[mou] Excelsior CBC - Green Heron

2004-12-19 Thread Howard Towle (Biochem-IHG)
The Excelsior CBC was held on windy Saturday, Dec 18. With most precincts
reporting, the total species count stands at 59 with 3 additional count
week species. The most unusual finding (by far!) was a Green Heron located
by Renner Anderson, Abigail Anderson and Doug Kieser. The heron was found
along a creek leading to the Minnesota River near Shakopee. This bird is a
first for Minnesota CBC's and an apparent late record for the state.

Other nice finds for our CBC area included: Wilson's Snipe, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, Winter Wren, Canvasback, Redhead, Snow Bunting and a Horned Lark.
The Horned Lark, found by Jerry Bonkoski, was the first on the Excelsior
CBC since 1974 and with the rate the suburbs are spreading, who knows when
the next will be found.

Good birding,

Howard Towle
Golden Valley, MN

[mou] Excelsior CBC

2004-11-20 Thread Dennis/Barbara Martin
Earlier this year a letter was sent to all participants in the Excelsior CBC
notifying them of the need for a new compiler.  At this time, while there
have been several conversations, there has not been a volunteer to take over
the compiler duties.  We would truly hate to see this CBC die, after all it
is one on the oldest is the state with a 55 year history.

The requirements are a modern computer, internet access, an enjoyment for
CBCs', and some time.  The time requirement is basically what you want to
put in it, but,  you could expect 10-15 hours in early December organizing
and another 10-15 hours in late December and early January compiling and
entering the info on a audubon web site.  The current compiler will provide
you with names, phone numbers, etc. of all the participants and will be
available to help you this year.

This count is not sponsored by any club.  Hennepin Parks (Carver Park) does
the count in their area and the rest is through the efforts of various MOU
members.  As a result the compiler tends to ask for new participants
whenever possible but the current number of volunteers have been pretty
stable and very skilled so many changes are not anticipated.

Contact me for info.

Dennis Martin
952 474-4371