RE: [Mpls] Steve Belton v. Thandiwe Peebles

2005-07-05 Thread Michael Atherton

Dan McGuire wrote:

>  The important question is - will the new employment 
>  conditions work, in the short term and for the long 
>  term?  Steve Belton is someone who has considerable 
>  experience with the MPS staff.  It would be reckless 
>  to discount his opinion.

Where do Mr. Belton's loyalties lie?  With the staff?
With the teachers? With the DFL?  Whose loyalties 
lie with the students?

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] Steve Belton v. Thandiwe Peebles

2005-07-05 Thread Dan McGuire

Michael Hohmann wrote:

The chief executive,the superintendent in this case, should have a high degree 
of control over
the direct reports that will be helping develop/implement major policy 
initiatives... seems to me anyway.  Do policy/administrative/mgmt -type 
positions normally hold tenure in the public schools?


The important question is - will the new employment conditions work, in 
the short term and for the long term?  Steve Belton is someone who has 
considerable experience with the MPS staff.  It would be reckless to 
discount his opinion.

Dan McGuire
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Re: [Mpls] Teacher turnover, excessive lay offs, and the law

2005-07-05 Thread Dan McGuire

Diane Wiley wrote:

I know this is just anecdotal, but I heard, again, from another long time
teacher with a GREAT reputation, that s/he after being tranferred due to the
mess last year, is now being "excessed" [which  means s/he will probably be
called back, but who knows] and has just had it and is looking to move to a
different district.  It makes me sick.


Indeed, teachers are being moved around and out.  Very little of the 
movement is because of any state law or to enhance student achievement. 
Most of the movement is due to the school closings and administrative 
decisions to lop off teachers and programs without first making 
qualitative decisions.

Dan McGuire
Ericsson / (Northrop) ?
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[Mpls] Insanity

2005-07-05 Thread Gina Palandri
I decided that whoever, and I cannot recall if it was Jesse Or Timmy that  
said it was ok for fireworks to be legal; should be hung upside down- that  
we know now; in just a tiny way what war sounds like.  Even all the  
fireworks in Powderhorn, probably did not sound as bad as it did in  

Gina Palandri

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Re: [Mpls] Park Agenda and Eloise Butler update

2005-07-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
My limited understanding of the agenda process is that the President of 
the MPRB as well as the Superintendent ( with help of staff ) set the 
agenda for the regular meeting.  The chair of each committee ( 
Planning, Admin and Finance, Operations and Environment, Recreation, 
Legislative and Standards and Conduct) sets the committee agenda with 
staff.  If you are not a chair you can ask to have something brought 
before a committee but that is at the discretion of the chair.   The 
present chair of the Planning Committee is Commissioner Fine.  ( the 
website could certainly be more specific about this whole agenda 

Most (but not all i.e. DeLaSalle)  projects follow a planning format   There is a 
chart you can click to see.  Many involve community meetings ( if your 
address is within 3 blocks of the project you should get mailed 
notification as well as your neighborhood association receiving 
something) and then a presentation before the planning committee with a 
chance for community input.  The date of the meeting is sent to those 
in the radius as well as anyone who attends one of the earlier 
meetings.This was the process used for the St. Anthony Parkway Plan 
on tomorrow's agenda.  So watch your mail for those little colored 
postcards and if you are concerned about other projects around town try  This is the list 
of current projects and the contact person is listed.

