[mou-net] Malardi Lake shorebirds

2013-07-20 Thread Robin LaFortune
I checked Malardi Lake today to see how far drawn down it is- there is very 
little water left, with lots of mud flats.  There were about 150-200 shorebirds 
there today.  Not much variation, as about 95% of the birds were either Least 
Sandpipers or Pectorals, but there were a couple Yellowlegs, Semi-Palmated and 
Spotted Sandpipers,  and a Snipe.  Hopefully there will be more variety as 
shorebird migration progresses- the habitat looks good!  Lots of turtles too!

This lake is near Montrose,  which is in Wright Co.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Western grebes

2013-07-10 Thread Robin LaFortune
Two Western Grebes were seen today around 11:00am on Albion Lake.  This lake is 
west of Maple Lake on Co Rd 6, south of HWY 55,  next to Swartout Lake.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Malardi Lake

2013-05-15 Thread Robin LaFortune
Visited Malardi Lake today, which is in drawdown, with plenty to see.  Two 
birders that were there before me told me that half the flock left after a raid 
by 2 Peregrine falcons, but there were still a lot of birds.  Besides the usual 
yellowlegs and peeps, there was an American Avocet, 2 Hudsonian Godwits, a good 
handful of Dunlins, 3 Willets, some dowitchers, semi-palmated plovers, and 
Black Terns.  Also a good mix of waterfowl, and lots of Harris's sparrows on 
the road in-

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Two Harbors Boreal still present

2013-01-26 Thread Robin LaFortune

The Boreal Owl in Two Harbors was seen last evening between 4:30 and 5:30, 
moving around a bit, but mostly west of 3rd St in the alley between 2nd and 

Along with me were 2 other birders, Eric and Melissa, and we all got great 
views of a new life bird.  Jim Lind showed up, too. Thanks for the tip, Jim!!

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Wood thrush- Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park

2012-10-06 Thread Robin LaFortune
Out birding today with friends, I was surprised to find a late lingering Wood 
Thrush. It was seen foraging with 3 Hermit thrushes.  In comparison to the 
Hermits, the Wood Thrush was larger, with very rufous upperparts and very 
bright white underparts, and large dark spotting.  Made the Hermit thrushes 
look drab in comparison.  Seen on the first small loop of the hiking trails.

We also had a small flock of American Pipits flitting around on the rocks by 
the dam.  The water was VERY low.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Red Crossbills Sherburne NWR

2012-08-16 Thread Robin LaFortune
Birding yesterday at Sherburne NWR, I heard and saw 2 Red Crossbills.  It 
sounded like there were more but it was hard to see through the spruces. 
Observed in the evergreen section of the Blue Hill Trail. 

Before I got to the evergreen area, I found a pair of Scarlet Tanagers- the 
male was an orange variant!  Surprising to see- I thought it was an oriole at 

I also looked for gallinules and chats  Saw several juvenile and 1 adult 
Common Gallinule but no chat.  Had a GREAT look at a Least Bittern that landed 
right by me as I stood quietly watching the gallinules. A very enjoyable day.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] More early migrsnts

2012-08-09 Thread Robin LaFortune
As the fog was lifting this morning, I found a few migrants among the usual 
birds.  Three chestnut-sided, 1 Canada, 1 Tennessee,and 1 Blackburnian rounded 
out the warblers.  An Olive-sided flycatcher made the circuit in the dead snags 
in the backyard.

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Hermit thrush, Townsends Solitaire western Henn Co

2012-02-04 Thread Robin LaFortune

Out walking today at Lake Rebecca PR, I found a Hermit thrush (late? early? 
over-wintering?).  It was observed just off the trail that runs along Rattail 
Lake, that starts off of Co Rd 92.  A photo was summitted to Recently Seen on 
the MOU website.

Later I refound the Townsend's Solitaire off trail in the pines nearby. 
Couldn't get a photo, only saw it briefly.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Townsend's Solitaire Western Henn Co

2011-12-27 Thread Robin LaFortune

I found a Townsend's Solitaire on Sun and Mon at Lake Rebecca Park Reserve near 
Delano.  This was the same area that I found a Solitaire twice on 2 separate 
years(but not last year).  The location is directly east of Rattail Lake, south 
of the hiking trail and west of  Co Rd 92. I can't give very good directions as 
I was walking off trail thru the pines close to 92 and south of the hiking trail

Also in the area, I flushed a GHO and saw a couple of Brown Creepers and 
Red-breasted Nuthatches.  No winter finches, and otherwise pretty quiet.

