[mou-net] Kentucky Warbler: Brown County

2018-06-03 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Kentucky Warbler original found by Brian Smith continues to be present 
today at 18495 - 18875 KC Road near New Ulm. This bird is extremely secretive 
and quick. Though it sang its "churry-churry-churry" song continuously for over 
an hour and occasionally sounded its chip note, I had only four brief glimpses 
of the bird. It spent most of the time deep in the woods, so three of the 
glimpses were as it quickly flew across KC Road. However, I had one view from a 
distance of fifty feet or so lasting several seconds, enough that I could 
clearly see significant field marks: a short-tailed warbler-size bird with 
bright olive underparts, yellow underparts, a black crown speckled with gray, 
yellow eyebrow and black smudges extending below its eyes.

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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler: Sherburne NWR

2018-06-02 Thread Douglas Mayo
The date for seeing this bird should have been Wednesday, May 30th, not the 

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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler: Sherburne NWR

2018-06-01 Thread Douglas Mayo
On Wednesday, May 29, I found a Hooded Warbler along the Blue Hill Trail about 
one mile in where trail turns into a fire lane.  This bird was in the 
understory next to the pines on the southwest corner of the trail. I first 
heard the bird singing and then obtained several visuals, each lasting several 
seconds to ten seconds. The bird had bright yellow underparts, olive-green 
upperparts, a yellow face with a black hood and black throat.

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[mou-net] Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Mower County

2017-06-29 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was still present at 9:00 this morning.  It was 
seen both on the cell-phone tower and along the fence line next to I-90. The 
possible nest reported several days earlier could not be seen.  It may have 
been destroyed in yesterday’s storm.

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[mou-net] Black Scoter: Hennepin County

2017-04-20 Thread Douglas Mayo
Late this afternoon I saw a Black Scoter (adult, female) at Long Meadow Lake, 
from the viewing stand near the Old Cedar Ave. bridge.

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[mou-net] Black-bellied Whistling Ducks: Le Sueur Co.

2016-05-23 Thread Douglas Mayo
The pair of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks was still at Eggert Lake this 
morning.  I observed them between 8:00 and 8:30.  Both ducks were sleeping in 
the grass a few feet back from the southeast shore.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Yellow-throated Warbler: Hennepin Co.

2016-05-22 Thread Douglas Mayo
A Yellow-throated Warbler was still present at Gold Medal Park in Minneapolis 
around 3:30 today. It was in the trees between the river and the 
bike/pedestrian path, about 300 feet west of where the path descends towards 
the river.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Willet: Hennepin County

2016-04-14 Thread Douglas Mayo
This morning there were two Willets on Long Meadow Lake at the Bass Ponds.  
There also were many Lesser Yellowlegs and several Greater Yellowlegs.
Douglas Mayo

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[mou-net] Stearns County: Ruddy Turnstone

2015-05-26 Thread Douglas Mayo
Yesterday afternoon there was a small flock of seven Ruddy Turnstones at the 
Albany sewage ponds.  Other shorebirds I saw included Lesser Yellowlegs, 
Sanderlings, Least Sandpipers, White-rumped Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, 
Dunlin, and Wilson Phalaropes.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Ruff: Hennepin County

2015-05-05 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Ruff originally found by Steve Carlson at the Bass Ponds was still there at 
5:00 pm, late Monday afternoon.  While searching for this Ruff there were also 
thousands of other shorebirds, mostly Lesser Yellowlegs, to shift through.  I 
identified nine species of shorebirds, including Dunlin, several Stilt 
Sandpipers, four Willets, and ten Long-billed Dowitchers.  Patience is 
required, as overflying jets and a Bald Eagle caused these birds to shuffle 
the deck several times.  Each time, except the last around 5:00 pm, I was able 
to relocate the Ruff.  It's pretty distinctive, both in color and size.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] White-winged Dove

2015-05-03 Thread Douglas Mayo
Was the White-winged Dove seen in Detroit Lakes over the weekend?  I may try 
for that one tomorrow.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Eurasian Tree Sparrow: Dakota County

2014-12-31 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow found by Andrew Smith was still present this morning. 
 For those who want to use GPS when looking for this bird, the address is 15620 
197th St. E.  This is the gray house on the corner of 197th and Orr Ave.  
However, to get a good view of the feeders it's best to turn the corner onto 
Orr and then drive a little south of the house.  This bird also likes to roost 
in a large juniper at the corner of the house to the left of the feeders.  Of 
course, it's harder to find it in the juniper than when it comes to the feeders.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Dakota County: Townsend's Solitaire

2014-12-26 Thread Douglas Mayo
The previously reported Townsend's Solitaire was still present in Resurrection 
Cemetery around 3:00 this afternoon.
Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Common Edier: St. Louis County

2014-11-13 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Common Eiders were still present west of the Beacon Point condos between 
11:30 and 12:15 today.  These birds were best viewed from the Lakewalk just 
west of the condos.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Wood Stork

2014-06-29 Thread Douglas Mayo
I was out of town when the Wood Stork was found.  I'm wondering if it's still 
around. Is it possible to view it without entering the farmer's property, as I 
read he's removed permission to view the bird from his farmyard?

