I did relocate the Great-tailed Grackle at the previously reported location in 
McLoed County today (5/12). As previously reported the homeowners, Terry and 
Joyce, are very nice and should be contacted first 320-587-5873 because the 
bird is far behind their house and is not likely seen without going through 
their property. The location is 3 miles south of Hutchinson on Hwy 15 and then 
5.3 miles west on CR. 18. The bird was quieter and more shy than it has been in 
the past several days according to the homeowners which makes me think it may 
be about to re-locate. In Brown County I found two Eurasian Collared-Doves at 
the granary just south of the Hwy. 15 bridge in New Ulm. At Flandrau State Park 
and vicinity I found several species of warbler including Blackpoll, Magnolia, 
and Northern Parula. Two Barred Owls were calling back and forth to each other 
at 10:00am. At one point there was a Gray-cheeked Thrush and a Veery feeding on 
the trail together just in front of me for a long time and it was a great look 
at the stark contrast in coloration between the two species. I also found 
White-crowned Sparrow, Pileated Woodpecker, a flock of Pine Siskins, Swainson's 
Thrush and tons of Lincoln Sparrows. Good Birding,  Jason Caddy,  Minneapolis  
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