Re: certificate handling feature idea

2005-03-24 Thread Ram A M
One good reason to permanently reject a certificate is from a code
signing perspective. Consider a publisher whose policies you don't
agree with but is otherwise a legimiate company. By permanently
rejecting their certificates you won't accidentally install their
software (as a side note, MS didn't enable this UC for years but
finally added it to the 'install signed code' UI).

Mozilla-security mailing list

Unable to set Google preferences in FF with zone alarm firewall on

2005-03-24 Thread Dan
I'm using zone alarm security suite 5.5. My default browser is FF 1.01, 
which I use 99% of the time.  In both FF and IE,  I am unable to save 
(or at least access) Google preferences, unless I turn Zone Alarm OFF 
ENTIRELY. This despite the fact that both browsers are set to "allow 
sites to set cookies" and despite being set in Zone Alarm to 
allow mobile control, session, persistent & 3rd party cookies, as well 
as web bugs & personal headers (all variables). AND despite the fact 
that a cookie titled "pref" exists in FF's cookie file. If I 
go into Google preferences after seeing the site is ignoring my "100 
results" rule, it says "your cookies seem to be disabled". Probably more 
of a Zone Alarm question, never had this with Norton, but I'm wondering 
if anyone here has any ideas.  It's really getting to be a pita.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Some Non-Critical Secunia Advisories

2005-03-24 Thread Allen Farley
Allen Farley wrote:
Nate wrote:
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:51:26 -0500, Allen Farley

From the article:
The weakness has been confirmed in version 1.0.1. Other versions may 

also be affected.
I also tested the sample code with FF 1.0.1, and they are right.

It's not unusual for me to save a zip (because I want to keep a copy),
and then right-away click "Open" when it's finished downloading. Now I
know that could be a recipe for disaster, if I were not to notice the
change in filename. So thanks for posting the alert.
I suppose it's too-good-to-be-true that there is an email alert
service for these exploits? One that covers only FF, not every thing
under the sun?
...and it occurs to me yet once again, that one big reason for the
proliferation of spam, spyware, viruses and on and on ad nauseum is
that the bad guys hardly ever suffer any punishment. It's like
burglars being allowed to try as many doors as they want to.

In the too-good-to-be-true category, would a webpage do as a stop-gap 
measure? There may be other 
possibilities there as well.

On punishing the bad guys, my suggestions would most likely be 
considered inhumane for these creatures.
Just figured out, with some help from TB help and FAQ, another 
alternative in the Too-good-to-be-true category here. Secunia Advisories 
come also in RSS, others may also have this as well. You can setup a 
Saved Search Folder on an RSS. Yes it seems to work when I set one up to 
test on TB 1.0.2

I set it up to look for Thunderbird, Firefox or Mozilla in both the 
subject and body. You still have the Secunia Advisory RSS folder for the 
subscription, but at lease you have an easy way to access only the 
articles you are wanting.

If you don't like that, you could still use the Secunia Advisory RSS, or 
which ever you prefer, with a filter! It's kind of interesting all of 
the possible solutions you have to choose from.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Password field check characters?

2005-03-24 Thread Ram A M
I read the blog and comments briefly. Maybe I missed something or maybe
there is a solution that's not clicking for me but here's the problem I

Let's say real-password = hash (domain-name + user-entered-password).
Phisherman sets up a site and does not mark the password field as form
element type password. He does however put a question mark (or whatever
'in page' feedback) as well as some javascript to asterisk out the
not-really password field. The user will enter their password and the
un-hashed password will be caught in the net. Since the algorithm and
taget domain-name are know the bad-guy has all he needs.

A solution to this is to make real-password = hash (domain-name +
user-entered-password + salt). This way even given the password the
bad-guy can't access the site with out brute force. The problem is that
each browser instance must have it's own hard to guess salt and so site
passwords are no longer portable with the user.

A solution to that is to derive the salt from the master password; that
works if I use the same master password at home as at work, though it
still kills my ability to use my password at a kiosk where if they have
mozilla they may not have a master password set, won't let me set a
master password, or have a master password and won't tell me so that I
can't change it.

What did I miss?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: How Can Mozilla Use Microsoft Certificate Store

2005-03-24 Thread Ram A M
Doh! I was wrong.