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Black-necked Stilts in Grant County

2014-06-14 Thread Douglas Mayo

I, too, was fortunate yesterday
to see these two Black-necked Stilts. 
However, I’m wondering if all the birders visiting are stressing these
birds.  Almost the entire time I was
there one of the birds (a female, I think) stood on the edge of the pond, near
the nest, and softly called “kip-kip-kip”. 
It was calling so softly that at first I did not notice.  Since she never 
stopped calling, I took that
to mean that she was concerned about my presence.  The other stilt stood 
preening about ten
yards away, but did not call at all.  Once
I realized what was happening, I took one final look and left. 

We all hope that these birds
will nest successfully.  However, we
birders may stress the birds to the degree that this nesting will be
unsuccessful.  It’s probably not
realistic to expect that birder will not try to see these two stilts, but let’s 
be mindful
that too much attention may lead to nest abandonment or inattentive parenting.  
The ABA Code of Ethics states: “To avoid stressing birds or exposing them
to danger, exercise restraint and caution during observation, photography,
sound recording, or filming.” Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] No Eurasina Widgeon

2014-04-20 Thread Douglas Mayo
I searched for the Eurasian Widgeon at Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie from 
around 8:00 to 10:00 this morning, but did not find it.  There were fifteen to 
twenty other birders there during the same time.  To the best of my knowledge 
none of them found the bird either.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Sabine's Gull: Hennepin County

2013-09-22 Thread Douglas Mayo
Still present at Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie at 5:30 today. 

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[mou-net] Dakota and Goodhue Counties

2013-08-25 Thread Douglas Mayo
Early this afternoon there was a Western Kingbird in Goodhue County on the 
north side of Highway 61, approximately 2.5 miles east of the Dakota County 
Between 2:00 and 2:30 this afternoon there were at least four Buff-breasted 
Sandpipers at the Jirik Sod Farm, located in Dakota County along Blaine Ave. 
south of 200th St. E.  The birds were located in the backside of the southeast 
sod field.
Douglas Mayo

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[mou-net] Dakota County: Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2013-08-25 Thread Douglas Mayo
I'm sorry, but the Buff-breasted Sandpipers were in the southwest, not the 
southeast, field of sod.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Sherburne County

2013-07-12 Thread Douglas Mayo

Yesterday there was a Western Kingbird on the north side of Highway 10, just 
west of 196th St., east of Big Lake, Sherburne County.  The bird was 
alternating between sitting on utility wires and hawking for insects over an 
adjacent field.  There may have been a second Western Kingbird in the field, 
but the look I had was too brief to positively identify this bird.
In Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge there were numerous Grasshopper Sparrow, 
a Henslow's Sparrow (at the location reported by others), Lark Sparrow, and one 
lone Dickcissel.  In the adjacent Sand Dunes State Forest many Eastern 
Whip-poor-will were calling.  I tried several times during the day and evening 
to locate the Common Gallinule that has been seen at Sherburne NWR, but was 
unsuccessful.  However, my patients was reward by seeing and hearing several 
Least Bittern.
The sewage ponds at Princeton have been drawn down (there appears to be 
construction or maintenance taking place), exposing extensive mud flats.  When 
I visited there the only shorebirds I saw were Killdeer, Least Sandpiper, and 
Spotted Sandpiper.  However, in a county with little mud, this site may be a 
attractive resting place for shorebirds and worth checking over the next few 
weeks, assuming the sewage ponds remain drawn down.  The sewage ponds are 
located south of Princeton at the  end of 120th St., approximately 0.3 mile 
north of 317th Ave.

Douglas Mayo


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[mou-net] St. Louis Co: Warblers and White-winged Scoter

2013-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayo

Yesterday afternoon Park
Point in Duluth was dripping with warblers. 
The weather, however, was terrible. 
The temperature was in the 40s and a strong wind was blowing from the
northeast at 20 to 30 miles per hour. 
While the weather made for challenging birding, it forced the birds to
feed on the ground, sometimes right at my feet (no binoculars needed).  
Warblers were everywhere: In yards, on the
street, in low-lying shrubs, and along the shore.  During three hours of 
birding I found 20
species.  Palm, Magnolia, and American
Redstarts were the most common.  I saw only
one each of Black-throated Green Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler and Mourning
Warble, but there were good numbers of Cape May, Chestnut-sided, Pine, Wilson,
Nashville, Northern Parula and other warblers. 
Another birder told me about a Black-throated Blue Warbler seen near the
end of Park Point, but I could not find this bird.  There were also thousands 
of Savannah and
Chipping Sparrows.  In addition, I observed two
White-winged Scoters in the harbor side bay of Park Point a bit northwest of the
Rowing Club.  Since weather conditions in
Duluth today (and maybe tomorrow) are similar to yesterday, I’m guessing that 
the warblers are still
hunkered down there.Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Hennepin C ounty: Tow nsend’s So litaire

