[Mpls] Dueling mayoral op-eds in the Strib? - More like cheap shots, and a grand old Gentleman.

2005-08-27 Thread gemgram
From someone who borders on being an anarchist in the DFL being called "Old 
Guard" is more than amusing. Though it does show how out of touch the Rybak 
campaign has become.

As a start perhaps Chris and the Rybak campaign should learn to count a 
little better.  I believe either Peter, McLaughlin, or heir apparent 
(alluding to McLaughlin) were mentioned in at least 10 paragraphs.  Only 
perhaps 2 or 3 paragraphs of the entire Lynnell Mickelsen article were not 
about McLaughlin; in fairly disparaging context.

Don Fraser did not mention Rybak or even allude to the failed promise of 
Rybak being the reason the City of Minneapolis now needs a real leader 
rather than just fluff and photogenic style.  Did not mention that this very 
need was why the heart of RT Rybak's support from the last campaign now 
supports McLaughlin.

But then this has been the nature of this years campaign.  Rather than 
seizing the opportunity to overcome the failed leadership of the last four 
years the Rybak campaigns only recourse is to attack McLaughlin as if he 
were the incumbent.  Well perhaps in a way he is!  For the last several 
years McLaughlin has supplied the quite work and leadership on behalf of 
Minneapolis that should have been the role of the Mayor but for which he was 
simply too busy doing Photo-Ops and news conferences to be able to 
accomplish.  So I guess Peter McLaughlin is the incumbent leadership, but 
only because there was such a vacuum created by the absence of leadership 
from the Mayor's office.

The Mayor CLAIMS leadership in public safety - perhaps that is why the vast 
majority of Police and Firefighters support McLaughlin so strongly?

The Mayor CLAIMS leadership because he "streamlined the city's maze of 
development agencies", - perhaps that is why the entire professional staff 
of CPED begs for a new Mayor to remove the layer upon layer of meaningless 
red tape Rybak's people have added to that already bogged down system? 
Professionals who must deal with CPED say it takes six months longer and 
costs ten to twenty thousand dollars more per unit of affordable housing 
because of the Rybak.

The Mayor CLAIMS his "administration added more affordable housing", -  yet 
the units he claims are clearly the responsibility of others, and a good 
deal of that credit should go to McLaughlin, not Rybak.  It takes three to 
five years to bring large projects on line, and even longer under the Rybak 

The Mayor CLAIMS to have "Saved NRP" - yet every neighborhood knows he and 
his Mayor's office appointments have raided NRP like a slush fund and fought 
"Neighborhood" empowerment at every turn. I believe that is why the 
neighborhood activist who so strongly supported RT Rybak last time now 
support his opponent.

and -

The Mayor claims he "became a visible, engaging spokesman for the city." - 
and in this I must agree he has.  RT is if anything visible and engaging. 
Heck, he has done nothing but run for office since being elected. It is the 
reason I believe he should be the anchor of the Channel Five or some other 
channel's evening news.  RT is a wonderful, entertaining, engaging person to 
go partying with, but Minneapolis needs actual work and leadership from that 
office; not cute PR. Unfortunately that has been the 95% of present 
administrations activity, and the actual work is left with only the 5% 
remaining.  Unfortunately the politicians at the State and other levels of 
government after only a couple of weeks of welcome saw that there was only 
flash and promise and no substance.  So that "spokesman" for the City was 
quickly discounted as not being a serious player.  You can only promise so 
much before someone realizes that all they are going to get is "promise".

Don Fraser's article only talked about the positives of Peter McLaughlin and 
the need for Mayoral leadership for a change. Mayor Fraser is too much of a 
gentleman to point out the shortcomings of the present Mayor's 
administration.  Though I am sure he could quote chapter and verse about 
them. Don stuck solely to the positive.  Coming from a more "earthy" 
background I have no problem calling the hand.  You can paste feathers on it 
and call it a duck, but even if you teach it to quack this old country boy 
is not going to believe that pigs can fly. Especially if he was one of the 
"suckers" who bought the poke last time.

My hero, ole Will, once advised something the Mayor should attempt to 
remember, "If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now 
and then to make sure it's still there."

Jim Graham
from the porch steps in Ventura Village

Where I learned,
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in 
the other direction."

