[mou-net] Birding About the Metro

2013-04-20 Thread Steve Weston
This snowy morning (Friday) our full feeders attracted a diverse flock of
birds including Purple Finches (1 female and 2 males), which I haven't seen
for months, Pine Siskin (not seen for a couple of weeks), House Finches,
Fox, Song, and Swamp Sparrows, and crowds of Juncos.  The streets with the
only bare surface attracted all kinds of birds, but mostly Robins and
Hermit Thrushes, plus some of the many Juncos, and even a Killdeer.
Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Duluth RBA 4/20/13

2013-04-20 Thread Jim Lind
*Duluth/North Shore
*April 20, 2013

-Birds mentioned
Common Loon
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Eared Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Lesser Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Franklin's Gull
Tree Swallow
Varied Thrush

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: April 20, 2013
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jsl...@frontiernet.net)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for April 20th, 2013 sponsored by the
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

An EARED GREBE was found on the 17th by David Brislance at the Grand
Marais harbor. This is one of the few Cook County records for this
species. The two EARED GREBES at the Grand Rapids wastewater treatment
plant in Itasca County were still present on the 19th.

Jan and Larry Kraemer saw two FRANKLIN'S GULLS on the 16th in the Duluth
Harbor at 27th Avenue West. They also relocated the overwintering male
BARROW’S GOLDENEYE on Park Point at 33rd Street. Cindy Edwardson saw a
VARIED THRUSH in her yard in the Hunter’s Park neighborhood of Duluth.

Steve and Deb Falkowski saw a WILSON'S PHALAROPE on the 16th and 17th on
Silver Lake in Virginia.

Other recent spring arrivals in the past week include CANVASBACK, COMMON

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, April

The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us
at m...@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren Ramsey Co

2013-04-20 Thread Clay Christensen
A Carolina wren has been coming to the feeders near the house this morning. 
Four visits since 8:25 a.m.
Visible from the street.
1933 Malvern St
Clay Christensen 

The Birdman of Lauderdale

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[mou-net] Lesser Black-backed Gull, Two Harbors, Lake County

2013-04-20 Thread Jim Lind
This morning there was an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull at Agate Bay in Two 
Also 6 Long-tailed Ducks.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors

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[mou-net] Fw: [mnbird] Cinnamon teal, Olmsted County

2013-04-20 Thread Diane Anderson
This sighting is from Friday.  2 reported back today that they couldn't find 
it, but there are a lot of places to hide out there. 

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Vrieze 
To: mnb...@lists.mnbird.net 
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 10:08 PM
Subject: [mnbird] Cinnamon teal, Olmsted County

I was surprised to again find a cinnamon teal at 5:00 Friday on Silver Creek 
Reservoir, Olmsted County. I'm not sure if this is the same individual seen 
April 8-10 at this same location. I haven't heard of any reports of it since 
the 10th.

Lance Vrieze
Olmsted County

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[mou-net] MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge

2013-04-20 Thread David Zumeta
Saw 60 species today (April 20) at the MNVNWR headquarters and at Old Cedar
Avenue bridge. The latter involved walking 1.0m to 1.5 miles west of the
parking lot, and then a 90 degree left along a running stream down toward
the open water. This is where the swan and most of the ducks, loons,
grebes, and gulls were seen. Water proof boots are recommended. Highlights

Tundra Swan 1
12 species of ducks, including good numbers (20+) of Wood Duck, N.
Shoveler, 20 Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Common
Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, and Common Merganser
Common Loon 2
Pied-billed Grebe 4
Horned Grebe 1 male in breeding plumage
Great Blue Heron 12+
Great Egret 1
Turkey Vulture 1
Bald Eagle 2
N. Harrier 1
Sandhill Crane 3 (in marsh below MNVNWR headquarters)
Franklin's Gull 2
Ring-billed Gull 300+
Herring Gull 10+
Barred Owl 3, (all calling, two at once below MNVNWR headquarters)
N. Flicker 1
Brown Creeper 3 (one singing)
Winter Wren 3 (one singing lightly)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 4
Hermit Thrush 20+ (most I have ever seen in 31+ years of Minnesota birding)
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Am. Tree Sparrow 10+ (at and on hill below feeders at MNVNWR headquarters)
Fox Sparrow 30+ (25+ at and on hill below feeders at MNVNWR headquarters,
most I have ever seen in one day)
Song Sparrow 10+
Swamp Sparrow 4
White-throated Sparrow 2
Dark-eyed Junco 40+
Purple Finch 1 (at feeder at MNVMWR headquarters)
Pine Sisken 3

Dave Zumeta

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail, American Avocet, Wilson's Phalarope, Least Grebe, Dakota Cty

2013-04-20 Thread Laura Coble
Today, thanks to the sharp eyes of Barb and Sue, my brother, nephew and I had 
excellent looks at a Virginia Rail at 180th St Marsh at around 3:45 pm.  It was 
vocalizing, and located on the far end of the west pond in the reeds, on the 
north side of the pond, coming out and returning to the reeds several times.  
There were also 3 spinning Wilson's Phalaropes, many duck species, Soras and a 
Pied-billed Grebe at the east pond. Several other birders spotted A. Avocets, 
as well.  180th St. Marsh is between Hwy 85 (Goodhue Ave.) and Fischer Ave.

