American Bittern at Silverwood Park, my second in two days. Never saw one 
last year. First one thanks to Manley Olson.
In first small pond as you enter park off C.R.- E,  just west of Silver Lake Rd.
Three River Park Naturalist said bird has been here 3 or 4 days. 
Also got an  deluxe owl show there. Saw Mom & Dad, and three young owls.
Two were branchers, and what people there called the Runt still at nest site.
Saw male make a kill, some kind of blackbird, and feed one of the branchers.
He then went towards nest tree and was mobbed by crows. Saw one crow
slam into his back, but he held onto dinner. After crows left, he hooted a 
little. One brancher was in top of nest tree and other was about 100 yards 
south up on hill, up in tree.
The nest tree is right next to tar walk path, in woods, north of building. The 
nest was in broke off limb of large oak tree. Great Horned Owls.
Silverwood Park, St. Anthony,  C.R.- E & Silver Lake Road. 
This is 4 traffic lights south of 694 on Silver Lake Rd.
Joe Conley

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