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[MPLS] DeLaSalle CAC

2005-08-27 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has posted to their website 
some information related to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the 
proposed DeLaSalle stadium.  Check it out at   
you click on the highlighted DeLaSalle line it will give the meeting 
dates for the CAC.  What this link is missing is the names of the folks 
appointed ( and by whom ) which I am confident the MPRB will post as 
soon as the list is complete.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park


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Re: [Mpls] Dueling mayoral op-eds in the Strib

2005-08-27 Thread nikkicarlson001
To repeat, I am not part of a faction. I supported Rybak in 2001. I support 
McLaughlin in 2005. It disproves the point.
Chris Johnson calls me old guard faction, and either an old party hack or a 
crony, I am not sure which. I'll accept any one of those titles. I have 
certainly worked my ass off for decades for the Democratic party and 
progressive ideals. I have put my money where my mouth is in every aspect of my 
life. What his brand of attack accomplishes, I'm less clear on.
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
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Re: [Mpls] Dueling mayoral op-eds in the Strib

2005-08-27 Thread Chris Johnson

These two articles both appeared to be about Peter McLaughlin: one describing 
his huge accomplishments, and one deriding his huge accomplishments...

Carlson must be reading a different newspaper than I am.  Out of 14 paragraphs 
in Lynnell Mickelsen's editorial in support of re-electing R.T. Rybak as 
mayor, only 2 said anything about Peter McLaughlin's positions or 
accomplishments.  And even one of those 2 paragraphs really said very little 
about McLaughlin and only somewhat more about his campaign.

I think Mickelsen's column was right on the money in its primary point about 
how the old guard faction of the DFL party has been running it into the 
ground, and how Rybak was an upstart who butted in the presumed line of 
succession.  Carlson's passionate but predictable reaction just proves 
Mickelsen's point.

Hell hath no fury like an "entitled political faction" scorned by the voters.

For example, just look at the Pawlenty administration -- they're almost all 
"shoulda beens" from the Jon Grunseth campaign that went down in flames when 
it was discovered he liked to mess around with underage girls in his swimming 

So it's easy to imagine the old party hacks and their cronies all being quite 
perturbed when their plans went awry because the voters selected someone else. 
 And it's not just in the mayor's race, either.  There's a lot of more of 
this faction involved behind the scenes in a bunch of other races, too.  And 

Chris Johnson

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[Mpls] siding

2005-08-27 Thread Linda Higgins
My good husband, who chairs the Residential Commercial Task Force of the
Northside Residents Redevelopment Council, knew about the vinyl/aluminum
siding changes. They aren't quite what has been discussed here.

As best as he knows, the changes came about as a result of a lot of
crummy houses being built here in North Mpls (does that surprise anyone???)
that had no basement, no garage, few windows, and the absolute minimum
number of square feet for each required room in a house.

The council now requires new construction to get to 15 points in the
following table (It's in MS Word and I apologize in advance if it gets
scrambled in transmission.

Section 35.  That Chapter 530 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances be
amended by adding Table 530-2 to read as follows:

Table 530-2 Standards for single and two-family dwellings and
multiple-family dwellings having three or four dwelling units
Points  Design Standard
5   Not less than one (1) off-street parking space per dwelling unit is
provided in an enclosed structure that is detached from the principal
5   The structure includes a basement as defined by the building code
4   The primary exterior building materials are masonry, brick, stone, 
wood, cement-based siding, and/or glass
3   Not less than twenty (20) percent of the walls on each floor that face a
public street, not including walls on half stories, are windows
3   Not less than ten (10) percent of the walls on each floor that face a 
or interior side lot line, not including walls on half stories, are windows
2   The pitch of the primary roof line is 6/12 or steeper.  However, the 
shall be awarded for a building with a flat roof where there is at least one
existing building with a flat roof within one hundred (100) feet of the site
1   The structure includes an open front porch of at least fifty (50) square
feet where there is at least one existing open front porch within one
hundred (100) feet of the site
1   The development includes at least one (1) deciduous tree in the front 

So if your new house has an offstreet parking space for each dwelling unit
in a detached garage, has a basement, has no fewer than 10% of the walls on
each floor that faces the rear, and has no fewer than 20% of the walls
on each floor that faces the front, then you can put whatever kind of siding
because you've already reached 15 points.

