Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis: What is in a name? A powerful brand?

2005-10-04 Thread David Shove
On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Ray Marshall wrote:

 I see by the morning Strib that American Express Financial Advisors is now
 doing business independently under the name of Ameriprise Financial, Inc.

 Kinda rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it, as you savor free enterprise's
 latest contribution to obfuscation.

I keep asking people the meaning of obfuscation, but I never get a clear
answer I can understand. Each time I ask it gets worse.  Put that word in
your mouth and eschew it.

-David Shove
word traveller
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Re: [Mpls] Opus asks Mpls to swap land

2005-10-04 Thread Ray of Minneapolis
You interested me to look into this, so I did a bunch
of research into Underground Bus Depots. There is an
excellent Finnish Architect called Pekka Helin whom
has done such a project for Helsinki. It is truly
amazing. Underground bus and rails, with green space
at street level. The relevent imagry is here
Cycle through them. And here is a map of the facility

This is the best example of this concepts
implementation in the world today. makes for good

Ray Rolfe

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 10:37:22 -0500
From: Sheldon Mains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Opus asks Mpls. to swap land

The site OPUS wants is the old Nicollet Hotel block,
just north of the 
Central Library.  A block the city has been
unsuccessful at developing 
as a
joint project with a bus transfer facility. At one
time it was planned 
to be
part of the Central Library but when it was not
needed, the city 
its efforts for a joint private/public development. 

In an ideal world, the block north of the new Library
should be a park.  
would tie the library with the river, it could be a
fitting tribute to 
old Historic Bridge Square (although I believe Bridge
Square was one 
closer to the river).  The ideal could happen if the
city used the $10
million federal transportation grant it has to build
the bus transfer
facility underground with a park on top of it
(although I don't know 
the costs are for that option--it may be more
expensive than the $10
million).  But the city wants (needs??) a mixed use
development with a
private developer.  Also, the proposed OPUS land swap
would put the bus
transfer facility next to the light rail station--a
good thing.

So, since the city is only getting 2/3 of the square
footage in the
exchange, and is giving up one of the most visible
blocks downtown, it 
to me that the city could put some controls on the
proposed Nicollet 
site development--say keeping a green space on the
Hennepin side to 
a pedestrian friendly entrance to the City and keeping
the Hennepin 
side of
the development very low rise (say 0 to 2 stories) to
maintain a view 
of the
library and planetarium.  Also, getting the developer
to pay for a 
link to the Library and a skyway link from the library
across 4th
Street--the new library is designed for those links).
(OK, I'm probably
asking for a lot but might as well start with the

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis
Library Board of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls

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[Mpls] History in Lower NE

2005-10-04 Thread Tom Taylor
Correction to Shawne's correction:
The Metis village, the Metis farms and St. Anthony of Padua Church were
on the west bank - in St. Anthony.

The Metis village was located on the EAST bank of the Mississippi.  The St.
Anthony of Padua Church is still located on 8th and 2nd in lovely lower NE
MPLS.  The original cemetery for the church was located on the river at
about 14th and Marshall ST.  This cemetery's location became apparent when
the development of the River Run housing development unearthed bones that
were attributed to that cemetery.

A curious thing that I have not been able to get an answer to yet is that
the original remains that were unearthed were deemed to be native American
but I have not been able to find out what happened to those and how they
happened to be buried in a Catholic cemetery.  Perhaps they were from an
assimilated individual that had taken up the faith.

I am still waiting and will let folks knows if and when I find anything out.

Has anyone from the AFCAC heard and I wonder if the AFCAC has
suggestions/recommendations in place for what should happen when something
like this happens again?

Tom Taylor

Raise less corn and more hell.
Mary Elizabeth Lease

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Shawne FitzGerald
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 10:05 PM
Cc: Steve Brandt;
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis: What's in a name?


The Metis village, the Metis farms and St. Anthony of Padua Church were
on the west bank - in St. Anthony.  As was the settlement of the early
New Englanders - John Stevens being an exception.

