[mou-net] Cerulean Warbler, Woodlake Nature Center, Richfield, Hennepin Co, Mn

2015-05-17 Thread Alex Cruz Jr
My dad and I are currently listening to and seeing a: male Cerulean Warbler, at 
Woodlake Nature Center, Richfield, Hennepin Co, Mn.

It is singing above the Irene Dahl outdoor education shelter on the east side 
of the park. He's a solo bachelor but we did see him divebomb a male Blackpoll 

We have been watching it since 10 am.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Hennepin Co, Mn

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[mou-net] Red Crossbills, Eden Prairie, MN

2013-03-08 Thread Alex Cruz Jr
Just had a flock about 10 Red Crossbills fly over low calling jip JIP  
jip...jip JIP jip. I am hoping they will discover my work feeder.

I work at  Golden Triangle Dr in Eden Prairie just east of Lake  
Smetana. The birds flew over headed to the SE. They looked hungry!  
There are a few cone-laden evergreens in area that I'll be checking out.

Other cool birds in area include two small flocks of Cedar Waxwings  
and 1 Pileated Pterodactyl.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Hennepin Co

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[mou-net] Rough-legged Hawk, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co

2013-03-04 Thread Alex Cruz Jr
Just a few moments ago, I was looking out my work window at the busy  
bird feeder when a Buteo caught my eye teetering overhead. It was a  
beautiful Rough-legged Hawk. This was a first for me for Hennepin  
County and the farthest south I've seen in Mn so it was an exciting  
yard bird--but I tend to be a real patch birder so I am not sure how  
unusual this sighting is.

I work at  Golden Triangle Dr in Eden Prairie and the bird was  
headed west.. so look for it Edina and Richfield!

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Hennepin Co

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[mou-net] Correction: Rough-legged Hawk, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co

2013-03-04 Thread Alex Cruz Jr
Correction: RlHa was headed EAST towards Edina from where I work in  
Eden Prairie (near 169 and I494).

Still looking up,
Alex Cruz
(directionally challenged)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Cruz Jr alexcru...@gmail.com
Date: March 4, 2013 10:32:35 AM CST
To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU, mnbird-ow...@lists.mnbird.net
Subject: Rough-legged Hawk, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co

Just a few moments ago, I was looking out my work window at the busy  
bird feeder when a Buteo caught my eye teetering overhead. It was a  
beautiful Rough-legged Hawk. This was a first for me for Hennepin  
County and the farthest south I've seen in Mn so it was an exciting  
yard bird--but I tend to be a real patch birder so I am not sure  
how unusual this sighting is.

I work at  Golden Triangle Dr in Eden Prairie and the bird was  
headed west.. so look for it Edina and Richfield!

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Hennepin Co

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[mou-net] Boreal Owl: Two Harbors lighthouse trail

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Cruz Jr
Birded the southetn northshore yesterday (2/7/13) and thanks to the  
all the postings, I saw a Boreal Owl on Scenic 61.

I wanted to mention an owl that maybe hasn't been mentioned. I  
snowshoed the Two Harbors lighthouse trail and briefly saw a Boreal  
Owl around 4:00 pm. On the nothside of the peninsula that faces the  
little bay there, the trail forks back towards the lighthouse and  
overlooks a little cliff with clumps of small trees (at its base). The  
Boreal Owl wizzed right by me here but despite searching for half an  
hour, I was not able to relocate.

Also had large flock of Bohemian Waxwings SW of Northshore Cottages  
near west entrance of Scenic 61 at around noon.

Thanks again for all the postings. I also saw the Dirt Factory NoHO  
but the Boreals were a special birthday treat for me.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz, Jr
Ramsey Co, Mn

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[mou] Possible Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Calhoun, Mpls

2004-11-21 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Dear Birders,

This afternoon, Dan Karvonen birded Lake Calhoun, Mpls. At the northwest 
end, about 75m offshore, we observed a first-year gull sitting on the water 
for about half-an hour. I sketched it noting the following: smaller than 
HeGu, much larger than RbGu; blackish primaries extended beyond tail giving 
it a long appearance; brownish checkered upperparts contrasted with lighter 
but streaked brown underparts; barred undertail; rounded head with 
conspicuous whitish forehead and throat; and all black bill, not too heavy. 
It floated on its own, sometimes associating with Herring Gulls. We think 
this is a first-winter Lesser Black-backed Gull.