Though there is a list of current projects, it would be nice to have a 
link to see what is coming down the pipeline so there are fewer of the 
"surprises" that create such havoc.  I know there is a list of sorts as 
Director Reitkirk  of the Planning Department was kind enough to let me 
know that the building in my park would not have any renovations until 
2007 at the earliest ( and I asked about that last year) and with 
funding being an issue that date was tentative at best.  What I found 
curious was how Solomon Park jumped into the list so quickly ahead of 
how many parks?  I know that some projects have to be coordinated with 
federal $$ ( like the Grand Rounds) but just because the MPRB traded 
some land and ended up with Solomon Park doesn't mean it should jump 
ahead of Jordan Park , whose delays Commissioner Olson mentions 

The MPRB is not known for its transparency in operations, especially 
where budgeting and planning are concerned.   I am hoping that the 
folks running as reform candidates will do something about this after 
they are elected in November.  The MPRB gets a huge chunk of my 
property tax dollars and I would like more detailed information about 
how it is spent

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
( who got 2 postcards for the St. Anthony Parkway Plan at the MPRB 
tomorrow, one for resident and one to Liz who attended 2 of the 3 

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2005-07-05 Thread Jhpalmerjp
At times  it seems as though more police would be needed. However, more 
police would not  be needed if the infrastructure of the area were more 
economically sound. Or if  the city’s empowerment zone would allow dollars to 
wishing to start their  own businesses, other than nails; liquor; knock off 
clothing stores, and corner  “hood” stores selling outdated WIC (Women Infant‘s 
Children), in addition to  selling cigarettes cheaper than any other place in 
the  city.<<

I agree wholeheartedly with Vanessa.  A  clear connection can be seen between 
the economic investment in a community and  the amount of crime and poverty 
that exists there.  The higher the  investment, the lower the other two become. 
 Sound economic investment is  key to diminishing and ultimately eradicating 
crime from areas.

To that  end, while the Empowerment Zone has put funding into a number of 
businesses and  initiatives, it has never put money into "nails; liquor; knock 
off clothing  stores, and corner “hood” stores selling outdated WIC (Women 
Infant‘s and  Children)" to my knowledge. In my mind, that approach would be 
counterproductive  to helping the community. 

What we have funded are places like Café Tata  Bunna, El Amin's Fish House, 
Lucille's Kitchen, the Franklin Bakery, Siyeza and  a host of others.  We also 
provide funds through the West Broadway Area  Coalition for West Broadway 
businesses to do façade improvements and we provide  free technical assistance 
small business loans to EZ business through four  providers: NRRC, 
WomenVenture, MCCD and Whittier CDC.  In fact in the  course of our 5 1/2 
years, $10.4 
Million (of our $25.8 Million) has been  committed to 34 economic development 
projects and initiatives, which have served  1,174 persons,  trained 170 
residents and created or retained 485 resident  jobs.  65 EZ business loans 
been processed and 441 EZ businesses have  received technical assistance. 

Many people are not fully aware of what  we do and don't do, I encourage 
people to check out our website  ( or email me 
directly at work at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any questions.  On 
our end, we're  trying to get the word out more of the resources we have to 

In  addition, the City has a great Business Finance division which works with 
 businesses to find resources and funding, they even put out a free guide on 
how  to start a business.  Bob Lind heads that up, and is another great person 
 to talk with.  Bottom line is that both the EZ and the Business Finance  
division are here to help and have been assisting people as they start up or  
expand their business, primarily small businesses.  Many people are not  aware 
the resources available to them, and I would encourage anyone to  contact my 
office or other divisions for assistance.  

Jonathan  Palmer

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[Mpls] Re: previously 'fire at will' discussion

2005-07-05 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 7/2/2005 10:17:15 PM Central Standard Time, 
Mhohmann writes

'Fire at will' is a bit of a misnomer. 'At will employment' is the correct
term and means simply that- if an employee is not under contract, he or she
is an at-will employee. An employer can dismiss an at-will employee hired for 
an indefinite term at any time for any non-discriminatory reason.

