which was probably a Common Redpoll based on 
the call.  I assume that the American Bittern seen on November 9 reported by 
Craig Mandel was the same bird I saw the day before, as the location described 
was pretty much where I saw it.  Note that most of the  stretch along North 
Shore Rd. is private property.  Also on November 8  there were 3 Wilson's Snipe 
at Chevalle wetlands.

Here is the breakdown of warbler species seen during the fall 2012 
season followed by the 2008-2011 season percentages.  Below that are the
 adjusted numbers including this year's totals.  Yellow Warbler, 
Redstart, and Yellowthroat are excluded due to inconsistent counting of 
these species over the years.   I did a better job counting those 
species this year but still likely overlooked some.   Prothonotary and 
Cerulean Warbler while not included in the percentages for all the years
 are likely in the .02%-.04% range.  In total there have been nearly the same 
number(around 4000) of the below species counted during the 2008-2012 spring 
seasons vs. those counted during the 2008-2012 fall seasons.

Fall 2012

Blue-winged Warbler 0.70%

Golden-winged Warbler 0.70%

Tennessee Warbler 5.04%

Orange-crowned Warbler   7.33%

Warbler  9.81%

Northern Parula   0.64%

Chestnut-sided Warbler  7.79%

Magnolia Warbler   4.58%

Cape May Warbler  0.18%

Yellow-rumped Warbler 36.30%

Black-throated Green Warbler0.92%

Blackburnian Warbler 1.83%

Pine Warbler   0.18%

Palm Warbler  3.39%

Bay-breasted Warbler 0.92%

Blackpoll Warbler  0.18%  

Black and White Warbler5.50%   

Prothonotary Warbler  0.09%

Ovenbird 3.57%

Northern Waterthrush  3.21%

Warbler   0.18%

Mourning Warbler   0.82%

Wilson's Warbler2.93%

Warbler  3.12%

This compares to my counts for the 2008-2011 seasons

2008-2011 Percentages   Spring

Blue-winged Warbler 3.62%  1.22%

Golden-winged Warbler 0.55%  1.43%

Tennessee Warbler 16.68%15.70%

Orange-crowned Warbler   1.31%  6.50%

Warbler  4.90%  15.73%

Northern Parula   0.43%  0.28% 

Chestnut-sided Warbler  2.27%  4.89%

Magnolia Warbler   2.73%  2.51%

Cape May Warbler  0.52%  0.14%

Yellow-rumped Warbler 43.44%29.83%

Black-throated Green Warbler0.89% 0.73%

Blackburnian Warbler 1.74%  1.26%

Pine Warbler   0.30%  0.24%

Palm Warbler  6.15%  2.27%

Bay-breasted Warbler 0.56%  0.70%

Blackpoll Warbler  3.45%  0.59%  

Black and White Warbler3.55%  4.12%  Ovenbird   
  2.13%  2.24%

Northern Waterthrush  1.84%  1.82%

Warbler   0.07%  0.07%

Mourning Warbler   0.59%  0.73% 

Wilson's Warbler1.84%  4.61%

Canada Warbler  0.36%  2.34%
New 5 year percentages including totals from both the spring and fall 2012 

2008-2012 Percentages   Spring

Blue-winged Warbler 4.25%  1.07%

Golden-winged Warbler 0.50%  1.24%

Tennessee Warbler 17.79%12.76%

Orange-crowned Warbler   1.12%  6.73%

Warbler  4.16%  14.10%

Northern Parula   0.50%  0.38%  

Chestnut-sided Warbler  1.79%  5.70%

Magnolia Warbler   2.36%  3.09%

Cape May Warbler  0.45%  0.15%

Yellow-rumped Warbler 45.66%31.62%

Black-throated Green Warbler0.72% 0.78%

Blackburnian Warbler 1.44%  1.42%

Pine Warbler   0.25%  0.23%

Palm Warbler  5.95%  2.58%

Bay-breasted Warbler 0.45%  0.76%

Blackpoll Warbler  3.21%  0.48%

Black and White Warbler3.14%  4.51%

[mou-net] Good Raptor Day

2012-11-10 Thread bbbaer957
I walked over to the Bass Ponds  after 1:00 P.M this afternoon . Some of the 
raptors moving were: 

Immature and adult Bald Eagle 

Immature and adult Red-tailed Hawk 

Rough-legged Hawk 

Immature Northern Goshawk 

Peregrine Falcon on the power plant stack 

Twenty-five Lapland Longspurs 

Bruce Baer 

Bloomington - Hennepin County

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[mou-net] Pine Siskin, Burnsville, Dakota cty.

2012-11-10 Thread deanne.endri...@juno.com
I had one lone siskin at my suet feeder today in Burnsville.

Deanne Endrizzi

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

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[mou-net] Cassin's Kingbird

2012-11-10 Thread Bill Stjern
I finally got to a computer  I saw the Cassin's Kingbird at the same 
reported intersection moving through the trees behind the white house on the 
northeast corner at 12:05 pm on November 9th.   I also saw the Mockingbird just 
across the street.  The weather has changed drastically on the North Shore 
today (11/10)- 15 ft waves, wind, rain, all on the anniversary of the Edmund 
Fitzgerald. Hopefully the bird will stay through the tempest for anyone who 
has not yet seen it!  Thanks to everyone who continued to report the bird in 
the last few days.  It really helps when someone cannot get to the location 
right away.  