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Purple sandpiper still present

2011-10-15 Thread Robin LaFortune
I headed out to Lubenow WPA as soon as I heard about the Purple Sandpiper and 
arrived at about 4:15pm. There were quite a few hunters present.

 The road (230thAve SW) winds along side the WPA, then through it,  forming a 
rocky shore on both sides of the road. The bird flushed from the west side of 
the road, flying only about 20 ft.  I got great looks from the car, and some 
so-so photos that I'll try to post later on the MOU site. The bird was very 
tame and actively feeding. It was still there when I left. I did not see the 

I also saw a few Eurasian collared doves in Pennock, west of Willmar, on the 
wires on the way home.

Kudos to Denny and Barb for a nice find, and thanks to Bob for the report.  A 
lifer for me and a great MN bird!!!

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Smith Lake today

2011-07-09 Thread Robin LaFortune
As I was in Howard Lake today visting friends, I stopped at Smith Lake to see 
if any there was any interesting activity.  

There were about 30 least sandpipers, two spotted sandpipers, and a skazillion 
killdeer.  The habitat looks very good worth watching as the season 
progresses.  Also seen on the sandbar- about 70-80 Ring-billed gulls and 3 

Robin LaFortune

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Re: [mou-net] Slaty-backed Gull Update Please

2010-12-23 Thread Robin LaFortune
My sister and I were in Duluth yesterday and saw the Slaty-backed gull at 
Canal Park at about 10:45am, along with a 1st winter and 2nd winter Great 
Black-backed gull and a couple of Glaucous gulls.

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

- Original Message - 
From: Jason Caddy j.ca...@hotmail.com

Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 11:20 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Slaty-backed Gull Update Please

I am going to try for the Slaty-backed Gull this weekend but have not seen 
any recent postings. If anyone knows where the gull has been lately or knows 
the best area to check please post the information. I will certainly check 
the break wall at Park Point and probably the Superior landfill which are 
usually the best spots but any sort of update on gull activity in the Duluth 
area would be greatly appreciated.


Jason Caddy
South Minneapolis

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[mou-net] Hooded warbler -western Henn Co

2010-05-16 Thread Robin LaFortune
Birding at Lake Rebecca PR this morning, I was very surprised to find a Hooded 
warbler.  The bird was not singing, but drew my attention with loud bright chip 
notes. I watched it for about 10 min, then it disappeared into the understory.  

 Besides this nice surprise, I found very few migrants,and only 9 species of 
warblers. Lots of resident birds setting up territories.  Quite a few 
yellow-billed cuckoo calling, too.

Directions to area- Enter the park main entrance and park at the boat launch 
area.  Follow the hiking trail south, along the edge of the lake.  There are 2 
trails branching off left, take the 2nd trail left(east).  This goes straight 
up the hill. I saw the Hooded warbler at the top of the hill, going right.

Robin Lafortune

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[mou-net] Wood thrush, osprey, Lake Rebecca PR

2010-05-09 Thread Robin LaFortune
On an after dinner bike ride around Lake Rebecca Park Reserve, I stopped to 
watch an osprey hunting/dive-bombing for fish on the lake, coming up successful 
on the 3rd try.  I later saw a nest on a platform built a couple of years ago- 
I think this is the first year that they've nested in this park.

Towards the end of the ride, I heard a wood thrush singing in the gloaming.  I 
stopped to listen for awhile- beautiful!!

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Mute Swan

2009-11-20 Thread Robin LaFortune

Although I checked a couple of times earlier this week, I did not find the Mute 
swan reported by Howard Towle until today.  The swan was present again at the 
swan impoundment at Lake Rebecca PR along with 20+ Trumpeters, Canada geese and 
a few Cackling geese.  It was rather quiet out otherwise, but a scrumptious day 
to be out-

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Daytime migration

2009-09-19 Thread Robin LaFortune

While doing yardwork all afternoon, I watched a steady stream of Franklin's 
gulls fly overhead.  I also saw several small kettles of hawks, mostly 
broad-winged, but I also saw Coopers and red-shouldered hawks and a couple of 
eagles.  Warblers have been very scant this week the few times I got out-

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Shorebirds, New Germany

2009-08-05 Thread Robin LaFortune

   My sister and I checked out a new shorebird spot I found near New Germany.  
It's a new housing development ( Trophy Lakes IV)  that has no houses built 
yet.  A shallow artificial lake/pond was put in, rather u -shaped, with sandy 
mud flats and good shorebird habitat.  Not a lot of birds today except 
skazillions of killdeer, but we did see one buff- breasted SP, one sanderling, 
and 3 semi-palmated plovers, plus some black terns, horned larks and pipits.  
Hopefully as shorebird migration increases, it will get more birdy

