Around 4:00 this afternoon Chad Gustafson and I flushed two ibises along with a very large flock of ducks from the back pond at the WMA 1 mile north of the town of Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111. These birds were only seen in flight, and it was only after looking at a couple photos I was able to capture of the birds that I was able to make an identification. One of the birds was clearly an adult breeding-plumaged White-faced Ibis, i.e. it had obvious white feathering surrounding the eye in addition to a red eye and pinkish facial skin. The second bird was unidentifiable in the photo. I have uploaded a photo of the two birds (cropped extensively) to the "Recently Seen" page. The bird in the upper right of the photo is the White-faced, and the trailing bird in the lower left is the unidentified individual. While many of the ducks came back to land in the pond during the next hour, the ibises did not and we were unable to relocate them in searching the area.

Also of note today were a Marbled Godwit along with a smattering of other shorebirds at Cobb River WPA in southern Blue Earth County and a very early (singing) Warbling Vireo near Ottawa Township in Le Sueur County.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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