Re: [Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread Bob Velez
I really think that policing, by its very nature, is significantly 
different from other forms of municipal public service.

Police officers are given a LOT of authority and power to do their jobs 
(and rightly so).  Their job is unique in that they are dealing 
one-on-one with community members as well as having to deal with those 
that would harm the community by committing crimes against citizens or 
property.  This work is, IMO, significantly different from services like 
public works or taxpayer services.  There is an intangible and indirect 
benefit that comes from having police be members of the communities they 
are charged to protect and serve.

I believe that offering incentives for officers to live within 
Minneapolis proper is a very good idea.  Ultimately, I would prefer 
having a residency requirement for officers, but I don't believe that 
desire ought to stand in the way of at least getting more officers to 
live in the city.

No one would automatically lose their jobs if other municipalities 
enacted such rules.  Grandfathering and/or transition periods would 
provide workers with plenty of time to either move or find other 
employment.  I viewed Mike's remark as somewhat of a red herring.  No 
offense, Mike.   :-)

Bob Velez
Shingle Creek
Ward 4-1
board member, Minneapolis Civilian Police Review Authority

Michael Hohmann wrote:

Aaron Neumann says, in part,

Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
for all City employees...

[MH] I believe this issue has been discussed on this list in the past.  In
general, I think residency requirements simply serve to limit the pool of
qualified individuals eligible for any given position-- a result that is not
in the best interest of city residents and taxpayers.  Residency
requirements also unfairly restrict an individuals ability to choose where
they want to live, etc.  Consider for a moment what would happen if all
surrounding municipalities enacted residency requirements-- all Mpls.
residents employed outside Mpls. would loose their jobs!

Mike Hohmann
Linden Hills


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Aaron Neumann
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:45 AM
Cc: 'greendiscuss'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Green Party of
MN'; 'UofM Greens'; 'Mpls-5thDistrictGreenParty'
Subject: [Mpls] Police Accountibity

As many of you know, there is a public City Council Public Safety &
Regulatory Services Committee meeting today (Mpls City Council
Chambers, 3rd
Floor, City Hall, 350 South 5th Street) where there will be an opportunity
to speak out to improve police/community relations in an effort
to implement
the Minneapolis Federal Mediation Agreement (MFMA). The City specifically
agreed to diversify the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD),
foster cultural
awareness and sensitivity among the MPD, and to end all racially biased
policing, to name a few.  I believe a comprehensive,
multi-faceted strategy
to demonstrate that we are committed to effective, responsive, and
respectful policing is essential to our mission.

Let's also create incentives for community policing that include financial
benefits for officers who choose to live in the neighborhoods they serve.
Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
for all City employees, including our police. Let's restore two-officer
teams for their safety, but tied with foot/bike patrol and a community
policing policy. Let's increase conflict resolution training to better
community-police relations. Let's strengthen the Civilian Police Review
Authority (proper funding and expedient appointments to the Board) to hold
reckless officers accountable officers who are in fact guilty of
We must support the newly created Police Community Relations
Council (PCRC)
that came out of MFMA. One area of concern in the MFMA is section 2.2.12,
which calls for the development of "a protocol for communications
and media
contacts" by PCRC members on "critical incidents, high profile police
misconduct allegations, and other topics identified by the PCRC." Let's
ensure that this does not become a muzzle for community's ability to
criticize the MPD and to demand accountability. And last but not least,
let's restore "To Serve and Protect" on all marked squad cars, better yet,
let's add "respect" (and that does go both ways) to our mission to read:
"Serve. Protect. Respect."

As I've stated in previous posts, we must restoring nobility and
respect to
our police department and the communities that they serve and protect. I
believe these worthy goals, agreements and policies are
imperative to truly
having accountable policing, and to developing the most effective,
responsive, and respectful police today for the generations of tomorrow.

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[Mpls] Re: [SPIF] Gopher Stadium, the new No Stadium Tax Yahoo Group and Patagonia

2005-10-12 Thread David Shove
I vote against a Gopher Stadium, anywhere.

I don't want it in the Fair Grounds. I live in Roseville near Snelling;
it would be a huge mess every football day. And Snelling north of
University Av is now relatively small-business oriented; we'd likely see
more ugly chains and big boxes and billboards.

The place where the stadium should go is a place where the sun doesn't

We are now in the post-stadium world.

