Between 10:20 and 11:20 a.m. today, I heard a Hooded Warbler singing 
intermittently (for 1-2 minutes every 5-10 minutes) between the upper and lower 
walking paths immediately east of West River Road just east of Dowling School 
by the Mississippi River in South Minneapolis. I also got an excellent brief 
look at the bird (an adult male) one foot off the ground, but the bird was 
otherwise very secretive. Lee Pfannmuller also heard the bird singing, but we 
were unable to see it while we were together after 10:40 a.m., and it stopped 
singing between 11:20 and 11:50 a.m., when we left the area. To access the 
lower walking path, the best place from which to observe the bird, park on the 
west side of Edmund Blvd. near the corner of 38th Street East and Edmund Blvd., 
then walk east for about 100 feet across West River Road to steps leading down 
to the lower walking path, turn right (south) on the path, and look for the 
bird on both sides of the path about 200-300 feet south of the ste
 ps. Earlier this morning I also heard a Least Flycatcher calling several times 
on the southern edge of the 36th Street ravine about 150-200 feet northeast of 
the 36th Street parking area. Least Flycatchers do not normally occur in this 
area in June, so this bird is likely a very late migrant.             

Dave Zumeta

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