There are several ways you can get to 15 points, if you look at the table.
Let's see, a front porch is one, a deciduous tree in the front yard adds
another, the pitch of the roofline being 6/12 or steeper gets you two more.
That's four. Then you could get six for windows, for ten points. Then you
need one of the three five-pointers: detached garage, siding, or basement.

The easiest way to get to 15, of course, is a detached garage, one of the
siding choices above, and a basement.

That's the full sum of what I learned from The Tall One.

linda higgins
old highland

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Re: [Mpls] Dueling mayoral op-eds in the Strib

2005-08-27 Thread Nikkicarlson001
These two articles both appeared to be about Peter McLaughlin: one describing 
his huge accomplishments, and one deriding his huge accomplishments and 
trying to marginalize him by calling him old guard.

Four years ago, I wholeheartedly supported Rybak as a breath of fresh air, 
and I believe I did the right thing for the time. Today I wholeheartedly 
Peter McLaughlin as these tough times call for someone with experience, focus 
and follow-through. Some call him old guard, I think of him as having a 
proven record.

Is either one perfect? Is either one a villain? No and no. And neither, for 
that matter, is Sharon Sayles Belton. They are all good progressives with 
entirely different styles, skill sets, and ideas about how to get things done. 
I am 
making a different choice for mayor than some of my friends and neighbors, as 
I did four years ago, but I am confident we are working toward most of the 
same goals. And I know we will support some of the same candidates in the 

Nikki Carlson
Generation X'er in Linden Hills

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[Mpls] Park Watch to Endorse Minneapolis Park & Recreation Candidates for 2005 Election

2005-08-27 Thread Chris Johnson
Park Watch, the Minneapolis citizens Park Board watch-dog group, has decided 
to endorse candidates for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the 
fall city elections.

A press release will be issued the week of August 28, 2005.

Park Watch web site:  http://MplsParkWatch.org/

Chris Johnson, co-founder Park Watch
Fulton, Minneapolis

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Re: [Mpls] your city council

2005-08-27 Thread wmmarks

Michael Thompson wrote:

I, too, would be interested to see the ordinances. I believe 
WizardMarks, but I want to read it in disbelief myself.

Here's how I got there:

enter Minneapolis, when that screen comes up
click on Title 12 on the left side of the screen
enter 535.90 scroll down to  a line that begins "Minimum size, width"

It will tell you that the law is now 15% windows on the street side(s) 
of a new house, duplex, triplex, four-plex. This is more than double the 
amount in 2000, which was 7%. That ordinance was put in during the 
seventies when we had long lines at gas stations and "high" gas 
prices--little did we know.

To get further information, i.e., when was the law changed, call the 
city clerk's office and ask for the person who deals with ordinances. 
That person can also tell you the date of the change, who voted for, who 
against, and who was not there.

I'm trying to remember how I got to the code citation on aluminum and 
vinyl, but I can't remember. I was surfing the Minneapolis ordinances 
(god, I must have been bored to tears if I was surfing the muni code). 
Or maybe I was having an I. F. Stone moment.

WizardMarks, Central

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RE: [Mpls] Mayor's Race: assured outcome?

2005-08-27 Thread Jeanne Massey
Ron Leurquin writes:

IRV would be a wonderful thing this fall because it would wake a lot of
folks up that their voice and vote make a difference.

Jeanne Massey adds:

The mayoral race this year underscores the value of IRV - Instant Runoff
Voting - which would eliminate the low-turn out primary runoff and allow
voters to rank the candidates in order of preference at the higher turn-out
general election.

The mayoral outcome of the upcoming primary election is predictable, making
the primary redundant in the electoral process. Following the primary then,
the narrow field of two candidates will define the campaign discourse until
the general election, without the benefit of a broader debate brought by the
diversity of minority candidates in the pre-primary race.

Low turn-out primaries is BIG problem of our current two-stage local
elections. Average voter turnout for municipal primary elections was 18% in
1997 and 27% in 2001. (Average turnout for the general election in those
years was less than half at 47% and 41%, respectively.) A small minority of
voters consistently determines the candidates on the slate in the general

IRV solves this problem by combining the primary and general election in
nonpartisan races, allowing voters to elect a majority winner in just one
election, avoiding the added cost and low voter turnout, typical of
municipal primary elections. The decisive election takes place when turnout
is highest. 

