Re: [Mpls] The Mayor and the Stadium..A Home for the Twins /Not for Persons Who are Homeless

2003-12-15 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/15/03 9:47 AM, "Michael Atherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Snyder wrote:
>> On a different note, by virtue of having supported Rybak's
>> campaign, I was also a recipient of the New Year's Eve
>> fundraiser invitation. I'm probably not going to go because
>> it's not really my kind of event...
> What I liked about R.T. four years ago was that the
> fundraising event I attended was an interesting mix of
> neighborhood and more well-to-do DFL money people.
> Somehow I don't think that this $100 a person New Year's
> Eve party I've been invited to this election will have
> quite the same "diversity,"  but maybe that just shows
> "maturity."
> Four years ago I was able to talk to R.T. for a few minutes
> and was impressed with his candor.  This year I imagine
> that I'd be body blocked by corporate lobbyists.  Sad to
> think that the weeds have grown up among the grass roots.
> Michael Atherton
> Prospect Park

My guess is that this event will probably be more diverse than Michael
thinks, even at $100 a person.

I also doubt that there will be any great number of corporate lobbyists at
this event. They tend to follow the money and from what I've seen and heard,
the mayor has kept his campaign promise to "put down the checkbook and pick
up the phone."

My main reason for supporting RT when he ran was that he was talking about
issues that I found important, like sustainable neighborhoods and reducing
the city's impact on our environment. Plus, I was attracted to the
creativity of the campaign and the energy I saw when RT would get out among
the people. 

And since his election, I've still seen that energy. The best example has
been at the Celebrate Northeast! parade the past two summers. For as long as
I can remember watching this parade, politicians would ride in a convertible
for the mile and a half route. Not RT. He runs it. Back and forth, crossing
the street, shaking hands and, at the last one, passing out pamphlets about
MERP. I remember once seeing him approach someone talking on a cell phone
and took it long enough to say hi to the person on the other end. That was
pretty funny!

The best part was noticing at this last parade that some of the other
politicians are starting to follow his lead and actually interact with the
people rather that sit up on their fancy cars.

Even though I'll likely support RT if he runs again, I'd rather spend New
Year's Eve with my friends and family than at a dinner party with a bunch of
people whom I mostly won't know.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] The Right Kind of Advocacy

2003-12-15 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/14/03 9:57 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have found our previous Mayors, not just Mayor Rybak, to display
> similar traits of making it difficult for the average resident to have access
> to them or reasonable questions answered.
>  I have asked a reasonable question-- and if the mayor would choose to
> simply answer that question on this forum or some other public forum where we
> can see his response great.
>  Then freezing outside his fundraiser, hoping to catch him on the fly
> will not be necessary.
>  It gets exhausting having to chase after public officials when they
> could simply give the respect of an answer.

I think it's disingenuous to suggest that not responding to a request for an
on-camera interview is simply "making it difficult for the average resident
to have access to them or reasonable questions answered."

Come on. A real example of the average resident having access to the mayor
came a few months ago when he organized and led open forums for discussing
the city's budget (when did SSB ever do that?). I went to one of them. Tough
questions were asked and the mayor stood up and answered them. Some of the
questions were not reasonable (i.e. Attempts to bait the mayor or rants
disguised as questions), but the mayor stood up and answered them anyway.

After the forum ended, the mayor stayed for probably at least another half
hour listening to residents and answering questions. I know because I helped
put away chairs during that time. As did Peter Wagenius from his office (who
actually stayed for about an hour, spending much of that time politely
listening to some nut ranting at him). I did not agree with everything the
mayor had to say that night, but I was impressed with him for getting out in
front of people and addressing their concerns.

If Margaret truly considers herself simply an average citizen wanting to ask
reasonable questions, then I believe the next opportunity for that has been
advertised on this list by the mayor's policy aide. Since she has
characterized herself as being available anyplace, anytime to speak with the
mayor, I would suggest she go to it and leave her video camera at home.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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[Mpls] Council passes budget 11-2

2003-12-15 Thread List Manager
Goodman and Niziolek vote no15 percent city-property-tax hike to average
homeowner, though some apartment and commercial taxes will go down (state
reforms)83 percent of new money goes to pay down accumulated city debt.

David Brauer
List manager

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RE: [Mpls] Mayoral race

2003-12-15 Thread List Manager
> In case you want to lodge complaints or get more info from Mayor RT, now
> running for reelection, the website  
has become
> &tgcolor=00&images=90&fgcolor=FF
> or
> for short.

Folks, just a heads-up here - this appears to be linked to a porn site. Best
not to go there if such things offend

By the way - don't know if this is the case here, but often Web sites whose
registrations drop (such as a campaign site's) are often bought by porn
purveyors hoping you'll stumble by...

In any event, we will remove it from the E-Democracy Web site.

David Brauer
List manager

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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Chris Johnson
Michael Atherton responded:

I don't know if this is a good idea.  I'm not sure that
we should run our government the same way that we do
warranty registration for washing machines.  I think
that it might increase the participation of those who
have only marginal knowledge of the issues and the
candidates and contribute to the tend of politics as
a popularity contest.  

Politics as a popularity contest?  Couldn't happen.  Wouldn't be 
prudent.  Marginal knowledge?  Bring 'em on.  My goodness, we wouldn't 
want those unwashed masses of Democrats, Greens, Socialists, liberals 
and others to exercise their Constituational rights and actually vote.  
Heavens no.  Something needs to be done about that.  Maybe a poll tax on 

By the way, warranty registration cards are really marketing survey 
cards.  Any warranty is valid without ever sending in such a card.