Doug Mann responds:

An employment contract exists if there is an employer-employee relationship, 
even if there is not a written contract.  'At will employment' is the default 
status for most types of employment in Minnesota.  On the other hand, Union 
contracts typically do not permit employers to terminate an employment contract 
except for just cause, lack of work, etc.  Ditto for employees covered by the 
Teacher Tenure Act.
RE: [Mpls] Steve Belton v. Thandiwe Peebles

[MH] I was under the impression that the employees in question were
policy/administrative/mgmt -type positions.  If that is the case I see no
need for tenure at all.  Contracts are one thing, tenure is another (a
contract+ if you will).  Most public service-type employers seem to make the
top administration people (i.e. those reporting directly to the chief exec.
officer) 'at will' employees that serve at the pleasure of the top/chief
exec. officer...

Doug Mann responds:

It appears that the administrative / Management types in question are not 
"tenured" employees. Tenured teachers, for example, may not be fired without 
cause, unless their job is eliminated for reasons listed in the Teacher 
Tenure Act, such as declining student enrollment.  However, contracts with top 
administrative employees have required the superintendent to show just cause 
disciplinary actions, including firings. The district has also had a 
progressive disciplinary policy and some sort of due process for most regular 
including the superintendents top aides.

-Doug Mann, King Field
former union steward and griever  
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[Mpls] re: DFL has gone to Pride/As minority/female housing die

2005-07-05 Thread PennBroKeith
Keith says;

I a m sorry I left out the most important part of the last post. Every bit of 
the original post was from the archive. Tim, Both your comment and mine were 
from July 2002; three years ago. Remember, the bones of the DFL Demolition 
Juggernaut are buried in the vacant lots.The kids selling drugs on 26th Avenue 
are Jackie C. and SSB's; they created the hyper mobility through implementation 
of the DFL Demolition Agenda; home wrecking. Still fresh; huh?

There are two kinds of people in a street gang; hard-core and wannabe. There 
are two kinds of folks in our local DFL; hard-core machine; and sincere, 
blithe, do-gooders.

Introspection time on The List,

Keith Reitman  NearNorth Not affiliated with a Streetgang, nor Machine  

Keith Reitman   NearNorth 


Dear Tim and List members:

The World changes and stays the same. Yudda. I have found that almost every 
topic we present on the current List has arisen in some form in the past 4 
years. The List Archive is fascinating and highly relevant today's issues. We 
not have to reinvent the wheel; although we are discussing new ways to power 
it. Even that has been covered in the last four years. History matters. And 
I am thinking of writing a "day in the life of neither the best nor worst 
small business person called landlord"; no one would believe the s**t I 
just today after The 4th in the hood. Yea, we are busy.

eith-Kay eitman-Ray   ear-Nay orth-Nay 

Tim Bonham:
Gee, Keith -- digging up an over-2-year-old post, and commenting 
on it now?
Guess those "small business people called landlords" must not have much to 
keep them busy.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] re: DFL has gone to Pride/As minority/female housing died

2005-07-05 Thread PennBroKeith
Dear Tim and List members:

The World changes and stays the same. Yudda. I have found that almost every 
topic we present on the current List has arisen in some form in the past 4 
years. The List Archive is fascinating and highly relevant today's issues. We 
not have to reinvent the wheel; although we are discussing new ways to power 
it. Even that has been covered in the last four years. History matters. And 
I am thinking of writing a "day in the life of neither the best nor worst 
small business person called landlord"; no one would believe the s**t I 
just today after The 4th in the hood. Yea, we are busy.

eith-Kay eitman-Ray   ear-Nay orth-Nay 

Tim Bonham:
Gee, Keith -- digging up an over-2-year-old post, and commenting 
on it now?
Guess those "small business people called landlords" must not have much to 
keep them busy.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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Re: [Mpls] Park Agenda and Eloise Butler update

2005-07-05 Thread Anne McC
>Open Time discussion is limited to items that are not scheduled for action 
>by the Board on the agenda<

How does a person find out what is going to be on the agenda before it gets 
onto the agenda so that public input can be put in?  I'm not being 
scarcastic; I am really curious as to what the process is.  Someone has 
already said that the planning committee is closed to public input.

Anne McCandless

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[Mpls] Bikers of Minneapolis Unite!

