[mou-net] Hooded Warbler, Minneapolis

2013-05-10 Thread Stephen Greenfield
At 4:30, there was a singing male Hooded Warbler in Roberts Sanctuary, just
east of the (broken-down) boardwalk off the main trail.  There was also a
smattering of more expected warblers.


I have seen very few species of migrants so far in Minneapolis this May
(and, more significantly, Connie Brunell has said the same).  But a birder
there said she had seen a lot of birds earlier today, including a
Golden-winged Warbler and a Wood Thrush.  This afternoon included
Orange-crowned and Black-and-White and male Yellow-rumped, so hopefully it's
still early.


Stephen Greenfield




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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler, Minneapolis

2009-05-10 Thread Stephen Greenfield
In a short visit (after all, it's Mothers' Day) to Roberts sanctuary, I saw
a male Hooded Warbler in the eastern end of the sanctuary.  It was singing
vociferously, and had moved to the north trail (named Bossen Road) by the
time I left after 8.


There were not many other warblers around (as has seemed the case all
spring), or flycatchers or thrushes.  But I don't think I've ever seen
Caspian Tern in (well, over) Roberts before.


Stephen Greenfield




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