Do we have a signing tool for Windows 2000 by Netscape?

2002-02-09 Thread Leee

Hi Everybody

I can't find a SignTool 1.3 for Windows 2000 from

Does any body know what signing tool I have to use for Windows 2000
with Netscape?

A URL to the signing tool will be very helpful.

Pl. help.

With regards

Re: Protect Script Code

2002-02-09 Thread Christian Biesinger

Paulo Lopes wrote:
> Is there a way to protect javascript code?

No and there can't be.
The browser must see the cleartext Javascript code to execute it, and if 
the browser can decode it, a user can as well.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
  -- Benjamin Franklin

Re: P3P plans

2002-02-09 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Heikki Toivonen wrote:

> We are working on supporting P3P, but starting from scratch and building 
> things gradually.

Shouldn't you be fixing bugs instead of adding new features?


Hvis svaret er Anders Fogh så er spørgsmålet dumt.