[mou-net] Raptor Research

2020-09-29 Thread Anthony Hertzel
Most of you know Frank Nicoletti from Hawk Ridge in Duluth. Frank and his 
associates currently are studying the unusual dark morph Red-tailed Hawks that 
appear annually but very rarely at the ridge each fall. More specifically, they 
are attempting to determine the origins of this subspecies — both genetically 
and geographically. They've applied for grants from various agencies and 
organizations but after several months, have fallen a little short of their 
goal. The MOU was able to contribute substantially to the project through our 
Savaloja Grant program, but not enough to fully fund the project. Frank’s study 
still needs to cover the cost of tracking transmitters and other supplies. 
Please consider a small donation through Frank's Go-Fund-Me page (link below). 
His is the best kind of research — pure science, specific answers sought to 
legitimate questions, and no monetary gain. Knowledge is the only profit.


Anthony Hertzel

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[mou-net] Siskin Irruption Maps

2020-09-29 Thread Tami Vogel
Pretty interesting:


 - Tami in Afton

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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.