Shawne FitzGerald

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[Mpls] The PCRC Item for next week's PS RS meeting on 10\12 at 1:30 pm

2005-10-04 Thread Guy Gambill

   As we all know, Lt. Arradondo and Glenn Burt have
been removed from the PCRC process. We also know that
the Federal Mediation process has been made a mockery
of by someone at City Hall. I would like to attend the
City Council meeting next week (PS  RS Committee) at
1:30 on October 12th as a concerned citizen who is
wondering what the Heck is the hold up on progress
with the PCRC. The City Link to this agenda may be
found here;

  Item #20 reads;

20. October 12th - Police Community Relations Council
(PCRC) Update.

  At the bottom of the page I find the reference;

Notice: A portion of this meeting may be closed to
the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section
13D.03 or 13D.05.

  This disclaimer appears at the bottom of all PS  RS
Committee agendas. I am just curious as to whether
or not this might apply to the PCRC portion of the
meeting...will the public be kept out of this portion
of the Committee meeting...can someone answer that 
  The Statutory references, it would seem, could 
apply to this meeting...excluding the public will
only exacerbate an already very messy situation and
anger many people even more.

Guy Gambill

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[Mpls] The PCRC Item for next week's PS RS meeting on 10\12 at

2005-10-04 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
No alarm needed.  The disclaimer is posted for every PS  RS Hearing.  At times 
the counsel may invoke attorney client privileges or discuss items that are 
considered non-public data. See  As a general rule, it would 
seem that PCRC discussions do not fit under non-public data which can be exempt 
from open meeting laws.

Greg Reinhardt

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Re: [Mpls] re:Lt. Arradondo removed from the Police Community RelationsCouncil

2005-10-04 Thread Michellehill64
Thanks for posting my response in city pages Dennis. That was a nice article 
wasn't it? Please reread my earlier post. In my post I said, I will be the 
first to defend a person when their civil rights are in question.  That 
true. The issue here is CP Samuels and the fact that he had already passed 
his second hand information to the 4th precinct commander. He went over his 
head to the chief and by some accounts the mayor. Only the chief and the mayor 
could cause that swift action from Internal Affairs.

Let's be clear here. If you look back on all of your earlier post, you 
supported Human Rights Director, Tyrone Terrell when he targeted gang members 
their entire post. Your every post was against gangbangers and drug 
Why are you strongly debating this gang-banger issue? Because it is about CP 
Samuels? Which is the point I keep trying to horn in on in my post. Ask CP 
Samuels what the store owner told him when he went out to do his own 
investigation. I hope he gives a statement to Internal Affairs telling both 
side of his 
second hand information.

He used his POLITICAL POWER. His real duty was to tell the 4th precinct 
commander and to direct his constituent, to either the 4th precinct commander 
Internal Affairs. Let's not forget that he used his POLITICAL POWER to have the 
Minneapolis Police Department forward a request for criminal charges against 
community activist Al Flowers and Booker Hodges, that amounted to nothing. I 
question is would the city/police department have ever sent out or considered 
charges against anyone else on Criminal Defamation?  

Let's not lose site of the issue here. POLITICS!!!  Again, and I quote, I 
will be the first to defend a person when their civil rights are in question. 
Oh yeah, can I get an answer to my question in your next post? How many comp
laints of alleged use of force has CP Samuels made to the chief, or any other 
precinct commander, that resulted in such swift action from Internal Affairs. 
Or perhaps DEMKO and ANDERSON can ask that question, since CP Samuels 
involvement could cost the city a settlement in the end. 

Michelle Hill


Michelle Hill

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[Mpls] Library and Wi Fi

2005-10-04 Thread Theresa Smith
I ran for library board and didn't make it out of the
primary (great people, great field of candidates) and
I really hope one of my talking points gets broader
discussion: find a way to draw operations funding out
of the Minneapolis Wi-Fi network that is being put out
for bid. Certainly, the revenue streams have not yet
been established and the network hasn't been built,
but if the Wi-Fi network is connected with the library
system in some way (content-wise and financially), it
is pretty nice leg up into the 21st Century.

