[mou-net] Railroads and migrants, continue

2014-07-22 Thread Judy Chucker
Thank you to those who weighed in with your great suggestions about whether the 
railroad could come through and chop large sections and swaths of trees if 
there are migratory birds nesting there. The City of St. Louis Park did confirm 
that the railroad has to obey the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Specifically, the 
RR should come through the area to see if there are any active nests before 
they chop their way through. Frankly, I was told, they don't give a damn and 
don't make any effort to inspect beforehand. 

I asked for a phone number to register my complaint, which he provided, but I 
was told not to expect even any show of concern (my translation of the 
conversation). Nevertheless, I wanted to let the RR know that some of us are 
aware of the laws and don't condone their actions. He wished me luck and was 
supportive of my plan. 

Again, thanks everyone! 

Judy Chucker 
St. Louis Park 
Hennepin Cty 

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[mou-net] Shorebirds

2014-07-22 Thread John Cyrus
Over the past five days shorebird numbers have been quite good in western 
Carver and eastern Sibley Counties.  My total July count for Least Sandpiper 
surpassed 1000 yesterday with my highest daily count of the month today, 257.  
Despite the dryer conditions, habitat is still hanging on fairly well in 
flooded farmland.   It is much improved over last July, as most flooded 
farmland had dried by this date.Below are species I have seen over the last 
5 days.

Killdeer (5 days)
Spotted Sandpiper (3 days)
Solitary Sandpiper (5 days)
Greater Yellowlegs (4 days)
Lesser Yellowlegs (5 days, 2nd most numerous species)
Stilt Sandpiper (5 days)
Sanderling (1 day)
Baird's Sandpiper (2 days)
Least Sandpiper (5 days, most numerous species)
Pectoral Sandpiper (5 days, 3rd most numerous species)
Semipalmated Sandpier (5 days)
Short-billed Dowitcher (5 days)
Wilson's Snipe (1 day)
Wilson's Phalarope (5 days)

John Cyrus

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