I went to search for the Clark's Grebe on Oak Lead Lake west of St. Peter on 
C.R. 99 and did not find it but I did turn up lots of other good birds. At the 
lake there was :
B.W. Teal
Lesser Scaup
Ruddy Ducks
Western Grebe- only 1 that I could find
Forster's Term
Warbling Vireo
Easter Meadowlark
On the two roads that go south from C.R. 99 next to the lake I found 2 Lark 
Sparrows on each and Harris Sparrows on 367th along with Vesper Sparrows.
At and near 7-mile creek park there were wablers active and other birds 
Y.R. Warbler
Nashville Warbler
B. + W. Warbler
American Redstarts
Orange-crowned Warbler
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Baltimore Oriole
Pileated Woodpeckers- 2
There was still a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and a Red-breasted Nuthatch around.
Late migration but fun because it seems like right now both early and late 
migrants are here at the same time. I had 67 species in a few hours and then it 
started raining and I had to get back to my wife for Mother's Day:)
Good Birding,
Jason Caddy
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