Jae Bryson

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[Mpls] Minneapolis: What's in a name?

2005-10-04 Thread Steve Brandt
For those looking to the East Bank for guidance on anniversary celebrations, 
the town formerly known as St. Anthony observed its sesquicentennial in 1999, 
the 150th anniversary of the platting of the townsite.  I have the 
sesquicentennial poster at my desk.

For bonus points:  What county was St. Anthony located in when the townsite 
plat was filed, and in which city was the plat filed?

For more info on St. Anthony's hsitory, see 7-3-99 Star Tribune.

Steve Brandt
Star Tribune  

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RE: [Mpls] Council races - who, and why?

2005-10-04 Thread Michael Hohmann
Gary Hoover asks,
 I notice no discussion of the Ward 13 City council race.
 Are there no issues worthy of discussion in Ward 13?
 Are both candidates equally acceptable to the voters of Ward 13?
 Perhaps -- like Rybak and McLaughlin -- the Ward 13 race is
 really about DFL insider politics?

[MH] I guess discussions are taking place in coffee shops and at the door
when candidates come calling with their literature.  However, more often
than not the literature is being direct mailed in this high-bucks race.

I found property taxes to be the top issues on people's minds as I went
door-to-door before the primary.  And I think the city budget will
increasingly be on people's minds as the general election approaches-- what
with higher interest rates and more expensive motor fuels continually
reminding folks that the cost of living is going up, up, up.

I predict that choices for Mayor and City Council in the 13th, while limited
to heavily labor endorsed DFL candidates, will be influenced primarily by
budgeting and spending priorities advanced by the candidates.

Are voters and taxpayers going to be willing to pay the higher taxes
associated with some campaign promises or will they demand that politicians
hold the line on property taxes and limit spending?

Are the Mayoral and CC candidates (and MPRB, MPL Board and BET candidates as
well) going to commit to using and following a multi-year planning and
budgeting process that establishes longer-term goals and objectives
consistent with capital and operating budgets that are matched to realistic
property tax revenue streams that increase slower than in recent years;
where the tax levy and annual property tax revenues increase at a rate more
in line with general inflation (not triple the rate of inflation, or more)?
Or, will we regress back to a deficit-laden, credit card-spending mentality
in order to provide all the varied special interests with the jobs, wage and
benefit increases, and programmatic spending they expect as payback for
their support during the political campaigns?

How much of which services do we want, or more importantly, how much do we
NEED?  What are our spending priorities and how much are we willing to pay?
People of modest means and those on fixed incomes are concerned with making
ends meet.  They fear being forced out of the homes they've lived in for
decades, the homes they've raised families in, because they can no longer
afford the property taxes.  People all over the city share these same
concerns-- renters and homeowners alike.

The increased cost of energy, post Katrina/Rita, will add millions of
dollars in unexpected costs to City budgets over the next year-- and
thereafter, as energy production lags demand.  How much more money is
expected to be spent on energy by the city (and Park/Library, etc.) over the
next year, as compared with the average annual energy expenditure over the
past several years?  Where will these extra funds come from, this year and
in the future?  Fleet fuels, space conditioning (heating/ cooling), and
conventional electric costs will continue to escalate at rates above that of
general inflation indefinitely, just like health care and pension costs.
Are candidates factoring in the increased cost of energy when they discuss
their policies and plans?

Tens of millions of dollars will be needed annually just to cover old
pension costs in Minneapolis, even after we refinance them.  The annual
capital costs associated with the new downtown library will be going from $3
million to $12 million over the next few years, and continue at that level
for a couple of decades or more.

The NRP program is going broke; what is the appropriate model for assuring
citizen participation as we move ahead in Minneapolis?  What are we willing
to pay each year for citizen participation, and what can we get for those
dollars?  What is really NEEDED and where does the money come from? What are
the candidates promising and how will they pay for it?