I have used a non-Microsoft PKCS#11 shim CSP to access HSMs through

According to Microsoft:

Because the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems
require hardware devices to support Plug and Play and power management
features, and PC/SC includes support for these ease-of-use features,
Windows Server 2003 does not support PKCS #11.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Password field check characters?

2005-03-24 Thread Duane
Ian G wrote:

> Yes to both.  By "solving password loss" I mean
> reducing the incidence of lost passwords, both for
> the user and the support department.  The average
> support department is facing costs in the order of
> $20 per incident (+/-) and any lost password is

> (at today's price, USD $14 buys 1gg).

Even with CAcert the amount of people requesting lost passwords has
gotten to the point that manual password recoveries are getting to be a
major issue (labour wise) and we've started charging US$15 per
incident... On the other hand we've also include ways to file disputes
in an automated fashion, not to mention the existing lost password
recovery system... Yet people still manage to screw up after all that...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Password field check characters?

2005-03-24 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:
Solving password loss is a big issue, support departments
put this as one of their biggest problems.  So addressing
it at the browser is probably worthwhile.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "solving password loss". Are you 
suggesting this feature will help people to remember their password? Or 
are you talking about avoiding three-strikes lockout?

Yes to both.  By "solving password loss" I mean
reducing the incidence of lost passwords, both for
the user and the support department.  The average
support department is facing costs in the order of
$20 per incident (+/-) and any lost password is
way more expensive if dealt with manually.  In the
gold world, a lost password will cost you 1gg on
one system, and 5gg on another system.  One is
undercharging and the other is charging at their
programmer rate...
(at today's price, USD $14 buys 1gg).

From that pov, I'd suggest putting a radio button next to
the password form field that turned on clear instead of

Much as I'd like to do this, I think it would scare people.

Yes, that's a big problem in trying to improve security.
In general, one way to do this is to package it with
some other benefit to that people get used to the new
system, and by the time they've done that, they've
worked out for themselves why it is more secure and how
to use it.
In general, in a lot of security work, you've just got
to do it and expect to take some bullets.  In security,
amateurs talk about bit strengths and professionals
talk about body armour.

options I've seen suggested are putting the last three characters typed 
into the box in a light grey, to allow easy noticing and correction of 
typos while making shoulder-surfing still hard.

So many ideas, so many experiments to run :)
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Password field check characters?

2005-03-24 Thread Gervase Markham
Ram A M wrote:
An interesting suggestion. I think Ian's suggestion of using something
that is easier remembered than a number or letter is good. The UI issue
is partially addressed by having a 'what's this' pop-up above it the
first few times a user-profile submits a form.
I like the password-hash concept [Blake and others] implemented within
the browser (see a password field and at form-post time hash in the
user [or autofill] entered password with teh site base-domain) as an
anti-phishing measure though the problem is that it locks a user into a
specific browser and probably specific installation of the browser as
Indeed; this problem can be avoided by not doing it at form-submission 
time, but instead making the user perform a specific action to fill in 
the field with the password. If this is based on a master password, and 
all copies of Firefox use the same algorithm, it's portable to any 
installation of Firefox without reconfiguration.

I've blogged about this; search my blog for "PwdHash".
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Password field check characters?

2005-03-24 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
Solving password loss is a big issue, support departments
put this as one of their biggest problems.  So addressing
it at the browser is probably worthwhile.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "solving password loss". Are you 
suggesting this feature will help people to remember their password? Or 
are you talking about avoiding three-strikes lockout?

From that pov, I'd suggest putting a radio button next to
the password form field that turned on clear instead of
Much as I'd like to do this, I think it would scare people. Other 
options I've seen suggested are putting the last three characters typed 
into the box in a light grey, to allow easy noticing and correction of 
typos while making shoulder-surfing still hard.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-24 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
It's an americanism as far as I know.  You sometimes
see it in the Caribbean, but that would be a sign
that they were trying to appeal to americans, which
is actually a red flag (probably a scam).
I was making the general point - company names are not unique, and CAs 
don't attempt to enforce uniqueness.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: How Can Mozilla Use Microsoft Certificate Store

2005-03-24 Thread Nelson Bolyard
Ram A M wrote:
Microsoft supports the PKCS#11 interface to crypto-services, 
They DO?  This comes as big news to me!
a PKCS#11 interface to PSM (Mozilla crypto subsystem) is 
probably available  somewhere.
Mozilla-security mailing list