Chris Johnson
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[Mpls] Mayoral race

2003-12-15 Thread Shawne FitzGerald
In case you want to lodge complaints or get more info from Mayor RT, now
running for reelection, the website  linked
from (A Mpls issues/MN e-democracy
website) has become

for short.


Shawne FitzGerald

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RE: [Mpls] 2004 City Budget Passed by Council

2003-12-15 Thread Terrell Brown
Laura Sether, Office of Mayor Rybak writes:

> The Minneapolis City Council tonight passed Mayor Rybak's 
> proposed 2004 City budget on an 11-2 vote.
> "This budget represents a significant investment ...

What was left out was:

City of Minneapolis Budget To Reduce HIV Prevention Funding

The Minneapolis City Council voted today to reduce funding for HIV
prevention by 35% from $35,000 to $23,000 for 2004.  A previous proposal
had eliminated the designated funding and instead directed all the money
that comes from the Community Development Block Grants, which includes
HIV prevention dollars, to other city boards for them to allocate the
funds.  Instead, nearly all the public health and family support funding
received a 35% across the board cut.  Since 45% of new infections in
2002 in the state of Minnesota were in the city of Minneapolis.  It is a
disappointment to see still more cuts in vital public services.  With
all the restrictions being placed on prevention dollars at the federal
and state level, prevention workers were able to use these dollars to do
the effective and targeted work that gets at communities most at risk -
primarily gay/bisexual men and intravenous drug users.  It is also
expected that changes will be made to the process for the 2005 budget. 

Hey RT, these are peoples lives at stake here.

Terrell Brown
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Barbara Lickness
Thomas said:

"The non-voter either doesn't care or doesn't know
enough to cast a ballot, and those are not the people
I want selecting the political leaders."

I say:

That's pretty slim generalizing don't you think? How
about a couple more. The non-voter may be working two
jobs just to keep a roof over their head and voting
isn't high on the priority list..or...maybe they feel
their selection of politician is so poor they can't
find a candidate worth voting for.or maybe they
just think all politicians lie and will say anything
just to get elected so why bother...orit could
be many many other reasons. When the average voter
turn-out isn't much over 50% it's probably a pretty
big field of reasons why people don't vote. 

Barb Lickness
Whittier - Mpls. 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/15/03 10:51 AM, "Terrell Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Steven Clift wrote:
>>> Minneapolis/Hennepin County should lead the way in 2005 by pushing
>>> for state law changes to allow voting my mail in our next election
>>> for mayor/city council.
> Michael Atherton responded:
>> I don't know if this is a good idea.  I'm not sure that
>> we should run our government the same way that we do
>> warranty registration for washing machines.  I think
>> that it might increase the participation of those who
>> have only marginal knowledge of the issues and the
>> candidates and contribute to the tend of politics as
>> a popularity contest.
> TB comments:
> However, we don't test voters to determine that they have appropriate
> knowledge of the issues.
> In Washington State where voters can choose to permanently vote by
> mail, that is have ballots automatically mailed to them for every
> election, there were 1,035,392 registered voters in King County
> (Seattle) as of October 4, 2003.  46% of those voters had chosen to
> permanently vote by mail.  Election officials were expecting 70%
> turnout for this falls election among the mail voters versus an average
> of 47% for an off year election.
> Is there any evidence that voters don't take their vote seriously?
> Would, perhaps, receiving a ballot in the mail prompt someone to look
> for information about the candidates and the issues on the ballot?
> I think that any way the we can increase the number of people with any
> interest in elections and government is something that we should
> pursue.

I'm inclined to agree with Terrell. My grandmother has voted by mail-in
absentee ballot for the past several years as her mobility became limited.
Besides folks with limited mobility, I can think of a number of other
reasons why we might further encourage mail-in balloting.

- For the person who travels a lot due to their job or who is on-call a lot
- For the person who works odd hours and so would likely sleeping or caring
for children during regular voting hours
- For the person who cannot stand to wait in line forever (or whose health
prevents it)

I think the argument that mail-in balloting will cause voters to slack off
is silly. My guess is the opposite is true. When my grandmother's ballot
arrives, she has me come over and look at it so I can help her figure out
which candidates she wants to support. So I look at candidate web sites for
her and we go over the voter guide and in cases where we vote for the same
office, she asks my opinion. My great aunt was the same way before she
passed on. 

If for some reason, absentee balloting were discontinued and my grandmother
had to go back to waiting in line, my guess is she either would stop voting
or if she did make the effort, she would feel rushed by the line of people
behind her and only vote for the "big" offices and stop bothering with the
various boards and such where a lot of the real work actually gets done. Or
worse, she might just connect lines randomly for some races rather than turn
in an incomplete ballot.

Just like a lot of folks who show up at the voter booth probably do now.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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[Mpls] accessing R.T.

2003-12-15 Thread mplsgordon2
Michael Atherton wrote:
>Four years ago I was able to talk to R.T. for a few minutes
and was impressed with his candor.  This year I imagine
that I'd be body blocked by corporate lobbyists.  Sad to
think that the weeds have grown up among the grass roots.<

I am not R.T.'s greatest fan. I didn't vote for him (still can't believe I 
voted *for* SSB!) and I strongly disagree with him on some issues.

That said, I have been at a few places where he attended or conducted public 
meetings, and found him to be approachable, friendly, and he even sought out 
folks afterward to talk more. His staff members are good at spotting folks who 
might have an interest and finding out who they are and sharing business cards 
for further contact. 