The crime issue has been largely politicized in an election year-- what
changes are NEEDED (not WANTED), and what will they cost each year?  School
budgets will be pressed with added energy costs-- for heating and bus
transportation.  Where will the School Board get the money?  What are our
priorities and how will we pay for them?  As fed/state costs are continually
pushed down... the buck stops here... with property taxes-- the taxes that
run city and county government, our schools and parks and libraries; the
taxes that pay for the BASICS.  The taxes we all pay as homeowners and

There is no free lunch and voters should pay attention to what candidates
are saying, or too often, not saying.  Candidates need to be put on the spot
as to what they plan to do and how they plan to pay for it.  Voters and
taxpayers must remind the politicians what we NEED...
not what we, or they, want.

Not all inclusive by a long shot, but you get the idea!

Mike Hohmann

[Mpls] In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks

2005-10-04 Thread Craig Cox

In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks
Council Member Natalie Johnson Lee responds to the coverage of 
yesterday's Fifth Ward debate.

Go to:
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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Re: [Mpls] In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks

2005-10-04 Thread Tamir Nolley
I think it's important to point out that not only is CP Samuels engaging in 
this type of behavior, but so are people on his campaign.  Megan Goodmunson 
(who works on Samuels' campaign) repeatedly accuses Michelle Hill of actually 
being NJL (she is not) and personally insults her (and has insulted me as well 
when I've posted in favor of NJL) on this list.
The Samuels campaign has developed a real mean streak, using derogatory words 
about lower income people of color (Samuels is a former corporate executive who 
has publicly said that he wants to replace current residents with Middle 
Class residents) and younger people who may choose to dress differently.  
Samuels has also used the terms Alpha Male and living in the Big House to 
describe himself, something which at worst is an offensive gauntlet thrown at 
certain people and at best is an insensitive, misguided statement which with 
most of us can't really identify.

Bringing NJ L's husband in to the debate and calling him a pornographer adds a 
nasty, disgusting personal tone to this debate.  
These are the kind of campaign tactics worthy of the religious right.  As long 
as we're throwing accusations and innuendos out there, I have one of my own.  
CP Samuels sits on the council as a result of FBI (Bush Administration, who's 
campaign tactics he is using) interference in our local affairs.  
As a former 3rd ward resident who had significant ideological disagreements 
with Joe Biernat, I'll say that CP Biernat at least returned phone calls and 
responded to e-mails of NORMAL PEOPLE, not just the ED of the local 
neighborhood groups.  He helped develop the Truth in Housing statements and 
the Upper River Master plan.  He led the fight against the Kondirator.  CP 
Samuels is definitely a few steps down.
When Northeast neighborhoods voted unanimously against affordable housing 
development, Samuels (an immigrant) wasn't there to tell them that NIMBY-ism is 
wrong, he simply kept quiet.  
Of course, let's be real clear.  The real ugliness in this race is between the 
SUPPORTERS of both of these candidates.  
To those of us who had had the doors of city hall repeatedly slammed in our 
faces and were threatened with lawsuits (as happened to a list member) when 
Jackie Cherryhomes didn't like what we had to say, Natalie Johnson Lee is the 
one person in city hall who let us working class folks have a voice.  The 
criticisms of her (an inneffective rabble rouser) are essentially the same 
criticisms of former CP Jim Niland and former US Senator Paul Wellstone.
Most of the north side supporters of Don Samuels are the people who supported 
our former behind-the-seens iron fisted ruler, Jackie Cherryhomes.  They resent 
US (working class cab drivers NJL is the council representative to the taxicab 
committee, counter culture types and people of color who wear baggy pants) for 
having any voice whatsoever at city hall. 
It begs the question, would Don Samuels have run if Jackie Cherryhomes were the 
CURRENT 5th ward council member?  My money says no.
Megan, maybe that's why your tone is so over-the-top with hostility towards 
Michelle Hill.  Maybe that's why the 5th ward race is full of class warfare 
type language.  
Those avidly supporting Don Samuels seem to be economically comfortable people 
who seem to resent even the little scrap of power we've been thrown. Many of 
them have shown disturbing attitudes towards working class people. They 
complain about Booker Hodges' show on MTN, but don't really mind white 
supremacist Larry Leinenger's show.  Leinenger was a third ward primary city 
council candidate.  Hodges is not seeking political office. Larry Leinenger is 
not threatening to (most of) the comfortable, Natalie Johnson Lee is.
(As a free speech advocate and MTN member I support the rights of both of these 
men to say whatever they want provided they don't violate the rules of MTN.  
Though I am simply writing my own opinions, I am an MTN board memberthese 
opinions are mine and NOT those of MTN!)
Well Mr. Samuels (and supporters,)
in the age of Nixon, you may find that hypocritical, negative, nasty 
campaigning works, but SOME of us poor slobs who don't deserve a voice still 
have ideals.
Tamir Nolley