Hwy 7 west towards New Germany, south on 33 and west on 62 St.  The development 
is on the north side of the street.  Warning-  speed boats have been practicing 
for some kind of competition on this small lake, but they haven't been too 

The usual shorebird spots in New Germany have poor habitat- no water, too many 

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Black-bellied plover

2009-05-04 Thread Robin LaFortune
I stopped at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds on my way home from the MBW and was 
rewarded with a beautiful black-bellied plover in breeding plumage.  It was 
walking on the berm between the front and back ponds. 

 There was plenty of activity in the back pond - 
30+ Wilson's phalaropes, 5 Willets, many peeps and yellowlegs, and a few 
dunlin. Also a nice variety of waterfowl.

I also found several red-necked grebes on Braunworth lake, just NE of Young 
America on 25.

This morning, red-breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore oriole at the feeders.

Robin Lafortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] oops!

2009-05-04 Thread Robin LaFortune
ROSE- breasted, not red-breasted grosbeak-  this am at the feeders- jeez.


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[mou-net] Yaller-rumps

2009-04-10 Thread Robin LaFortune
Saw at least 3 yellow-rumped warblers in a mixed flock of kinglets/chickadees 
today at Lake Rebecca PR. Also saw a gorgeous Y-B sapsucker male foraging with 
a female.

Robin LaFortunE
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Winter wren

2009-04-04 Thread Robin LaFortune

Out birding at Lake Rebecca PR, I saw a winter wren hanging out by a soggy log. 
 I  also flushed 3 woodcock (almost stepped on one!).  Saw an eastern phoebe 
for the first time this year,  a nice flock of g-c kinglets and some soaring 
pelicans. Several V's of vocal Tundra Swans flew over, too.

On the lake (Rebecca and nearby Roy lake) were about 10 common loons, along 
with common/hooded mergansers, bufflehead, goldeneyes, redheads, p-b grebes and 
ring-necked ducks.

Early this am, in the wetland behind our woods, I heard winnowing snipe and a 

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN

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[mou-net] Townsend's Solitaire/ WW Crossbills @ Lake Rebecca

2009-01-04 Thread Robin LaFortune

I found the Townsend's Solitaire again today in the same area at Lake Rebecca 
PR.  I heard that other birders also saw it on New Year's Day.  White-winged 
crossbills were in the same spot too, very actively feeding, but rather quiet. 
See the post from 12-28 for directions, or backchannel to me.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou-net] Townsend's Solitaire Lake Rebecca PR

2008-12-28 Thread Robin LaFortune

I found a Townsend's Solitaire today while out hiking at Lake Rebecca Park 
Reserve near Delano.  This was the same area that I found a Solitaire twice 
last year.  The location is directly east of Rattail Lake, south of the hiking 
trail and west of 92.  Follow the deer trail/foot path that leads south off the 
hiking trail. Check this link for a map:
There is a lot of evergreens there and a couple of crab apple trees, fairly 
close to the east side of the lake.  Red-breasted nuthatches, pine siskins and 
purple finches were also seen in the area.  I also saw a Northern shrike along 
the east side of Lake Rebecca Road.

At home, we still have a fair amount of pine siskins at the feeders and a 
Northern Flicker visiting regularly.

Robin LaFortune

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[mou] Avocet seen sun eve

2008-04-20 Thread Robin LaFortune
One Avocet was still present at the Bass ponds on Sun evening, seen by myself 
and others between 6:30-7:00.  It was still at the previously described 
location, but quite far out, near the far shore.  In the slanting sunlight it's 
colors were very beautiful.

I also stopped by Lake Nokomis earlier for the Horned Grebe bonanza- 

Robin LaFortune
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[mou] more swans

2007-11-22 Thread Robin LaFortune
I too have seen several big V's of Tundra Swans flying overhead all afternoon 
in Wright Co.  Also had a northern shrike and a sharp-shinned hawk visit our 
feeders, looking for Thanksgiving dinner, no doubt!

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN
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[mou] Early Lincoln's sparrow

2007-08-25 Thread Robin LaFortune

Out birding this evening at Lake Rebecca PR,  I was surprised to find a 
Lincoln's sparrow. 

