In yesterdays cold wind, birding was slow while I was out in the morning.  I 
only managed 8 warbler species.  I was probably out too early.  The most 
unusual sparrow of the morning was a Harris's.   That evening I stopped at 
Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie(Hennepin Cty.).   There was a flock of Least 
and Semipalmated Sandpiper along with 1 Baird's Sandpiper.   There was also a 
Wilson's Phalarope  feeding separate from the flock.   The large flock of 
Caspian Terns was still on the center island with some American White Pelicans. 

Saturday evening at the Chevalle wetlands in Chaska, there were 19 Least 
Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpiper, and 41 Caspian Terns.  On Thursday, the Caspian 
Terns were there with a few Forster's along with a single Lesser Yellowlegs, 
Sanderling, and Wilson's Phalarope.   Friday evening, the terns were gone, but 
a few Semipalmated Sandpipers were there with a White-rumped Sandpiper.  

This morning at Carver Park I found 15 warbler species: Yellow-rumped, Palm, 
Yellow,  Blue-winged, Black and White, Tennessee, Nashville, Black-throated 
Green, Magnolia, Blackpoll, Wilson's, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, 
Ovenbird, and Northern Waterthrush.   I finally found my late FOY Warbling and 
Blue-headed Vireo.  I noticed several more Yellow-throated Vireos and Least 
Flycatchers compared to earlier in the week.  Thrush for the morning were many 
Swainson's,  1 Wood, and a couple Veery.   Migrating sparrows were Lincoln's 
and White-crowned.  The Henslow's Sparrow was still singing from the same 
location being drowned out by Bobolinks.   I had 2 Common Nighthawks flying low 
overhead, but there was not much else in terms of flybys.

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