[mou-net] Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Yellow Medicine County 6/7/2014

2014-06-07 Thread Doug Kieser
Late this afternoon Scott Meyer and I found a Eurasian Tree Sparrow in western 
Yellow Medicine County.  It was at the bridge over Florida Creek on 140th 
Street, just north of 250th Ave, about two miles west of county 15 and 3 miles 
north of MN 68; the same location as the Say's Phoebe from a few years ago.
It was first seen on the bridge railing as we approached from the south, the 
chestnut cap was immediately obvious, and Scott called out "Eurasian Tree 
Sparrow!".  Over the next hour or so we saw the bird many tmes, but generally 
for just a few seconds before it would disappear into the leaves or under the 
bridge.  It was usually accompanied by two male House Sparrows, providing good 
opportunities for comparison, the bird was noticeably smaller than the House 
Sparrows, with a reddish brown crown, white cheek patch with a black spot, and 
white collar.  Photographs were obtained but won't be available until late 
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow did not stray far from the bridge for the entire time 
we were present, and was observed to to fly under the bridge several times.

Doug Kieser
Scott Meyer
Hennepin County

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[mou-net] Pope County

2014-06-07 Thread Sid Stivland
We birded for a short time on Friday morning.  There were at least 3 Bobolinks 
apparently defending territories across the road from my farm.  Also calling 
from the same area were at least 3 Sedge Wrens, 1 Clay-colored Sparrow, a 
couple Song Sparrows, 2 Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and the usual pheasants 

Speaking of Yellow-headed Blackbirds, they were in many large and small cattail 
marshes around the area.

I was disappointed to notice that the large Purple Martin colony west of my 
farm was not hosting many martins.  It appeared the colony is not well 
maintained this year and was instead hosting Starlings.  I plan to contact the 
owners to determine if they are abandoning the colony.

In the wooded area of Barsness Park, Glenwood:  Olive-sided and Great-crested 
FC, Indigo Bunting, plus the usual Redstarts, House Wrens, Pewees.

Sid Stivland
Plymouth, MN (and Pope County)

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[mou-net] MOU field trip to Cannon River Wilderness - Rice County

2014-06-07 Thread Kevin Smith
On Saturday 4 people made it to the Cannon River Wilderness Rice Co. Park.
Because of rain and lightning we did the 1st part of the outing at a
Northfield coffee shop. Then, when the storm past and it was safe on the
trail, we went out to hike the very wet western section of the park. Here
is a listing of the birds detected:

Cannon River Wilderness Area--West Unit, Rice, US-MN
Jun 7, 2014 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
25 species

Red-bellied Woodpecker  2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  3
Eastern Phoebe  1
Great Crested Flycatcher  3
Red-eyed Vireo  5
Blue Jay  4
American Crow  2
Tree Swallow  18
Barn Swallow  7
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
House Wren  5
American Robin  1
Gray Catbird  1
Cedar Waxwing  1
Ovenbird  1
Blue-winged Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  2
American Redstart  8
Song Sparrow  2
Scarlet Tanager  1
Northern Cardinal  1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  3
Indigo Bunting  3
Brown-headed Cowbird  2


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[mou-net] About the Metro

2014-06-07 Thread Steve Weston
This morning I was delighted to find a hen Hooded Merganser assembling her
brood of about 14 brand new hatchlings in the water by one of our houses.
They were a mass of energy all closely clumped by her.  Even with a photo,
it was impossible to get an accurate count.  Hopefully she will bring them
back later so we can get a second chance on the count.  Nearby four more
females swam.  At least two have been hanging around here.  No doubt the
house was the depository for more than one hen's eggs.   This is the
largest Hoody brood that I have seen here, although I have seen much larger
elsewhere.  It is also the first brood that I have seen of any size.  This
has been a poor reproductive year so far for most ducks in this area.

