I was working in the Chippewa National Forest today and turned up another 
Three-toed Woodpecker separate from the 2 I reported on Friday.  This bird was 
a male and has probably been in his little tamarack swamp for a while as most 
of the trees had been worked over.  


To get to the spot, take Hwy 38 out of Grand Rapids to Wildernessa Rd, which is 
1.5 miles north of CR 19.  Take Wildernessa Rd east .5 miles.  From there, 
there is a forest road going south but is gated and serves as a hiking/skiing 
trail.  Walk 1000' feet, 2nd tamarack bog on your right.  


This is my 3rd Three-toed Woodpecker in Itasca in 4 days, but oddly, only my 
5th ever.  Additionally, 4 of those birds were either along CR 19 or within 1.5 
miles of CR 19 and the last was only 4.5 miles from CR 19.  So, I guess if 
you're hoping for a Three-toed Woodpecker in Itasca County, start with CR 19.  

Shawn Conrad 


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