[mou-net] Butterfly question

2019-08-07 Thread Susanne Nevin
Yesterday we observed a Black Swallowtail (probably female, lacked the
yellow stripes) feeding on the phlox.  We had never seen this butterfly
before.  Is it common in our area (Saint Anthony Park residential area, St.
Paul, Ramsey Co.)?

Sue Nevin

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[mou-net] Red-headed woodpecker, Ramsey County

2019-05-21 Thread Susanne Nevin
Recent urban backyard visitors:  a red-headed woodpecker at the suet
yesterday;  a Swainson's thrush foraging on ground (for several days now);
a female rose-breasted grosbeak at black oiler feeder; several Baltimore
orioles and a gray catbird at the jelly feeder.

Sue Nevin
St. Anthony Park, Ramsey County

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[mou-net] Como Lake, Ramsey County

2019-04-03 Thread Susanne Nevin
Birds seen today on Como Lake:

2 trumpeter swans
c. goldeneye (ca. 3?)
ring-necked ducks (ca. 5-6)
hooded mergansers (ca. 7-10)
2 large flocks of gulls
1 d-cr. cormorant

Among the regular "returnees":  wood ducks, red-winged blackbirds, robins,

Susanne Nevin
St. Anthony Park, St. Paul

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[mou-net] Tundra Swan fly-over

2018-11-09 Thread Susanne Nevin
The perks of snow shoveling:  a large (and noisy) formation of Tundra Swans
flew over our house and neighborhood from west to east this morning around
9 a.m.!

Sue Nevin
St. Anthony Park in Saint Paul, Ramsey County

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Re: [mou-net] Red Breasted Nuthatch in Edina - Hennepin Co.

2018-10-23 Thread Susanne Nevin
I saw one at my feeder last Sunday.  I'm in St. Paul, Ramsey County.

Susanne Nevin

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 9:26 AM Ann Lyons  wrote:

> I'm in Harmony,  MN and I've had one - or many,  I can't tell for two week
> now.  Lovely!
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018, 9:23 AM ericaforman79 
> wrote:
> > I've had a lone RBN hanging out at my office feeder for the past week and
> > a half.
> > Erica Forman Hopkins, MN
> >
> > Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
> >
> > 
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[mou-net] More loons on Como Lake, Ramsey County

2018-04-24 Thread Susanne Nevin
Seen yesterday and today:

At least 15 loons in Como Lake, St. Paul, Ramsey Co.

Also:  1 Red-breasted Merganser, several Ruddy Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, L.
Scaups, A.Coots,  Pied-billed Grebes

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Como Lake, Ramsey County

2018-04-22 Thread Susanne Nevin
This Sunday evening, April 22, 2018, seen on Como Lake (St. Paul, Ramsey

At least 5 Loons (there may have been a sixth--they kept diving--hard to

Large flock of American Coots

Several Horned Grebes

At least 2 pairs of Ruddy Ducks

Ring-necked Ducks (smaller flock than last week)

Small flock of Buffleheads

Red-breasted Mergansers

Common Mergansers (?)

And of course the "regulars" and the ones to stay over the summer
(Mallards, C. Geese, Wood Ducks, Pied-billed Grebes)

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Como Lake, Ramsey County

2018-04-11 Thread Susanne Nevin
Seen yesterday and this afternoon:

Large flock of A.Coots
Flock of Ring-billed Ducks
2 Redheads
Several Hooded, Red-Breasted and Common Mergansers
At least 2 N. Shovelers
Pied-billed Grebes
Wood Ducks
Lots of gulls

Yesterday also a pair of Great Blue Herons (not seen today)

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul, Ramsey Co.

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[mou-net] Harris's Sparrow, Ramsey County

2017-05-10 Thread Susanne Nevin
A male Harris's Sparrow under my feeder in St. Anthony Park, St. Paul.
First saw it around noon, then again around 3 p.m. after I spread some more
bird food on the ground.  Was joined by a late lingering White-throated

Also:  our first B. Oriole came to the jelly dish ot our feeder station.
Have been hearing them for the past two days but now it has found its way

Susanne Nevin
St. Anthony Park, Saint Paul

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[mou-net] Ospreys in Central Park--correction

2017-04-18 Thread Susanne Nevin
Just received a correction to my observations re: the ospreys in Central
Pk., Roseville.  The birds are more likely still in the nest-building stage
and what the one had in its mouth was probably nest-building material that
it pushed into the nest (they use their talons to carry things).

Also:  it's the baseball field east of Victoria Street.


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[mou-net] Ospreys on nest in Central Park, Roseville (Ramsey Co.)

