[mou-net] yahoo.com and aol.com members can no longer post

2014-05-26 Thread David Cahlander

The bad news:
369 mou-net members were automatically removed from the list this 
morning.  This happened because of an anti-SPAM feature added to all 
mail from yahoo.com and aol.com members by yahoo.com and aol.com.

All of the yahoo.com and aol.com members have now been marked as 
NOPOST.  This means that they can read mail from mou-net, but can not 
send any mail to mou-net.

The good news:
All 369 members have been added back to the list.  You do not need to do 
anything if you received a notice that you have been removed from the list.

An (experimental) method to send mail to mou-net has been added to 
moumn.org.  Go to http://moumn.org and click on the

mou-net send

box in the upper right hand corner of the page.  This can be used by 
anyone that is logged into moumn.org, but it should only be used by 
yahoo.com and aol.com members of the mou-net list.  It provides a return 
address of

nore...@moumn.org (youremailaddress)

The list provider at umn.edu has suggested that instead of using a 
yahoo.com or aol.com email address, you can sign up for a different free 
email provider such as gmail.com.  You can sign up for a gmail account 
by going to:


You can even even keep your yahoo.com or aol.com account to read mail, 
but you need something else to be able to post mail.

David Cahlander da...@cahlander.com Burnsville MN 952-894-5910

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[mou-net] Whimbrel, Marbled Godwits Douglas Co. 5/26

2014-05-26 Thread Doug Kieser
A Whimbrel and two Marbled Godwits just flew in at a large flooded area on the 
west side of county 7, just south of I-94.  The Whimbrel is feeding along the 
edges if the pond south of Pheasant Drive, while the Godwits have flown into 
the grassy area on the north side.

Doug Kieser

Sent from my Sprint phone.

Re: [mou-net] Whimbrel, Marbled Godwits Douglas Co. 5/26

2014-05-26 Thread Doug Kieser
That should have been EAST side of Douglas county highway 7.

Sent from my Sprint phone.

- Reply message -
From: Doug Kieser doug.kie...@clynch.com
Subject: [mou-net] Whimbrel, Marbled Godwits Douglas Co. 5/26
Date: Mon, May 26, 2014 9:06 AM

A Whimbrel and two Marbled Godwits just flew in at a large flooded area on the 
west side of county 7, just south of I-94.  The Whimbrel is feeding along the 
edges if the pond south of Pheasant Drive, while the Godwits have flown into 
the grassy area on the north side.

Doug Kieser

Sent from my Sprint phone.

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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler @ T.S. Roberts

2014-05-26 Thread Tom
There was a silent male Hooded Warbler @ Roberts this morning. It was seen 
between 9:00  9:30 along the fence north of the path near the bird feeder. 
Also, present were several male Mourning Warblers  a calling Red-headed 



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[mou-net] Removal from the MOU-NET list

2014-05-26 Thread David Cahlander
Skip this non bird message if you don't want to know the details about 
members removed from the mou-net list.

Several have posted a message that they have comcast.com, hotmail.com or 
other email provider and have been removed from the list.  All 
subscribers that were removed from the list were added back into the list.

The problem with messages resulted from yahoo.com and aol.com setting a 
parameter of p=reject in their DMARC configuration. This is used to 
remove a type of SPAM.  However, this feature breaks any mail going 
through a listserv such as mou-net.  You can think of it as a poison 
pill in any mail from yahoo.com or aol.com.  It tells the receiving 
email provider to check the domain portion of the email From: line with 
the server who sent the mail, and take the action 'reject' if they don't 
match.  A mail from yahoo.com goes to our email listserv provider, 
lists.umn.edu, and is sent out to the members of mou-net. comcast.net, 
hotmail.com, etc. do the check on the From: address in the email message 
and see that yahoo.com does not match umn.edu and rejects the message.

The mou-net listserv keeps track of rejected messages and after some 
threshold has been reached, removes the rejecting member from the list.  
The rejected member can be from any of a number of email providers.  
That is why a comcast.net, hotmail.com, msn.com, etc. member was removed 
from the list.

The side effect of this operation, any valid email message from 
yahoo.com and aol.com does to go to your inbox.  A post from yahoo.com 
does not even get accepted by yahoo.com.  This is the reason why someone 
could post a message and not see it in their own inbox.

The Wisconsin bird list has worked around this problem by rewriting the 
From address so the message comes from their server instead of 
yahoo.com.  We have been trying to work with list.umn.edu, but have not 
been successful in making a change to the mou-net listserv.

Until some other solution can be found, yahoo.com and aol.com member 
have been excluded from posting messages to mou-net. Notice that even 
without this change in list policy, yahoo.com and aol.com were going to 
only a portion of the list members.  Their posts were rejected by many 
of the email providers, so their messages were discarded.  gmail put 
these messages into the users SPAM folder.

