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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-17 Thread Ram A M
A quick point, the idea of including a statement of relying party
warranty has great potential. A cert extension in EE, chain, or root
certificates could include a numeric value. There is some work to be
done in terms of standardization (actually IIRC I saw a post indicating
this work is done, underway, or imminent). There are issues around
currency - it could be specified in Euros, US Dollars, Gold weight or
others, there are probably at least a few conventions that would
suffice (probably not a currency that is prone to heavy devaluation).

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-17 Thread Ram A M
Great job Frank.

Frank Hecker wrote:

> Briefly, the motivations behind this proposal are as follows:

I like the foundation.

> Without further ado, here's the proposal:
> * Retain the current Firefox UI when SSL/TLS is not used:
>- no padlock or other SSL/TLS-related indicator in status bar
>- location bar background is white
>- site domain name is *not* displayed in the status bar

Agree. To repeat a comment I made in another thread, I think the
default address bar should not list pre-protocol-specifier items
(username/password@) nor post host-name data (/foo/bar/some.jsp), an
option should be to change back to the currently popular model of
showing the full gory bits.

> * Retain the current "normal case" SSL/TLS Firefox UI:
>- display locked padlock in status bar
>- location bar background is yellow
>- site domain name from certificate is displayed in status bar

Again I say show the certificate subjectDN (organization, country..)
and the basic domain name not the full address bar, these are valuable.
I like the dispaly of authenticated domain-names in the status bar (ie
if they come from a cert at the site).

For the rest of the UI variations I need to give it a lot more thought
than I have time for at the moment. Mock-ups would probably make a big
difference in conveying the ideas (I'm not asking for them, but I'm not
likely to make them either).

> Some follow-on comments:

> * The UI for SSL/TLS with low-assurance certs should be similar but
> identical to that for high-assurance certs.

I don't have a strong sense of what the right feedback mechanism should
be. But some things to consider feedback for, some of which you address
(and most not in the terms presented in the list):

=MoFo policy "high assurance"
=MoFo policy "low assurance"
=MoFo policy "no assurance"
=Unknown issuer
=Entity name authenticated
=Domain name authenticated
=Certificate is revoked (perhaps revoked should never be accepted
without going through a deep options menu)
=Certificate is expired (note that CAs may not offer revocation
checking for expired certificates, either by purning CRLs or by
refusing OCSP service)
=Certificate domain-name matches DNS domain-name
=Number of visits to site (the problem here is this wil sometimes
unduly scare the user - consider how many dns names WFB uses for their

> * This proposal in a sense "breaks" existing sites using
> certs, since users of those sites will no longer see the padlock. To
> ease in the transition, it may be appropriate to put up a warning
> or informational message the very first time the browser encounters a

> low-assurance cert, so that the user will be informed about what is
> going on and will (we hope) be less confused when they see the
> instead of the padlock.

I like this model many users are completly new users and giving them
these kinds of tidbits goes a long way to educating them - few will
read a dummy's guide. There should be at least such a pop-up for every
note-worthy new event (first high assurance, first low assurance, first
domainname mismatch, first unknown CA, first revoked, first expired,
change of CA for known site (possible DNS attack).

> * In the case of a self-signed cert or cert from an unknown CA,
> should *not* offer users the opportunity to accept the certificate or

> the certificate's issuing CA as "trusted", at least not from the
> immediately visible UI.

This seems a necessarily compromise to avoid the 'click through
everything' behavior the user seems to have today.

> * In the case of a cert from a known CA but with an non-matching
> name, the warning dialog should be displayed at least once per
> session, without the possibility of turning it off permanently for
> site. If an informational message is displayed in this case, then
> perhaps its dropdown menu can contain an option to not display the
> informational message in the future for not matching domain names
> (similar to the option for self-signed certs or unknown CAs); in this

> case the UI indicators would remain the same, except for an "X" mark
> replacing the "exclamation mark in circle" accompanying the original
> informational message.