2017-04-18 Thread Susanne Nevin
The osprey nest on top of one of the baseball light fixtures in Central
Park is occupied.  Yesterday afternoon we observed a pair sitting on top of
it; then one of the birds flew off and came back shortly thereafter with a
small fish in its mouth which it fed to something deeper down in the
nest--presumably fledglings?

Other birds seen while walking through the park and the boardwalk at the
Harriet Alexander N.C.:

Yellow-rumped warblers (numerous-in several places--seen and heard by call)
Eastern phoebe (a pair--they regularly nest in the park)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (several in different places around the park)
Song sparrows
Gt. White Egret (1)
Blue-winged teal (1 pair)
Hermit thrush (1)
Turkey vultures (2, circling)

And of course, there the "regulars"--red-winged blackbirds, Canada geese
(observed several sitting on nests), mallards, wood ducks, A.goldfinches,

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Anoka Co. sightings

2017-02-19 Thread Susanne Nevin
This morning between 9 and 11 a.m. we walked along the eastern side of the
river below the Coon Rapids Dam  and observed a flock of 9 Common Goldeneye
swimming and diving, as well as 1 male Common Merganser who was sitting on
top of the ice on the shore across from us preening himself and then taking
a nap.  I distinctly saw his red bill and red feet and he was much larger
than the Goldeneye surrounding him in the water.  Unusual to see just one
and so early in the year?

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Cook County birding May 22-25

2016-05-26 Thread Susanne Nevin
We spent a few days along the North Shore and managed to take a few bird
walks in spite of the weather (Tuesday rain and Wednesday cold and thick
fog).   Of the birds seen and heard the white-throated sparrow, ovenbird,
chestnut-sided warbler and Northern parula were the predominant ones.  More
at Judge C.R. Magney S.P.: ovenbird (lots), chestnut-sided and
black-throated green warbler, mourning warbler, Blackburnian and Nashville
warbler, N. parula, white-throated sparrow;also common raven and ruffed
grouse (drumming);  in addition, along Cascade River S.P. lake trail:
yellowthroat, alder flycatcher, Philadelphia vireo; at Oberg Mountain trail
head: veery, golden-crowned kinglet; at Caribou River wayside and some
other spots along Hwy 61: brown creeper, American redstart, yellow-rumped
warbler. purple finch, E. bluebird, song and chipping sparrow,
ruby-throated hummingbird, crow, Bald Eagle, broad-winged hawk, N. flicker,
common merganser (in pairs), common loon, gulls, etc.

Sue Nevin
St. Paul, MN

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[mou-net] Lake Shetek S.P., Murray County

2016-05-17 Thread Susanne Nevin
We spent a night in Lake Shetek S.P. from Sunday, May 15 to Monday, May 16
and took two extended walks--an evening walk along the lake through moist
woods, then past a pond and through a prairie; then an early morning walk
all around Loon Island (no loons there; got the name via a mix-up with
cormorants).  We counted over 50 species, most notably:
blue-winged teal, lesser scaup, American white pelican, double-crested
cormorant, sora (a beautiful male in full view), American coot, lesser
yellowlegs, spotted sandpiper, FOY Eastern wood-pewee, great crested
flycatcher, FOY Eastern kingbird, FOY warbling vireo, tree and N.
rough-winged swallow, house wren, Eastern bluebird, FOY Swainson's thrush
(lots of them) and at least one gray-cheeked thrush, yellow-rumped warbler,
yellow warbler (lots), American Redstart, some other warbler (Nashville?),
chipping and white-throated sparrow, rose-breasted grosbeak, FOY Bobolink,
Baltimore oriole (lots), plus the regulars. Wonderful dawn concert!

On the way there and back (Hwy. 14) we saw lots of yellow-headed blackbirds
(FOY) in the cattails along the road.

Sue Nevin
St. Paul, MN

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[mou-net] Minnesota Valley NWR walk

2016-04-13 Thread Susanne Nevin
We walked the Hillside trail and part of the Long Meadow Lake trail at the
Minnesota Valley NWR (where the VC is located) this morning between 10:30
and 12:30--great birding!

19 W. Pelicans spiraling higher and higher into the sky until they were
lost to sight;
4 Sandhill Cranes in flight (later on I observed one Sandhill Crane and one
Bald Eagle circling each other at a respectful distance but in perfect
circles for quite a long time--never seen anything like it); 3 adult Bald
Eagles flying above the river and 2 juveniles cavorting with each other in
the sky doing something like a mating dance (?); 1 Northern Harrier; 1
Broad-winged Hawk; 1 Egret and 1 Gt. Blue Heron; Mallards and Geese; 1
Northern Flicker; 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker; lots of Song Sparrows
everywhere; 2 Fox Sparrows; 1 Hermit Thrush; 2 E. Phoebe at different
spots; 1 E. Bluebird (appeared to be a female); Grackles; Red-winged
Blackbirds; plus the usual year-round birds (e.g. several Nuthatches
chasing each other;).  Still lots of Juncos around.

