[MPLS] MPRB highlights 8-3-05 part 4

2005-08-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning Committee 6:32 pm

 4.1  Reciprocal Agreement with DeLaSalle

Commissioner Hauser makes a motion for amendments to be included in the 

1) That the agreement include language to abide by city labor 
2) That a formal public hearing is held on August 17th ( when this will 
be before the full board)
3) That a minimum of 150 hours of gym time and 350 hours of field time 
be list in the agreement

Liz's comment...  Here is where I missed some stuff.There was a 
question of it being seconded by someone who made an original motion or 
something but a vote was never taken so I have no idea if these were 
added or if they were accepted as friendly amendments or what.   
Anybody catch this at home

There is some disagreement between Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner 
Hauser over a Citizen's Advisory Committee to which Commissioner Hauser 
is adamant will take place after the vote on the Agreement

Commissioner Erwin makes a statement that both sides have issues and 
that there should have been a Citizen's Advisory Committee and a Plan 
before a Reciprocal Use Agreement was ever discussed, but he feels that 
the MPRB is bound by the 1983 agreement to build a field.  He will be 
voting NO.

Commissioner Young asks for clarification of a few items in the 
agreement from GM Siggelkow and then makes the following statement 
(graciously provided in its entirety)

August 3, 2005
10 Reasons why I am voting "NO" on the Reciprocal Agreement today:

10.  The people living on the island, though mighty privileged ( and so 
lucky, I might add), do not own the land under their homes, the MPRB 
does.  Why is DeLaSalle, an institution, being treated with such 

DeLaSalle is a private school for those who can afford the tuition ( 
along with scholarship kids).  Not much different than the diversity in 
our public schools or other private and charter schools throughout the 
City.  It's boosters are asking for the privilege of breaking the 
covenant between the board and the citizens set out in 1983.

9.  In a letter from Roger Martin ( architect and urban planner) - who 
has worked on planning many a park project including Nicollet Island:

"I found that working with the Schools' administration and community 
residents in the process of master planning the Island to come to 
reasonable compromise resulted in a good plan and I hope that this 
process can be continued in this manner."

Commissioner Erwin has literally promised me, he can negotiate a 
compromise if we could just get all the parties together.  Something I 
and Commissioner Berry Graves have been asking to have happen for 
months.  I honestly believe is could happen if we would take the time 
to do this- and do it right.

8.  I have recently learned of the need for an Environmental Assessment 
Worksheet necessary for redevelopment projects within Historic 
Preservation Districts.  I think this will show us some of the impacts 
this development might have on the Island as a whole.  There are also 
the hurdles of the Met Council, the City Planning Commission and the 
City Council vacating Grove Street, positive actions from many 
agencies-almost too many to name.

7.   I am very concerned about perceived perceptions regarding some 
Commissioner's conflict of interest in the issue.  May I note that 
Commissioner Erwin who has worked hard on building our relationship and 
mutual services with the University has still stepped aside when it is 
time for an actual vote.

6.  I am concerned about the mixed messages of whether this votes takes 
5 or 6 votes.  I know that there are two people in the audience who 
have not missed a Board meeting waiting to see if we change the rules 
depending on the situation.  They stand waiting for us to make a 
mistake.  This is a mistake.

5.  I am concerned about a lawsuit from either party.  The costs could 
certainly be astronomical in our current state of very little money for 
the maintenance and operations of our current needs and services.

4.  I believe that we paid outside counsel to give us an answer that 
our own counsel would not have given.  The outside counsel did not even 
answer some of the deeper questions of this debate.  Even though our 
own counsel is a DeLaSalle  graduate he has continued to give us 
objective ( in defense of the Park Board) opinions of what is needed 
for this case.

3.  It is my deep concern about the relationship stated in the 
Constitution about the separation of Church and State.  I, for one, 
still believe that principle stands even if not carried out by many in 
our society today.

2.  I have not seen a plan.

1.  And, very embarrassingly,  I must say,  " Our process has been 
lousy- to say the least.

Commissioner Mason then states she will be voting NO if this comes 
before the full board on the 17th.

Commissioner Hauser poses a couple of questions one being is this 
unprecedented ?

Director of Planning Reitkerk mentions ma

[MPLS] MPRB Highlights 8-3-05 Part 3

2005-08-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

New Business

Commissioner Fine asks that the Board acknowledge the passing of 
Frederick Brown Wells with a moment of silence.  Mr. Wells generously 
donated $4,000,000 to the Neiman Complex for the Tennis Center and 
spent the years since creating an endowment to keep the center funded ( 
including asking that his memorials be donated to the center).  A 
moment of silence is observed.

Commissioner Young presents her idea for Heat Bonuses.  With the record 
number of days over 90 degrees and the high humidity the MPRB employees 
have been getting the brunt of summer with exposure to the weather and 
for the lifeguards etc...  increasingly larger crowds at the pools and 
beaches.  She suggests a motion that becomes a staff direction that 
ends up being a couple of questions...1) What would it cost to give the 
staff some sort of heat bonus?   and 2) Would it be possible to do some 
sort of thank you event and what would that cost?

Next the MPRB passes resolution 2005-111 Recognizing the contributions 
of Todd Pufahl to the MPRB and its members of city employees' local 

Mr. Pufahl has apparently moved on in the union to the state level.

Reports of Officers

Paul Hokeness ( Lakes District Manager )

He relates the story of how he and staff found a way to paint the 
garbage bins on site so they can do an entire park at one time
Gives kudos for the dedication of Armatage's new skate-park and 
mentions the mayor's attempts at skateboarding
mentions the concerts and movies in Loring Park as well happenings at 
various parks throughout the city coming in August ( 
www.minneapolisparks.org )

Sara Ackman (sp) filling in for Jon Oyanagi (River District Manager)

  Mentions the 2900 tickets Commissioner Dziedzic passed on from the 
folks at Ameriquest Mortgage for Twins games this week for the kids at 
the parks and rec centers
  Talks about the Cooperative at Folwell/Farview and North Commons 
creating a day camp ( 30-80 kids participating) and are hoping to 
continue it for after-school this fall.
  Gives a PEACE GAMES update and mentions upcoming ice cream socials in 
the parks 8/10 at Webber and 8/11 at Audubon both are from 6-8pm

Eileen Kilpatrick  ( Minnehaha District Manager)

  Mentions how well the Festival of Neighborhoods went during the 
  Mentions upcoming events in the parks (Powderhorn Art Fair is this 
weekend )
  Describes how her district is handling some events that happen during 
the usual end of summer 2 week shutdown by flexing some schedules
  Working to inform the public about the new scooter laws that have 
gone into effect by offering a scooter school

Recessed to the Planning committee at 6:32

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park ( who has to work the night of the Audubon Ice Cream 
social...  rats)

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[Mpls] on homelessness part 2

2005-08-05 Thread m1r3201
Tangible #4: re- The Mayor compared to Commissioner McLaughlin on 

For the past 3 plus years I and other advocates have contacted the Mayor and 
his office to try to get the Mayor to become involved with the work of the 
Community Advisory Board on Homelessness.
 (*I am not a member of this board. I served for 2 plus years on the 
Decriminalization Task Force
  of the Board.*)

The Mayor would not respond. He would not assign a staff person to come to 
the meetings or be part of the 
Decrim Task Force's research and work.