Craig Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks
Council Member Natalie Johnson Lee responds to the coverage of 
yesterday's Fifth Ward debate.
Go to: 

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Re: [Mpls] In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks

2005-10-04 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Tuesday, October 4, 2005, at 06:57  PM, Tamir Nolley wrote:

  Samuels has also used the terms Alpha Male ...

It probably isn't worth much, but the alpha male's primary role is to 
be the consort of the alpha female and sire the pups. One world this 
term refers to is that of wolves, hyenas and wild dogs. In that world 
the alpha female is the leader of the pack. She directs not only the 
hunting but the procreation pecking order.

Taking terminology from science isn't unheard of, but at least we 
should get the gender orientation right. And if we must have a human 
equivalent, think Prince Philip of England.

Among apes, our cousins, alpha males are said to mate more often. 
However dominance hierarchies prevail in ape society, which do not in 
human society. (Well, unless you count polygamous Mormons and harems 
where humans actually live in groups, but that is accomplished under 
duress). And it should be remembered that among apes as among humans 
the selection of the mating male is done by the female, not the other 
way around, appearances notwithstanding.

That's procreation for you. Politics in Minneapolis is another matter.

Best wishes,


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
AFSCME Mn Council 5
Minneapolis Building and Trades
Stonewall DFL
Minnesota Women's Political Caucus
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414
Minneapolis, MN
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[Mpls] GetBoB Park Board Event - CXL

2005-10-04 Thread Scott Marshall

Hi All -

Getting to the Bottom of the Ballot will NOT host a Park Board 
candidate event the evening of October 18.  We learned of a group of 
Kenwood-Isles folks putting together an at-large and PD4 candidate 
forum that night and will leave it to their planning to give voters an 
opportunity to hear the candidates.

BUT...don't forget we've invited all candidates - for all Minneapolis 
offices - to be a part of our candidate fair the evening of October 26 
in the DelaSalle High School cafeteria from 7-9pm.  It'll be your 
biggest, bestest chance to stop by and chat with ALL of the candidates 
you'll choose from on November 8.  It'll be a great opportunity.

More info at

Thanks and we are truly sorry for any confusion our mistaken planning 
has caused.

scott marshall

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RE: [Mpls] In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks

2005-10-04 Thread List Manager
Stuff like this is too personal. Take it off list, or I'll be forced to take
folks off list.

I know it's the heat of the campaign season, but if anyone has to speak to
someone about their conduct (NOT the issues), do it where the rest of us
aren't watching (and deleting).

This goes for all members supporting whatever campaign. I only cite the
below example as the latest.

I'll take complaints about member behavior off list, but I won't tolerate
personal food fights on list. Thems the rules.

David Brauer
List manager

 -Original Message-
 Tamir Nolley
 Megan, maybe that's why your tone is so over-the-top with hostility
towards Michelle Hill.