Not allowing posts from yahoo.com and aol.com means that important 
messages are not sent.  To allow yahoo.com and aol.com members to share 
their information on mou-net, a web page was added to moumn.org.  This 
is located at http://moumn.org and then click on the box in the upper 
right hand corner that says mou-net send.  This brings up a page that 
uses the email address of the member of moumn.org and creates a From 
line that is acceptable.  So if s...@yahoo.com sends a message, the From 
line becomes:

From: nore...@moumn.org (s...@yahoo.com)

When you receive a message from this member, you can not just hit reply 
and reply back channel to this member.  You need to fish out the 
s...@yahoo.com and put it in the To: portion of the response.

This is a very long winded answer to the post:

   Except, as you can see, my email is NOT yahoo or aol, and I was
   still booted.

I'm not happy with the work assignment given to us by yahoo.com and 
aol.com.  I'll keep the list posted about any more changes.

Let's go birding!

David cahlanderda...@cahlander.com  Burnsville MN 952-894-5910

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[mou-net] Black-necked Stilts Grant Cnty

2014-05-26 Thread jerry pruett
I am passing along a report from Jim Peterson that he found 2 Black-necked
Stilts at the Herman sewage ponds this morning. Several other shorebird
species present; Black-necked Stilt, Spotted Sandpiper, Stilt Sandpiper,
Dunlin, Baird's Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Wilson's
-jerry pruett

chance favors the prepared mind

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Re: [mou-net] Hooded Warbler @ T.S. Roberts

2014-05-26 Thread Jason Caddy
I re-found the Hooded Warbler at 1:30pm at the same location that Tom Tustison 
had reported it. The warbler was foraging very actively only a few feet off the 
ground. There was also an Alder Flycatcher a little to the east of there that 
called once.
Jason Caddy
 Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 15:32:12 +
 From: tomtusti...@hotmail.com
 Subject: [mou-net] Hooded Warbler @ T.S. Roberts
 There was a silent male Hooded Warbler @ Roberts this morning. It was seen 
 between 9:00  9:30 along the fence north of the path near the bird feeder. 
 Also, present were several male Mourning Warblers  a calling Red-headed 
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[mou-net] Avocets, Hud Godwit- Carver County

2014-05-26 Thread Kristine Leuze
Pete Hoeger just called me and is reporting: 9 Avocets, 1Hud.Godwit, other
shorebirds right now on very busy Mn Hwy 7 near intersection with Carver CR
21 between new Germany and Mayer in large flooded muddy farm field right
next to hwy.  -Pete Hoeger

If you plan to go, I would go soon as he says skies are clear there now.
However, it is pouring rain in Hutchinson and might be heading that way.

Kristine Leuze

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[mou-net] Merlin, Acacia cemetery, Mendota Heights (Dakota C.)

2014-05-26 Thread linda whyte
As I finished a walk through the Pilot Knob Prairie Restoration, the calls
of a Merlin from woods on Acacia Cemetery's northeast border drew my
attention. I was headed out of the Prairie area, on the blacktop road, when
the bird flew along the east border of the cemetery with something in its
talons. She landed in one of the tall conifers at the edge of the road,
close to the cemetery entrance, and commenced plucking at her prey.
However, a large number of people were arriving, presumably for the
scheduled 10:00 Memorial Service. The Merlin grew agitated, and took off
over the north edge of the cemetery, headed back toward the woods.
Perhaps this is one of the pair that has nested in Acacia the past few
years. or one of their offspring. There was no sign of them when I checked
Acacia several weeks ago, while there has been a pair reported  nesting to
the east, by Smith Avenue. In any case, it was nice to see one there again,
even if temporarily, and it will merit more investigation.
Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Birding at Darwin S. Myers WMA

2014-05-26 Thread Bill Tefft
I stopped at the Darwin S. Myers Wildlife Management Area, Embarrass, MN,
St. Louis County just to check the access on Sunday and then returned with
a group on Monday.  On Monday we spent from 8:00 a.m. to noon in the area
from the main entrance to the bridge and then east along the north side of
the Embarrass River.  With mixed levels of experience, a number of birds
were first time sightings for participants.  A relatively small area was
covered as birds were heard and seen with binoculars and in some cases a
spotting scope.  Boreal chorus frogs, wood frogs, spring peepers, American
toads and western painted turtles were also observed along with almost no
biting insects.

*Sunday, May 25*

Broad-winged Hawk

*Monday, May 26*

Canada Goose

Wood Duck


Blue-winged Teal

Hooded Merganser

Northern Harrier

Sora (many)

Lesser Yellowlegs (6)

Wilson’s Snipe (many)

Alder Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher

Red-eyed Vireo

Blue Jay

Tree Swallow

Cliff Swallow (many - nest building under bridge)

Winter Wren

Sedge Wren

Gray-cheeked Thrush (one)

American Robin

Gray Catbird

Orange-crowned Warbler (one)

Yellow Warbler (many)

Palm Warbler (one)

Blackpoll Warbler (one)

American Redstart (one)

Common Yellowthroat (many)

Wilson’s Warbler (many)

Lark Sparrow (one)

Savannah Sparrow (one)

Song Sparrow (many)

Swamp Sparrow (many)

White-throated Sparrow

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Red-winged Blackbird (many)

American Goldfinch


*Bill tefftefnb...@gmail.com efnb...@gmail.com218-235-8078*

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[mou-net] Rusty Blackbird Survey results