Guy Gambill has mentioned in a earlier post about the Mayor's lack of concern 
or interest in efforts to engage him in the effort to make positive, 
practical steps to address homelessness in ways proven to be cost effective in 
cities across the country.

Other City Officials offered great assistance and support, but not the Mayor.

The Mayor did not attend the Study Session on June 10th where the Decrim Task 
Force presented its finding and recommendations. To be fair his aide Erik 
Takeshita attended for most of it...but never spoke to the issues at hand.

The work of the Decrim Task Force and the presentation to the City Council 
was a wonderful opportunity for the Mayor to step up and collaborate and work 
with advocates. He continued to ignore the issues instead.

The work of the Decrim Task Force has been noted by the National Coalition 
for the Homeless as a model for other cities to follow in working with local 
officials and entities to partner to end homelessness and the criminalization 

In contrast Commissioner McLaughlin responded to an e-mail I sent him with 
the recommendations of the Decrim Task Force Atteached. The Commissioner met me 
to talk about the recommendations (He read them!) and asked
insightful, good questions.

He then took the step to have advocates meet with the Chair of the Downtown 
Council and ultimately the Commissioner set up a Livability Task force Chaired 
by Judge Hopper that is a working group to address ways to not criminalize 
people living homeless and/or with mental health issues.

The Mayor could have assigned one of his staff to attend the Hopper Task 
Force, but he has not. There are  City Council members who attend or have their 
aides attend...but the Mayor does not make this effort to come himself or 
appoint an aide.

My biased opinion is that the Mayor was hoping he could paint myself and 
perhaps other advocates as simply "rabble rousers" whom he could marginalize.

My biased opinion about Commissioner McLaughin is that he can take criticism 
from advocates, listen and work together on common ground with us. 

The Commissioner through his concrete actions has proven that he is far ahead 
of Mayor Rybak on issues related to homelessness.

The fact that Mayor Rybak still ignores those of us who have proven to be 
committed and diligent in our work,research and willingness to collaborate only 
tells me that he does not take the suffering of our homeless residents very 

#5 The Effort to License Panhandlers:
  The Mayor never should have allowed this ridiculous, punitive idea to 
be shopped around.
 Commissioner McLaughin (and I have it on film) stated that licensing 
panhandlers in a bad, bad idea and only serves to further punish the most 
vulnerable people among us.

Margaret Hastings
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[Mpls] Doing a John Stewart re- homelessness

2005-08-05 Thread m1r3201
Here is my offering of tangibles regarding the Mayor and Commissioner 

I will start with the "little items" and move up:

1. Over 3 years ago, to kick off efforts to decriminalize homelessness in 
Mpls, advocates, and persons who were or had been homeless camped out on the 
of the Hennepin
County Government center.
Several times I invited the Mayor to just show up...he didn't even have 
to stay out in the cold.  He never came.
Commissioner McLaughlin showed up later that night after a full day of 
meetings to offer support.

2. That same 3 years ago, the Mayor initially agreed to a filmed interview on 
homelessness in Mpls, then led me on a merry chase (actually not so merry) 
over the course of 2plus months to finally get him to do a filmed interview. Me 
and my film crew had to go without sleep for almost 36 hours in order to make 
sure we held him to a promise of an interview.
   He is like greased lightening when he wants to be.

Last month, Commissioner McLaughlin agreed to do a filmed interview on 
homeless. I only had to ask once...he set a time and stuck to it. He answered 
all of my questions.

3. In late December  of 2003, I recieved an e-mail from the Mayor asking me 
to send him my suggestions on steps to address homelessness -- and the 
criminalization of homelessness in Mpls.  He said he would take action to at 
least get 
answers to the issues I raised. 

  Despite my followup e-mails to him regarding this, I never heard a word 
from him or his aides again.

Stay tuned for e-mail # 2 so you don't have to wade through a long post.

Margaret Hastings
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[Mpls] I love the new song smoking ban for me, smoking ban for you-

2005-08-05 Thread Gina Palandri

Hey great post Brandon!
Its so nice to know that you can dine without having to leave with your  
hair smelling like smoke!! My comparison-where I really would like to fire  
warning flares; is the use of nail polish on airplanes...same as lighting  
up in a Bar. UCK.

What I would like to see banned in Mpls next in Fireworks starting in June.
Maybe we should suggest that to the city council.
Gina Palandri
wanting a website called www.keepyourstinkyhabitoutofmynose.com

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
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Re: [Mpls] Help update the master Minneapolis candidate list

2005-08-05 Thread md
I've been spending time here looking at the candidate info:


Looks good, and many have taken the initiative of adding their
Volunteers may be needed to contact candidates who haven't filled
in a profile yet.

Here's an example of candidate info that I find the most valuable and
informative...not sure how it could be linked to or integrated with the

It would be interesting to know how this is done...perhaps phone
or email contact, some research. lots of effort...anyway this is the best
most comprehensive candidate info available...and the print version
has graphics, images etc.   The SW journal may do one
of these indepth profiles for each ward.


Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] Cops union calls new police deployment "rushed"

2005-08-05 Thread Michellehill64
Will this mayor stop at nothing!!! If there are rules for hiring and training 
new police officers, why would the mayor go outside of the rules for 6 
officers. Why do we need the 6 new officers right this moment? Crime will be 
here in 
11 weeks.

Assistant Chief Dolan should be ashamed of himself, agreeing to such 
nonsense. How did he come up with the opinion that Federation President 
Delmonico was 
"being political to aid Peter McLaughlin?" If Assistant Chief Dolan wasn't in 
an appointed position, himself, I wonder what his opinion would be? 

Mayor Rybak said: he consulted with police officials, who back the move.

I hardly believe that the "police officials" could have told the mayor not to 
do it and he would have accepted that. Didn't Chief McManus say that the STOP 
Program wasn't ready and the mayor called a press conference to implement the 
program...and we all know what a success that's NOT!

I'm sure that the 6 officers, if they came from other departments, were told 
the training rules when they were hired. To go outside of that will only cause 
hard feeling between the 6 new officers and the rest of the police force, 
which will probably spilled into the community. So I say to the mayor...Get out 
of the police departments business and into the business of the city as a whole.

If my vote counts Mayor Rybak, I can wait 11 more weeks for those 6 officers 
to be properly trained. Oops!!! I forgot, Mayor Rybak doesn't listen to his 
constituents. I hope the 6 officers are not women or minorities.

Michelle Hill

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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

2005-08-05 Thread Ed Kohler
Here are a couple maps/images of Nicollet Island that may help people
understand how the island is accessed today and where the proposed stadium
could be built:

Here's an image of the island from the SE with street names (we're talking
about the Eastern 1/2 of Grove St. and possibly East Island Ave close to
Grove St., right?):

This one is from the NW, and shows how the Northern 1/2 of the island is
accessed from Hennepin Avenue. It looks like Nicollet St (center of island
running vertically in image) is the only access to the Northern
(residential) end of the island without crossing a railroad track. It looks
like getting to Nicollet Ave would be tedious to access by emergency
vehicles if Grove St. was closed:

Here is a closer look:

- Ed Kohler

Not a fan of plastic coated park land.