I have looked through Sibley, and The Handbook of Bird Identification for 
Europe and the W. Palearctic and there is so much overlap with Herring 
Gulls.  I am not sure if based on our observations that it is a LBbG. Any 
feedback on gull experience in this area is appreciated. (A local birder 
jogged by and I wish we were looking at this bird when he stopped by.)

Do the Lake Calhoun gullers know if a first-winter LBbG has been reported 
recently? I looked through the posts but I've deleted some of the older 
ones. We also saw 1 Common Loon and a pair of Ring-necked Ducks.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Crystal, MN

[mou] N. Shrike at French Regional Park, Hennepin Co.

2004-11-18 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Hi Birders,

I birded French Regional Park, Hennepin Co. from 1030-1330 today. A Northern 
Shrike was patrolling the north end of a cattail-rimmed pond at 1300. This 
small pond is just southeast of the main entrance to the park and south of 
an apartment complex. The shrike was later seen at the west end of this 

Other interesting birds included 2 Common Redpolls and 1 Bonaparte's Gull at 
the swimming beach. Also a very cooperative male Pileated Woodpecker in the 
nearby woods.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Crystal, Hennepin Co.

[mou] buff-breasted 'piper

2004-08-20 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Hi Birders:

I was thinking about trying to relocate the Buff-breasted Sandpiper found by 
Doug Kieser yesterday. I was wondering if any other birders were going out 
there to look this afternoon. I don't have a scope and I am not sure if one 
is needed to see this bird. I was hoping to perhaps be able to take a peek 
through another birder's scope--if someone else is there.

You can contact me via e-mail at:

Lookin' up,
Alex Cruz

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[mou] Purgatory Creek rec area

2004-08-20 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Hi Birders,

Just returned from a lovely evening at Purgatory Creek Rec Area in Eden 
Prairie and we saw one buff-breasted! It was seen in the more distant of the 
two grassy mudflats (as described by DKieser). Fortunately, little by little 
it moved in closer (within 20m) and we were able to get great looks just 
with our binocs. A couple with a scope came by and we then got amazing 
looks-thanks so much to them. The golden light was perfect this time of day 
(around 730pm). A life bird for myself and Dan Karvonen.

We also had great up-close looks at a Solitary Sandpiper (single, like its 
namsake), yellowlegs, lots of Pec Pipers, and Caspian terns.


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[mou] city biriding and Duluth question

2004-05-17 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Hi Birders:

Birded Father Hennepin Bluff park upstream of the stone arch on the 
Mississippi in Mpls this morning. Songbirds were everywhere:

17 species of warblers (often-times foraging on the ground or low in 
branches), including Blackburnian and many Cape May.

Olive-side Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireos, and Scarlet Tanagers added to 
the 41 species seen in an hour and a half of birding.

Other interesting birds seen over last few days here were: Solitary 
Sandpiper, and Bay-breasted Warbler (male).

I am new from California and this sort of diversity blows me away!

I'll be up in Duluth this Saturday. I'd love advice of where to go birding.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz

I'm from Pacific Grove, CA--answer to the birder who asked me via email 
(which I accidentally deleted).

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[mou] Wood Lake migrants, Hennepin Co.

2004-05-07 Thread Alex Cruz, Jr.
Hi Birders:

I am a new birder to the area and earlier today (0930-1330) I birded Wood 
Lake Nature Preserve. I met some nice local birders who showed me some cool 
Minnesota birds. I walked the perimeter trail where migrants were thick.

Highlights for me were: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1); Gray-cheeked Thrush (1); 
12 species of warblers (listed in order of abundance) Yellow-rumped 
Myrtle, Palm, Orange-crowned, Black-and White, N. Waterthrush, Nashville, 
American Redstart, Ovenbird (1), Cape May (1), Yellow (1), Wilson's (1), Com 
Yellowthroat (1); Baltimore Oriole (3); and Harris's Sparrow (1).

Next time, I'll dress warmer--I'm not in California anymore.

Lookin' up,
Alex Cruz

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