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Re: [Mpls] In Ballot Box: Fifth Ward fireworks

2005-10-04 Thread Michellehill64
The Samuels campaign has developed a real mean streak, using derogatory words 
about lower income people of color (Samuels is a former corporate executive 
who has publicly said that he wants to replace current residents with Middle 
Class residents) and younger people who may choose to dress differently.  
Samuels has also used the terms Alpha Male and living in the Big House to 
describe himself, something which at worst is an offensive gauntlet thrown at 
certain people and at best is an insensitive, misguided statement which with 
of us can't really identify.

It is so nice to hear someone else speak about the things CP Samuels said at 
the debate last month at the Urban League. I think CP Samuels may believe that 
White Americans would support that mentality, but I do not believe they are 
fooled either. You have to remember, during slavery House Slave weren't 
loyalty to anyone. They snitched on field slaves and reported things happening 
the big house, to the field slaves. My mother would have said he had a face 
like a tree, one side for Blacks and one side for Whites. A man that neither 
could trust.

Bringing NJ L's husband in to the debate and calling him a pornographer adds 
a nasty, disgusting personal tone to this debate.  

I requested a copy of yesterday's debate, after reading Startribune. I 
watched it earlier today, and I was not surprised to see CP Samuels still doing 
soft shoe routine. When he held up a copy of the Trendsetter magazine and 
attacked Mr.Travis Lee, CP NJL's husband, I nearly feel off the chair. I didn't 
get the point. He made the debate about her husband and her alleged 
supporters, verses about the issues. My son's and daughter-in-law loves the 
Where did the allegation of a porn magazine come from? 

In this debate CP Samuels again talked about the things he did to get Cub 
Foods, Merwin Drugs, and Kemps to do to improve their image in the community. 
Today I had my daughter-in-law drove me down West Broadway to see what he 
is an accomplishment of his. All superficial things. Kemps painted the 
outside of their building white, Cub foods put a TCF and Cub Food sign facing 
Broadway, and Merwin Drugs put a window in. The drug dealers are still on the 
corner of Lyndale/Broadway-21st and in the Cub Food lot. 

Megan Goodmunson (who works on Samuels' campaign) repeatedly accuses Michelle 
Hill of actually being NJL (she is not).

Thank you, but if that's the best Megan has she's in the wrong battle. My 
issues with CP Samuels goes to an article he interviewed for in June, where he 
stated, And I have been guilty as a white man for looking down on black 
Me, Don Samuels, I can tell you that, I grew up being taught that kinky hair 
was bad, that thick lips were ugly, we teased my brother who has the thickest 
lips and the widest nose. The kids in my school teased the darker skinned 
kids. The darkest girls were the ugliest ones and the light skinned girls were 
cutest ones. I am saying these things. Can I say that? Can I admit that my 
great-great grandfather was a house slave and that he was light-skinned and got 
perks for it and that it happened all across the colonial black world? Can I 
say that? I am admitting that. I carry that article in my purse.

Perhaps that is why he dislikes CP Johnson-Lee so much, while she is 
beautiful, she looks like everything he despised. And yes, I know he is married 
to a 
Black woman. That's the Flip-Flopper in him.   

At the debate, last month at the Urban League. CP Samuels threw his support 
to Mayor Rybak, however he said he had spoken to McLaughlin and told him, Hey, 
I love you man, and if you win we can work together. Now while I put that 
statement in quotes, I may not have the words in the right order, but he did 
that he told McLaughlin that he loved him and would work with him. He flip 
flops so much and neither Mayor Rybak or McLaughlin should trust him. I do not 
think he has White Americans anymore fooled than he does African Americans. HE 

Michelle Hill

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Re: [Mpls] Broadband Availability?

2005-10-04 Thread Timothy J. Salo
I didn't see this e-mail on the list, so I will use it without attribution.