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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: A week's worth of election notes

2005-08-05 Thread Craig Cox

In Ballot Box: A week's worth of election notes

Go to:  and click on "Ballot Box"
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

Support the independent media! Pick up your neighborhood newspaper!
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[Mpls] Cops union calls new police deployment "rushed"

2005-08-05 Thread List Manager
Six new cops get one week's training, not 12 weeks. Police officials say
it's ok because the all have at least five years' experience in other
departments; cops union head John Delmonico says it's not enough and calls
it "political" to help Mayor Rybak's re-election; assistant chief Dolan says
Delmonico is being political to aid Peter McLaughlin's bid.

McLaughlin says it's indicative of Rybak's "slapdash" approach to public
safety; Rybak said he consulted with police officials, who back the move.


David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Land heist details? Ask the DeLaSalle Parents and Alumni; Avoid the Middleman

2005-08-05 Thread PennBroKeith
Nikki Carlson(DeLaSalle parent)Linden Hills said:

3. If someone is coming from the school side up to the railroad tracks on 
foot and a train comes, if they don't want to wait for the train, they can cut 
through the weeds around the tennis courts up to the bridge. After the field 
gets built, they will have a nice path instead.
4. Don Siggelkow made a mistake in saying crossing at grade would no longer 
be available.
5. When a human makes a mistake, I think the best thing to do would be to ask 
that person for a clarification directly. I think a less than best thing to 
do is broadcast the mistake on the internet, malign the person and the entire 
organization he/she represents and stir up fear among concerned parties.
Fred, Barry and others, please be assured East Island Avenue will not close.
Nikki Carlson
(DeLaSalle parent)
Linden Hills

Reposted by Keith Reitman  NearNorth
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[Mpls] Spokesman-Recorder: city weakest link in NW Corridor development

2005-08-05 Thread List Manager
Controversy over the development of a Northwest transit corridor, featuring
the list's own Keith Reitmann.

http://tinyurl.com/aw9kb (will take you to the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Web page).

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Article: One Nation News: 8th Ward Race is civilized...

2005-08-05 Thread Kelly O'Brien

Koran Addo and the One Nation News really do their readers a disservice with
this article. Although very complimentary to the two candidates profiled, it
fails to mention that there are 10 candidates on the ballot for the 8th Ward
city council race, and if the intent was to profile African American
candidates Addo neglected Don Bellfield, Zach Metoyer, and Darrell Robinson.
And in the interest of equal time here, I should mention that Elizabeth
Glidden, Marie Hauser, Dennis Tifft and Doug Mann also wish to represent the
8th Ward.
Kelly O'Brien

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[Mpls] Three cheers for the Uptown art fair

2005-08-05 Thread clift
I'm walking it right now ... lot's of fresh material I haven't seen before.

Steven Clift

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Re: [Mpls] Another Park Board Mess

2005-08-05 Thread Loki Anderson
I would assume there will be a lawsuit regarding this.
Loki Anderson
Marshall Terrace

Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Posted at the request of Arlene Fried of Bryn Mawr:

The Star Tribune had a brief article about the August 3 Park Board meeting
in Thursday's paper, but the real story behind the DeLaSalle stadium project
is how certain Park Board commissioners and administrative staff have been
moving this project forward in violation of the Park Board's own laws.

On a scale of one-to-ten for outrageous behavior of a public body, the
August 3 Park Board meeting scored a ten. It was as outrageous as the night
last year when Commissioner Walt Dziedzic nastily threatened Commissioner
Vivian Mason and as outrageous as the infamous night in 2003 when the
majority coalition arrogantly hired Jon Gurban as superintendent without
interviewing him.

To regular Park Board observers, it's become quite clear that certain
members of our Park Board and administrative staff are leading our Park
Board into what could become very dangerous and expensive territory. It's
been apparent that they have been on board with and in support of the
DeLaSalle stadium project very early on. It has all the hallmarks of a
backroom deal.

At no time since the DeLaSalle issue first surfaced publicly at an open time
presentation on January 19 of this year has the Park Board been in
compliance with its own protective public participation ordinances as they
apply to the DeLaSalle stadium project. The Park Board has circumvented the
entire democratic process which was designed to protect its constituency
from corrupt influences and pressures.

According to Ordinances 99-101 governing Public Participation Relating to
Park Facility Construction and Redevelopment, the Park Board was MANDATED to
follow a course of action which it has blatantly ignored. The following
sequence of events should have occurred:

1. A Citizens Advisory Committee should have been created when the
DeLaSalle stadium project was first proposed by DeLaSalle in January.

2. Then, the Citizens Advisory Committee--based on extensive public
input--should have made its recommendations to the Planning Committee.

3. Then the Planning Committee should have held a Public Hearing on the

4. Then--and only then--should the Planning Committee have voted on the
DeLaSalle stadium project, either killing it or passing it on to the full
board for its approval.

But last night, WITHOUT creating a Citizens Advisory Committee, WITHOUT a
recommendation from the Citizens Advisory Committee, and WITHOUT a public
hearing, the Planning Committee voted three to two to approve the DeLaSalle

Commissioners John Erwin and Annie Young pointed out that the public
participation process had been bungled and voted against the project. But
Commissioners Walt Dziedzic, Bob Fine and Marie Hauser all chose to ignore
the Board's failure to follow its own legally mandated public participation
process and voted in favor of the DeLaSalle stadium project anyway.

It is this kind of bureaucratic bungling that can lead to costly legal
involvement. It is disheartening to witness such arrogant disregard of our
democratic process by the very individuals who are charged with protecting
that process.

Arlene M. Fried
Member and co-founder of Park Watch

Chris Johnson

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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

2005-08-05 Thread Chris Johnson

Nikki Carlson, DeLaSalle parent and Linden Hills resident, claims the
DeLaSalle plan for use of public parkland on Nicollet Island will not change
East Island Avenue in any way.  We will leave the tall concrete wall which
will line the Avenue out of the discussion for the moment.

Other than her statement, what evidence do we have?  There is no plan which
has been presented to the public yet.  The claim is the plan will all be
worked out with citizen input -- after the Park Board has foolishly obligated
the public to giving away valuable park land with a reciprocal use agreement
with DeLaSalle.

If one wanted the facts on what was going to happen to East Island Avenue, who
would one go to -- a parent of a student at DeLaSalle, or Park Board General
Manager Don Siggelkow, who presumably was directly involved in the

Carlson gives some sugar-coated and misleading descriptions of how one
might get across the railroad tracks when they are occupied by a train, once
DeLaSalle has taken the land and closed east Grove Street.  The traffic route
to the Nicollet Avenue bridge over the tracks from the now-severed and
half-sized Grove Street is quite circuitous.