2005-07-05 Thread Aaron Neumann

Dear List,

Please join myself, our neighbors, and fellow bikers of Minneapolis at 6
p.m. Wednesday, July 6, as the Eastside Bicycle Task Force gathers mid-river
and mid-bridge with the Northside Bicycle Task Force for a brief meeting.
We'll meet at the railroad bridge near Ace Mailing, Marshall Street NE at
17th Avenue NE. We then head out to the middle of the bridge over the
Mississippi River to join our Northside neighbors for a commemorative photo
launching formal efforts to buy the bridge to complete a much-anticipated
bike route joining North Minneapolis and Northeast/Eastside Minneapolis.

This is an important event.  It is vital to the City of Minneapolis Bikeways
Master Plan that this connection be made as to literally bridge the diverse
communities of North and Northeast.  The bottleneck:  Canadian Pacific
Railway currently uses this bridge about once per day, and they would have
to reroute their line for about a half mile and then share a rail line with
a competing Railway.  A a key transportation component in our campaign is a
bike-friendly city.  I state (website) that I support: "City of Minneapolis
Bikeways Master Plan, Northeast Quadrant (2001) by authoring, advocating,
and passing matching fund request to ensure 2010 completion plan. This also
includes the key component (where Council leadership is crucial ) of working
with Canadian Pacific Railway on rerouting the limited use railroad bridge
over the Mississippi river to create path connection to the Northside."
Public support is needed to urge them towards the reroute, and visibly show
support for this connection.  A tid-bit:  Federal matching funds flow freer
when connections like this one happen.  Let's not miss out on this great

Of personal note, I was jumped on this bridge entrance area on the Northeast
side in April of 2004 by a gang calling themselves the Gansta Disciples. 
About 5 guys, around 11pm, brass knuckles and all.  A neighbor came to my

rescue, and the cops actually arrested two of the youth involved.  In fact,
I got a chance to meet one perpetrator through the Restorative Justice
Program and actually talked about the event and our lives, and then forgave
him (as well as advocated for a lighter sentence of probation).  It was
quite powerful, and he is now on a much, much better path in life.  Public
Safety is more than a policy position for me.  I have a personal connection
to gang violence and am deeply committed to a just, sustainable and peaceful
Minneapolis that our grandchildren can enjoy.  This bike-path connection is
all about that.

So please. bring your friends, family, neighbors and kids of all ages, and
come on your bikes. The meeting will be brief (one hour or less) so that
we'll have plenty of time to get out and enjoy some bicycling and our
riverfront!  See you there!

Aaron Neumann
Candidate for Minneapolis City Council Ward 3 (Green)

Neighbors for Neumann!
1828 Marshall St. NE #18
Minneapolis, MN 55418-4211

"Bridging Diverse Communities/Standing with People"

Effective Government * Healthy Environment * Safe Communities * Arts

"Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement
of people's lives." - Paul Wellstone

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RE: [Mpls] Steve Belton v. Thandiwe Peebles

2005-07-05 Thread Michael Hohmann
Re 'at will' vs. 'contracted' employees at MPS, Michael Atherton states, in
> There's nothing that would prohibit giving "at will" employees
> more secure contracts sometime in the future.  Indeed, it's
> easier to go from "fire at will" to tenure, than from tenure to
> "fire at will."

[MH] I was under the impression that the employees in question were
policy/administrative/mgmt -type positions.  If that is the case I see no
need for tenure at all.  Contracts are one thing, tenure is another (a
contract+ if you will).  Most public service-type employers seem to make the
top administration people (i.e. those reporting directly to the chief exec.
officer) 'at will' employees that serve at the pleasure of the top/chief
exec. officer.  Why should the MPS be any different?  The chief executive,
the superintendent in this case, should have a high degree of control over
the direct reports that will be helping develop/implement major policy
initiatives... seems to me anyway.  Do policy/administrative/mgmt -type
positions normally hold tenure in the public schools?