 Tim's points about broadband availability is well taken, but misses  
 the point. Time Warner can't red line under their franchise  
 agreement, so that should mean that cable modem service is available  
 everywhere in the city.
 But there's a big difference between availability and affordability.

Availability and affordability _are_ different.  As Minneapolis and
Saint Paul consider major investments in public Internet services,
I believe that it is important to understand and agree on what problems
are being solved.  As far as I can tell, there are some for whom the
objective is availability, (perhaps because they don't believe broadband
services are available in low-income areas, as the previous e-mail
seemed to suggest, or perhaps because they want citywide WiFi service,
which isn't currently available), and there are others for whom the
objective is lower price.  It appears to me that there may not be a
consensus on what problem citywide Internet service, wireless or
otherwise, should solve.

Affordability is a pretty vague term.  I believe that if we
are going to make policy decisions based on affordability,
we probably ought to agree on what it means.

Is affordable a function of cost?  If so, how inexpensive does
broadband need to be to be affordable?  Less expensive than cable
TV service?  (Does anyone know the average price and penetration of
cable TV service in the Twin Cities?)  Less expensive than dial-up
service? Note that Verizon advertises DSL service for as low as
$14.95 a month.  Is _that_ affordable?

Or, is affordable a function of income?  If so, might it be
more cost effective to simply subsidize Internet service for
low-income households, rather than deploying a municipal
network and effectively subsidizing Internet service for all
households, independent of income?

Or, is affordable a codeword for free, at least in the sense
that users don't pay for it directly?

  Note that StoneBridge services are not cost-competitive with cable
  and DSL, but I believe that Clearwire's prices are
  (  Unfortunately, while Clearwire services
  are available in some parts of Minnesota, they are not yet available
  in the Twin Cities.
 StoneBridge doesn't do residential. Business service starts at $99  
 for 1 Mb up and down.

True.  StoneBridge and Clearwire were presented as examples of wireless
technologies that can be rolled out over a wide geographic area with only
widely scattered infrastructure (base stations).  These types of
technologies would seem to be inherently less likely to skip over
low-income areas.

This contrasts with most WiFi networks, which require an access point
(base station) at pretty much every other intersection. [1]

These differences may have some interesting public policy implications:

-  Technologies like those used by StoneBridge and Clearwire can
   be deployed with little or no use of public right-of-ways, and
   therefore probably with minimal municipal involvement.

-  WiFi networks are probably only practical if public right-of-
   ways, (specifically power poles and light poles), are heavily
   used, and significant municipal involvement is probably therefore

-  A citywide WiFi network could be deployed with the assumption
   that it has some sort of exclusive franchise, only to find
   that an alternative wireless technology, over which the
   municipality has little control, is deployed in the same
   geographic area.

 ClearWire is $30 per month for 768 kb up/286 kb down, $38 per month  
 for 1.5 Mb up, 286 kb down. Silly.

Well, up and down are reversed.  I noted that Clearwire is cost-
competitive with DSL.  Beyond that, I don't know what silly means
in this context.

 Speaking with a gentleman from Portland the other day, he made a  
 comment about the disconnect between tech people and policy people.  
 This is a good illustration.

I believe that before Minneapolis or Saint Paul makes a major investment
in a new project, there should be a good consensus on the goals and
objectives for the project.  There should, I believe, be a solid plan
that is likely to achieve those objectives, that is based on evidence
and analysis, and that embodies an adequate understanding of the relevant
technical and market characteristics of the technologies being proposed.
Finally, I think there should also be a plan to measure the results or
effectiveness of the project.  I don't know whether I believe this because
I am a technologist, because I am a small business, or because that is
just the way I am. [2]

Beyond that, I am not sure what is being illustrated.

 The end of for-fee basic Internet access is near. Google has bid on  
 San Francisco's citywide wireless - 300 kbps anywhere in the city for  
 FREE, and wholesale access sold to competing service providers (how  
 'bout that - more than a 

Re: [Mpls] Council races - who, and why?