I just drove it myself a couple of weeks ago specifically to explore this
question.  I sure would not want to be the driver of a large pumper or hook
and ladder fire truck trying to make that route.  Nor would I want to be
pedestrian in front of DeLaSalle as emergency vehicles screamed down Hennepin,
onto East Island Ave, made the very tight and uphill left onto Oberpriller
Way, passed completely from East to West on the island between DeLaSalle and
its parking lot, made a right onto West Island Ave, another right onto Grove
Street and then left onto Nicollet Avenue, having circled DeLaSalle 270 degrees.

It's a lot further than the "few yards" that Carlson dreams up.

Lastly, Carlson claims Siggelkow made a simple, one-time error
and that posters to this list were maligners simply trying to vilify and stir
up fear.  She says that Siggelkow should have been asked to clarify directly.

But that's pretty much what had already happened.  Siggelkow was asked
specifically about the discrepancies.  His clarification answer is the one
quoted.  He may still be in error, but the public has right to be alerted, if
there is a good chance commonly accepted beliefs about this project are other
than what in reality is planned.

Chris Johnson

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[Mpls] Another Park Board Mess

2005-08-05 Thread Chris Johnson

Posted at the request of Arlene Fried of Bryn Mawr:

The Star Tribune had a brief article about the August 3 Park Board meeting
in Thursday's paper, but the real story behind the DeLaSalle stadium project
is how certain Park Board commissioners and administrative staff have been
moving this project forward in violation of the Park Board's own laws.

On a scale of one-to-ten for outrageous behavior of a public body, the
August 3 Park Board meeting scored a ten.  It was as outrageous as the night
last year when Commissioner Walt Dziedzic nastily threatened Commissioner
Vivian Mason and as outrageous as the infamous night in 2003 when the
majority coalition arrogantly hired Jon Gurban as superintendent without
interviewing him.

To regular Park Board observers, it's become quite clear that certain
members of our Park Board and administrative staff are leading our Park
Board into what could become very dangerous and expensive territory.  It's
been apparent that they have been on board with and in support of the
DeLaSalle stadium project very early on.  It has all the hallmarks of a
backroom deal.

At no time since the DeLaSalle issue first surfaced publicly at an open time
presentation on January 19 of this year has the Park Board been in
compliance with its own protective public participation ordinances as they
apply to the DeLaSalle stadium project.  The Park Board has circumvented the
entire democratic process which was designed to protect its constituency
from corrupt influences and pressures.

According to Ordinances 99-101 governing Public Participation Relating to
Park Facility Construction and Redevelopment, the Park Board was MANDATED to
follow a course of action which it has blatantly ignored.  The following
sequence of events should have occurred:

1.  A Citizens Advisory Committee should have been created when the
DeLaSalle stadium project was first proposed by DeLaSalle in January.

2.  Then, the Citizens Advisory Committee--based on extensive public
input--should have made its recommendations to the Planning Committee.

3.  Then the Planning Committee should have held a Public Hearing on the

4.  Then--and only then--should the Planning Committee have voted on the
DeLaSalle stadium project, either killing it or passing it on to the full
board for its approval.

But last night, WITHOUT creating a Citizens Advisory Committee, WITHOUT a
recommendation from the Citizens Advisory Committee, and WITHOUT a public
hearing, the Planning Committee voted three to two to approve the DeLaSalle

Commissioners John Erwin and Annie Young pointed out that the public
participation process had been bungled and voted against the project.  But
Commissioners Walt Dziedzic, Bob Fine and Marie Hauser all chose to ignore
the Board's failure to follow its own legally mandated public participation
process and voted in favor of the DeLaSalle stadium project anyway.

It is this kind of bureaucratic bungling that can lead to costly legal
involvement.  It is disheartening to witness such arrogant disregard of our
democratic process by the very individuals who are charged with protecting
that process.

Arlene M. Fried
Member and co-founder of Park Watch

Chris Johnson

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Re: [Mpls] Stewart/Mpls

2005-08-05 Thread David Brauer

On Aug 5, 2005, at 11:59 AM, David Tilsen wrote:

The purpose of this post is not to fully explore anything, only to  
say that to those people who really care about how our city  
government works, how children are served, then there are a lot of  
important issues between all of the candidates.  It just requires  
people to think, and, at the risk of being called an elitist like  
John Stewart, most of the media believes their readers and watchers  

[He says, hoping not to sound too defensive...]

I actually think more than a few local media outlets are into policy  
to (some say) a fault.

I know Steve Brandt has to fight the overlords at the Strib for  
substantive stuff, but he does a much better than average job of  
getting nuance into School stories.

I think both papers I edit (Skyway News and Southwest Journal) are  
sometimes so dense with policy that light actually has trouble  
escaping. (I'm actually very proud of our commitment to substance -  
if anything, my papers err on the side of earnestness. Our biggest  
challenge to embrace complexity and detail and make it readable.)

Craig Cox is of course doing great work at the Observer. The paper's  
interviews with policy leaders has allowed them to flesh out their  

When City Pages turns its megatonnage on a city issue (witness the  
police-legal-payouts story), it can go quite in depth. I don't think  
they do it enough, but the same can probably be said of the rest of us.

I don't want to suggest there are outlets that focus too much on  
ephemera; there are. But I think the quality outlets exist here, too.

All that said, David's questions about Peter's education stands are  
wise and frankly, better framed than anything I've come up with so  
far. I will, of course, rip them off at the first opportunity.

I, too, feel a lot of the recent chatter on this list has been  
campaign surrogates engaged in hyperbolically assertive defenses of  
their guy or gal. I value open-mindedness and those who embrace  
complexity. I applaud David's post for asking questions that can  
generate open-ended answers that inform us better, rather than  
bludgeoning us with overly hardened conclusions. I hope we all follow  
his lead.

David Brauer

PS, a little thing, but it's Jon Stewart, no "h" in the first name.

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Re: [Mpls] Stewart/Mpls

2005-08-05 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett
I'm in the camp that says not all the candidates' positions are worth 
digging into.

But the original suggestion to really analyze some issues (using facts, 
not just feelings, which is what's made the smoking ban discussions so 
tiresome and why a study of actual numbers from the past five (?) 
months would be at least somewhat interesting) is something that is 
clearly on the minds of many listers. It's come up a lot recently.

A quick once-over of the candidate's sites shows that the two who have 
substantial public track records focus on specific accomplishments and 
specific goals (more cops, more responsive government, more services, 
less money, etc.) but don't present much of a philosophical platform.

It is my sense that there are substantial differences among the three 
leading candidates in their views on the role of government, the role 
of the mayor in this city, the relationship between the private sector 
and government, the value of democratic action and citizen 
participation, to name a few - all the things for which party 
affiliation would normally be a useful guide.

A lot of this can be culled from specific accomplishments and goals - 
and how they were or might be achieved - if they're presented in 
context. For example, the background of the issue, one candidate's 
belief of how this should be handled and why people (not just the 
candidate, because like many of us they don't always know why they 
believe what they believe, but people who have put forth rationales for 
such policies) think that's a good idea, and the same for the other 

Just expanding on Arthur Himmelman's thought...