On Wednesday a boy scout leader that I had trained for the bird studies
merit badge stopped by and reported that he had had trouble finding the 20
species for the requirement down at the scout reservation by Cannon Falls.
 I asked him if he had heard the Red-eyed Vireo and opened my Sibley Ap on
my phone and played its song.  I immediately had an answer from the tree
tops.  I then also recommended he also learn the Pewee song, but before I
played it, it started singing.

Yesterday in the yard we had a Broad-winged Hawk whistling and could hear a
Warbling Vireo.  This is the first year that I can remember a Warbling
Vireo staying for the breeding.  We also had crows mobbing something in the
forest nearby, but I did not climb the fence to chase it.   Also, in lake I
saw a couple of hatchling painted turtles.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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[mou-net] West Central Minnesota - 6/6/14

2014-06-07 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
June 6, 2014
I enjoyed an amazing day of birding in West Central Minnesota with Alyssa 
DeRubeis, on Friday.
We started at Felton Prairie and then spent time at Buffalo River State park.  
Next we headed down to Herman and ended the day at the Sand Dunes State Forest. 
 Here are some of the highlights from the day:
Gray Partridge - 10:50 am - Clay county - 170th St. N, about 1/4 mile North of 
CR26.  Two Gray Partridge were observed on the East side of the road and then 
observed flying west and landing out of sight in a field on the West side of 
the road.
Greater Prairie Chicken -  12:30 pm - Clay County - 170th St N, about 1/4 mile 
North of the Cattle guard.  Two Greater Prairie Chickens were observed in 
flight at this location.
Snowy Egret - 7:18 pm - Pope County - SE corner of the intersection of CR 15 
and Highway 55.  An adult plumaged Snowy Egret was observed for about one 
minute in with a flock of about 30 Great Egrets, while in flight.  The birds 
were observed in flight over the WPA at this location and we were unable to 
find them again after our initial observation.  We also observed a number of 
other small flocks of Great Egrets flying in a NW direction from this location. 
 But were unsuccessful in figuring out where those were heading to either.
Cattle Egret - 8:15 am - Douglas County - I 94, just Southeast of the 
Alexandria exit.  We observed a nice fly over of an adult Cattle Egret.  
Black-necked Stilt - 6:05 pm - Grant County - Herman WTP - We were able to see 
the pair of Black-necked Stilts that are nesting at the Herman WTP.
Upland Sandpiper - 12:15 pm - Clay County - 170th St N, about 1/2 mile North of 
the Cattle guard.  We observed this bird in flight on the East side of the road.
Whimbrel - 11:07 am - Clay County - 170th St N, about 1/2 mile North of the 
Cattle guard.  This bird was first spotted and identified by Alyssa.  When it 
flew into a puddle in the road, just to our South.  It was then chased out by a 
Marbled Godwit.  But we were still able to view and photograph the bird as it 
walked in the field to the East of the road.  If this sighting is accepted it 
would be the second record for this species in Clay county.
Marbled Godwit - Clay County - 170th St N, past the Cattle guard.  There were 
at least 3 pairs of Marbled Godwits observed in the pasture North of the cattle 
Eurasian Collared-Dove - 7:03 pm - Douglas County - Kensington, along Tower 
street, just East of Grand Ave. 
Eastern Whip-poor-will - 10:00 - 10:20 pm - Sherburne County - Sand Dune State 
Forest.  We heard at least 7 Whip-poor-will's, near the Lake Anne Campground in 
the Sand Dunes State Forest.
Chestnut-collared Longspur - 11:45 - 1:05 pm - Clay County - 2170th St N, for 
the first mile North of the Cattle guard.  There were at least 3 pairs of 
Chestnut-collared  Longspurs observed on the East side of 170th St N.  These 
birds were observed from about 1/2 mile to 1.5 miles North of the Cattle guard. 
Spotted Towhee - 3:15 pm - Clay County - Buffalo River State Park - We able to 
relocate both the Spotted & Eastern Towhee's first reported by Mark Otnes at 
the park.  The directions on the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report, for 
Thursday, June 5, 2014, worked great in re-finding these birds.
Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County

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