2014-05-26 Thread Alyssa DeRubeis
The checklists between Minnesota and Wisconsin have been tallied for this
year's Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz, and the winner
is...Wisconsin. I won't go into details here, but there will be an article
on it in the upcoming Minnesota Birding magazine.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks to all who participated, and
good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Stevens Point, WI

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[mou-net] Snowy Egret, Red Knot, nesting Great Gray Owl in NW Minn

2014-05-26 Thread Kim R Eckert
The May 23-24-25-26 MBW in NW Minnesota (mostly in Kittson, western Roseau, and 
western Polk Co's) turned up a surprisingly good number of species (186 in 
all), highlighted especially by:

Snowy Egret - May 26 at the Agassiz impoundment (along 280th Ave on the 
Marshall-Polk Co line); small unidentified white egret near several distant 
Great Egrets first spotted by Denny Martin and eventually identified as it flew 

Red Knot (still in basic plumage) - May 25 along Roseau CR 3 in flooded field 
near 340th St (7.5 mi N of Badger); also distant, initially unidentified, and 
first spotted by Denny; positive ID then made after careful study despite poor 
light conditions.

Great Gray Owl adult on nest - May 24 in NE Kittson Co aspen grove; unknown 
raptor nest spotted by Herb Dingmann which was then scoped and proved to be a 
Great Gray's, with a presumed adult female apparently incubating eggs or 
possibly attending to unseen hatchlings; this may represent a first county 
nesting record. 

Other birds of note included:

Snow Goose - blue-morph adult May 26 at Hallock sewage ponds, Kittson Co.

Tundra Swan - late-lingering pair May 25 at Red Knot site.

Gray Partridge - May 26 in Warren, Marshall Co and Crookston sewage ponds, Polk 

Greater Prairie-Chicken - 2 probable sightings N of their normal range on May 
25: along Kittson CR 8 and Roseau CR 4.

Wild(?) Turkey - male displaying to 2 females May 25 at western end of Roseau 
River WMA.

Least Bittern - 2 or 3 on May 25 at Twin Lakes WMA, Kittson Co.

total of 25 shorebird species - besides the Red Knot, highlights included 
Hudsonian Godwits (several at multiple locations), Ruddy Turnstones, 
Sanderlings (~20 at Red Knot site), hundreds of White-rumped Sandpipers, 
Red-necked Phalaropes (several at multiple locations); best locations were the 
numerous flooded fields May 25 near the Roseau River between CR 3 and CR 28, 
and the Crookston sewage ponds May 23 and 26 (entry with advance permission 

Yellow-bellied, Alder, Willow  Least flycatchers - all together and vocalizing 
May 26 in a single thicket at the Agassiz impoundment, Polk Co.

total of 22 warbler species - including Golden-winged, Mourning, Cape May, 
Bay-breasted, and Canada; best locations were Lake Bronson State Park May 24 
and Roseau City Park/Campground May 25.

Kim R Eckert, Duluth

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[mou-net] Fwd: [mou-net] Avocets, Hud Godwit- Carver County

2014-05-26 Thread Joel Claus
11 Avocets and the Godwit were present at 8:15 PM this evening.  Thanks Pete 
and Kristine for getting the word out.

Joel Claus

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Kristine Leuze kristinele...@gmail.com
 Date: May 26, 2014 at 4:39:18 PM CDT
 Subject: [mou-net] Avocets, Hud Godwit- Carver County
 Reply-To: Kristine Leuze kristinele...@gmail.com
 Pete Hoeger just called me and is reporting: 9 Avocets, 1Hud.Godwit, other
 shorebirds right now on very busy Mn Hwy 7 near intersection with Carver CR
 21 between new Germany and Mayer in large flooded muddy farm field right
 next to hwy.  -Pete Hoeger
 If you plan to go, I would go soon as he says skies are clear there now.
 However, it is pouring rain in Hutchinson and might be heading that way.
 Kristine Leuze
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[mou-net] Black-Necked Stilts Grant County

2014-05-26 Thread Charlene Nelson
still present this evening at the Herman sewage treatment ponds late this 

also of note

Hudsonian Godwit - good looks in flight
White Rump Sandpiper
Wilson's and Red Necked Phalaropes

Could not find the Loggerhead Shrike on Hwy 9 N of Herman

Many Western Meadowlarks, pairs of Bobolinks and Yellow Throated Warblers in 
the grass near the airport.

Charlene Nelson
Grant County

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Re: [mou-net] Black-Necked Stilts Grant County

2014-05-26 Thread Jim Charlene Nelson
sorry, tired, Common Yellowthroats at the airport

On May 26, 2014, at 9:55 PM, Charlene Nelson birdnir...@gmail.com wrote:

 still present this evening at the Herman sewage treatment ponds late this 
 also of note
 Hudsonian Godwit - good looks in flight
 White Rump Sandpiper
 Wilson's and Red Necked Phalaropes
 Could not find the Loggerhead Shrike on Hwy 9 N of Herman
 Many Western Meadowlarks, pairs of Bobolinks and Yellow Throated Warblers in 
 the grass near the airport.
 Charlene Nelson
 Grant County
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