An incumbent tends to be more insulated than a candidate. But in my 
experience this mayor is out there and available.

M. G. Stinnett
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[Mpls] 2004 City Budget Passed by Council

2003-12-15 Thread Sether, Laura S
The Minneapolis City Council tonight passed Mayor Rybak's proposed 2004 City budget on 
an 11-2 vote.

"This budget represents a significant investment in affordable housing and maintains 
our core City services. At the same time, we're addressing long-term debt, following 
through on our five-year budget plan, and we've absorbed significant permanent cuts 
from the state," Mayor Rybak said.  Eighty-three percent of the new property tax 
revenue is to pay off long-term debt.

Rybak continued, "I'm pleased that all of my major initiatives passed, and the changes 
made by the Council only improved the budget."

The 2004 City Budget accomplishes the following:

*   Prioritizes public safety. This budget made no cuts to the Police or Fire 
Department. Transferring some inspections work to the fire department, innovative 
management and long-term planning mean the City can do more with less, and citizens in 
crime-impacted neighborhoods will see more firefighters and cops on the street. This 
budget also allowed the City to hire back the laid-off firefighters and a diverse 
class of Police Community Service Officers (CSOs) earlier this year. In addition, the 
City will fully fund an upgrade for the criminal case management system at a cost of 
$2.8 million, which will help address the problem of repeat offenders.

*   Minimal cuts in other departments. While deep cuts made in 2003 must be 
maintained, deeper cuts are avoided for other city services in 2004. By making tough 
choices as soon as LGA cuts were announced earlier this year, the City avoided deeper 
cuts for 2004.

*   Establishes stable and ongoing funding for affordable housing. This budget 
invests almost $10 million in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for rental housing and 
significant additional funds to assist families with home-ownership.

*   Stabilizes community development.  This budget establishes a smaller, but 
stable funding stream for housing, jobs and economic development activities, including 
the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP).  Activities will be aligned with city 
priorities and targeted to those most affected by state cuts.

*   Fiscally responsible use of the Legacy Fund.  The budget uses a portion of the 
proceeds from the sale of the Hilton Hotel to pay down inherited pension fund debt, 
which eliminates $1.5 million in annual debt payments from the City's General Fund.

The budget also increases funding for many of the small things that make the City of 
Minneapolis liveable. This includes a new skate park for kids, additional funding for 
bike trails and amenities for skiing at Wirth Park. The City will also triple the 
current budget for tree planting, with the goal of planting 5000 trees in 2004.

Mayor Rybak singled out Ways and Means Chair Barbara Johnson, Council President Paul 
Ostrow and Council Member Barret Lane for their many hours developing the five-year 
financial plan that made it possible to limit further service cuts. The budget is 
balanced and consistent with the City's adopted tax policy. This is the fourth budget 
Mayor Rybak has crafted and the City Council has passed in nearly two years.
Laura Sether, Office of Mayor Rybak

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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Thomas Searles
And exactly how are the citizens of Minneapolis excluded from voting by the
existing methods?

Tom Searles
Waconia Twp.

- Original Message - 
From: "WizardMarks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Thomas Searles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

> But the law says that those people also enjoy the franchise and that it
> would be illegal to exclude them by setting up voting in such a way that
> they do not vote. There are no IQ or interest tests required. Nor are
> reading tests required anymore, thank God.
> WizardMarks, Central
> Thomas Searles wrote:
> >It is not unreasonable to expect a citizen to take the time to vote, at
> >most, once per year. Going to the polling place or requesting an absentee
> >ballot at least takes a little thought and consideration, and it
> >does not take any longer than a trip to the grocery store. The non-voter
> >either doesn't care or doesn't know enough to cast a ballot, and those
> >not the people I want selecting the political leaders. What will the next
> >suggestion be: Minneapolis gives everyone who shows up a $10 bill?
> >
> >Tom Searles
> >Waconia, Twp.
> >
> >1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.
> >2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> >
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> >
> >
> >Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn
> >Post messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at:
> >
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.
> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> For state and national discussions see:
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> Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn
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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread WizardMarks
But the law says that those people also enjoy the franchise and that it 
would be illegal to exclude them by setting up voting in such a way that 
they do not vote. There are no IQ or interest tests required. Nor are 
reading tests required anymore, thank God.
WizardMarks, Central

Thomas Searles wrote:

It is not unreasonable to expect a citizen to take the time to vote, at the
most, once per year. Going to the polling place or requesting an absentee
ballot at least takes a little thought and consideration, and it generally
does not take any longer than a trip to the grocery store. The non-voter
either doesn't care or doesn't know enough to cast a ballot, and those are
not the people I want selecting the political leaders. What will the next
suggestion be: Minneapolis gives everyone who shows up a $10 bill?
Tom Searles
Waconia, Twp.
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Re: [Mpls] Candidate for Mayor 05

