I stopped at the Darwin S. Myers Wildlife Management Area, Embarrass, MN,
St. Louis County just to check the access on Sunday and then returned with
a group on Monday.  On Monday we spent from 8:00 a.m. to noon in the area
from the main entrance to the bridge and then east along the north side of
the Embarrass River.  With mixed levels of experience, a number of birds
were first time sightings for participants.  A relatively small area was
covered as birds were heard and seen with binoculars and in some cases a
spotting scope.  Boreal chorus frogs, wood frogs, spring peepers, American
toads and western painted turtles were also observed along with almost no
biting insects.

*Sunday, May 25*

Broad-winged Hawk

*Monday, May 26*

Canada Goose

Wood Duck


Blue-winged Teal

Hooded Merganser

Northern Harrier

Sora (many)

Lesser Yellowlegs (6)

Wilson’s Snipe (many)

Alder Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher

Red-eyed Vireo

Blue Jay

Tree Swallow

Cliff Swallow (many - nest building under bridge)

Winter Wren

Sedge Wren

Gray-cheeked Thrush (one)

American Robin

Gray Catbird

Orange-crowned Warbler (one)

Yellow Warbler (many)

Palm Warbler (one)

Blackpoll Warbler (one)

American Redstart (one)

Common Yellowthroat (many)

Wilson’s Warbler (many)

Lark Sparrow (one)

Savannah Sparrow (one)

Song Sparrow (many)

Swamp Sparrow (many)

White-throated Sparrow

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Red-winged Blackbird (many)

American Goldfinch


*Bill tefftefnb...@gmail.com <efnb...@gmail.com>218-235-8078*

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