This may be a bit complicated but I don't have a better suggestion off

> (I don't think it makes sense to not display a status bar indicator
> all after dismissing the information message, and to treat this case
> same as a non-SSL site. There really is something wrong with the site
> it's either misconfigured or is using a stolen key and cert -- and
> UI should reflect that.)


> * A "high assurance" certificate can be defined at a high level as "a

> certificate issued only after some level of human review of the cert
> subscriber", whereas a "low assurance" certificate might be issued
> through an automated process,

I suggest the inclusion of technical robustness criteria as well.
Consider that 

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-17 Thread Frank Hecker
Gervase Markham wrote:
On a related point, can we perhaps use this new high/low assurance bit
Uh, what new high/low assurance bit? Has someone already committed to 
implement this, and we've agreed to take the patch? :-)

in the cert store as something to hang cert revocation off? If you want 
to be in the high assurance store, you have to have a working OCSP 
server defined in your certs, or something like that?
Two points:
1. A number of "high assurance" CAs do not have OCSP set up. In doing my 
CA list at

(which covers only new CAs applying for inclusion) I tried to track down 
information on CA's OCSP services; as you'll note, it's not that common. 
However providing CRLs is almost universal, but...

2. Neither Firebird nor Thunderbird have CRL checking (let alone OCSP 
validation) turned on by default; it must be manually enabled by users 
(e.g., by clicking on a link to a CRL -- try one of the ones on the page 
referenced above). This is a big product gap that needs to be filled, 
e.g., by recruiting some more NSS/PSM developers.

Frank Hecker
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Goals, Worldviews, Policies

2005-03-17 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:
Here's my view:  we are already in State B.

Can you point to any financial losses caused by someone falsely trusting 
certs issued by CAs trusted by Firefox?
In answer to your question, no.  But this does not show
we are not in State B.  As you've elided the definition
I proposed of State B, here it is again:
State B: we can not (any longer) trust all the CAs all the time.
The reason I suggest we are in that state is because we
can calculate or guess or even test how much it costs to
acquire a false cert.
Enacting the
policy will IMHO make no difference to the state, because
we are already there.  I would have thought that was
abundantly clear from the Shmoo example, but I guess we
need more evidence to determine the truth or otherwise.

Everyone got blindsided by the Shmoo thing (although we shouldn't have 
been), the CA concerned included. Blaming the CA alone is somewhat unfair.

I'm not blaming the CA.  I'm saying that what happened
there was normal.  It will happen again, in accordance
with the value of same.  It's normal because any
application of agency theory, governance theory, systems
or security theory will show that the systems in place
are only statistical and have well understood holes
in them.
It will happen to *all* CAs.  It will happen on a regular,
statistically modellable basis.
In security, the question of whether or not a false cert
can be obtained is meaningless.  The questions that we
ask are ones of risks, costs and benefits.  The pertinent
question for certs is:
 how much does it cost and how much it is worth?
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-17 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
On a related point, can we perhaps use this new high/low assurance bit 
in the cert store as something to hang cert revocation off? If you want 
to be in the high assurance store, you have to have a working OCSP 
server defined in your certs, or something like that?

That would be to impact the definition of "high" assurance
with the policy aspects of getting OCSP going.  Until OCSP
is up and going and shown to be a really good idea, it is
not a good idea to link it to another area of uncertainty.
The unintended consequences of that might actually make
either of "high" assurance or OCSP more difficult to get
If one wanted to signal that OCSP was correlated to "high"
assurance, maybe the notion is to put another little icon
on the status bar that said "OCSP in action."  Then, as
time goes on, we could see if that became a good signal of
quality or not?
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Goals, Worldviews, Policies

2005-03-17 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
Here's my view:  we are already in State B.
Can you point to any financial losses caused by someone falsely trusting 
certs issued by CAs trusted by Firefox?