2003-12-15 Thread WizardMarks
We will also have campaigns for library board, park board, board of 
estimates, and council members, yes?
Having played politics once, I'm not so sure I'd jump out there this 
time around, though I did pretty well, considering I spent something 
less that $1,500, if I remember correctly.
Also, Gregory Grey was a good choice for the library board to make as a 
replacement for George Garnett; it's important that he be there now and 
into the next 4 years. There are some others who need to step down;  for 
example, Virginia Hot should step down.  
The unfortunate possibility is that if Rybak does not win, we stand to 
lose Laura Waterman Wittstock who has really done a good job as chair of 
the board this year. Course she could run for office, striking out on 
her own rather than carrying water for RT, which she is appointed to do 
at present.
I think the city council owes it to all of us to appoint someone to 
replace Kathleen Lamb. Kathleen Lamb dithers; it takes her a long time 
to make up her mind about issues and she holds up the flow of the work 
which says to me that she has too tough a time agreeing to a strategy 
and moving it forward.
I think Anita Dukor is not a good fit at this point; she keeps trying to 
run the library "more like a business." That's a mistake (running it in 
a more business-like fashion is a different issue). The library is not a 
business, it's an institution. There is a huge difference between the 
two. As a taxpayer, I'm supporting our most important institution, not a 
We have a new and excellent director who needs to be given a real chance 
to push this rock uphill with her nose. The changes in the attitude of 
the staff and the changes in the way staff approaches difficulties have 
a long way to go to refurbish the library's commitment to us. There is 
an enormous paradigm shift underway and a change in focus will set it 
back at a time when setbacks are hard to pay for.
Personally, I hated the process of running for office. I don't like big, 
milling crowds, going to every gathering in town to meet people wore me 
out so much more than I expected. All the politician stuff like that 
wore me to a frazzle. I don't think I have the strength for it as I had 
when I was younger.
Nor do I have $5,000 to run for office, and I'm sure that's would be the 
minimum necessary to do the job in any kind of systematic way, since 
it's a city-wide office. It's a shame, too, since I'm really in tune 
with what Director Hadley and the board are trying to do and I know how 
to do some important work in the communities where new readers are 
really demanding proper service. Most of the board members are not very 
conversant with those populations. Communities around Franklin, Sumner, 
East Lake St., North Regional, and Hosmer--five out of 14 branches which 
have been underserved for the last long time in one way or another. 
Those are the populations I'm conversant with.
Such is life.
WizardMarks, Central


Dear Candidate, As we our nearing the half way point of the current Mayor's
term, a discussion of your campaign fund is in order. Although I realize it
is early to declare as a candidate, your fundraising effort should have been
netting $1000 a week since the current Mayor took office. This is a rough
estimation based on 52 weeks times 4 years times $1000 to arrive at a modest
$200,000 war chest. Since the first two years of the term have slid by, we
will now have to double our efforts, netting $2000 per week. I am aware with
the presidential year 04 upon us, and not wanting to announce when citizen
interest in municipal elections is limited, you choose not to declare till
January 05. Unfortunately, we then will have only 40 weeks to raise to raise
$200,000 or a net $5000 a week. Although, I should be more honest and
indicate (in a tight race) we would need to spend the entire $200,000 in the
primary, thus our new goal is a net of $6500 per week. Should we prove
successful in the primary, another $100,000 would be required, which is a
bit of a chore because as we do not have the entire 8 weeks between the
primary and general election to fundraise. I would set a goal of 5 weeks
maximum to hit our target, a net of $20,000 per week. Once again to be
a little more honest the fundraising effort is larger than it appears as we
will have to hire professional fundraisers to meet the aggressive targets. I
look forward to your campaign.
Lee R. Eklund
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Re: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Thomas Searles
It is not unreasonable to expect a citizen to take the time to vote, at the
most, once per year. Going to the polling place or requesting an absentee
ballot at least takes a little thought and consideration, and it generally
does not take any longer than a trip to the grocery store. The non-voter
either doesn't care or doesn't know enough to cast a ballot, and those are
not the people I want selecting the political leaders. What will the next
suggestion be: Minneapolis gives everyone who shows up a $10 bill?

Tom Searles
Waconia, Twp.

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[Mpls] Candidate for Mayor 05

2003-12-15 Thread LEE EKLUND
Dear Candidate, As we our nearing the half way point of the current Mayor's
term, a discussion of your campaign fund is in order. Although I realize it
is early to declare as a candidate, your fundraising effort should have been
netting $1000 a week since the current Mayor took office. This is a rough
estimation based on 52 weeks times 4 years times $1000 to arrive at a modest
$200,000 war chest. Since the first two years of the term have slid by, we
will now have to double our efforts, netting $2000 per week. I am aware with
the presidential year 04 upon us, and not wanting to announce when citizen
interest in municipal elections is limited, you choose not to declare till
January 05. Unfortunately, we then will have only 40 weeks to raise to raise
$200,000 or a net $5000 a week. Although, I should be more honest and
indicate (in a tight race) we would need to spend the entire $200,000 in the
primary, thus our new goal is a net of $6500 per week. Should we prove
successful in the primary, another $100,000 would be required, which is a
bit of a chore because as we do not have the entire 8 weeks between the
primary and general election to fundraise. I would set a goal of 5 weeks
maximum to hit our target, a net of $20,000 per week. Once again to be
a little more honest the fundraising effort is larger than it appears as we
will have to hire professional fundraisers to meet the aggressive targets. I
look forward to your campaign.