Becca Vargo Daggett

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[Mpls] Stewart/Mpls

2005-08-05 Thread David Tilsen
Hold on, I need to catch my breath that Art Himmelmann watches The Daily Show - 
whheww - that brings the average age of their demographic down a few points!.

Just kidding Art, honest.

I am responding to Arthur's request, but motivated by the comment made by 
Matthew Philip, to wit:

 "The real issue about all the bickering about little issues and lack of 
truly substantive debate is that there isn't much difference between 
the two candidates that they can debate. They agree on most things. So 
it then becomes about who you like more. Then each has to convince us 
that they do it better than the other. And that really is the problem."

I could not disagree more.  In governing, the devil (or angel) really is in the 
details, in what you actually do, think, believe, and are capable of.  These 
are the kinds of things that the newsmedia simply does not want to get into.  
They believe that it is MYGO  (My eyes glaze over) detail that is only 
interesting to the three real policy wonks in their subscriber base.  This is 
even more true for the national issues, which makes John Stewarts request all 
the more important, and unlikely to be fulfilled.

I will give an example from one of my areas of obsession - Education.

Peter says he wants to work on improving education.  He floated the idea of an 
"Education Cabinet" board to assist and "Provide real leadership for better 
schools from the Mayor's office"

R.T on the other hand has restricted his import to the way Mayors have 
traditionally worked with the Board.  On the various collaborative projects and 
as a supporter and lobbyist on issues that he/she cares about.

Well this raises a number of questions, the foremost is, "Is this a preemptive 
attack on the independence of the Minneapolis School Board?"  Does Peter 
believe that the Independence of the board is part of the problem.  There are a 
number of cities where the Board, the Superintendent or both are appointed by 
the Mayor, in whole or in part.  Is this better, worse.  

In Minneapolis' weak mayor system, the Mayor's "bully" pulpit is one of the 
major tools available, but what exactly does it mean to "Provide real 
leadership".  There are a lot of important issues here.  The reform movement 
over the last couple of decades has been moving in the other direction, towards 
less centralization.  Charter Schools, neighborhood boards, more independence 
from partisan and entrenched interests and more (some would even say ultra and 
anti-intellectual) democratic.  Is Peter calling for a change of course.  Peter 
has labor endorsement, does he see the Teacher's Union playing a role in his 
"Educational Cabinet".  What about the elected school board, the Archdiocese?

I have only scratched the surface of the very real questions that are raised by 
only one of the issues facing the candidates, and I have not even given my 
personal answers to them.

The purpose of this post is not to fully explore anything, only to say that to 
those people who really care about how our city government works, how children 
are served, then there are a lot of important issues between all of the 
candidates.  It just requires people to think, and, at the risk of being called 
an elitist like John Stewart, most of the media believes their readers and 
watchers don't.

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[Mpls] Smoking Ban for You...Smoking Ban For Me...So that my lungs stay Nic Free!

2005-08-05 Thread Brandon Lacy Campos
Well well,

First of all let me begin by saying that although I was a youngster...I did
grow up in the 80s and early 90s, so I am well aware of the early years of
the AIDS crisis. I was in middle-school in the mid-to-late 80s, so I
certainly remember hearing the debates, etc. on AIDS. But thanks Michael for
attempting to instruct all of us on what portions of history I may or may
not remember.  But I digress.

There is a definite difference between public health and writing overbearing
repressive morality into law. For example, in the 80s I would have been tip
top gung ho in support of closing the bath houses in Minneapolis. Too little
was known about the transmission of HIV and not enough education had
happened (thank you very much Mr. Reagan)...to ignore the fact that wild
amounts of unsafe sex were taking place in the bath houses. Not because
folks had devil may care attitudes but because education was lacking...and
while I personally believe that with education today bath houses could (and
perhaps should) be allowed to re-open, I believe at the time it was a
necessary public good to shut down bath houses.  Now, much of the reasoning,
unfortunately, behind shutting down the bath houses revolved around moral
judgment and right-wing uber-conservative Christian sentiment. That
reasoning---unacceptable for use in public policy decisionspublic health
and helping to halt the spread of HIV---that was indeed, I believe, a
judicious use of law making in the interest of the public. Of course, I know
that there are many folks that don't agree with that statement in the queer
community. But that's why we get to have these lovely discussions, as you
pointed out. (please also note that I am making no judgment here about
anyone's choice of sexual practices now or in the past...many of my own
could/would come under fire by various segments of the community...but then
again...whose wouldn't?). 

Let me be super duper clear for you Mr. Atherton...I'm not defining public
spaces as edifices that contain a specific air volume. I'm defining public
places as places where the general public gathers together for a variety of
activities that is enclosed or at least tight quarters. So...restaurants,
bars, stadiums, airplanes, movie theaters, port-o-potties, dance clubs, art
galleries, amphitheaters, kennel clubs, tennis courts, bus shelters,
greenhouses, and the Tilt-a-Whirl at Valley Fair. In those places it may be
possible to get alcohol...but the distribution and use of alcohol is at
least regulated, policed on occasion, the supply can be controlled, and
individuals are choosing to use themselves without also intoxicating their
neighbors by proxy. 

Now, in those same places...one can not regulate exactly where the air
currents are going to take second-hand smoke carrying carcinogens into the
lungs of innocent bystanders...for example...toddlers on the Merry-Go-Round,
Grandmothers with emphysema at the Arboretum, or house wives that choose to
exercise and stay fit that want to go out and have a cocktail with the girls
on Friday night without worrying about rampant melanoma and the like.  

Now here's the part where things get funjust doing a quick survey of the
web...I found this tid bit of information about second-hand smoke...and it's
not even about cancer...it has to do with heart attacks...here we go ladies
and gents:

In June, 2002, the citizens of Helena, Montana, voted to ban smoking in all
public buildings-including restaurants, bars, and casinos. 
Soon after, doctors at the local hospital noticed that heart-attack
admissions were dropping. 
So they, in conjunction with the University of California-San Francisco, did
a study to measure the potential short-term effects of a smoking ban. 
First, there was no change in heart attack rates for patients who lived
outside the city limits. 
Second, for city residents, the rates plummeted by 58 percent in only six
"We know from longer-term studies that the effects of second-hand smoke
occur within minutes, and that long-term exposure to second-hand smoke is
associated with a 30 percent increased risk in heart-attack rates," said
Stanton Glantz, a professor of medicine who conducted the study's
statistical analysis. 
"But it was quite stunning to document this large an effect so quickly." 
It was a shock to witness what happened next. 
The Montana state legislature, under pressure from the Montana Tavern
Association and tobacco lobbyists, rescinded the ban in December, 2002. 
As a result, heart-attack rates bounced back up almost as quickly as they
had dropped

http://www.wordsources.info/words-mod-capnophobiaPt4.html (check out this
site for more fun  info...wooohoo).

But don't take just that sights word for it...check out this one too

Now the fact remains that there are very FEW studies on the planet that
someone somewhere hasn't come up with another study saying...well...that one
just don't work...cuz...well...