2013-03-14 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Townsend’s Solitaire was
still present this morning (about 10:20) at St. Mary Cemetery in Minneapolis.  
Again, it was in the southeast part of the cemetery.  The bird was feeding in 
the tallest cedar
near a standpipe numbered 33-1.  The bird
was singing softly, so you may be able to hear it before seeing it.


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[mou-net] Wabasha County: Harlequin Duck

2013-01-24 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Harlequin Duck was still present today at Lock and Dam # 4.  I saw it from 
the lock and dam's parking lot in Alma, Wisconsin.

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[mou-net] Ramsey County: Clark's Nutcracker

2012-10-31 Thread Douglas Mayo
At 1:45 pm today the Clark's Nutcracker was still present at the NE 
intersection of County Road I and Hodgson Road in Shoreview.

Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Whooping Crane

2011-09-11 Thread Douglas Mayo
The picture of a Whooping Crane posted in Recently Seen by Dan Tallman shows 
bands on both legs, suggesting that this is a captive-bred and released bird, 
probably from Necedah NWR.  I understand that captive and released birds are 
not countable in Minnesota.  Is that correct?
Douglas Mayo  

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[mou-net] Hennepin County: Common Moorhen

2011-05-10 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Common Moorhen previously seen by others was paddling about in the west end 
of the north bay of Legion Lake in Veteran’s Park at 3:50 this afternoon.  This 
area can be viewed from the boardwalk that bisects the lake.  I last saw the 
bird as it entered the cattails about forty feet west of a Wood Duck house 
that’s located west of the small island in this bay.


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[mou-net] Lac qui Parle County: Loggerhead Shrike

2010-08-10 Thread Douglas Mayo
Yesterday morning, August 9th, Ken Lippin and I watched a Loggerhead Shrike at 
Plover Prairie in Lac qui Parle County.  The bird was foraging over the 
southwest quadrant of the intersection of 370th St. and the first north-south 
road (unmarked, but may be 191st Ave.) approximately one mile east of Highway 
75.  --Douglas Mayo


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[mou-net] Dakota County: Whimbrel

2010-07-29 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Whimbrel previously reported by others was at the Jirik Sod Farm between 
1:00 and 2:00 PM today.  I saw this bird on the east side of Blaine Ave. south 
of 200th St.  It was in the grass along the back shore of the furthest pond (a 
good scope is definitely needed).  I also observed a least three Lesser 
Yellowlegs and twelve Semipalmated Sandpipers.Douglas Mayo


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[mou-net] Long-tailed Duck -- Dakota County

2010-02-18 Thread Douglas Mayo
This afternoon I found a female Long-tailed Duck near Point Douglas.  The bird 
was among a large flock of Common Goldeneye on the Minnesota side of the 
Mississippi River across from Prescott, Wisconsin, a short distance down river 
from the railroad bridge.  I was not able to find the Harlequin Duck or 
Barrow's Goldeneye reported earlier.

Douglas Mayo 

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2010-02-07 Thread Douglas Mayo
Please provide explanation.  What is this about: Join or Leave 

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[mou-net] Birding in Korea

2009-10-04 Thread Douglas Mayo
I'm traveling to South Korea in December and plan to do some birding while 
there.  Can anyone suggest a good birding book that covers South Korea?  Please 
reply directly to my email address.  --Douglas Mayo 

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[mou-net] Little Blue Heron, Ramsey County

2009-08-26 Thread Douglas Mayo
The Little Blue Heron was present at Turtle Lake in Shoreview from 2:30 to 3:00 
this afternoon.  It spent all of this time feeding on both sides of the second 
boat dock just to south of Turtle Lake County Park (to your left when facing 
the lake).  --Douglas Mayo

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[mou-net] Great-tailed Grackle, Cottonwood County

2009-08-13 Thread Douglas Mayo
On August 11, 2009, I found an adult male Great-tailed Grackle in Windom, 
Cottonwood County, at the McDonald’s Restaurant located on State Highway 60, 
just north of its intersection with CoRd 17.  It’s partial to eating French 
fries, so throw out some if you don’t see the bird right away.  --Douglas Mayo

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