Enacting the
policy will IMHO make no difference to the state, because
we are already there.  I would have thought that was
abundantly clear from the Shmoo example, but I guess we
need more evidence to determine the truth or otherwise.
Everyone got blindsided by the Shmoo thing (although we shouldn't have 
been), the CA concerned included. Blaming the CA alone is somewhat unfair.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-17 Thread Gervase Markham
On a related point, can we perhaps use this new high/low assurance bit 
in the cert store as something to hang cert revocation off? If you want 
to be in the high assurance store, you have to have a working OCSP 
server defined in your certs, or something like that?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: about bug 286107 : Remember visited SSL details and warn when changes, like SSH

2005-03-17 Thread Ram0502

Ian G wrote:

> This is something that Julien brought up and Amir
> addressed by setting the border at the CA.  As the
> user identifies a particular CA as good, the security
> app module accepts any cert from that CA.

Nice practical solution.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Detecting CC numbers

2005-03-17 Thread Ram0502
I think this idea has many benefits:
1 helps the user do the right thing
2 drives better behavior in the market (CC#s are sensitive and should
be protected)
3 user experience friendly, I don't think a Pentium2 user would notice
any latency change
4 cost effective, relatively small amount of relatively simple software

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: $90 for high assurance _versus_ $349 for low assurance

2005-03-17 Thread Ram0502
Ian G wrote:
> In the below, John posted a handy dandy table of cert prices, and
> Nelson postulated that we need to separate high assurance from low
> assurance.  Leaving aside the technical question of how the user
> gets to see that for now, note how godaddy charges $90 for their
> high assurance and Verisign charges $349 for their low assurance.
> Does anyone have a view on what "low" and "high" means in this
> context?  Indeed, what does "assurance" mean?

>From an issuance policy perspective one definition of assurance classes
could be:
0 No assurance. An enrollment was received and a certificate issued (a
few million Netscape In Box Direct certificates were issued this way)

1 Low assurance. An enrollment was received and an email containing a
secret was sent to the enrollee specified address who then presented
the secret to the enrollment site which then issued the certificate.

2 Medium assurance. An enrollment was received wiht a set of
identifiying information which validated using third party mechanisms
(commercial identity databases, credit agencies, phone books) in
addition to an email round trip with a secret as in class 1.

3 High assurance. An enrollment was received along with multiple points
of contact and legal documentation. Government and commercial databases
where used to verify the information submitted. Out of band methods
were used to contact the purported enrollees legal right to represent
them. Out of band methods were used to advise the purported enrolling
entity that an enrollment was made on their behalf. Multiple operations
staff had to independantly review collected infomration and approve the

The domain-control-certificates are equivalent to a class 1 as
described above. VeriSign's $349 certificates are class 3.

A separate but equally important issue is whether a CA enables
revocation checking. As you might imagine even a high assurance
certificate can be mis-issued and so the revocation concept of PKI is
important. So if a CA does not offer revocation checking services (e.g.
by providing CDPs and crl responders, or ocsp AIAs adn ocsp responders)
that would substantially diminish the value of any authentication they

> John Gilmore wrote:
> > For the privilege of being able to communicate securely using SSL
and a
> > popular web browser, you can pay anything from $10 to $1500.  Clif
> > Cox researched cert prices from various vendors:

This is most unfortunate. I would like to see software providers like
MoFo, Opera, Microsoft and others improve the situation. Thought it's
worth noting that you can issue your own certificates and many browsers
will allow you to override the lack of a known trust anchor and accept
the certificate permanently - that doesn't make it better though as it
adds to the problem of taxing users' focus and patience such that they
learn they should [not really!] click OK automatically when you get a
pop-up [presumably this is why sometimes the OK and CANCEL buttons are
reversed - so you don't automatically approve formatting your harddrive
when you click the wrong menu option].

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: [Bug 286107] Remember visited SSL details and warn when changes, like SSH

2005-03-17 Thread Ian G
Again, I think Nelson brings up points better off
transferred to the wider forum rather than within
the narrow context of the bug.