[Mpls] Stewart/Mpls

2005-08-05 Thread Steve Brandt
Darrell Gerber posts:  Everyone on this forum seems to fall into the same 
'horse-race' mentality as the mainstream press does: early on anoint a couple 
people as the front runner then spend all the time focusing on who's ahead.
Let's dig deeper into the ballot and really look at what all of the candidates 
are saying.

Brandt:   Okay, Darrell, as long as you volunteer to do Franson. 

Steve Brandt

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RE: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics

2005-08-05 Thread Williams, Brandt
I don't recall any Commissioner saying they would favor repealing or amending 
the ban if Minneapolis did the same thing. It sounds like the county board is 
far away from repealing their ban. It sounds like some of the commissioners 
voted for the smoking ban because the county is responsible for public health 
through HCMC.  Others maybe just voted for the ban because at the time it was a 
common perception that their ban would help facilitate a "domino effect," as 
McLaughlin put it, leading to more cities and eventually the state passing 
smoking bans. 

Commissioner Opat stated support for amending the county's ban to include 
exemptions because there is no statewide ban.  He says the current patchwork 
ban is unfair, especially to the 'border bars.' But he did say a smoking ban in 
restaurants, regardless of where they are, is appropriate.

Brandt Williams
(enjoys sitting through hours of county board debates on smoking bans for MPR 

My response:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember at least one Commissioner 
(maybe even Peter M.) saying that the only way they'd repeal or amend 
the ban was if Minneapolis also did the same thing. Does anyone know 
who said this or if I'm making a fake memory?


Matthew Philip
The Wedge
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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

2005-08-05 Thread nikkicarlson001
1. The MPRB-DeLaSalle reciprocal use agreement includes the vacation of a 
section of Grove Street. It does not change East Island Avenue in any way.
2. If someone is coming from the school side up to the railroad tracks in their 
car and a train comes, they have to wait for the train. Or they can back up, 
and go to Grove Street and cross the bridge. When that portion of Grove Street 
closes, they will have to go a few yards further and cut through the school, or 
go around the Nicollet Island Inn. Or they can still wait until the train 
3. If someone is coming from the school side up to the railroad tracks on foot 
and a train comes, if they don't want to wait for the train, they can cut 
through the weeds around the tennis courts up to the bridge. After the field 
gets built, they will have a nice path instead.
4. Don Siggelkow made a mistake in saying crossing at grade would no longer be 
5. When a human makes a mistake, I think the best thing to do would be to ask 
that person for a clarification directly. I think a less than best thing to do 
is broadcast the mistake on the internet, malign the person and the entire 
organization he/she represents and stir up fear among concerned parties.
Fred, Barry and others, please be assured East Island Avenue will not close.
Nikki Carlson
(DeLaSalle parent)
Linden Hills
-Original Message-
From: Barry Clegg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mpls@mnforum.org
Sent: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 07:51:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

I am attaching below my e-mail of this morning to Park Commissioners and staff. 
General Manager Siggelkow of the Park Board staff is now advising the public 
that not only will Grove Street be closed if the DeLaSalle project proceeds - 
but so will East Island Avenue - the road that runs around the Island.  The 
email string containing this news follows my e-mail to the Park Board.  Either 
he's right - and the Park Board is pulling a fast one (no one has even 
the possibility of closing Island Ave), or he's wrong demonstrating that staff 
doesn't really understand the proposal at all.  
Barry Clegg
East Island Avenue (soon to living on a cul-de-sac on a dead end street? )
Nicollet Island
My e-mail to Commissioners follows:
Commissioners and All:  General Manager Siggelkow has advised a questioner that 
the DeLaSalle project would close not only east Grove Street but East Island 
Avenue - see his e-mail and the e-mail string below.
I think and hope he just has it wrong.  If he's right, that is appalling.  No 
schematic or description of the project has ever contemplated that East Island 
Avenue would be closed.  There has been absolutely no public discussion of this 
because it's never been raised or proposed - even by DeLaSalle, at least not 
publicly.  I'm asking for confirmation as to whether or not this is actually 
part of the proposal.
If he's wrong, and I hope he is, that's just as disturbing.  It demonstatres 
that this project has moved so fast, that the draft Reciprocal Use Agreement is 
so vague, and project descriptions are so nebulous, that not even senior Park 
staff have a basic understanding of the most significant elements of the 
Please get back to me and confirm wheter or not East Island Avenue will remain 
Barry Clegg
e-mail string follows
Looks like East Island Avenue will be blocked off, 
as well as the east portion of Grove Street. So the 
drive around the island will no longer exist as 
before. all cars will have to drive in and out of 
the residential area via West Island Avenue on the 
west side of the school.   ---   Dave

From: Don Siggelkow
Date: August 4,2005
>  yes  >

From: [deleted to protect identity] 
Date: August 03, 2005
>  Mr. Siggelkow,  Thank you very much for the 
information. So getting a little more specific. Are 
you saying that East Island Avenue would be blocked 
to car traffic on the south side of the RR tracks? 
Also, I assume the eastern portion of Grove Street 
would be blocked off to cars - is this correct?  >

>From Don Siggelkow:
Date: August 3, 2005
>  Dave,  The bridge access to the Island will remain, 
the crossing at grade near the school would no longer 
be available. 

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Re: [Mpls] Does anyone want to try a Jon Stewart re the Minneapolis mayor's race?

2005-08-05 Thread mphilip451

Arthur T. Himmelman wrote:

I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am 

wondering if
anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of 

CNN's Crossfire

crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues 

of the
politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the 


strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose?

Specifically, I am wondering if more of our mpls.mnforum 

commentators might
be willing offer analysis and discussions of important issues 

relevant to the
major's race by dispassionately comparing and contrasting R.T's. and 

stated (written if available) positions on -- you select the issues. 


My response:

The real issue about all the bickering about little issues and lack of 
truly substantive debate is that there isn't much difference between 
the two candidates that they can debate. They agree on most things. So 
it then becomes about who you like more. Then each has to convince us 
that they do it better than the other. And that really is the problem.

RT did an ok job with what he had. Some people disagree with what he 
has done. Peter has done an ok job as County Commissioner, but there is 
no gaurantee that he can go from a board to a leadership position. Each 
candidate has good and bad points in my opinion. I've not decided which 
one I'm going to vote for at this point, but I must say that I'm not 
sure RT has done anything SO poorly that it warrants his removal.

Matthew Philip
The Wedge
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Re: [Mpls] Does anyone want to try a Jon Stewart re the Minneapolis mayor's race?

2005-08-05 Thread darrellgerber
I would like to further Arthur's request to also include the other candidates 
involved in the race. Everyone on this forum seems to fall into the same 
'horse-race' mentality as the mainstream press does: early on anoint a couple 
people as the front runner then spend all the time focusing on who's ahead.

Let's dig deeper into the ballot and really look at what all of the candidates 
are saying.  What is Farheen Hakeem saying about police and public safety? What 
do any of the candidates think is the best approach to transportation in the 
city? What are proposals for the city to meet the Kyoto Protocol like RT 
pledged we would do? Democracy and politics is only going to benefit.