2005-10-04 Thread wmmarks

Michael Hohmann wrote:

I found property taxes to be the top issues on people's minds. ...  And I think 
the city budget will
increasingly be on people's minds as the general election approaches ... I 
predict that choices for Mayor and City Council in the 13th, ... will be 
influenced primarily by budgeting and spending priorities advanced by the 
candidates. [Either]commit to using and following a multi-year planning and
budgeting process ... Or,  regress back to a deficit-laden, credit 
card-spending mentality in order to provide all the varied special interests 
with the jobs, wage and benefit increases, and programmatic spending they expect

Those are not the only two choices. To discuss city issues as though 
there are only two choices inevitably means you cannot solve problems. 
Nor does the characterization of the Fraser-SSB years do justice to what 
they faced when they were in office. The focus your post outlines makes 
it impossible for any administration to position the city to cope with 
expected growth or to respond to the cataclysmic shifts in DC and at the 
state capitol. We do not elect people to run a private business, we 
elect them to lead us through the processes for growth and to make sure 
we get our fair share of the money we hold jointly as a people.

The whole point of the NRP was to create a paradigm shift to keep the 
city from drifting any further down the drain and losing more of its 
ability to sustain business. Both Fraser and his council, as well as SSB 
and her council, had agreed to pour massive amounts of money into making 
the loop more viable on the theory that the loop was moribund and an 
impediment to businesses moving and staying here. It was more than 
theory. Businesses were--and still are-- dictating the terms under which 
they will move here and stay here. For that very reason, both McLaughlin 
and RT will be forced to support carrying some of the cost of a 
stadium--more than $10 mil certainly--whether we like it or not.

As a matter of reality, Minneapolis is bound around by municipalities 
while capitalism requires the city to either grow or die. On that level, 
we are required to make the best use possible of all the limited space 
we have. Between the 30 year disinvestment in the core city and the 
onset of organized drug gangs, the center could not hold. If your core 
city goes to hell, your entire city will suffer in the long run, making 
the cost of running it higher and higher while the quality of life drops 
lower and lower, making it less livable, therefore less valuable.

In that respect, those who got in office during the Fraser-SSB 
administrations were far-sighted. McLaughlin's light rail is one such 
example of how to grow as a city. The NRP was another. Unfortunately, 
when it came to looking at land and new buildings in terms of greening, 
too many opportunities were ignored in favor of getting businesses on 
line. The current administration has not improved that situation a 
nickel's worth. And what you suggest will not improve the situation either.

The tax squeeze home owners are experiencing is the direct result of the 
changes in the federal and state tax code coupled with the incredible 
jump in housing valuations. Regardless of who runs the city, they cannot 
be held responsible for those changes. If a house in my core city 
neighborhood can increase in value and taxability by six times in just 
eight years, while at the same time more and more of the burden of 
financing a city is shifted to the homeowner, it is not the policies of 
either the Fraser or SSB administrations which are largely responsible. 
The tax code changes and the state's responding changes make the 
spending of the Fraser-SSB years, coupled with the increasing cost of 
fossil fuels and other stupidities we're pursuing, make those 
projections of income no longer operable. Under the previous tax code, 
the projections were operable. Under the current tax code and budget, 
the 13th ward and the rest of the city's taxpayers are paying the 
freight for both business and the wealthy.

What is being proposed is reactionary, rather than forward looking. It 
forces us, as a city, to constantly swing back and forth, the plaything 
of every shift in DC and the state. It costs us in city cohesiveness and 
livability. The more incohesive, the greater the cost of police and 
security, the more we produce a bunker mentality that lowers the city's 
viability for steady, intelligent growth.

How much of which services do we want, or more importantly, how much do we

That depends on whether or not we want to be a functional big city 
(defined as anything over 100,000 souls) or to be a sink hole. What 
you're suggesting here is the route down the sink hole precisely because 
it puts the onus on the city to overcome the stupidities created on the 
federal and state levels.

WizardMarks, Central

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil