[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2020-03-11 Thread bbbaer...@comcast.net
At 11:00 a Virginia Rail was calling at the Old Cedar Ave Bridge near the sign 
that says Weight Limit 5 tons before you cross the bridge.
Also in the area was a Northern Harrier.

Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail chicks at Sherburne

2014-06-09 Thread Betsy Beneke
I did a quick loop around the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive this morning
and although it was pretty quiet, bird-wise (cool and windy), I did see 9
Virginia rail chicks - tiny, little, black fuzzballs.  No camera!!!  They
were at the edge of the road just beyond mile marker 3.0 - marsh on the
east / right side of the road.  I've seen rail chicks here the last two
years as well.

Penstemon is now blooming!

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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[mou-net] Virginia rail

2013-08-18 Thread Rick Gibson
The Virginia Rail is still hanging around the North Woods Nature Center in 
Richfield. He came out, briefly, several times last night, between 7 and 8pm. 
Look along the nearest edge of the cattail mat on the western end of the main 
boardwalk, on the away side from the office/classroom bldg. Patience is helpful.

-rick, mpls
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2013-04-28 Thread Linda Krueger
We got great looks at the Virginia Rail at the 180th Street Marsh in Dakota
County today.  It was right up to the road.

Linda and Kevin Krueger

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[mou-net] virginia rail at 180th St. marsh

2013-04-20 Thread Barb McGregor_Sue Bergman
As mentioned by Laura Coble we did find a beautiful Virginia Rail at the marsh 
this afternoon. It was going in and out of the dried cattails at the western 
end of the marsh. We had several good looks and were happy to share our 
sighting with a group from Carpenter Nature center and others. Earlier Laura 
allowed us to use her scope for the viewing of the Wilson's Phalaropes and it 
was fun to see them going in circles.They were quite crazy.
Several swamp sparrows were seen near the rail also.  
And yes robins are everywhere. 
Sue Bergman & Barb McGregor

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail, American Avocet, Wilson's Phalarope, Least Grebe, Dakota Cty

2013-04-20 Thread Laura Coble
Today, thanks to the sharp eyes of Barb and Sue, my brother, nephew and I had 
excellent looks at a Virginia Rail at 180th St Marsh at around 3:45 pm.  It was 
vocalizing, and located on the far end of the west pond in the reeds, on the 
north side of the pond, coming out and returning to the reeds several times.  
There were also 3 spinning Wilson's Phalaropes, many duck species, Soras and a 
Pied-billed Grebe at the east pond. Several other birders spotted A. Avocets, 
as well.  180th St. Marsh is between Hwy 85 (Goodhue Ave.) and Fischer Ave.

At Lake Byllesby in mid-morning, there were 3 Least Grebes,  several phalaropes 
and an American Avocet, plus ducks.  Some shorebirds were at a great distance, 
and the snow melt has raised the water considerably.   Many Hermit Thrush were 
present on the shore and land.
The birds were viewed at the west end of Lake Byllesby, accessed from Hwy 88 
(292nd St,),  east of the 56/88 crossroads, at a turn-out with an iron fence, 
on the south side of the road.  Park on the shoulder of 88, cross the railroad 
tracks, go around the gate, and follow the birder trail to an open look-out on 
the lake.  

I enjoyed seeing other birders at both locations, and met some bright young 
birders with their excellent guide, who were doing a Big Day!   

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[mou-net] Virginia rail at Beaver Lake, Ramsey County

2012-08-15 Thread John Zakelj
This morning, I was determined to get a better green heron picture for 
Capture MN.  As I left the house, lighting conditions appeared perfect.  
However, when I arrived at Beaver Lake County Park, rain clouds moved 
in.  As it began to drizzle, I spent 30 minutes looking for a green heron 
without success.  Then suddenly, I heard a strange call and a Virginia 
rail appeared hardly 15 feet away!  And minutes later, the Virginia was 
followed by a Sora rail and -  a green heron.  Here’s a link to my picture 
of the Virginia:

And here’s a link to the Ramsey County map of Beaver Lake Park.  The 
rails were in the small marsh in the northwest corner of the park


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[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2012-05-21 Thread Thomas P. Malone
Was heard, then seen at the 180th st marsh at 1015. 
Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy & Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)

[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2012-05-12 Thread Nicholas Tangen
A small group went to the Old Cedar Bridge this morning and spotted a Virginia 
Rail off the end of the boardwalk. Good numbers of Marsh Wrens and Yellow 
Warblers as well.

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail - Sherburne County

2011-08-04 Thread Peter J. Makousky
On a tip from Milton Blomberg, I was able to call out a Virginia Rail this
afternoon at the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive.

Location is the same as the elusive Least Bittern, just down the hill from
mile marker 2, just across from where the aspen trees start.

That was Big Year bird number 317 for me.

Thanks Milton!


Pete - aka - Sky the BirdMan

Anoka, MN

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail & Pectoral Sandpiper Falcon Heights

2011-05-05 Thread Manley Olson
I refound both the Sora (2 or 3) and Virginia Rails(1) that Marcie 
O'Connor had seen in Community Park. The park had the most birds I have 
seen there this Spring. A Pectoral Sandpiper was at the pond along with 
many Redwings (the females are back in numbers)/ Yellow-rumps, Song and 
White Throats. There were three flycatchers, Phoebe, Least, and a silent 
non-tail wager, either an Alder or Willow.

Community Park is on the SE corner of Cleveland and Roselawn, just north 
of the St Paul campus of the U of M.
The rails and sandpiper were in the largest and southernmost pond, in 
the cattails.

Tuesday evening I had a Wood Thrush in my yard, the first in over 20 years,
Manley Olson

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[mou-net] Virginia Rail in Loring Park

2011-04-29 Thread Fred Wilebski
In case anybody is interested, I spotted a Virginia Rail in Loring Park on 
Monday.  It's located in the north pond on the East side.  Pictures can be seen 

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