The City of Minneapolis website lists the following candidates having filed for 
the mayor's race (in order of the website which appears to be order of filing):
 Mark Koscielski
  "Dick" Franson
  Peter McLaughlin
  Don Johnson
  David A. Alvarado
  Gregory A. "Ernie" Brown
  Farheen Hakeem
  Gregory Groettum
 Gerald James Savage
 R. T. Rybak
  Marcus Harcus
  Tim Nolan

Darrell Gerber

-Original Message-
Sent: Aug 5, 2005 9:22 AM
To: mpls@mnforum.org
Subject: [Mpls] Does anyone want to try a Jon Stewart re the Minneapolis
mayor's race?

I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am wondering if  
anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of CNN's 
crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues of the  
politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the political  
strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose?  
Specifically, I am wondering if more of our mpls.mnforum commentators might  
be willing offer analysis and discussions of important issues relevant to the  
major's race by dispassionately comparing and contrasting R.T's. and Peter's  
stated (written if available) positions on -- you select the issues.   Thanks.
Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park
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RE: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics

2005-08-05 Thread Michael Atherton
Brandon Lacy Campos wrote:

> Megan is absolutely correct. You are NOT allowed to drink alcoholic
> beverages in public. 

We seem to be confusing definitions. Drinking and (previously) smoking
do take place in "public" establishments, as Mr. Bernstein has
fervently argued. Bars and restaurants are certainly not "private"
spaces.  But to follow Mr. Lacy's apparent definition of large open 
spaces being the only "public" ones, then alcoholic beverages are illegal 
in SOME cases (e.g., public streets, but not Twins games and some music 
events), and cigarette smoking is legal in "public" spaces.  The ban has 
had no effect on public smoking under Mr. Lacy's definition. Conversely, 
(to follow the same argument) cigarette smoking is banned in private, 
but alcohol is not.

Ms. Goodmundson's and Mr. Lacy's posts only cloud the issues
related to the smoking ban (no pun intended).  At least from my
perspective, the discussion revolves around local governments
actions to ban cigarette smoking in bars and restaurants.  There
haven't been any attempts to ban smoking in Mr. Lacy's "public"

> And since second hand smoke kills more people every year 
> than...say...gun violenceI think it is right on to ban 
> smoking in public venues. Period.  The guy drinking right 
> next to me isn't going to intoxicate me against my
> will at a bar...the guy smoking next to me can sure as heck 
> help me along the way to cancer against my will (and the 
> diatribes about choosing to be in a place where there is 
> smoking are old and tired...smokers can choose to
> smoke at home, or in their cars, etc. etc. etc. rights are 
> accorded based on those that are most adversely affected...
> therefore my right to live free of second hand smoke and 
> potential deadly harm trumps the right of a smoker to
> smoke in a public space where he or she can put another at 
> risk). 

There is no unequivocal evidence showing a strong link between 
health and the effects of secondhand smoke in bars and restaurants.
If there is, please cite the study.

If rather than "public health," we use spiritual purity or
moral turpitude as justifications we could just as easily ban
homosexuality (as many evangelicals would like to do).  If 
you don't wanted to be offended by homosexuality you shouldn't go 
to gay bars.  If you don't want to be exposed to secondhand
smoke you shouldn't go to bars that permit smoking.  Different 
people have different inclinations and preferences, just because 
some of them offend you that's not a justification for legally 
prohibiting other people from enjoying them.  Mr. Lacy is too 
young to remember, but at the beginning of the AIDS crisis "public
health" was used to advocate all kinds of irrational and 
oppressive restrictions on homosexuals.  It was "God's Curse"
(just to illustrate the interrelationships between spiritual purity,
moral turpitude, and public health).

Steven Clift wrote:

> All I know is that I loved my bowling league in St. Louis Park after the
> ban and I'll never go back to stinking on a Sunday night (other than on
> the lanes).

Sure there are benefits from the imposition of injustice on others.  
I'm sure that many Germans were happy to see Jews confined to ghettos.
Limiting the choices of others may support your preferences, but
not others.  But that's my major point, how do we determine
fairly what others should be allowed to do? Keep in mind that the
ban not only provides you smoke free bowling lanes, but it also
prevents people who like to smoke from having ANY "public" choices in 
Minneapolis.  Why is it so unreasonable to allow bowlers who smoke 
to have a few bowling lanes where they can?  You can always lobby 
your bowling league to only hold events in lanes that are non-smoking.

WizardMarks wrote:

> I should say here that I'm thoroughly tired of this thread. People, both 
> pro and anti, are cemented into their positions, there is not one 
> scintilla of movement either way. Everything is just a boring repetition 
> of previously expressed opinion.  

The fact that there is movement (on the county board) is the reason
this issue has flared up again (pun intended).  Your Delete Key is
located in the upper right side of your keyboard.  What bores you
may not bore everyone.  Which is kinda the issue here.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park


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[Mpls] ICE (In Case of Emergency) An idea to increase your personal safety

2005-08-05 Thread Barbara Lickness
Forwarded on behalf of the brilliant Fifth Precinct
Lt. Piontek:

Subject: ICE (In Case of Emergency)

There is a good article out on MSN regarding this
concept, under Technology and Gadgets.

How Brilliant and smart to do this.

Paramedics will turn to a victim's cell phone for
clues to that person's  identity. You can make their
job much easier with a simple idea that they are
trying to get everyone to adopt: ICE.  ICE stands for
In Case of Emergency. If you add an entry in the
contacts list in your cell phone under ICE,  with the
name and phone no. of the person that the emergency
services should call on your behalf, you can save them
a lot of time and have your loved ones  contacted
quickly. It only takes a few moments of your time to
do. Paramedics know what ICE means and they look for
it  immediately. ICE your cell phone NOW!

For Example.ICE Dad, ICE Jonathon

Barb Lickness
Feeling proud to be in the 5th Precinct. 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics

2005-08-05 Thread mphilip451

Brandt Williams wrote:
  I think Barb is correct here.  The vote was to study the economic 

impact of the
ban, however the originator of the idea to conduct the study, 

commissioner Mark
Stenglein, would like the county to at least make Hennepin's ban more 

like the
Ramsey county ban (with exemptions for bars and private clubs).  

Ideally, he'd

like the whole thing repealed.

As far as McLaughlin's role - many see him as the swing vote on the 

board.  But
keep in mind, even if he went along with a board vote to alter the 


smoking ban, it wouldn't change Minneapolis' ordinance.

My response:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember at least one Commissioner 
(maybe even Peter M.) saying that the only way they'd repeal or amend 
the ban was if Minneapolis also did the same thing. Does anyone know 
who said this or if I'm making a fake memory?


