[mou-net] Notes from southwest MN

2017-04-22 Thread William Marengo
Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I spent the past three days birding various 
parts of southwest MN. For the most part songbird migration was lacking. 
Sparrows in particular were absent and only a few kinglets and yellow-rumped 
warblers were observed compared to other areas of the state where these are 

But some decent birds were found as follows:

Two Short-eared Owls and two LeConte's Sparrows at Touch-the-Sky Prairie NWR on 

A calling Black-crowned Night Heron after sunset at the quarry ponds just south 
of Blue Mounds State Park on Friday. 

Also at the quarry ponds, two Great Egrets, a difficult to find species in this 
part of the state, on Saturday morning. 

10 American Avocets were at the Pipestone WTP on Saturday. 

Both the Pipestone WTP and Miedd Lake in Yellow Medicine county were loaded 
with ducks. Miedd Lake's water level is too high at present for any shorebirds. 

On a tip from Garrett Wee, Lone Tree Lake, just northwest of the town of 
Cottonwood, has exposed shoreline and produced some shorebirds on Thursday and 
Saturday. Dowitchers, Dunlin, both Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers were 

In Rock county, there are some flooded fields south of the town of Ash Creek 
that have potential for more shorebirds. We saw Yellowlegs, Dowitchers, 
Pectoral Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipe here the past two days. The flooded 
fields are on the west side of 140th Ave located about 1.5 miles north of the 
Iowa state line or roughly 1.5 miles south of Ash Creek. Anyone in this area in 
the coming weeks may want to check these out. 


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[mou-net] Yellow-Throated Warbler - Downtown MPLS

2017-04-22 Thread Amy Simso Dean
Spotted today at Gold Medal Park, Hennepin Co.

spotted 12:30 today.


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[mou-net] Fw:140th st. Marsh

2017-04-22 Thread Jan
A short reply as to the location of the 140th St. marsh would be appreciated.

What intersection is it close to?  Is it N. or S. of the street?


Larry and Jan Uden

Dakota County

From: Jan 
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 3:18 PM
To: m...@moumn.org
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Dakota Cty Jirrik, 180th & 140th marshes

What intersection is the 140th St. Marsh?  Not sure where we checked was the 
right location.


Larry and Jan Uden

From: Minnesota Birds  on behalf of m...@moumn.org 

Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 8:12 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Dakota Cty Jirrik, 180th & 140th marshes

(Posted by Chet A. Meyers  via moumn.org)

With Miriam, birded the Jirrik sod farms before the rain today,
 2:00 p.m. April 19th.  Water all gone -  one Wilson's snipe.
At 180th marsh lots of coots and buffleheads, one yellow-headed
blackbird and reported calling Virginia rail.  At 140 marsh two
greater yellowlegs in flooded farm field and calling sora in the
marsh.  Bittern not seen.  Then the downpour.

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Re: [mou-net] Golden Crowned Sparrow

2017-04-22 Thread Craig Anderson

Corrected. White throated sparrow. Thanks for all the feedback!


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Re: [mou-net] Golden Crowned Sparrow

2017-04-22 Thread Craig Anderson
I've been corrected. Sadly, I have found a white throated sparrow that is 
beautiful albeit not a golden crowned sparrow. Thanks for all your feedback!



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Re: [mou-net] Golden Crowned Sparrow

2017-04-22 Thread Craig Anderson

For the third day in a row, I have spotted a Golden Crowned Sparrow in my back 
yard. I am not sure if it is the same one or if there are many in the area. I 
believe that I lured him in with a call this morning as I was getting repeated 
responses to the call. I am sorry to report that I cannot provide space for 
watchers, regretfully. I would however encourage you to come to the north end 
of Cedar Lake and perhaps take a stroll through the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood, 
South of 394 in the vicinity of Xerxes and Washburn if you want to get a shot 
at seeing this strange appearance! The List will not allow me to attach photos 
but if you provide me with an email address I'd be happy to send you one.



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