Additionally, turn-out at the general election may increase because IRV
gives voters greater incentive to participate. This is because their vote
still counts even if their first choice candidate is eliminated. Even if
their favorite candidate comes in last, IRV allows their next favorite
candidate to be counted. An ordinary person's participation and vote matters
until and in the final tally.

The voting method is simple and straight forward: Voters rank their choice
of candidates by preference as 1, 2, 3. If a candidate receives a majority
of first choices, that candidate wins. If not, the candidate with the fewest
votes is eliminated and the second round of counting occurs.  The votes cast
for the eliminated candidate are then transferred to the second choice
listed on each ballot. Rounds of counting occur until there is a winner with
a majority of the votes

This method allows more candidates, including independents and third
parties, to get involved in a race, without being accused of "spoiling" the
elections. Campaign debates would be opened to more than two candidates,
giving boost to a broader debate throughout the campaign season and allowing
voters true preferences to be measured in the general election.
In turn, IRV has been shown to decrease negative campaigning because IRV may
require second and third choice votes to win, giving candidates incentive to
focus on the issues to attract voters to their positions and to form
coalitions. Negative campaigning and personal attacks are much less
effective in an IRV election.

The money-saving benefit of IRV makes IRV even more appealing. The City of
Minneapolis spent about $200,000 in the last municipal election primary,
which it would save if the primary were eliminated. Eliminating the primary
also saves candidates the expense of running for two elections and shortens
the length of the campaign season, reducing the amount of money candidates
need to raise and spend.

While saving money is a big plus of IRV, its overriding value is that it
advances voter enfranchisement throughout the election process. IRV is not a
cure-all for election reform, but it is an important step toward a better
functioning democracy.  IRV allows for preferences in voting, establishing a
true majority (as opposed to a plurality) that is more reflective of the
voters' will.

For this reason, following a year-long study of alternative voting methods,
the Minnesota League of Woman Voters endorsed IRV for use in local and state

The most recent IRV success is in San Francisco, where voters elected their
city council members last November in one IRV election, saving the city over
a million dollars by eliminating its traditional runoff election. Cambridge
MA has long been using an IRV-related proportional representation form of
ranked ballots. Several cities and some states throughout the country - in
California, Vermont Michigan, Washington and others - have passed or are
working towards IRV ballot measures. Australia, Ireland and London now all
use IRV for their highest offices.  

FairVote MN is holding a training session on Saturday, September 17th for
Minneapolis residents interested in learning more about or becoming involved
in efforts to amend the Minneapolis city charter to make Instant Runoff
Voting the method by which city officials are elected.

On-line registration for the training session can be done at

www.fairvotemn.org is a good starting place to learn more about IRV.

Jeanne Massey

[Mpls] RE: your city council

2005-08-27 Thread Tim Bonham

 and when the property is empty (as frequently
happens when the place has been completely trashed) there's a giNORMous FOR
RENT sign out front for everyone to see
. . .
Connie Beckers - Folwell
Feeling better with the new motion light installed out front.
Minneapolis City Ordinances limit the size of such signs.  I 
think it's Chapter 543-544 or thereabouts.   They're supposedly 
available online 
at   http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cityhall/laws/ordinances/, but I 
have difficulty with that site.
I think the limit is 8 sq. feet.  You can certainly file a complaint 
if they violate their signs exceed this size.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] Free SAINTS tickets

2005-08-27 Thread Tim Erickson
We still have about 15 FREE general admission tickets for the St. 
Paul Saints. These are rain checks from our rained out E-Democracy 
event on July 25th.

There are only 3 games left in the Saints regular season, for which 
these tickets can be used.

   Sat Aug 27th, 2005   07:05 PMSioux City Explorers
   Sun Aug 28th, 2005   01:05 PMSioux City Explorers
   Mon Aug 29th, 2005   07:05 PMSioux City Explorers

Please, contact me if you would like any of these FREE tickets to 
make arrangements for pick-up.

