The SPAS mtg is cancelled due to a water main break.  Fairview Commy Center is 
closed.  Dunlap's talk might be rescheduled.

From: Gordon Andersson []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 12:02 AM
Subject: Bob Dunlap program at St Paul Audubon Socy mtg Thursday March 14, 2019

MOU listserv readers

Bob Dunlap will present at SPAS this month.  His talk includes historical and 
updated records of bird distributions in Minnesota.  There are many changes in 
the state's avifauna, affecting different counties and even presence/absence in 
the state as a whole.  Some birds are extirpated, some nearly so, and others 
have occurred recently with more than "accidental" or "occasional" frequency.

You don’t need to be an Audubon or SPAS member to attend and meetings are 
always free.

St Paul

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