Hey birders,
I'm not on the web much over the weekend, but I thought I'd give a few details 
of the bird at Lily Lake.  The bird was found by Andrew Krenz on Friday night 
around 6:15pm and foraged primarily on the south and southwest sides of the 
lake.  It disappeared a couple of times while we were watching it.  There is a 
small point with some fallen logs that it went behind a couple of times and it 
also disappeared into the grassy southwestern corner.  The bird did such a 
disappearance before we left the area and could not be relocated on Friday 
This morning (Saturday), I relocated the  bird right away when we pulled up 
around 7:20am and we called Bob Dunlap to post it.  It was behind the small 
point again and almost immediately flew about a foot above the water to the 
west (about 100 yards), disappearing again into the grassy southwestern 
corner.  It did not look like a departure flight.  We tried to find the bird 
for another 40 minutes but then headed toward Lincoln WPA and eastern Watonwan 
County for some pre-planned birding.  I will try and relocate the bird again on 
Sunday if I have the time.  
Happy birding!
Chad Heins

"But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they 
will tell you; Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has 
done this?" --Job 12:7, 9

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