[mou-net] [mou-rba] Great Gray Owl: Aitkin County

2014-05-30 Thread Tim Lamey
A Great Gray Owl was seen this evening in Aitkin County hunting on the north 
side of US 2 about 1/2 mile west of MN 200.

Tim Lamey
Fargo, ND

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[mou-net] White-winged Dove has returned for supper/Grant County

2014-05-30 Thread Charlene Nelson

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[mou-net] Spotted Towhee back at Buffalo River State Park

2014-05-30 Thread MARK OTNES
This afternoon at about 2:30 I saw and heard a male Spotted Towhee.  I
presume this is the same bird that has been seen the previous two summers.
To get to the area, go to the main swimming beach and picnic area and
proceed west to the bridge that crosses the river to the south.  Continue
to the east on that trail for about 3/10 of a mile.  The towhee was located
in aspens and brush where the Prairie View and River View trails split
off.  You can also go to the left (north) for a couple of hundred feet to
an overview bench on a bluff above the Buffalo River.  I first heard the
towhee from this area.

Mark Otnes
Fargo ND

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[mou-net] Whitewater SP (YTWA, etc.) and Lake Byllesby shorebirds

2014-05-30 Thread Andy Forbes
Took the day off today and did some birding at Whitewater SP, with a
stop on the way home at Lake Byllesby. Here are highlights:

Whitewater SP:

Yellow-throated Warbler - male still present at the nature store
parking lot, started singing at @700AM. He was still vigorously
singing at 830AM and 930AM when I passed back through.

Louisiana Waterthrushes - at least 2 individuals heard/seen along the
Trout Creek run trail (at the previously described location, and a
little ways before the end loop of the trail). Also heard another
singing male near the stream behind the group camp site (from the
"Valley" Trail).

Tufted Titmice - 4-5 singing birds heard while walking the "Dakota",
"Valley", and "Meadow" trails in a long loop starting across the road
from the nature store parking lot.

Lake Byllesby (@1130-1200)

Great mudflats visible from the county park entrance off of Hwy./Cty.
Rd 88 (near the intersection w/ 56). The heat distortion was terrible,
but in all I saw about 75 shorebirds on the flats. I wasn't able to
positively ID most of them, but here's what I was able to pick out:

Greater Yellowlegs - 1
Dunlin - 2
White-rumped Sandpiper - 10
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1
Semipalmated Plover - 1
Killdeer - 3

As I said, there is a lot of good habitat there right now, and there
were a lot of birds on the flats. Most were "peep" sized birds. I
thought I might have seen a few Sanderlings mixed in, but I'm unsure -
they were far out and uncooperative. Would probably be worth the
effort to check them out this evening once the heat distortion

Good birding,
Andy Forbes

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] MOU RBA 30 May 2014

2014-05-30 Thread Anthony Hertzel
*Minnesota Statewide
*May 30, 2014

-Birds mentioned
Ross's Goose
Cinnamon Teal
Snowy Egret
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
White-faced Ibis
Mississippi Kite
Parasitic Jaeger
White-winged Dove
Northern Mockingbird
Yellow-throated Warbler
Lazuli Bunting

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: May 30, 2014
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel (r...@moumn.org) 

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Friday May 30th, 2014.

On May 24th, a male CINNAMON TEAL was seen briefly by Andy Forbes in a
pond on the east side of state highway 9 just south of Ada in Norman

For one day, a KING Rail was foraging in Elijah Parker's yard in
Zumbrota, Goodhue County, but it has not been seen since the evening of
May 27th.

On the 21st there was a very brief sighting of a soaring MISSISSIPPI
KITE over Land of Memories City Park in Mankato, Blue Earth County.

Charlene Nelson has had a WHITE-WINGED DOVE at her feeder in Elbow Lake,
Grant County since this morning. A White-winged Dove was in Two Harbors,
Lake County, on the 25th, along 1st Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street.

Today, Roy Zimmerman found a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER singing on the east
side of the Mantorville, Dodge County cemetery. On the 23rd, Dave Zumeta
found a Yellow-throated Warbler as if fed in the grass at the picnic
area north of the Whitewater State Park Nature Store in Winona County.

A SNOWY EGRET was seen May 26th at the Agassiz impoundment in Marshall
County, along 280th Avenue on the Marshall-Polk County line.

As many as four WHITE-FACED IBIS were at the North Ottawa Impoundment in
Grant County on the 29th. Three more were at the Hills Water Treatment
Ponds in Rock County on the 21st.

A ROSS'S GOOSE was in Bloomington, Hennepin County on the 25th, near
84th Street and highway 100.
Doug Kieser discovered a WHIMBREL in a flooded area on the east side of
Douglas County Road 7 just south of I-94 on May 26th.

A PARASITIC JAEGER was reported on the 24the by Larry and Jan Kraemer
from 23rd Avenue East in Duluth.

Linda Schumann reported a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD at Rainbow Resort in
Becker County on the 24th.

>From the 21st through the 23rd, a LAZULI BUNTING visited a feeder in
Orono, Wright County, at the corner of Lyman Avenue and Smith Avenue. A
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was also seen near here on the 25th.

The next scheduled update is Thursday June 5th, 2014.

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[mou-net] Dodge County Yellow-throated Warbler

2014-05-30 Thread Roy Zimmerman
Not sure my earlier post went through (I got an email could not be sent to
this address message.) so I am posting again.  This morning I found a
singing yellow-throated warbler (not vireo) in the Mantorville cemetery
east side.  I will post a photo later today.

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[mou-net] Dodge County Yellow-throated Warbler

2014-05-30 Thread Roy Zimmerman
Singing in the Mantorville cemetery, east side.

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[mou-net] Loggerhead shrike sax-zim bog

2014-05-30 Thread KRE
Poplar rd half mile south of arkola road. 

Sent from my iPhone

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[mou-net] Grant County White Winged Dove

2014-05-30 Thread Charlene Nelson
at my feeder. tail in poor shape but very distinctive white on edge of wing, on 
wings in flight, and on tail. very different behavior than our resident 
Mourning Doves.
Charlene Nelson
Grant County farm

I have pics

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[mou-net] White-Faced Ibis Grant County

2014-05-30 Thread Tony Lau
Yesterday after we saw the nesting Black-Necked Stilts at the Herman sewage
ponds, we went to the North Ottawa impoundment and saw 4 White-Faced Ibis,
a Cattle Egret and many other birds.

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