[Mpi-forum] Last Call for MPI 4.0 Officer Nominations and February Meeting Topics

2021-02-02 Thread Wesley Bland via mpi-forum
Hi all,

I just wanted to remind everyone that Monday is the deadline for officer 
nominations for MPI 4.0 since the February meeting is a Final Ratification 

If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself) for any of the officer 
positions, please send an announcement to the mailing list before the end of 
the day on Monday.

You can find the current nominees on the agenda page for that meeting here: 

Monday is also the deadline for any readings or votes that need to be announced 
before the same meeting so please do those as well.

mpi-forum mailing list

[Mpi-forum] Virtual MPI Forum Meeting Wednesday/Tomorrow Feb. 3

2021-02-02 Thread Martin Schulz via mpi-forum
Hi all,

Just as a quick reminder, we'll hold our usual MPI Forum virtual meeting 
tomorrow, Wednesday Feb 3rd at 10am CT. The link is, as usual, available from 
the website. 

The main agenda items are the status of MPI 4.0 and a few items that came up 
and could lead to possible errata items: one covering issues around certain 
callbacks in the MPI_T events interface, and one about the interaction between 
sessions and dynamic processes.

Talk to you all tomorrow,


Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)
Email: schu...@in.tum.de

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