The N. Mocking bird was re-found at two locations in Bruce Vento Preserve
around 4:15 and again at around 5:00. It was first spotted at a distance,
foraging in one of the burn areas west of the big pond. The second time, it
was seen at the west end of the rows of young, planted trees, where it flew
from the ground, into one of the saplings. It promptly flew again, to one
of the four large deciduous trees beside the path.
It was amazing (not to say frustrating) that such a bird could seemingly
disappear in an area with little foliage fully opened. If it hadn't
revealed itself by flying and flashing the white "windows" in its wings
both times, I'm not sure we would have seen it; it made no sound that we
could detect in the high wind and rush-hour traffic. As it was, we had
almost given up hoping for a second glance and were heading out, when it
showed itself, and Halle got her lifer.
Thanks, Julian, for posting.

Linda Whyte

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