Mike Hohmann
Linden Hills

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[Mpls] Park Agenda and Eloise Butler update

2005-07-05 Thread Svattheriver
I was able to go the Park Board and get more information about the Eloise  
Butler buffer issue and what is on the agenda. 
There were problems with getting the agenda posted online. It is now  posted.
There is a public hearing about the Saint Anthony Parkway Regional Park  
Master Plan Wed. July 6 at 5:30- this is an opportunity for the public to  
about the plan.
For the Eloise Butler issue-
I want to thank Planning staff for their assistance with these issues and  
the approx. 60 pages of background material and suggested  recommendations.
>From what I understand the public can speak to the action item 4.1- the  
approval of staff recommendations at the 5:00 planning committee  meeting.
What is at issue is the balance of a nature conservancy, trails and  
buckthorn removal and the restoration of biodiversity. 
 The Recommendations:
"Reaffirm the Board's 1964 action declaring that the primary purpose for  the 
land surrounding Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary is that  
of a native conservatory AND that as a nature conservatory, the MPRB will work 
 to protect and restore biodiversity within Wirth Park and balance human  
recreational desires with ecological needs.
Recreational activities appropriate to this area include nature study,  
birding, hiking, walking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, environmental  
education, nature focused art activities, picnicking and others deemed  
This action reaffirms that biking is not allowed in the native  conservancy."
"The action would direct staff to develop a preferred trail overlay for  this 
area integrated with an invasive species removal and ecosystem restoration  
plan for Wirth Park."
In 1964 the Park Board added territory adjacent to the wildflower garden to  
have these areas remain in their natural state.
After reading all the staff reports and documentation the thing that really  
strikes me are the problems of forest management and how "unhealthy" and  
degraded our urban forest in Wirth park has become. 
One letter about this issue noted the appalling condition from an  ecological 
Buckthorn and invasive aggressive species are doing more harm to our urban  
forests than Dutch elm disease, but few are yet aware of how big a problem this 
Scott VreelandSeward
As a few folks have pointed out "Open time"  rules are now- you can  sign up 
before 4pm the day of the Park Board meeting, but rules still include  the 
Open Time discussion is limited to items that are not scheduled for action  
by the Board on the agenda.  
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[Mpls] List members in the news

2005-07-05 Thread List Manager
First day of filings:

Terrell Brown has filed for the Ward 7 seat held by Lisa Goodman. Terrell
has filed as a DFLer.

Doug Mann has filed as a Green candidate for Ward 8 (has the party endorsed
Reggie Birts or is that endorsement still open)?

Others of note:
Mark Koscielski (former gun shop owner, coiner of "Murderapolis") is running
under the Pissed Off Taxpayer banner.

Paul Ostrow and Gary Schiff are the first incumbents to file.

Cara Letofsky in the 2nd, Diane Hofstede in the 3rd, and the indefatigable
Dick Franson for mayor.

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] re: DFL has gone to Pride/As minority/female housing died

2005-07-05 Thread Tim Bonham

Message: 2
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 19:04:21 EDT
In a message dated 6/8/02 4:37:15 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<< Nowadays, DFL delegates &
 voters generally will not support candidates who do not believe in equality
 for GLBT people, any more than they would support racist or anti-women
 candidates.  Those candidates go to other parties for endorsement. >>

Keith says; The DFL endorsed candidates ruled this City during the last 15
years. They were the 'homewreckers' who callously boarded up and demolished
the affordable housing in this town. A vast percentage of poor people, those
who need affordable housing, are minority and/or single female heads of
household. They are the direct victims of this racist and sexist policy
endorsed by the DFL. Secondary victims include small business people called
landlord whose property was commandeered and destroyed; and the City as a
Keith ReitmanTake a close look   NearNorth

Gee, Keith -- digging up an over-2-year-old post, and commenting 
on it now?
Guess those "small business people called landlords" must not have much to 
keep them busy.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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Re: [Mpls] Teacher turnover, excessive lay offs, and the law

2005-07-05 Thread Diane Wiley
I know this is just anecdotal, but I heard, again, from another long time
teacher with a GREAT reputation, that s/he after being tranferred due to the
mess last year, is now being "excessed" [which  means s/he will probably be
called back, but who knows] and has just had it and is looking to move to a
different district.  It makes me sick.