Lee R. Eklund

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[Mpls] Teachers negotiate 6.1 percent two-year pay increase

2003-12-15 Thread List Manager

David Brauer
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[Mpls] Deputy Chief Lubinski and Deputy Cheif Gerold

2003-12-15 Thread Ellie Sherwood
 I have met both Deputy Chief Lubniski and Deputy Cheif Gerold. I have found both to be equally qualified to be a Cheif.
I like Deputy Chief Sharon Lubniski because when I first met her at Pride Festival, I'm not sure why she came toward me and asked me where's the MPD booth but I was animated, gesturing because of her vibe, a real outgoing person. I pointed a direction and joined me in laughter and we strolled over to the MPD booth. She was just plain funny. I soon ran into her a couple more time and she's really down to earth and give so much engery.Truly a people person.
I like Deputy Chief Gerold because of her dedication and a hard worker.She's very innovative, always creating new idea to see what would best serve Minneapolis. And she does have a sense of humor i personally, although probably not open professionaly. She's very crisp and intelligent. I do think she would be a good Chief.
I met her  under unusual and tragic circumstance. I was led to her with my artwork, watercolor protrait of Officer Melissa Schimdt. I was donating it to MPD and this caught forever freeze in Star Tribune newspaper. Later I learned she put it on the wall, a year later. I felt honored and put mine back up on the wall as well. But I do not believe this is a deciding factor of my opinion of whom ought to be a chief.
I do want however, to be one of these two women from Adminstrative office. I'm concern about the relationship between Deaf community and Minneapolis Police Department. They have worked hard in past couple of months to establish this goal. They were very receptive and eager to make it work. I'm really impressed. And not to have them disappoint me terribly because I would have to start over again with a new chief who knew next to nothing about Deaf communtiy. We have lost Officer Melissa Schimdt  and soon afterward lost the sense of connection between Deaf community and MPD. Ijust dont't want to start over again after doing the great work. Not for the third time.
I do not want Curry  to be a chief, he sound a bit too much a militarian and rigid. I do not want  Charlie Moose because I'm unable to see why did he chase after the opportinies to make money by writing a book. I just feel this is unethical. I feel he was trying ti capitlized his ego rather than to remain loyal toward his Police Department. It's a risky investment, I know it so because I'm a professional artist and the cash flow does not steadily flow.
I fail to remember the white guy who are the candidate for the final six,I don't think he ought to be on one of the finailist because of a simple reason, he's white and he's male. It's time for minorities to show their tune. It have been held by white people far too long. I'm white myself but that doesn't make it fair.
Afircian American from Calfornia and one other, I do not know what to think of them.I don't have sufficent opinion to make a good informed decision. So I'll leave them out for now.
Ellie Kidder[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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 Twins/Notfor Persons Who are Homeless (Mark Snyder)11. Voting by Mail in 2005? (Steven Clift)12. The Right Kind of Advocacy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])13. RE: Voting by Mail in 2005? (Michael Atherton)14. RE: The Mayor and the Stadium..A Home for the Twins/Notfor Persons Who are Homeless (Michael Atherton)15. CITIES RIVALRY - Mayors Kelly/Ryback Compete Rather ThanCooperate: (Eva Young)--__--__--Message: 1Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 08:19:16 -0600From: Jay Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: David Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Mpls] Police chief candidatesWhen I was at the Jordan Area Community Council, we worked with sergeantSharon Lubinski on a project that closed 50 drug houses in 18 months,and then on opening one of the first police substations at Penn andLowry.I was very impressed with Sharon Lubinski as a tough, no-nonsense policeofficer, totally dedicated to her job a
 nd able
 to get things done.Sharon is very sharp, and ready and willing to think outside the box

Re: [Mpls] Rybak hails progress converting Riverside Coal to natural gas

2003-12-15 Thread ken bradley

Hello Minneapolis Folks,
This is a very significant victory for everyone in our state.  Many people deserve credit inluding all of those organizations and companies listed below, and all the elected and government officials that have worked tirelessly on this issue. 
Great first step towards improving our air quality in Minnesota. 
We can all help by reducing our own energy usage, and reducing our use of the automobile. 
1) Visit Xcel Energy's website,2914,1-1-2-2-5_538_969-0,00.html to find out what more about energy efficiency tools. Take the test that will help you start saving energy and money today.
2) Start or increase your use of public transit and use your bicycle as another tranisit option.
Thanks again for everyones hard work on this issue. I have been smiling all weekend.
Ken Bradley
Corcoran Neighborhood
Sierra Club Legislative Chair
Multiple parties, including Xcel Energy and environmental groups, announced today they reached a settlement on converting two metro-area Xcel Energy coal plants to natural gas. The Riverside Coal Plant, the single largest source of pollution in the City of Minneapolis, would be converted to natural gas by 2009. Mayor Rybak also would like to specifically acknowledge the many, many groups that organized and lobbied for conversion. This is an incomplete list:Izaak Walton League, Sierra Club, Minnesotans for anEnergy-Efficient Economy, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy,Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota, The Minnesota Project, NorthAmerican Water Office, Clean Water Action Alliance, American Lung Association of Minnesota, theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, the Minnesota/Twin Cities Asthma Coalition,the Minnesota Children¹s Healt
 Environmental Network, the School Nurses ofMinnesota and the Women¹s Cancer Resource Center, Minnesota Interfaith Climate Change Campaign of the Minnesota Council of Churches.Neighborhood groups throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul filing resolutionsof support: Audubon, Bottineau, Hawthorne, Linden Hills, Marcy Holmes,Marshall Terrace, Prospect Park, Powderhorn Park, St. Anthony West, Seward,Sheridan, Shingle Creek, Southeast Como, Victory, Waite Park and Windom Parkneighborhoods in Minneapolis and the Daytons Bluff, Mac-Groveland, MerriamPark, St. Anthony Park and West Side Citizens Organization in St. Paul.Other community coalitions and organizations: Mississippi CorridorNeighborhood Coalition, Minnesota Public Interest Research Group,Minneapolis Urban League, Clean Energy Now (send care of Andrea Kiepe atClean Water Action Alliance)Laura SetherOffice of Mayor
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[Mpls] Re: Local Government Aid

2003-12-15 Thread Anderson, Mark (GESM)
Mark Snyder wrote: 
> It's one thing to assume that state employee wages won't rise, but that only 
> represents about 10% of the budget. It's quite another to assume that the 
> costs of the various other goods and services that are purchased by the 
> State of Minnesota will remain flat for the entire 2004-2005 biennium. 
> > If including inflation would only increase the shortfall to $400M, we'd 
> probably be OK since the reserves are set at around $600M. However, from 
> what I can recall, those who live in the real world have estimated that > including 
> inflation could increase the shortfall to as much as $1 billion 
> (that would be based on an annual inflation rate of approximately 3.5% if 
> I'm remembering how to do the math correctly). 
> > So yes, it's quite likely that there will be a further need to balance the 
> state's checkbook and I'm sure it's also quite likely that Minneapolis will 
> take on on the chin yet again. 