At Lake Byllesby in mid-morning, there were 3 Least Grebes,  several phalaropes 
and an American Avocet, plus ducks.  Some shorebirds were at a great distance, 
and the snow melt has raised the water considerably.   Many Hermit Thrush were 
present on the shore and land.
The birds were viewed at the west end of Lake Byllesby, accessed from Hwy 88 
(292nd St,),  east of the 56/88 crossroads, at a turn-out with an iron fence, 
on the south side of the road.  Park on the shoulder of 88, cross the railroad 
tracks, go around the gate, and follow the birder trail to an open look-out on 
the lake.  

I enjoyed seeing other birders at both locations, and met some bright young 
birders with their excellent guide, who were doing a Big Day!   

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[mou-net] Wilson's Phalaropes, Franklin's Gull (Wabasha Co), Marbled Godwit (Olmsted Co)

2013-04-20 Thread Steven Houdek
Wilson's Phalaropes and Franklin's Gull were encountered along Wabasha Co. Rd 
84 in semi-flooded fields and among other shorebirds (Greater Yellowlegs, 
Lesser Yellowlegs, Wilson's Snipe, Killdeer) and the Marbled Godwit was seen in 
the location where the Hudsonian Godwit was previously reported in Olmsted 
County (south of US Hwy 52) and seen with the same shorebirds listed in 
parentheses above. 



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[mou-net] NYTimes: What Do the Birders Know?

2013-04-20 Thread David Zanussi
From The New York Times:

OPINION: What Do the Birders Know?

How a common hobby can reveal uncomfortable truths about our world.


Best Regards,


Sent from my zPad 

612-251-7203 m

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[mou-net] virginia rail at 180th St. marsh

2013-04-20 Thread Barb McGregor_Sue Bergman
As mentioned by Laura Coble we did find a beautiful Virginia Rail at the marsh 
this afternoon. It was going in and out of the dried cattails at the western 
end of the marsh. We had several good looks and were happy to share our 
sighting with a group from Carpenter Nature center and others. Earlier Laura 
allowed us to use her scope for the viewing of the Wilson's Phalaropes and it 
was fun to see them going in circles.They were quite crazy.
Several swamp sparrows were seen near the rail also.  
And yes robins are everywhere. 
Sue Bergman  Barb McGregor

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[mou-net] Douglas County (again)

2013-04-20 Thread John P. Ellis
 Not a lot new in Douglas besides waterfowl. New for me were 3 Cooper's
Hawks, a single Fox Sparrow, several Song Sparrows and a few duck species.
Lots of Raptors; 6 Rough-legged Hawks, 3 Sharp-shins, a Merlin, 23
Red-tailed Hawks, a Northern Harrier,
7 Bald Eagles, 2 Turkey Vultures, 9 Kestrels, 2 Northern Shrike and a Great
Horned Owl still on nest. Saw a Falcon with a very strong wing beat that I
thought might be a Prairie but it was going straight away and never
stopped. Robins and Juncos were everywhere. Also had 18 Am. White Pelicans
going somewhere or other, lots of Meadowlarks (presumed migrating Westerns)
and still lots of C. Redpolls and a few Am. Tree Sparrows. Saw a herd of
deer and counted 76 for sure and I know I missed some in the tall grasses.
 John Ellis- St. Paul

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[mou-net] Correction: Eared Grebes, not Least at Lake Byllesby

2013-04-20 Thread Laura Coble
I meant to write 3 Eared Grebes, not Least at Lake Byllesby, which would be 
highly unlikely. Thanks for pointing out my error, Gerry Hoekstra.

Laura Coble

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[mou-net] Elk River YR Warbler

2013-04-20 Thread Keith Carlson
I know the weather here doesn't stop the migration.  Still it was unique
to see my first Yellow Rumped Warbler of the year with the snow cover we
have while I was out cross country skiing the Woodland Trail in Woodland
Park.  Please do not walk on the ski trail.  Some of us are still skiing
and walking on the ski trails ruins them for skiing.  
Keith Carlson

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