Lots of hummers  were zooming around, and many active  flycatchers- empids, 
pewees and phoebes (even the cedar waxwings were flycatching over the lake).  I 
saw 11 warbler species, low numbers of everything but Tennessee's and 
Nashville's.  The resident red-shouldered hawks were seen with 2 youngsters 
(shoulderlings??).  I also saw a Merlin there a couple of days ago.

Robin LaFortune
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[mou] Shorebirds on move- New Germany

2007-07-10 Thread Robin LaFortune

I stopped at the New Germany area yesterday... the water level at the big pool 
has dropped a lot, but it is full of green growth, with no mud flats.  Only one 
of the smaller pools has any good habitat- and I saw about 8-10 least 
sandpipers, a few killdeer and 2 solitary.  Not much else going on yet-

Robin LaFortune

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chet Meyers 
  To: mou-net at cbs.umn.edu 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:51 PM
  Subject: [mou] Shorebirds on move

  Chet Meyers writes chetmeyers at visi.com

   With strong NW winds most of the day, more shorebirds should be winging
  their way south.  What with erractic rains (either drought or flood) it would 
  great if MOU birders who find good shorebird habitat could report where they
  find it.  Please give as clear directions as possible.  Thus far I've heard 
of at
  least six varieties already returning.   I'll try to report regularly on 
  Creek.  Haven't heard much about what shape New Germany is in.
  Chet Meyers
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[mou] Prairie warbler still present

2007-05-30 Thread Robin LaFortune

My sister and I watched the Ritter Park prairie warbler sing in the wind today 
at about 11:30am.  He was in the scraggley elm described by Chet Meyers 
previously.  When we swung back after a long hike around the park, he had moved 
to the opposite side of the trail, further south.

I also found a black-billed cuckoo cucucu-ing at the back of our woods this am.

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN
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[mou] Yard birds

2007-05-01 Thread Robin LaFortune

This morning, singing away up in the trees in the front yard, my first 
blue-headed vireo and Nashville warbler of the year.  Beautiful morning!

Now I have to go to work (sigh)

Robin LaFortune
Wright Co

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[mou] Lake Rebecca today

2007-04-04 Thread Robin LaFortune
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Had a nice hike today at Lake Rebecca PR, saw quite a few hermit =
thrushes, brown creepers and a couple of R-C kinglets.  While crossing =
through a field to close up some bluebird houses, I flushed a sparrow, =
and got rather excited when I saw a flash of yellow ocher. The bird =
perched in a low bush so I got a good look- a Le Conte's sparrow!  Am I =
crazy??? -it seems pretty early for Le Conte's.

Also found a GHO on nest enjoying shredded squirrel, but  she didn't =
seem to be feeding anything but herself. No hatchlings yet, I guess.  =
Not much on the lake but some common loons and mergansers.

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN
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DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Had a nice hike today at Lake Rebecca =
PR, saw quite=20
a few hermit thrushes, brown creepers and a couple of R-C =
kinglets.nbsp; While=20
crossing through a field to close up some bluebird houses, I flushed a =
and got rather excited when I saw a flash of yellow ocher. The bird =
perched in a=20
low bush so I got a good look- a Le Conte's sparrow!nbsp; Am I crazy??? =
seems pretty early for Le Conte's./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Also found a GHO on nest enjoying =
squirrel, butnbsp; she didn't seem to be feeding anything but herself. =
hatchlings yet, I guess.nbsp; Not much on the lake but some common =
loons and=20
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[mou] Dead trumpeter

2007-02-07 Thread Robin LaFortune
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While out skiing today I found a dead trumpeter swan at Lake Rebecca PR =
near Delano.  Is there someone I should contact about this?  The bird =
was unbanded and looked to be a juvenile.  The carcass was in pretty =
good shape, probably not dead too long.

Thanks for any advice-

Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN
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DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2While out skiing today I found a dead =
swan at Lake Rebecca PR near Delano.nbsp; Is there someone I should =
about this?nbsp; The bird was unbanded and looked to be a =
juvenile.nbsp; The=20
carcass was in pretty good shape, probably not dead too =
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Thanks for any advice-/FONT/DIV
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[mou] Prairie warbler??

2005-07-25 Thread vogue...@earthlink.net (Robin LaFortune)
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Just wondering if anyone has sighted the Prairie Warbler recently at =
Ritter Park- was thinking about heading out that way tomorrow.


Robin LaFortune
Delano, MN
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DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just wondering if anyone has sighted =
the Prairie=20
Warbler recently at Ritter Park- was thinking about heading out that way =

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