My friend Brad Beisel and I spent the day in Scott, Dakota and Rice Counties 
and recorded 132 species for the day.

In Rice County we found shorebirds at a few places:
     1.  5 Red-necked Phalaropes at a small wetlands on the south side of Co. 
Rd. 1 between Dundas and I-35.  
     2.  1 Stilt Sandpiper and 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper at a larger wetlands 
across the road from the boat launch on Circle Lake.
     3.  1 Ruddy Turnstone and a mix of Dunlins, Wilson's Phalaropes, Baird's 
and Least Sandpipers on the island in Cody Lake towards the east end of the 

At the Cannon River Wilderness Area on the east side of the river there were 
Cerulean Warblers calling and we were able to get excellent looks.  

Also of interest were several Henslow's Sparrows calling at Murphy-Hanrehan in 
Scott County this morning. 

Bob Williams, Bloomington

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