> Mark Anderson here: I don't know the details of the state budget. But I do know that 
> 3.5% inflation is too high for 2003 and 2004. The CPI has an increase of about 1% 
> for this year, and the guess from most economists is for a similar increase next 
> year (see today's (Sunday) Strib for a selection of MN economist's predictions). 
> Maybe the Republican forecast is too low, but any forecast using 3.5% is too high. 

Mark Anderson here again with an update:
My previous posting was based on a guess.  I am here shamefaced to tell you I was a 
little off.  The CPI for the 12 months ended Sept '03 was 2.3%.  I was asked offline 
if it included medical costs.  It certainly does, as one of eight items in the 
consumers' "basket."  Medical went up 4% in that period.  See attached link for more 

Mark V Anderson
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[Mpls] incorrect attribution in Mayors' Strib story

2003-12-15 Thread Sether, Laura S
Don't know if folks saw it, but sometimes corrections are easy to miss. The Star 
Tribune ran this correction today to yesterday's story on Mayors Rybak and Kelly 
(although it's not online): "A quote in the story Sunday was incorrectly attributed. 
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, not St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly, said 'You take the path 
of least resistance. There's not a clash. We define our agendas differently. Part of 
my agenda is to work collaboratively with other mayors.'"
Laura Sether, Office of Mayor Rybak
Standish Ericsson

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[Mpls] Addressing the Homelessness Issue

2003-12-15 Thread Jhpalmerjp

I read your posts on the subject of homelessness over the last year with 
great interest and I think it is an important issue.  While this may sound coy, it 
is meant as a serious question, and that is what do you want to be done?  
Granted that if it was possible, we'd want everyone not to be homeless, but 
barring that, do you have an agenda of things you'd like to see accomplished? And 
how it can be financed?(e.g. a list of the top 5 things that you'd like or some 
short term goals and long term goals)

I'm asking because it's very clear that you're passionate about this issue, 
and it's very clear that it's an important issue, and while I understand that 
you're holding protests to bring attention to things that need to be done, I'm 
not sure what those things are.  Nor how, in the budget crisis that we have, 
we should find funding for it (i.e. are there creative ways of doing this, are 
there things that should be dropped from the City's budget?) And maybe I'm the 
only one, but if not, putting out a concise and specific agenda or list would 
probably get you a lot more support from people such as myself who think that 
homelessness is an important issue, but don't know what activists with 
experience in the area such as yourself want to see done.  So is it something you 
can put out or refer people to see online so we have a better understanding?

Jonathan Palmer
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RE: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Terrell Brown
> Steven Clift wrote:

> > Minneapolis/Hennepin County should lead the way in 2005 by pushing 
> > for state law changes to allow voting my mail in our next election 
> > for mayor/city council.  
Michael Atherton responded:

> I don't know if this is a good idea.  I'm not sure that
> we should run our government the same way that we do
> warranty registration for washing machines.  I think
> that it might increase the participation of those who
> have only marginal knowledge of the issues and the
> candidates and contribute to the tend of politics as
> a popularity contest.  

TB comments:

However, we don't test voters to determine that they have appropriate
knowledge of the issues.

In Washington State where voters can choose to permanently vote by
mail, that is have ballots automatically mailed to them for every
election, there were 1,035,392 registered voters in King County
(Seattle) as of October 4, 2003.  46% of those voters had chosen to
permanently vote by mail.  Election officials were expecting 70%
turnout for this falls election among the mail voters versus an average
of 47% for an off year election.

Is there any evidence that voters don't take their vote seriously? 
Would, perhaps, receiving a ballot in the mail prompt someone to look
for information about the candidates and the issues on the ballot?

I think that any way the we can increase the number of people with any
interest in elections and government is something that we should

Terrell Brown
Loring Park

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[Mpls] teacher contract tentative agreement

2003-12-15 Thread Dan McGuire
MPS and the teachers have a tentative agreement.

I would like to see/hear an answer to the questions: "If the teachers
got close to what the were asking for, what was the hold-up and why was
the district pretending they were not required to pay the increases of
the former contract?  What was the payoff to the district for the damage
to the relationship between teachers and the district?