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-03-16 13:33 PST ---
Above, I didn't mean to accuse Ian of any wrongdoing, and in retrospecet I see
that what I wrote could be construed to imply that I did.  I only mean that
the suggestion that we need a solution to a problem of untrustworthy CAs will
influence some (who are not fully aware of the current CA trust policies) to 
imagine that this is a problem that exists today, and to persue solving this
non-problem.  I think we should focus instead on the problem at hand.

Certainly I try and separate the people from the discussion,
that's why I'm boringly dogmatic in stressing (my) goal in
this discussion.  As to whether "we need a solution to the
problem of untrustworthy CAs" I also addressed that in the
previous post so won't repeat it here.

I do not think that security policy should be decided entirely democratically,
nor that we should relax out standards so that they no longer exceed the 
average person's understanding of the issues.  

The standards are there to spread the knowledge of a
complex subject, where coordination is needed.  Often
people will follow standards as a rule set because it
is far easier to do that than to figure out what to
do everytime a question arises.
Yet standards can get out of date.  And standards are
in place for the norm, not the exception.  As we have
here a situation which (I assert) is in crisis / epidemic
proportions then the standard may be expected to bend or
even need to be replaced entirely.

I am afraid that this issue is going to be (unduely, IMO) influenced by the 
sheer volume of words exxpressed on on side of this discussion.  

It's a complex subject.  As written voluminously,
browsing is in crisis.  What lesser volume could we
write to get some attention on that point?

This isn't a matter of blindly following standards and RFCs.  There is a 
large community of security cognoscenti who are all behind PKI.  I respect
their collective judgements.  However they do not speak much in mozilla's 
forums and bug reports.  Mozilla's forums do hear a lot of the dissenting
opinion, however, and it is possible for someone whose only understanding
of the issues comes from these forums to conclude that these dissenting 
opinions are the majority opinions, the opinions of the experts.  This is
how cults operate, the members hear only one view.  

OK, that's a serious issue and I'll address it.
The reason Mozilla's forums hear a lot of dissenting opinion
is twofold.  Firstly, Mozilla happens to represent the
great white hope of the browsing world.  It's growing
rapidly, and therefore can expected to have some heavy
effect on the marketplace.  It's also open source, it's
also got the only open security forum in the business
(this group).  This is the only place you can find any
security representation - you, Frank, Bob, Julian, David,
sorry for missing anyone out - so, yes, you are point
men on the browser security community for every other
browser by default.  Sorry about that :)
Secondly, the reason the dissenters are dissenting is
because they have thought about it, and in general they
can see the flaws.  But more importantly you will find
that the dissenters have no bias towards the model.  I
for example make zero bucks one way or the other.  Peter
Gutmann makes a bit of dosh selling his toolkits on
occassion, but he might make more money by being solid
and truthful about flaws than sounding like he's selling
used cars as do most security tool sellers do.  Bruce
Schneier, another frequent critic, makes no money as he
has his own company.  Dan Geer, another critic, has lost
his job over telling the truth, so I guess maybe he has
got a bias now :)
OTOH, you won't find RSADSI or Verisign here dissenting
because they almost certainly sell a PKI toolkit, and
their not likely to commit commercial suicide just to
maintain some academic integrity.
Which brings us to your next point - the large security
community who are behind PKI.  Historically this was a
fair assessment, but I think it is changing.  It might
be the time to ask for opinions on that, to re-open the
question of just who is solidly "behind PKI" without
question.  Over on the cryptography group I'd say that
more than half would now question PKI and easily more
than half would say that PKI as it is setup in HTTPS/
secure browsing contributes to phishing, as well as forms
the basis for its solution.  Yes, you don't get out of
this one by just reciting security wisdom and RFCs...
Over in the marketplace, the market for PKI has been in
the doldrums for a few years, and I really don't want to
print what the average *purchaser* thinks about it.

I simply want the readers of this bug to be sure that they're solving the 
real problems today, not the pro