Saw my second yellow rumped warbler of the season on the pond at the end of
Heinel Ave in Roseville, (the Central Park extension on the far SW end of
Lake Owasso) apparently  foraging on the ice that I assume formed
overnight.  Saw several fox sparrows as well.  Also saw another yellow
rumped warbler  as I exited the floodplain portion of the Mazomani trail
just south of the glacial boldder in the Louisville Swamp MN Valley
Wildlife Refuge Unit near Chaska along with a sedge wren on Sunday.  Other
birds seen or heard (forgot my binocs in my haste to get on the trail at
4:30 p.m.) were sandhill cranes, wood ducks, cormorants, chickadees,
robins, red wing black birds and blue winged teal.  Note the long absent
bridge(s) on the south end of the trail have finally been replaced but the
causeway/dam across the north end of the Louisville Swamp lake has been
breached and can no longer be crossed (to the Jabs Farm site), which turned
my 4 1/2 mile hike into a 7 mile one.  Despite the time of year, the entire
trail besides the breached causeway/dam was dry and easily passable.

Keith Carlson,
Roseville, MN

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