We had hoped to see the A. Bittern and the Harris's Sparrows again that we
saw in that area last year around this time, but no luck.

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[mou-net] Como Lake Loons, etc.

2015-04-24 Thread Susanne Nevin
This morning on Como Lake in St. Paul:

At least one pair of Loons (they were diving a lot and the lake is small,
but there may be a third one)
Two D-C Cormorants (up to seven stay around all summer)
Two flocks of Horned Grebe (ca. 10-12 each)
Small flock of L. Scaup (ca. 5 males, 2 females)
Two A. Coots
Several Redheads (3 males and 2 females)
Three Great Egrets circling above

Plus the regulars: Pied-billed Grebes, Wood Ducks, Mallards, C.Geese

Yellow-rumped Warblers (FOY at lake)

Sue Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Lake Harriet addendum

2015-04-13 Thread Susanne Nevin
Walked around Lake Harriet this morning.  The large groups of Red-breasted
Mergansers and A. Coots are still there, as well as Pied-billed Grebes and
Wood Ducks.  We saw several Common Loons--one even did his yodeling call
once while we were there.  There was also a Bald Eagle circling, but left
after being harassed by two Blackbirds.  At one point three Pelicans
circled right above our heads --beautiful sight as their white wings
flashed in the sunlight.

A Mourning Dove and White-throated Sparrows have joined the Juncos under my
bird feeder for the last three days.

Sue Nevin

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[mou-net] More Como Lake visitors

2015-04-08 Thread Susanne Nevin
As of yesterday, three more migrants have joined the Buffleheads and
pied-billed Grebes already present:  a Hooded Merganser, a Lesser Scaup,
and a Common Loon (the Horned Grebes have moved on).  I also saw  that a
Great Blue Heron had joined the gulls on the point that juts out into the

For those not familiar with Como Lake in Como Park, St. Paul:  it's a small
lake with a circumference of just 1.3 miles, surrounded by houses with a
heavily used pedestrian and a bike trail around it.  There is a golf course
on the northwest side, separated from the lake only by the heavily traveled
Lexington Avenue. It is truly amazing that a loon finds its way here and
tolerates all the traffic. We call him our Easter loon, because he
always appears around this time of year.  Last spring, no doubt due to the
more severe winter and frozen-over lakes up north, we had three loons stay
for a while, one of which was later seen dead on the shore.  We also had a
lot more of the other migrants visit (Merganser, Ruddy Duck, Redhead,
Scaup, Coot, etc.) compared to this year.

Also saw my first Hermit thrush for the year in a wooded area nearby.

Sue Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Twin Cities birds and visitors

2015-04-05 Thread Susanne Nevin
Thursday, Apr. 2 at Como Lake in St. Paul:  Song Sparrows are back and lots
of Robins in the grassy area on the south-west side of the lake; also
several pairs of Wood Ducks in the lake, as well as 1 Hooded Merganser, 3
Horned Grebe, and 5 Pied-billed Grebe (some to stay all summer), and
Ring-billed Gulls.

Friday, Apr. 3 at Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield: Song Sparrows,
Eastern Phoebe, Bluebird, several pairs of Hooded Mergansers, Ring-necked
Duck and Coots.
At my backyard feeder the American Goldfinches are turning yellow and I
saw my first Mourning Dove of the season.   But:  the Juncos are still here
which means that winter is not yet done with us

Sunday, Apr. 5 at Como Lake:  several Buffleheads and 1 Red-breasted
Merganser; in addition to Song Sparrows also an American Tree Sparrow and
possibly a Swamp Sparrow (had all the right markings).  A Bald Eagle flew
overhead as we were walking around the south-western shore and caused quite
a stir among the gulls.  For several years now we have had a pair of Bald
Eagles stay around the lake and Como Park area--this may have been the

Sue Nevin
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Common Merganser -- Como Lake, St. Paul

2015-03-02 Thread Susanne Nevin
I just joined this list and someone else might have already reported this.
I observed a male Common Merganser on Como Lake in St. Paul today (morning
and early afternoon).  He was swimming and diving around the small area
that is kept free of ice by aeration.

This is the first time I walked around the lake after being out of town for
several weeks, so the bird may have been there for several days already.

We see quite a few migrating waterfowl in the lake during spring and fall
season.  I'll post my sightings if this of interest to list members.

Susanne Nevin

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