Diane Wiley

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Re: [Mpls] Insanity

2005-07-05 Thread wmmarks

Connie Beckers wrote:

I second Roberta Englund's post. Who's brainchild was it to legalize
fireworks, anyway?!?  

I completely agree with Ms. Beakers' evaluation of people's situation on 
the northside, having been there and still there to a certain extent on 
the southside. The usual has been interrupted for a minute by the Lake 
St. Repaving Project. (I was hoping this would happen, since we have to 
put up with the dust, noise, and strangeness of such a major project.)

After dinner at Passage to India, a friend and I drove back to Central 
Neighborhood and parked at the corner of 33rd and Park to watch the 
Powderhorn Park display. When it was over, we tootled around and saw 
some kids behaving very responsibly and supervisedly with sparklers and 
rockets. After parking across from my house, we sat on the front steps 
and watched an hour-long display put on by one of the neighbors across 
in Phillips behind the Goodyear Tire shop. It was awesome. They didn't 
go as high, but they went often and prolongedly. What a nice gift to the 
area that person gave. He must have spent a bundle too, since it lasted 
an hour.
There were probably gunshots among the rockets red glare, but I ignored 
them since I could do nothing about it at the moment and just had a 
peaceful, rocket noise and sight filled hour on my own front porch. What 
a gift.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Prospect Park Adopts its NRP-2 Action Plan

2005-07-05 Thread wmmarks

Steve Cross wrote:

The Prospect Park East River Road neighborhood has adopted its action 
plan under NRP-2.  Some of the highlights of our Action Plan are:

The work was the culmination of the work of a Steering Committee 
elected by the neighborhood last October and which has been meeting 
multiple times for each month since then to reach its recommendations.

Give those people a cheer. It is a bear coming to any agreement on 
neighborhood issues when so little money is involved and so many needs. 

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Election filings open today

2005-07-05 Thread List Manager
Here's the handy link to check on filings for city races; the filing period
closes July 19, 5 p.m.:

If that breaks, try:

David Brauer
List manager

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RE: [Mpls] Insanity

2005-07-05 Thread Williams, Brandt
I sympathize.  I lost sleep last night because of the non-stop barrage of 
illegal fireworks in my neighborhood. The fireworks season has actually been a 
little quieter than usual in my part of north Minneapolis.  The pops and bangs 
of firecrackers usually start up in earnest in early June and continue into 
August.  I've learned that firecrackers generally sound more erratic (ie: pop 
puh-puh pop pop!)  Gunshots are more deliberate (ie: blam-blam-blam!)

one thing you learn quickly around here.  although in the cacophony of 
fireworks they're really hard to pick out.

Brandt Williams

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Connie Beckers
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:17 AM
To: Roberta Englund;
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Insanity

I second Roberta Englund's post. Who's brainchild was it to legalize
fireworks, anyway?!?  I swear 9/10th's of what I've been listening to for
the past week or so has been the illegal kind! I've called 911 several times
and while the operators are now much more receptive, it still made no
difference. The few cops we do have over North here are busy answering
shooting and domestic violence and robbery and prostitution calls.

I couldn't even tell which were fireworks and which were gunshots. There
were some pretty loud bangs going off. One house around 35th & Dupont was
shooting exploding fireworks into the sky -- big ones -- I didn't see what
they were using but it sounded like the canon at a professional display! How
can people be so bold?!? I suppose they just assume the cops are going to be
so busy, they couldn't possibly catch them, huh?