A summary of the new contract is at

Dan McGuire

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RE: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Eva Young
At 09:27 AM 12/15/2003, Michael Atherton wrote:

Steven Clift wrote:

> Considering the relatively poor turn-out in recent local elections, I
> worry about the growing lack of legitimacy in local democracy across
> Minnesota.
> Minneapolis/Hennepin County should lead the way in 2005 by pushing
> for state law changes to allow voting my mail in our next election
> for mayor/city council.
> The facts are in ... while voting by mail for any reason doesn't seem
> to raise turn out much in national elections, it does in local
> elections.
I don't know if this is a good idea.  I'm not sure that
we should run our government the same way that we do
warranty registration for washing machines.  I think
that it might increase the participation of those who
have only marginal knowledge of the issues and the
candidates and contribute to the tend of politics as
a popularity contest.  At least when people go to the
polls or order an absent ballot they are extending some
effort.  It would be interesting to see research profiling
the types of people who would vote by Internet or US Mail versus
those who go to the polls.  I'd hate to see our representatives
selected and ballot issues decided the same way as CNN or
USA Today opinion surveys.
Michael Atherton
Prospect Park
I think there are real problems with vote by mail schemes - and even worse, 
voting by internet.  Fraud is one of them.  There are more problems in 
instances like the recent contest between Coleman and Wellstone - when 
Wellstone died in a plane crash - and Mondale replaced Wellstone on the 
ballot.  If we had vote by mail - with a 3 week window for getting the mail 
in ballots - the election would have been much more problematic.

I'd like to see a city and county "Bring your neighbor to vote" type thing 
- to encourage people who vote to bring other voters to the polls.

If we are going to work to change election law - I'd rather see an effort 
to ditch the precinct caucus system.  There's much more participation in 
the primaries than in the caucuses.  Neither party seems really interested 
in getting new people out to the caucuses.  Instead the direct mail goes to 
the same people who attended caucuses in the past.

Eva Young
Near North
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[Mpls] New years eve

2003-12-15 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Some wonderful soul here offered up their invite to RT's fundraiser for Margaret to 
use for a homeless person.
She has found someone willing to go and my emails were lost from last week.
Anyone out there willing to donate their invite please contact Margaret at [EMAIL 
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East
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[Mpls] Re: Police Chief Candidates

2003-12-15 Thread Dave Piehl
WizardMarks wrote:

My biggest fear is that RT, a man in love with the
media who looks at everything as a media man, will
choose a chief who gives good quote, rather than
someone who gives good leadership and management.

David Piehl writes:

The remaining candidates for police chief are:
Lucy Gerold 
Sharon Lubinski
William McManus
Charles Moose
Joseph Samuels Jr

As most of us are aware, Gerold and Lubinski are the
only local candidates.  Everything I've ever heard
about Lubinski has been positive, which is nearly
impossible for anyone working in the third precinct;
she has my respect for that accomplishment alone - in
addition to her record on all of her assignments. 
Lubinski, in my mind, is definatly a top contender. 
Gerold, on the other hand, isn't as well liked due to
her record at CCP Safe, and the perception that she
doesn't have a genuine concern for the residents.

I've heard that McManus speaks fluent Spanish, and
that his wife is a Peruvian immigrant; in addition to
the fact that he has an excellent service record, that
could be important given the fast growing Latino
population in the city.

Charles Moose is the guy who handled the
Washington-area sniper case; he appears to have a good
record of accomplishments, but the fact that he has
since resigned, written a book, etc. makes me wonder. 
Moose is definatly a media personality now, which is
likely to ignite the sparkle in Rybak's eye.  

This is one of those rare occasions where I agree with
Wizard; I too, am afraid that Rybak is gravitating
toward Moose based largely on his media personality. 
While media relations are important for a police
chief, it's a lot more important for them to be in
tune with the community they serve; Lubinsky & McManus
have demonstrated leadership in that respect. 

David Piehl

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[Mpls] CITIES RIVALRY - Mayors Kelly/Ryback Compete Rather Than Cooperate:

2003-12-15 Thread Eva Young
CITIES RIVALRY - Mayors Kelly/Ryback Compete Rather Than Cooperate:
from the article:

Both cities have designated biotechnology zones and are simultaneously 
trying to draw lucrative business to support them.

Both are vying to land the new home of Allina Hospitals & Clinics and its 
1,200 jobs.

And in the highest-profile competition, both mayors want to be holding 
shovels if the Minnesota Twins ever break ground on a new stadium.

A shrinking state budget and slashes in state aid have intensified

EY:  Let St Paul have the stadium (and pay for it with property taxes), and 
let Anoka get the Vikings stadium - and let Minneapolis focus on getting 
the biotech business - and Allina.

From the article:

On election day -- at the same time the two men were talking about the need 
for Twin Cities collaboration -- Major jor League Baseball targeted the 
Twins for elimination. Rybak had campaigned against spending public money 
on a new ballpark, but Kelly didn't make such pledges.

So Kelly aggressively swooped into action, and two years later he's still 
working to find a way to build a ballpark in St. Paul and to bring the team 
across the Mississippi River. Rybak flip-flopped on his position: Within 
two weeks of his election, apparently overcoming his anti-stadium stance, 
he was looking for ways to build a stadium in Minneapolis. With that 
opening round, the two were off and competing, earning a reputation as an 
uncooperative pair.

EY:  This was one of the most appalling things Mayor Rybak did - was 
reversing his position on the Stadium.He used this issue against both 
SSB - and Lisa McDonald (in an especially mean performance at debates where 
he exploited Lisa's hearing disability to score political points).

The proposals I've heard about financing involve some sort of increased tax 
in the proximity of the stadium - I think this is especially unfair to 
people who live or work in those areas.  It's also a bit disingenous to say 
that some of this isn't really a state subsidy for Professional Sports - 
because all this is, is having the government collect money that's being 
used to pay of bonds to pay for the stadium - which benefits professional 
sports owners.

It seems like this session is going to be dominated by the Stadium Wars, 
Gay Marriage, and the Death Penalty - rather than focusing on the real 
challenges the state faces.

I think there does need to be more working together between Minneapolis and 
St Paul though - and there are some common interests that the cities should 
be joining forces on at the Legislature.  This article makes that point.

