Review of Netscape 6.1 (very positive)

2001-08-17 Thread Paul Bergsagel

Please check out this review of Netscape 6.1 for the Mac. It is very 
positive. The reviewer seems to feel this is the best browser yet (not 
simply the best netscape browser, but best of all available browser 

Now the word is getting out how good Netscape (aka Mozilla is).

Link to story: my appologies

2001-08-17 Thread Paul Bergsagel

My appologies. Here is the Link to the review of Netscape 6.1

See next message for link.

2001-08-18 Thread Paul Bergsagel

Link is in next message titled: Link to Story

Menu Item "Help"->About Plug-ins

2001-11-18 Thread Paul Bergsagel


If you would like to know which plug-ins are installed in Mozilla go to 
the menu bar and click on "Help" and then "About Plug-ins". This will 
list all the installed plugins and let you know if they are enabled or 
not. Knowing if a plug-in is enabled or not is useful for plug-ins such 
as Quicktime which can be configured to for many mimme tpyes such as 
Shockwave. BTW I find Quciktime is more reliable for playing Shockwave 
than the Shcokwave plug-in.  When I click on "About Plug-ins" I believe 
all my plug-ins appear in the list. Is there a remote chance you 
accidently installed the plug-ins in the "Search Plug-in" folder and 
rather than the "Plug-ins" folder.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> Travis Crump wrote:
>>Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
>>>As far as the web browser goes N6 is standards compatible. Communicator
>>>4.X isn't.
>>>OTOH: with the exception of allowing for muliple mailboxes and Mail
>>>accounts. The Communicator still works much better.
>>>The biggest fault is lack of the Location bar in Mail and news in two
>>>pane mode. (You can't get rid of that %^&*@# IE like side bar so you can
>>>have much more reading room. IN MOz/N6 in order to switch servers (for
>>>mail) is to click on sidebar to open select the server then close the sidebar.
>>>Next on the Mac platform plugins are broken.
>>>The applications menu in preferences doesn't work on the Mac Platform.
>>>Moz/N6 doesn't allow for uses of embedded sounds (at least the Mac platform).
>>>If you run across a newsgroup that uses old style layer tags which are
>>>not allowed in MOZ/N6  the image flash on and off at a rapid rate and
>>>the only way to get out of the post is to do a restart of the computer
>>>(again the Mac platform). If someone has embedded the sound the console
>>>appears but instead of the sound a window appears with raw code. (Mac Platform)
>>>Setting of threading and showing unread messages in email (at least for
>>>Mac platform) still doesn't work right) They do have it working
>>>correctly in newsgroups. They don't stick in email though.
>>>Even on a G4-500 with 1.5gb of system RAM its still about 3 times or
>>>more slower to open up at start even with Communicator having tons of
>>>Bookmarks, and system having tons of Fonts.
>>>If and when they get all the above fixed then it will truely be a
>>>replacement to Communicator.
>>>But until then i will continue to test Moz and N6. And I will continue
>>>to use Communicator until verstion or until such time as the
>>>above issues are addressed.
>>>Jonathan Wilson wrote:
What in particular makes 4.x better than 6 for the users?
Also, given that netscape is focused on netscape 6, why do they still
even bother to support 4.x?

>>Although I have never used Mozilla on Mac, in my experience automatic
>>plugin detection doesn't work and plugins need to be manually added to
>>the mozilla/./plugin folder.  I forget how you figure out which files
>>you need to copy in there since I just copy my plugin folder from one
>>build to another, but I am sure someone else will know...  This does not
>>mean that plugins are 'broken', Mozilla just doesn't know you have them
>>until you tell him.
> If they are placed in plugins folder how do you tell Moz or Netscape Mac
> that they are in the folder?
> In Communicator if a plugin is in the folder once the application is
> quit and restarted the plugin shows up in the  edit > preferences >
> Navigator > applications menu.  see example  attached  (gif). To have to
> figure out what mime type to work with maually is dumb Quicktime for Mac
> alone handles 50 different Mime types.
> Besides maually adding a mime type you can try a Mime type (assuming you
> know description and other stuff. Once entered it disappears as soon as
> click okay. and the exercise is for naught.

Buggy HTML and Mozilla's Ability to Handle It.

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Bergsagel

I have a limited knowledge of HTML. As I navigate to many web sites, 
even I notice sloppy html coding. I know that Mozilla handles HTML 4.01 
and through the quirks modes Netscape 4.0. Is this enough. Does Mozilla 
need one more mode that allows for many cases of coding I will simply 
call sloppy. Can Mozilla be tweeked to deal better with sites that 
forget to close end tags for example.

Here is what I am really getting at: many sites contain sloppy code and 
are tested only with IE and if it passes no corrections are made to 
correct the sloppy coding. Since Microsoft IE will render many pages 
with sloppy coding, shouldn't Mozilla have a mode for sloppy coding. If 
Mozilla doesn't have such a mode will there be many sites Mozilla is 
shut out of?

Sniffer menu item

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Bergsagel

I know browser sniffers have been debated to death. Please read what I 
have written before you give up on further debate.

Is it possible to have a menu bar item where we could change the code in 
Mozilla that browsers dectect?  Sometimes Mozilla will work with a site 
it has been shut out of simply due to the fact that the sniffer tosses 
it out. If I could pull done a menu list and tell thebrowser to list 
itself as IE (Or opera, Netscape 4.7, or whatever) Mozilla would be less 
likely to be shut out of sites that it will work with. I know some banks 
shut out Mozilla (and Netscape 6) for no other reason than ignorance and 
not based on its ignorance.

Mozilla is being shut out of many web sites, not for quality issues, but 
simply by ignorance on the part of Web designers, prejudice (ie we only 
design for Internet Explorer) or bad sniffer code. A pull down menu 
allowing Mozilla to fool the sniffer into believing it is a different 
browser would increase the number of useable sites that Mozilla can surf 
to. The string would fall back to the default setting for the next site.


Re: [OT] Re: Netscape 6.1 is out

2001-08-08 Thread Paul Bergsagel

My take on this is: most of the people surfing the web who are concerned 
about standard complience have already dumped IE for another browser 
with better standards and know how to find these browsers. The average 
"non techinical geek" cares little about standards when choosing a 
browser, and might even be turned off if this is mentioned. This group 
chooses their browser becuase they find it easier to work with 
bookmarks, they like the toy story theme, ect.  More people will use the 
browser because it has the toy story theme than because it has W3C 
standards complience. By the start of the school year, one kid will ask 
his friend, did you see that browser with the toy story colourful skin, 
and by the second week of the start of school hundreds of thousands of 
copies of Netscape 6.1p will have been downloaded. This is a good way to 
get the browser out there. Something standards complience could never do 
(in terms of getting the browser onto the computer. Hopefully the 
parents will see this browser that the kid downloaded, like it and begin 
to use it as well.

Way to go Netscape. Using a theme as bait to get the browser onto the 
computer desktop! Genius!

BTW standards are more important than themes but don't tell the kids this.

Henri Sivonen wrote:

>Interestingly, they don't mention standards compliance as a reason for 
>switching from 4.x to 6.1. They do mention various messaging features 
>and themes--but new browser features don't get bullet points.
>They could have put something like "Netscape 6.1 complies to 
>state-of-the-art Web standards providing you a richer browsing 
>experience." on the "Why upgrade?" list.

What's the deal with Mike Angelo

2001-08-12 Thread Paul Bergsagel

I appear to be out of the loop. What is the the goal of Mozilla quest. 
Is Mike Angelo actually folowing the Mozilla project or simply 
practicing journalism National Inquisitor style? Is he for real or a joke?
