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> From: Laura Coble <>
> Date: September 12, 2010 6:58:10 PM CDT
> To:
> Subject: Swainson's Hawk, Goodhue Cty
> Today I went to Dakota Cty Spring Lake Park, visiting both the lower park and 
> Schaar's Bluff for migrants.  It was an exceptionally beautiful day for a 
> bird hike, though I saw very few new warblers or other migrants.  I met up 
> briefly with Jim Mattson, who spotted a Common Nighthawk as we were talking.  
> I enjoyed seeing other nighthawks off and on, flying among the gulls high 
> overhead, throughout the early afternoon.  I also saw large flocks of 
> American White Pelicans, always fun and lovely to watch, flying in the 
> thermal updrafts.    
> About 3 pm, I returned to Cannon Falls on Dakota Cty 85.  After turning east 
> on Dakota Hwy 86, I entered  Goodhue Cty as the highway turns southeast, and  
> I spotted a raptor on the SE side of the road, flying in a slight "V".  It 
> was light underneath, with dark flight feathers.  I turned around, and went 
> back to watch an adult Swainson's Hawk for about 10 minutes, hunting in a 
> relatively small field, even though the field was being mowed. There is a 
> "Land For Sale" sign posted, and this area is part of the Cannon Falls 
> industrial park.  
> At first I was amazed that the large field mower didn't bother the bird a 
> bit, but when I got home, I found a video on YouTube that showed a Swainson's 
> Hawk doing exactly the same thing, probably to take advantage of whatever 
> prey is found in the newly-mown grass.  The hawk flew and floated in the 
> wind, back and forth, occasionally hovering above the field, and I had great 
> looks at it.  It finally flew south, and out of sight.  
> This is the second Swainson's Hawk I've seen in MN.  The other one was 
> originally spotted by Jim Otto in early June on Wild Turkey Rd., which is 
> also in Goodhue Cty on one of my breeding bird blocks.  The hawk was seen 
> again a month later by me (a life bird at that time), and several days later 
> by Diana Doyle and Susan Plankis.  I recently returned from Colorado and 
> western NE, where I had seen many Swainson's Hawks, but I didn't expect to 
> see another one so soon--especially in my "back yard"!
> Laura Coble

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