[mou-net] 40+ Caspian Terns, Normandale Lake, Bloomington (Hennepin Co.)

2013-05-13 Thread Forbes, Andrew
There are at least 40 Caspian Terns resting on a small sandbar on
Normandale Lake in Bloomington right now, as viewed from my office window.

Andrew Forbes, Assistant Coordinator
Upper Mississippi River/Great Lakes Region Joint Venture
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MBSP, Region 3
5600 American Blvd. West, Suite 990
Bloomington, MN 55437-1458
Phone: 612-713-5364
Fax: 612-713-5393

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[mou-net] Douglas County

2013-05-13 Thread Judith Clayton
Personally a really exciting morning.  Male, common yellowthroat warbler is 
first in Mn. and male, Rose-breasted Grosbeak first in my backyard.  In '08 I 
saw this bird in Glenwood, Mn.  These are my only two Mn. sightings.  Yipee!  
I'm so glad!
Good birding to all!
Judy in Alexandria

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[mou-net] MEGA-Owl Release! Sax-Zim FOUR Great Grays, FOUR Boreal Owls

2013-05-13 Thread sparky stensaas
and FRANK NICOLETTI are sponsoring the release of FOUR Great Gray Owls and FOUR 
Boreal Owls on Wednesday May 15th.

These owls were found sick or injured this winter and rehabbed at Wildwoods. 
They are now healthy and ready for life in the wild bogs!

We'll meet at 6:30pm in the parking lot of the church at 7706 County Rd. 29, 
Meadowlands, MN. From there, we will be driving from release site to release 
site in Sax-Zim Bog, to spots carefully chosen by owl expert Frank Nicoletti.  
Everyone is welcome, and bring your cameras!  Unique photo opportunity! 


See our facebook page too.

Sparky Stensaas 


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[mou-net] Birding Dakota Goodhue Counties

2013-05-13 Thread Steve Weston
On Saturday I got down to Frontenac, Hok-si-lah and other locations in
Goodhue County.  First of year birds included Eastern Kingbird and Lark
Sparrow on top of the hill in the park, and Nashville, Wilson's, and
Tennessee warblers.  Highlights included a Sora rail hiding in a free
standing bush in the middle of a grassy area near the buildings and a
Coopers Hawk flying away with its lunch

On Sunday I birded Dakota County.  First of the year sightings included a
Loggerhead Shrike on Emery, Veery, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Blackburian
Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow, and Baltimore Oriole.  Highlights included
a Gray Partridge in Great Western Industrial Park by Randolph,
Horned Grebes still at 180th Marsh, and a pair of Virginia Rails also at
Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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[mou-net] Mockingbird, St. Paul, BVNS

2013-05-13 Thread Julian Sellers
Between 9:45 and 10:15 this morning I observed a Northern Mockingbird in the 
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary in St. Paul.  It was hanging around in the rows of 
young oaks in the center of the sanctuary, sometimes feeding on the ground, 
then it flew to the nearby cottonwoods on the east side of the main path.  It 
repeatedly shook its head, as if trying to free itself from a thread or 
something (which I could not see) around its neck.

The sanctuary is between Mounds Park and downtown St. Paul’s Lowertown.  Enter 
“Commercial St  E 4th St, St Paul, MN” to Google Maps.  The entrance is from a 
small parking lot at that intersection.  To get there you have to take 
Commercial Street from Mounds Blvd (E 4th street is blocked due to 

I’ve been going to BVNS this spring to check for activity at the kestrel nest 
box that St. Paul Audubon placed there in the winter of 2012.  Last spring a 
pair of kestrels fledged five young.  This year, I think the box is empty.