Tim Erickson

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[Mpls] Dueling mayoral op-eds in the Strib

2005-08-27 Thread List Manager
In the Rybak corner, Lynnell Mickelson, in the McLaughlin corner, Don Fraser

Lynnell's piece:

Don's piece:

Did not see a piece supporting Farheen Hakeem online at this point

David Brauer
List manager

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2005-08-27 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
These so called-illegal immigrants are illegal as the result of national 
policy not local Minneapolis shenanigans.  There are no round ups of 
"illegal" Canadians, no raids on factories or farms for Quebecers.  It is 
American-Latino community which faces this state sponsored bias every day.

There is no mistake of fact or "you took my words out of context"; in 
Minnesota the term "illegal" is our Minnesota Nice way of labeling anyone 
who is Latino. Woe is the day, when a copper, teacher, or ethnical confused 
politician treats my Latina-American daughter as an illegal.

In the zeal to protect us from illegals, candidates and others alike fail to 
recognize that 60% of the Latinos in the US are born in the United States. 
They are called citizens, and oh by the way; they can vote.

As for undocumented Latinos sucking up resources including housing in 
Minnesota, fire up your solar lamp and read these by the glow.  In 
particular the study by HACER   highlights a $1.5 to $3.8 billion positive 
yearly economic impact by undocumented Latinos (the preferred term).

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2005-08-27 Thread Tom Ismond
> There are so many posts on this site by people who don't know what  they're
> talking and can do so much damage with misinformation.
> In Minneapolis at our latitude non adjustable solar panel arrays  are mounted
> at a 44 degree angle to the south. They are self cleaning and they  shed all
> the snow at this angle. They will not need maintenance for  about 60 years
> when they can b taken down and replaced and recycled. Some people  prefer to
> install adjustable arrays which are usually adjusted twice a year.  This will
> produce about 13% more energy and more if adjusted weekly or monthly.  Most 
> arrays
> being installed around the world are adjustable but are not  adjusted.

You are proposing putting them on south facing noise walls. I live
next to the crosstown and can testify to the enormous amounts of soot
generated by all the traffic. I will do a study by placing plate glass
out there and measuring the decrease in light transfer efficiency and
will report my results to the City council and the DOT. My estimate is
that after one month a thirty percent decrease in efficiency will be

Tom Ismond - Diamond Lake
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[Mpls] Park land by the MeloGlaze

2005-08-27 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
Last Sunday, we had coffee at the one last table along Minnehaha Parkway
in front of the MeloGlaze. This table has been chained to the tree for about
30 years...no one knew who did it or to whom it belonged.

Monday, both the City and the Park &Rec merged down on the bakery...
MeloGlaze is not without fault mind you...few little problems here and there.
So the table got cut from the tree and the strip of parkland lays barren so
hopefully it will be easier for the park to maintain that little 7'x20' strip. 
MeloGlaze has been maintaining it for about 50 years so the baton has
been passed!

So this coming Sunday, we will be bringing our own chairs to sit upon
park property and I certainly hope without incident. 

The Bowling Alley in Nokomis has a huge sign that states...
Vote the Incumbents Out..Two Terms is Enough

By some of the posts of late Perhaps
our elected officials should take the time to figure out why people have
such a desultory feeling towards the system. They should take the time
to figure out what is government's roleit is such a bloated system. We
need to get rid of some of these programs..so taxes raised could go to the
 basics as intended. Create jobs that generate revenues instead of adding
onto the dole of the government and burden the taxpayers.

Dorie Gallagher/nokomis

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-27 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Monday, August 22, 2005, at 06:54  PM, Mark V Anderson wrote:

 The rest of the candidates pretty
much ducked my question, but Eric came out with a viable idea.  I have 

least one of my votes on September 13 figured out.

( what expenses the Board could cut to bring back Saturday
hours to all the Minneapolis branches.)

I hope you don't think I was ducking when I said I would not cut any 
existing operating funds to put more money into restored library hours.

I said increased revenue sources are needed to do this and this is the 
basis of Sheldon''s and my campaign. Taking from existing operating 
dollars is not feasible, not good policy, and it pits interests against 
each other.