We went down to Broadway and the River to see the downtown display and I was
surprised to see so many folks setting off illegal fireworks down there, as
well. Kids running around and folks are lighting an entire pack of
firecrackers! And then they're going to sue the maker and blame everyone
else if they blow off a finger or their child is killed.

And now we're knee-deep in fireworks debris because do you think anyone is
going to pick up after themselves? The parking lot at the end of my block on
Lowry and Girard is filled with it and the folks who left it all there most
likely live in the apartments across the street. Why shouldn't someone roust
them from bed and haul them out there to clean up after themselves? I pick
up trash from my yard every single day ... condoms, food wrappers and even
shell casings sometimes. It's not my trash but I care about how my place
looks so I clean up after the losers who don't know any better. I used to be
a bleeding heart liberal ... now I'm an angry liberal.

This stuff is intolerable ... no one should have to live in fear like this.
I didn't move into a war-zone; this was a quiet and peaceful neighborhood 22
years ago when I bought my home. Now we're being taken over  many of my
former neighbors fled in fear years ago letting their homes go to investors
and now the places are dumps. One of my old neighbors visited recently and
was heartbroken to see the home she'd raised her family in ... there's no
grass in the front yard, just the garbage dumpster, kitchen table and chairs
and lots of empty liquor cans and bottles.

And now I find the need to leave, too ... who's going to be left to keep the
city clean, Mr Mayor? What's going to happen to the city you say you love so
much without proper law enforcement and decent, law-abiding neighbors? Who's
going to be left to vote for you, RT? Who's going to want to move into a
city that's overrun by thugs and prostitutes ... except other thugs and
prostitutes, of course? And I don't think they're known for making it to the
polls on election day either ... especially if they're convicted felons.

Your future as our Mayor is in jeopardy, RT. It's time to step up the plate
and do something important for the city. And I'll be selfish to nominate my
part of the city as the place to get started. Forget airplane noise; forget
the stadium; let's get neighborhoods back on track and encourage families to
take over again. Let's get back to the business of living in peace, quiet
and harmony. I miss those days and if they don't return to the city, I'll go
find it somewhere else.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Connie Beckers - Folwell
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." John Lennon

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Re: [Mpls] What kind of person steals (can't spell) a compost barrel?

2005-07-05 Thread ken bradley
Spelling correction! Steal not Steel

ken bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Minneapolis Issues Folks,

Some delightful individual stole my compost barrel between 10:00 pm last night 
and 7:30 this morning. It was one of the more expensive purchases for me this 
spring, and thus very disappointing to see it had been taken from next to our 
garage. I had just about completely emptied it last night feeding my garden and 
was preparing to refill it this evening. So it was light and easy to walk off 

What kind of values does a person have that stealing is acceptable outcome if 
it leads to better waste management, and protection of the environment?

I haven't called the police because it seemed like a fairly ridiculous crime 
that would probable not lead the list for the week. So, if anyone happens to 
notice a black compost barrel with a black holder in their neighborhood please 
contact me at 612-824-2825 or day 651-726-7568. I love my compost! 

Ken Bradley

Yahoo! Sports
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football
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[Mpls] What kind of person steels a compost barrel?

2005-07-05 Thread ken bradley

Hello Minneapolis Issues Folks,

Some delightful individual stole my compost barrel between 10:00 pm last night 
and 7:30 this morning. It was one of the more expensive purchases for me this 
spring, and thus very disappointing to see it had been taken from next to our 
garage. I had just about completely emptied it last night feeding my garden and 
was preparing to refill it this evening. So it was light and easy to walk off 

What kind of values does a person have that steeling is acceptable outcome if 
it leads to better waste management, and protection of the environment?

I haven't called the police because it seemed like a fairly ridiculous crime 
that would probable not lead the list for the week. So, if anyone happens to 
notice a black compost barrel with a black holder in their neighborhood please 
contact me at 612-824-2825 or day 651-726-7568. I love my compost! 