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren (Houston Co.)

2012-11-10 Thread Alyssa DeRubeis
I figured I would share this observation since Carolina Wren in the state
can be hit-or-miss. A group of us from Stevens Point, WI heard an
individual singing and calling multiple times in Brownsville this morning.
Some of us did end up getting a fleeting view of the wren. It was in the
wooded area directly across from the Upper Mississippi River National
Wildlife Refuge waterfowl viewing platform.

Everything else seen in the area for the day was expected: 14 duck species,
Tundra Swan, Bald Eagle, and American White Pelican were all present in
decent numbers. We missed Red-breasted and Common Mergansers and Redhead.
Also present were Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, and Red-winged Blackbird. 2-3 Tufted Titmice and a Brown Creeper
were present in Vernon County, WI.

Good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Stevens Point, WI

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[mou-net] Black-legged Kittiwake, Duluth

2012-11-10 Thread Karl Bardon
An easterly gale in Duluth this morning (winds 20-40 mph) prompted me to do a 
two hour seawatch from Canal Park 07:30-09:30. Highlights included an immature 
Black-legged Kittiwake seen heading along the Park Point shoreline 
southeasterly towards the Superior Entry, 3 Red-throated Loons (one flock), 2 
Common Loons, 1 Long-tailed Duck, and 1 first-cycle Glaucous Gull. The 
kittiwake may be the same bird I saw on 5 November from Wisconsin Point.
Gull watching in Duluth so far this fall has been relatively frustrating, with 
many hundreds now habitually loafing on local rooftops. Although as many as 
6300 Herring Gulls have been seen in one day (4 Nov, record high count), the 
variety has been poor. Recent sightings include a few Great Black-backed Gulls 
(first cycle on 6 November, adult on 7 November, and second-cycle on 10 
November), a few Glaucous Gulls (beginning 4 November), and small numbers of 
Thayer's Gulls.
Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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[mou-net] Minnesota Ornithologists' Union

2012-11-10 Thread Carl
Dear MOU-Net Subscribers,
This coming Thursday (Nov 15th) is an important day for the M.O.U. On this
day, GiveMN.org is having their annual Give to the Max Day. When you make a
donation or purchase/renew a membership to the M.O.U. through the following
web page http://givemn.razoo.com/story/Mou we become eligible for millions
of dollars in gifts and prizes. Each hour a $1,000 gift is added to a random
donation. In addition, one time during the day a random donation will get a
$10,000 gift added to their donation. Donations may also be made anytime
before Thursday just click on the blue text on the page to schedule your
donation to occur on Give to the Max Day.
Whether you are an M.O.U. member or not, we need your donations to fund all
the fantastic programs you enjoy such as MOU-Net, MOU Facebook, and our
website. Without your generous contributions and memberships we would not be
able to offer our publications, provide grants to scientific studies and
community projects, make your voice heard on important issues such as the
Sandhill Crane hunting season, or introduce the youth of the state to nature
appreciation through the Youth Mentorship Program and the Binocular Bob
fund. So this Thursday lets Give to the Max to the M.O.U. 
Thank You,
Carl Greiner
President, Minnesota Ornithologists' Union
1616 Hill Street S.W.
Chatfield, MN. 55923


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[mou-net] (Fwd) white-winged dove, Cook County

2012-11-10 Thread Jim Lind
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 10 Nov 2012 12:53:36 -0800 (PST)
From:   Paul Johnson plj...@yahoo.com
Send reply to:  Paul Johnson plj...@yahoo.com
Subject:white-winged dove
To: jsl...@frontiernet.net jsl...@frontiernet.net

Oops, my e-mail to MOU-net - had a problem, anyway:

Seen Friday, November 9, 2012

Cook County

White-tailed Dove - at Taconite Harbor water access road, feeding on 
edge of this roadnear main gravel parking lot at 10:40 am Nov 9.

Bohemian Waxwings - a flock at the harbor in Grand Marais, Nov 9

Long-tailed Ducks - 40 ducks at hwy overlook, a couple of miles south 
 Grand Marais, Nov 9, Cook County

Paul Johnson
Elk River,Mn

--- End of forwarded message ---

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[mou-net] Brooklyn Park Bald Eagles

2012-11-10 Thread Keith Carlson
Celebrated the end of our string of warm days with a late afternoon
kayak trip down the Mississippi River from the Coon Rapids Dam to 694.
Probably no surprise to those who know the area but I saw four mature
BALD EAGLES.  One flew by me, two were roosting by their island nests
but the best was one standing on a rock just sticking out just above the
water level at the rapids below the U of M-owned island across from the
Izaak Walton League property.   I was surprised at the absence of
migrating duck's - I saw just mallards and Canadian geese.   
Keith Carlson
Roseville, MN

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