St. Paul

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[mou-net] Common Gallinule, Winona County

2013-05-13 Thread Dedrick Benz
I found a Common Gallinule at 12:40PM Saturday at the same spot as the 5 
White-faced Ibis a week or so ago.  Take Bartlet Lake Road to the end where 
construction barriers have been put up, as water is crossing the road.  The 
Gallinule was in a larger expanse of cattails on the left side of the road, 
just after the construction barriers.
Dedrick BenzWinona, MN

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[mou-net] MVNWR - Old Cedar Ave. - Hennepin County - 5/13/2013

2013-05-13 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
May 13, 2013 While leading a trip, along the Bluff Trail, which heads West from 
the parking area by the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge this morning.  We observed a 
nice mix of Warblers, plus a few other species of interest.  Here are some of 
the species observed this morning: Horned Grebe Virginia RailSoraCaspian 
TernCommon TernLeast FlycatcherYellow-throated VireoBlue-headed VireoMarsh 
WrenGray-cheeked ThrushGray CatbirdWe observed the following Warblers:Ovenbird, 
Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-white, Tennessee, Orange-crowned, Nashville, 
Common Yellow-throat, American Redstart, Cape May, Northern Parula, Magnolia, 
Blackburnian, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green 
and Wilson's.Lincoln's SparrowSwamp SparrowWhite-throated SparrowBaltimore 
Oriole Craig MandelMinnetonka, Hennepin countyegretc...@msn.com 

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[mou-net] Gallinule correction - Monday

2013-05-13 Thread Dedrick Benz
Sorry, folks.  I found the Gallinule Monday, not Saturday.  Every day in May 
feels like Saturday.
Dedrick BenzWinona, MN

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[mou-net] Clay County longspurs; ID challenge in Norman Co

2013-05-13 Thread Kim R Eckert
In addition to the Say's Phoebe found at Felton Prairie and posted yesterday 
(marginal, identifiable photos taken), the Minn Birding Weekends (MBW) group 
managed to see a few things of note this past weekend (10-11-12 May) in Clay 
and Norman Co's. Of course, like everyone else, we were plagued by high winds 
after the front went through on Friday afternoon (steady 35-40 mph winds, gusts 
to 47) and most of Saturday (25-30 mph, frequent 40 mph gusts). And, like other 
birders are well aware, we found that many migrants (especially woods birds) 
had not yet arrived in these counties or elsewhere in the N half of Minn – 
which is not surprising, given that hardly any trees are leafed out yet and 
many lakes are still frozen.  

Especially interesting on 12 May (after the winds died down!) were the 3 
species of longspurs simultaneously at the traditional area along the longspur 
road at Felton Prairie, 2.5 mi N of CR 26. Three male Chestnut-collareds had 
returned to apparent breeding territories, while both Smith's and Lapland 
longspurs were seen and heard as they migrated overhead. (The buffy/orange 
underparts and distinctive call notes of the Smith's could be detected as they 
flew by us.) Linda Sparling also spotted some Smith's flying by us on 11 May 
along CR 79, a few miles W of Bluestem Prairie SNA; migrant Laplands were also 
here and at a few other locations in Clay and  Norman Co's.

Also seen: 

- Gr Prairie-Chickens at 3 leks in Norman Co and 3 in Clay Co (one of these in 
the Chestnut-collared Longspur pasture)

- A Peregrine Falcon preying on prairie-chickens in Norman Co, and another 
chasing longspurs in Clay Co

- Am Avocet 1.5 mi S and 0.5 mi E of Hitterdal, Clay Co on 11 May; another on 9 
May at Comstock sewage ponds, Clay Co.

- Com Ravens a bit S of their normal range: Twin Valley, Norman Co on 10 May; 5 
mi E of Felton, Clay Co on 11 May

- Single Cape May Warblers in Norman and Clay Co's; this species tends to be 
uncommon/rare in W Minn, but several have been noted recently in SE Minn 

But the most interesting bird by far during this MBW was the unidentified 
sparrow-like bird we found on 10 May in Norman Co at the corner of 310th Ave 
and 350th St (6 mi N + 2 mi W of Gary). It was foraging on the ground along a 
gravel/dirt road with 2 Vesper Sparrows, was a bit smaller overall than the 
Vespers, had a patterned face reminiscent of a Clay-colored Sparrow, but its 
underparts were a uniform clear yellow (about the shade of a female Yellow 
Warbler; perhaps less yellow on the throat and under tail coverts). My first 
impression was of a Clay-colored Sparrow which had been stained yellow by 
vegetation or something; my second impression was of a female-plumaged Bobolink 
(except the overall size, facial pattern, shade of yellow, and bill shape did 
not match); my third impression was it was something I had never seen before or 
noticed in any North American field guide.

Unfortunately, it was only in view for perhaps 30 seconds or so, only its face 
pattern and underparts were visible, and only a few of us in the group were 
able to see it before it flew off with the Vesper Sparrows and briefly landed 
in a dirt field before flying off again and out of sight. No photos were taken, 
and a systematic 45-minute search failed to relocate it.

We then paged through the 6th edition of the National Geographic field guide 
and unexpectedly found a close match: female Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza 
aureola), whose range is described as casual to AK, mostly on western 
Aleutians. A later search through Google images turned up several photos of 
this species which also closely resembled what we saw (there were also images 
which did not resemble our bird).

Obviously, with such a brief view and no physical evidence to support such an 
identification, I am certainly not claiming we saw anything as unusual as a 
Yellow-breasted Bunting. But at the same time I cannot entirely rule it out as 
a possibility, and I still have no clear idea what it might have been!  

Kim R Eckert

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[mou-net] Fw: [mou-net] Mockingbird, St. Paul, BVNS

2013-05-13 Thread roy zimmerman

Mockingbird still present among young oak trees at 2:30pm.  Yes, Minnesota 
nemisis bird found.  And in my home county.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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[mou-net] Golden Valley GC Flycatcher

2013-05-13 Thread Bob Butson
I found my first ever MN Great Crested Flycatcher at General Mills in
Golden Valley today.  Also found many of the same warblers as yesterday,
with Tennessee being a new one here.

bob butson
golden valley

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-05-13 Thread Steve Midthune
A few days before the Festival of Birds there were pine, American redstart,
bay-breasted, chestnut-sided, palm and yellow-rumped warblers at Tamarac and
Wilson's phalaropes at the sewage ponds in Lake Park.  There is as yet
little  foliage on the trees so it should be easy viewing for the field
trips with the festival. We are hoping that the warm temps and south winds
will bring more birds to the area.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker County

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[mou-net] Warblers in southern Hubbard County

2013-05-13 Thread marshall or janet howe/mcmillen
A nice group of warblers was foraging in willow flowers this afternoon
behind our home near Dorset.  Flocks included Tennessee, orange-crowned,
and yellow (the 3 commonest species), but also yellow-rumped, magnolia,
black and white, Wilson's, and blackpoll.  Palm and pine warblers have also
been in the area.. Clearly a number of resident and migrant warblers have
non yet arrived, at least in numbers.

Marshall Howe
Park Rapids, MN

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[mou-net] N. Mockingbird, St. Paul

2013-05-13 Thread linda whyte
The N. Mocking bird was re-found at two locations in Bruce Vento Preserve
around 4:15 and again at around 5:00. It was first spotted at a distance,
foraging in one of the burn areas west of the big pond. The second time, it
was seen at the west end of the rows of young, planted trees, where it flew
from the ground, into one of the saplings. It promptly flew again, to one
of the four large deciduous trees beside the path.
It was amazing (not to say frustrating) that such a bird could seemingly
disappear in an area with little foliage fully opened. If it hadn't
revealed itself by flying and flashing the white windows in its wings
both times, I'm not sure we would have seen it; it made no sound that we
could detect in the high wind and rush-hour traffic. As it was, we had
almost given up hoping for a second glance and were heading out, when it
showed itself, and Halle got her lifer.
Thanks, Julian, for posting.

Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Minnetonka birding

2013-05-13 Thread Ken Larson Mary Lou Frank
Today at our thistle feeder I was surprised to see 11 Pine Siskins!
Also at feeders
3 male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
2 male Baltimore Oriole
Lincoln's, Song, Chipping, White-throated Sparrows

This evening at Big Willow Park
1 male Baltimore Oriole
Broad-Winged Hawk light phase
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Palm, Yellow, Yellow-rumped Warbler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Ken Larson Hennepin County

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[mou-net] hooded warbler in hennepin co.

2013-05-13 Thread Leslie Marcus
The hooded warbler was still present at Robert’s Sanctuary in Minneapolis, 
Hennepin Co. in the same general location as recently posted. The bird was seen 
about 12pm. or so today, again foraging on the ground a bit further east than 
the broken down boardwalk, still near the main trail.
A thanks to Mary Alyce Krohnke for spotting it after a bit of a search!
Leslie Marcus 
St. Louis Park,
Hennepin Co.

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[mou-net] Fw: [mou-net] Mockingbird, St. Paul, BVNS

2013-05-13 Thread roy zimmerman
To answer Julian's question, while I watched the mockingbird, it was acting 
normally like a mockingbird.  No evidence of a problem, shaking the head, or 
anything else.

- Forwarded Message -
From: Julian Sellers juliansell...@msn.com
To: Frank Berdan fberda...@gmail.com 
Cc: roymz...@yahoo.com; bi...@moosewoods.us 
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Mockingbird, St. Paul, BVNS

Thanks for the reports, everyone.  I’m curious whether anybody noticed 
the bird repeatedly shaking its head.
From: Frank Berdan 
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 8:09 PM
To: Julian Sellers 
Cc: roymz...@yahoo.com ; bi...@moosewoods.us 
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Mockingbird, St. Paul, BVNS
   Julian, thanks for the original post.  Thx also to Roy and 
Linda for updates. 
Kathi  I found the bird about 7:00 tonight, then pointed it out to two 
other parties.  
Mini-milestone for me: 220 in Ramsey County.
Frank Berdan

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Julian Sellers juliansell...@msn.com wrote:

Between  9:45 and 10:15 this morning I observed a Northern Mockingbird in the 
Bruce  Vento Nature Sanctuary in St. Paul.  It was hanging around in the rows 
of  young oaks in the center of the sanctuary, sometimes feeding on the 
ground,  then it flew to the nearby cottonwoods on the east side of the main  
path.  It repeatedly shook its head, as if trying to free itself from a  
thread or something (which I could not see) around its neck.

  sanctuary is between Mounds Park and downtown St. Paul’s Lowertown.  
  Enter “Commercial St  E 4th St, St Paul, MN” to Google Maps.  The 
  entrance is from a small parking lot at that intersection.  To get there 
  you have to take Commercial Street from Mounds Blvd (E 4th street is blocked 
  due to construction).

I’ve been going to BVNS this spring to check for 
  activity at the kestrel nest box that St. Paul Audubon placed there in the 
  winter of 2012.  Last spring a pair of kestrels fledged five young.  
  This year, I think the box is empty.


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[mou-net] Hudsonian Godwit - Princeton WTP (Sherburne)

2013-05-13 Thread Herb Dingmann
At about 8:15 tonight, I stopped at the Princeton sewage ponds off of CR2 in 
Sherburne County.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a single Hudsonian 
Godwit there, along with several Dunlin, Wilson's Phalaropes, Semipalmated 
Plovers, lots of Yellowlegs (mostly Lesser), and quite a number of peeps.

After I left, Al Schirmacher made a quick trip out there and told me there 
was a second (possibly Marbled) Godwit, but in the waning light he wasn't 
certain of the ID.

Herb Dingmann 

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[mou-net] Great-tailed Grackle still present

2013-05-13 Thread Bill Stjern
The Great-tailed Grackle was still present in McLoed Cty. at the previously 
posted location at 11:30 am on 5/13.  The homeowner said it is singing less 
frequently, but still active at the rear of his property.

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