We need a bigger pie, not a pie sliced differently.. That takes hard 
work. It is not the easy answer but it is the best answer for the long 



Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
AFSCME Mn Council 5
Minneapolis Building and Trades
Stonewall DFL
Minnesota Women's Political Caucus
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414
Minneapolis, MN

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[Mpls] Pohlad Tax

2005-08-27 Thread David Shove
I propose a Pohlad Tax. Pohlad has over $2 billion. We tax him 1 billion
(1,000,000,000) and spread it equally among 1 million (1,000,000)
households. That's $1000 for each family. Think of what a boon that would
be to the Twin Cities'economy!

Just as he wouldn't have us vote a stadium tax, we wouldn't have him vote
on a Pohlad Tax. We just tell him we're taking it, and if he doesn't like
it we send in the sheriff and cops to arrest him for non-payment.

Remember: Carl doesn't need it and YOU DO!

When that's gone, we convert the Dome into cash by selling it to the
highest bidder, and distribute that too. We paid for it; time we got our
money back.

After that we drill for gold in Pohlad's bank vault.

--David Shove

> > Much more at my web site
> I say no stadium tax PERIOD.
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2005-08-27 Thread Aaarty
There are so many posts on this site by people who don't know what  they're 
talking and can do so much damage with misinformation.
In Minneapolis at our latitude non adjustable solar panel arrays  are mounted 
at a 44 degree angle to the south. They are self cleaning and they  shed all 
the snow at this angle. They will not need maintenance for  about 60 years 
when they can b taken down and replaced and recycled. Some people  prefer to 
install adjustable arrays which are usually adjusted twice a year.  This will 
produce about 13% more energy and more if adjusted weekly or monthly.  Most 
being installed around the world are adjustable but are not  adjusted.
Sincerely,  Don Johnson, Candidate for Mayor, 3808 Grand Ave So. Minneapolis, 
MN 55409 (612)  824  _www.DonJohnsonMayor.org_ 
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2005-08-27 Thread Tom Ismond
> We can install grid tie solar arrays on south facing sound  barriers, over
> parking lots and ramps using state and federal funds and create  thousands of

It seems to me that these solar cells will very quickly grime up being
next to a freeway. This will drastically reduce the efficiency of the
cells and thus they must be cleaned, alot. More than likely the only
way to do this will be with some kind of detergent or caustic cleaner.
What is your proposal for cleaning hundreds of thousands of square
feet of solar cells with toxic chemicals without totally wrecking the
environment ? What are your calculations for the cost of doing this ?

> We can serve inmates mostly vegetarian meals and save millions,  reduce
> pollution and greenhouse gasses, prevent high blood pressure and  
> cholesterolemia
> which costs us millions in medical costs.

This would be great if the inmates were cows or caterpillars.  Homo
Sapiens needs meat to survive according to the current theory of human
evolution. I guess if you don't believe in current evolutionary theory
then it isn't worth arguing.
> Much more at my web site

I say no stadium tax PERIOD.

Tom Ismond - Diamond Lake
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2005-08-27 Thread Aaarty
In Minneapolis the minority students are becoming the majority. We  can now 
scale back some of the costly, destructive school busing that uses so  much of 
our education dollars, destroys the children's health and pours  pollution and 
greenhouse gasses into our air.
We can install grid tie solar arrays on south facing sound  barriers, over 
parking lots and ramps using state and federal funds and create  thousands of 
essential jobs, reduce mercury emissions, reduce the flow of  billions of 
dollars out of our city, reduce greenhouse gasses and produce  thousands of 
kilowatts of electricity using the free, clean, inexhaustible  energy of the 
sun. We 
can't afford not to do it. 
We can serve inmates mostly vegetarian meals and save millions,  reduce 
pollution and greenhouse gasses, prevent high blood pressure and  
which costs us millions in medical costs.
My opponents want to build more housing for the accelerating flood  of 
illegal immigrants pouring into our city when we are not using the housing we  
efficiently. They want to create more jobs when we have too many people  
working long hours with not enough vacation time and working at completely non  
essential jobs that create more pollution, greenhouse gasses, resource 
and inflation.
Much more at my web site

Sincerely,  Don Johnson, Candidate for Mayor, 3808 Grand Ave So. Minneapolis, 
MN 55409 (612)  824  _www.DonJohnsonMayor.org_ 
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