
I headed out to Byllesby this morning hoping to see the Ruff (and the
many other shorebirds reported the last few days).

I missed out on the Ruff even though it was sighted for a couple of
minutes around 8am (I was a few hundred yards east) but I did see a
new life bird: a couple of Sanderlings (thanks to Bruce Fall for
spotting them and helping me ID them).

Also seen between 7-9am:

Least Sandpiper - hundreds
Baird's Sandpiper - few dozen (FOY)
Semipalmated Plover - 50-100
Killdeer - a few
Spotted Sandpiper - 2 (FOY)
Willet - a few flybys
Hudsonian Godwit - 2 (FOY)
Marbled Godwit - 5-6 (FOY)
Dunlin - about 20
Dowitcher (unsure of which sp.)
Lesser Yellowlegs
Sanderlings - 2 (FOY and life bird)

Also: Caspian Tern, Forster's Tern, and Franklin's Gull

Seen shortly before I arrived by Bruce Fall:

Ruddy Turnstone
Plover (I can't remember if he said BB or Am Golden)

The Ruff was seen for a few minutes around 8am on the far west end but
we presumed that it may have left with the strong southerly winds)

Derek Bakken

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