Ken Bradley



Yahoo! Sports
 Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football
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RE: [Mpls] Insanity

2005-07-05 Thread Connie Beckers
I second Roberta Englund's post. Who's brainchild was it to legalize
fireworks, anyway?!?  I swear 9/10th's of what I've been listening to for
the past week or so has been the illegal kind! I've called 911 several times
and while the operators are now much more receptive, it still made no
difference. The few cops we do have over North here are busy answering
shooting and domestic violence and robbery and prostitution calls.

I couldn't even tell which were fireworks and which were gunshots. There
were some pretty loud bangs going off. One house around 35th & Dupont was
shooting exploding fireworks into the sky -- big ones -- I didn't see what
they were using but it sounded like the canon at a professional display! How
can people be so bold?!? I suppose they just assume the cops are going to be
so busy, they couldn't possibly catch them, huh?

We went down to Broadway and the River to see the downtown display and I was
surprised to see so many folks setting off illegal fireworks down there, as
well. Kids running around and folks are lighting an entire pack of
firecrackers! And then they're going to sue the maker and blame everyone
else if they blow off a finger or their child is killed.

And now we're knee-deep in fireworks debris because do you think anyone is
going to pick up after themselves? The parking lot at the end of my block on
Lowry and Girard is filled with it and the folks who left it all there most
likely live in the apartments across the street. Why shouldn't someone roust
them from bed and haul them out there to clean up after themselves? I pick
up trash from my yard every single day ... condoms, food wrappers and even
shell casings sometimes. It's not my trash but I care about how my place
looks so I clean up after the losers who don't know any better. I used to be
a bleeding heart liberal ... now I'm an angry liberal.

This stuff is intolerable ... no one should have to live in fear like this.
I didn't move into a war-zone; this was a quiet and peaceful neighborhood 22
years ago when I bought my home. Now we're being taken over  many of my
former neighbors fled in fear years ago letting their homes go to investors
and now the places are dumps. One of my old neighbors visited recently and
was heartbroken to see the home she'd raised her family in ... there's no
grass in the front yard, just the garbage dumpster, kitchen table and chairs
and lots of empty liquor cans and bottles.

And now I find the need to leave, too ... who's going to be left to keep the
city clean, Mr Mayor? What's going to happen to the city you say you love so
much without proper law enforcement and decent, law-abiding neighbors? Who's
going to be left to vote for you, RT? Who's going to want to move into a
city that's overrun by thugs and prostitutes ... except other thugs and
prostitutes, of course? And I don't think they're known for making it to the
polls on election day either ... especially if they're convicted felons.

Your future as our Mayor is in jeopardy, RT. It's time to step up the plate
and do something important for the city. And I'll be selfish to nominate my
part of the city as the place to get started. Forget airplane noise; forget
the stadium; let's get neighborhoods back on track and encourage families to
take over again. Let's get back to the business of living in peace, quiet
and harmony. I miss those days and if they don't return to the city, I'll go
find it somewhere else.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Connie Beckers - Folwell
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." John Lennon

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[Mpls] Insanity

2005-07-05 Thread Roberta Englund
For most of the past week and all of last night, until 4:30 this morning,
many blocks in north Minneapolis were a lesson in war-zone!  A continuous
explosion of fireworks and gun fire was the sound track for mobs of teens
and adults who invaded residential intersections and alleys in a celebration
of riot!


Does it seem odd to anyone else that the media is focused on hot dog eating
contests while Live-Aid - Live-8 is focused on ending world hunger and
poverty..or that the Minnesota Legislature was taking a holiday break from
their own dysfunction while some Minneapolis residents prayed for a break
from their lawful decision to allow firework sales to individuals - while
reducing funds that could have provided enough police to enforce the law,
much less keep the peace? 


Roberta Englund

Folwell Neighborhood 

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