Eva Young
Near North
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RE: [Mpls] The Mayor and the Stadium..A Home for the Twins/Notfor Persons Who are Homeless

2003-12-15 Thread Michael Atherton

Mark Snyder wrote:

> On a different note, by virtue of having supported Rybak's 
> campaign, I was also a recipient of the New Year's Eve 
> fundraiser invitation. I'm probably not going to go because 
> it's not really my kind of event...

What I liked about R.T. four years ago was that the
fundraising event I attended was an interesting mix of 
neighborhood and more well-to-do DFL money people.

Somehow I don't think that this $100 a person New Year's
Eve party I've been invited to this election will have 
quite the same "diversity,"  but maybe that just shows 

Four years ago I was able to talk to R.T. for a few minutes
and was impressed with his candor.  This year I imagine
that I'd be body blocked by corporate lobbyists.  Sad to
think that the weeds have grown up among the grass roots.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Michael Atherton

Steven Clift wrote:

> Considering the relatively poor turn-out in recent local elections, I 
> worry about the growing lack of legitimacy in local democracy across 
> Minnesota.
> Minneapolis/Hennepin County should lead the way in 2005 by pushing 
> for state law changes to allow voting my mail in our next election 
> for mayor/city council.  
> The facts are in ... while voting by mail for any reason doesn't seem 
> to raise turn out much in national elections, it does in local 
> elections.

I don't know if this is a good idea.  I'm not sure that
we should run our government the same way that we do
warranty registration for washing machines.  I think
that it might increase the participation of those who
have only marginal knowledge of the issues and the
candidates and contribute to the tend of politics as
a popularity contest.  At least when people go to the
polls or order an absent ballot they are extending some 
effort.  It would be interesting to see research profiling 
the types of people who would vote by Internet or US Mail versus
those who go to the polls.  I'd hate to see our representatives
selected and ballot issues decided the same way as CNN or 
USA Today opinion surveys.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] The Right Kind of Advocacy

2003-12-15 Thread m1r3201

   In response to the issue raised by Mr. Snyder and the Mayor's fundraising party--
  I asked that the Mayor respond to a question that is reasonable to pose to him,
  and ,given that he campaigned on affordable housing, one I would expect him to 
  be willing to answer.
  He has posted on the forum before.
  Below is a comment I made on a recent post: 
 {{Now, if the Mayor does not have time to do an interview with me or anybody else. I would hope he would post to the list. He has done this in the past. I remember his post about the Loppet.

  I have found our previous Mayors, not just Mayor Rybak, to display similar traits of making it difficult for the average resident to have access to them or reasonable questions answered.
   I have asked a reasonable question-- and if the mayor would choose to simply answer that question on this forum or some other public forum where we can see his response great.
   Then freezing outside his fundraiser, hoping to catch him on the fly will not be necessary.
   It gets exhausting having to chase after public officials when they could simply give the respect of an answer.
    Margaret Hastings-Mpsl- Kingfield 

[Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-15 Thread Steven Clift
Considering the relatively poor turn-out in recent local elections, I 
worry about the growing lack of legitimacy in local democracy across 

Minneapolis/Hennepin County should lead the way in 2005 by pushing 
for state law changes to allow voting my mail in our next election 
for mayor/city council.  

The facts are in ... while voting by mail for any reason doesn't seem 
to raise turn out much in national elections, it does in local 

For example:

Postal voting boosts turnout

Some people cast their votes online

Postal voting has been judged an unqualified success in the 2002 
local elections, boosting turnout by an average of 28% in areas where 
it was trialled. 

Postal voting +28% 
E-voting +5% 
Online voting +1% 
No experiment +4%  

Senior figures indicated that the idea could now be rolled out to 
other parts of the country, although ministers are waiting for a 
report assessing the impact of postal votes from the Electoral 
Commission by the end of July. 


I was once told a story about cities in New Zealand that were given 
the opportunity to switch _away_ from all postal voting in local 
elections.  They were worried because mail-in-only voter turn out had 
dropped below 50 percent (what are we around 25%?? in Minnesota local 
elections).  The one city that dropped postal voting completely and 
replaced it with traditional voting booths saw their turn-out drop by 
almost half the next election.

Like in Washington State, we should have a right to register as 
permanent absentee voters for any reason.

In their recent 2003 elections, they had a state-wide local turn out 
of 40 percent of registered voters with 75 percent of the votes cast 
by mail (I am sure it was higher in highly contested cities, lower in 

Check out these statistics:

Here is the law that strengthens the legitimacy of local 
representative government:§ion=29.36.2

In my opinion, any election at any level of government which has a 
turn out of less than fifty percent of eligible voters demonstrates a 
system designed for exclusion and does not ensure the legitimacy 
required for democratic governance.

Anyone interested in making something happen this session on this 
idea? Should/could Hennepin County/Minneapolis do this on their own 
without state approval?

Steven Clift

P.S. In St. Paul it looks like the turn-out among _registered_ voters 
(not voting age population which tends to be the base line in 
statewide election statistics) was only 22%:
Duluth seems to have done much better, but that stats related to the 
number of registered voters in the general election aren't on the 
city web site.  They had 31,552 votes cast in the general and 
according to the Duluth newspaper, their were 57,152 registered 
voters in the primary election or 55% turn-out in a hotly contest 
open seat for mayor.

In 2001, Minneapolis had 41% turn-out
^   ^   ^^
Steven L. Clift-W:
Minneapolis-   -   - E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -T: +1.612.822.8667
USA-   -   -   -   -   -M: +1.612.203.5181

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