Matthew Philip
The Wedge
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[Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

2005-08-05 Thread Barry Clegg
I am attaching below my e-mail of this morning to Park Commissioners and staff. 
 General Manager Siggelkow of the Park Board staff is now advising the public 
that not only will Grove Street be closed if the DeLaSalle project proceeds - 
but so will East Island Avenue - the road that runs around the Island.  The 
email string containing this news follows my e-mail to the Park Board.  Either 
he's right - and the Park Board is pulling a fast one (no one has even 
mentioned the possibility of closing Island Ave), or he's wrong - demonstrating 
that staff doesn't really understand the proposal at all.  
Barry Clegg
East Island Avenue (soon to living on a cul-de-sac on a dead end street? )
Nicollet Island
My e-mail to Commissioners follows:
Commissioners and All:  General Manager Siggelkow has advised a questioner that 
the DeLaSalle project would close not only east Grove Street but East Island 
Avenue - see his e-mail and the e-mail string below.
I think and hope he just has it wrong.  If he's right, that is appalling.  No 
schematic or description of the project has ever contemplated that East Island 
Avenue would be closed.  There has been absolutely no public discussion of this 
because it's never been raised or proposed - even by DeLaSalle, at least not 
publicly.  I'm asking for confirmation as to whether or not this is actually 
part of the proposal.
If he's wrong, and I hope he is, that's just as disturbing.  It demonstatres 
that this project has moved so fast, that the draft Reciprocal Use Agreement is 
so vague, and project descriptions are so nebulous, that not even senior Park 
staff have a basic understanding of the most significant elements of the 
Please get back to me and confirm wheter or not East Island Avenue will remain 
Barry Clegg
e-mail string follows
Looks like East Island Avenue will be blocked off, 
as well as the east portion of Grove Street. So the 
drive around the island will no longer exist as 
before. all cars will have to drive in and out of 
the residential area via West Island Avenue on the 
west side of the school.   ---   Dave

From: Don Siggelkow
Date: August 4,2005
>  yes  >

From: [deleted to protect identity] 
Date: August 03, 2005
>  Mr. Siggelkow,  Thank you very much for the 
information. So getting a little more specific. Are 
you saying that East Island Avenue would be blocked 
to car traffic on the south side of the RR tracks? 
Also, I assume the eastern portion of Grove Street 
would be blocked off to cars - is this correct?  >

>From Don Siggelkow:
Date: August 3, 2005
>  Dave,  The bridge access to the Island will remain, 
the crossing at grade near the school would no longer 
be available. 

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
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Re: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics

2005-08-05 Thread wmmarks

megan goodmundson wrote:

Peter's openness to 're-visit' the smoking ban is just one more reason to support RT.  Smoking is a public health concern bottom line and it is becoming more and more socially un-acceptable to smoke in public all over the world. Who wants a 're'-gressive mayor or county commissioner for that matter. 

Considering that the ban was passed as a stealth attack to open the 
silly season and without time to hear from the public and without 
considering the consequences of passing a ban higgledy-piggledy, rather 
than, say, throughout the metro, there is ample reason to revisit the 
issue. The ban in restaurants won't be lifted, but the ban in bars could 
be lifted until such time as all the metro area passes a joint ban so as 
not to disadvantage some businesses over others. Even you rabid 
anti-smokers have to concede that the ban was passed in haste and 
without due consideration.

I should say here that I'm thoroughly tired of this thread. People, both 
pro and anti, are cemented into their positions, there is not one 
scintilla of movement either way. Everything is just a boring repetition 
of previously expressed opinion.  

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Does anyone want to try a Jon Stewart re the Minneapolis mayor's race?

2005-08-05 Thread ArthurTHimmelman
I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am wondering if  
anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of CNN's 
crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues of the  
politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the political  
strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose?  
Specifically, I am wondering if more of our mpls.mnforum commentators might  
be willing offer analysis and discussions of important issues relevant to the  
major's race by dispassionately comparing and contrasting R.T's. and Peter's  
stated (written if available) positions on -- you select the issues.   Thanks.
Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park
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RE: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics

2005-08-05 Thread Williams, Brandt
I think Barb is correct here.  The vote was to study the economic impact of the 
ban, however the originator of the idea to conduct the study, commissioner Mark 
Stenglein, would like the county to at least make Hennepin's ban more like the 
Ramsey county ban (with exemptions for bars and private clubs).  Ideally, he'd 
like the whole thing repealed.

As far as McLaughlin's role - many see him as the swing vote on the board.  But 
keep in mind, even if he went along with a board vote to alter the County's 
smoking ban, it wouldn't change Minneapolis' ordinance.  

Brandt Williams
(covering Hennepin county smoking ban debate for Minnesota Public Radio)

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Lickness
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 9:40 PM
To: megan goodmundson; mpls@mnforum.org
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Smoking Ban Politics 

Just to clarify here I do not believe there was any vote to "re-visit" the 
smoking ban. I believe the vote was to study the negative impact the smoking 
has had on businesses in Hennepin County. With factual information it may be 
possible to make recommendations that could help mitigate those who are 
negatively impacted. What kind of elected body would we have if they were never 
willing to take an informed look at those that were negatively impacted by the 
legislation they pass? 
Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Constricting traffic flow on Nicollet Island?

2005-08-05 Thread Fredric Markus
Another interested citizen shared with me an e-mail he received from Don
Siggelkow, a spokesperson for the Park Board, that indicated that the grade
crossing on East Island Ave. would no longer be available should the De
LaSalle ambitions be realized. 

Oh, my. the perimeter road around the Island is a favorite drive for
countless people. It's a pleasant Sunday drive through a rural setting and
people often stop along the way to appreciate the quiet scene, to take a
stroll, to have a casual look at the restored houses without intruding on
the neighborhood's need for a modicum of privacy. 

This has been a stable feature of the Island's ambiance probably ever since
motor cars made their appearance. Cutting off the second grade crossing
would require folks to drive through this little neighborhood
arriving/leaving via the bridge over the tracks on Nicollet St. 

Remember that a number of Minneapolis neighborhoods asked for and received
cul-de-sac treatments for residential streets in order to discourage
intrusive vehicular traffic. I also know that there are heavy vehicles that
occasionally take advantage of the "back road" - drivers take their lunch
breaks in this woodsy setting. This traffic would also be forced through the
neighborhood and up and over the rather modest bridge on Nicollet St.

Talk about mission creep! The public likes to drive. Some folks are elderly
or have other mobility challenges and appreciate being able to "drive around
the Island" - to circumnavigate the entire Island using the perimeter road
and in recent years being able to take advantage of the bridge that connects
to Main St. This is handy, easily understood, and dependent in part on the
stretch of East Island that crosses the RR tracks and continues on past the
De LaSalle campus and parking lot and connects with both Hennepin Ave. and
the facilities on the South Tip of the Island. It's a good way for parents
to show their kids what the old houses are like. It's a direct shot from
Main St. to the pedestrian path in the old rail bed that leads to Boom
Island and/or to the steps that connect from Island Ave. to the bridge
across the back channel to Boom Island park.

For Pete's sakes, folks, this is a unique little park setting. Let it be!

Fred Markus, Ward 6, Phillips West  

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[Mpls] Article: One Nation News: 8th Ward Race is civilized, focused on issues

2005-08-05 Thread Shawn Lewis
I truly hope the media can start asking more candidates about the issues.
We already know that candidates are in competition with each other.

http://www.onenationnews.com/assets/currentversion.pdf (Article)
Posted by Shawn Lewis, Minnetonka

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