--David Shove

On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Jane Prince wrote:

> A friend of mine is on his way to visit the Texas State Fair.  That's
> where the Cotton Bowl is.
> He said, "I don't understand why the U doesn't build the new Gopher
> Stadium inside the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.  The grandstand is old
> and crummy.  You could build a new Gopher stadium, which could double as
> the grandstand during the State Fair.  All the rest of the year, it
> would be easy to get to, easy to park and it's near the U."
> Why don't we build the Gopher stadium inside the Minnesota State
> Fairgrounds?
> Jane Prince
> Mounds Park
> Jane  Prince
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2005-10-12 Thread Tom Taylor
Its the 22nd on 22nd to stand up for Dean Zimmermann

On Saturday, October 22nd from 7 to 10:00 PM at Mill City Cafe there will be
a benefit party and art auction in the defense of MPLS Green Party city
council member Dean Zimmermann against the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

There will be music, drinks, delicious food from local justice minded
restaurants, and a collection of art for auction and raffle from the Twin
Cities most notable and righteous artists and galleries including Aldo
Moroni, Heinz Brummel, Roy McBride, Bruce Bacon, Lucinda Anderson, Kat
Corrigan, Terrance Myers, Jodi Reeb Myers, David Salmela, Doug Padilla, Jan
Attridge, Michael Shaskin, Gallery 13 and many others that all want to stand
up to the bogus crusade against our own Dean Zimmermann.

Come hear Dean and stand up too because as Ben said: "we hang together or
surely we will all hang separately".

Mill City Cafe is located at 75 22nd AVE in lovely lower NE MPLS.

I hope you can make it to stand up with us for us all,

Tom Taylor

"Raise less corn and more hell"

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[Mpls] The PS & RS meeting on PCRC today

2005-10-12 Thread Guy Gambill
Hello Minneapolis,

  Here is my attempt at a recap of today's PCRC
meeting. Chief McManus couldn't make it today, so it
fell to Deputy Chief Harris to explain how the 
current state of affairs has come to pass (i.e.,
the City's non-compliance with the Federal Mediation
  The MPD was well represented, despite some rather
conspicuous absences. Those concerned citizens in
attendance included; Duane Reed (President of our
local NAACP), Farheen Hakeem, Marcus Harcus, Barb
Lickness, Reverand Bethel, Angel Morales, Aaron
Neumann, Cara Letofsky, Michael Friedman, Mark
Anderson, Anne Alquist, Willie Dominguez, Ralph
Remington, and many was, essentially, the
most well-attended PS & RS Meeting this year--to
the best of my knowledge.
  There seemed to be a great deal of confusion from
the MPD as to exactly who might be accountable for
implementation of the Federal Mediation Agreement.
Though Deputy Chief Harris was representing the MPD
he, at one point, indicated that he was "not in
charge". He went on to explain that 12 Officers 
represented the MPD on the PCRC, and that Lt.
HAD been the Community Liaison (i.e., the final say
from the MPD on the process), but the question as
to the exact chain-of-command seemed murky at best.
Council Member Natalie Johnson-Lee repeatedly 
interjected throughout Deputy Chief Harris's
presentation...trying to bring some clarity and some
degree of accountability to bear and seemed quite
successful in pointing out that little seemed to
Also notable in the matter was the fact that
Council Members Lilligren and Schiff both attended
the Meeting in addition to Natalie Johnson-Lee
(the 3 are not on the PS & RS Committee). Both CMs
Lilligren and Schiff asked questions that, again,
highlighted problems with the chain-of-command. 
Council Member Zerby was praised for his leadership
in the PCRC process. Council Member Niziolek indicated
that he had been trying to get the matter into 
Committee for over 6 months and only when he himself
contacted all of the members was he successful in
his efforts.
There was a sense of frustration on the part
of the community members of the PCRC that was easily
picked up on by the audience. Again, the main issues
revolved around 2 fundamental concerns:

1). Is there a level of accountability in the
implementation of the Federal Mediation Agreement?
The MPD's Officer Dolan indicated he would play
a leadership role but that he might soon be going
to Washington DC for FBI Training...What is the
Mayor's role? What are the other Officers roles
in the process? Natalie Johnson-Lee indicated that
she found it rather strange when Deputy Chief 
Harris indicated that the MPD didn't have adequate
staff or a budget to comply with the agreement...
especially in light of the fact that 12 Officers
sat on the Council. NJL asked, "You mean 12 Officers
sat on this Council and you never assigned them
any duties?" 

2).  Why has the Federal Mediation Agreement been
allowed to languish, seemingly, for 2 years with
such minimal action occuring? Rev. Bethel and Mark
Anderson indicated that the stalling emanated from
the Mayor's Office: That the Mayor had only recently
(two weeks prior) opted to open a dialogue with the
PCRC leadership. It seems very unclear, again, just
what the specific roles and duties of the various
Police Officers assigned might be...and the role
of the Mayor's Office (which has, seemingly, been
almost non-existent until very recently). Who is
in charge, at bottom, of the MPD and City's end of
the Council?

 It would have been nice if other members of
the Community had been allowed to speak...a number
wanted to. I have to hand it to NJL for the questions
she asked, to some of the other Council Members for
pushing to get this on the front-burner, and to the
PCRC leadership for demonstrating such patience and
a continued willingness to seek a resolution.

 The next PCRC Meeting will be in 2 cycles (i.e.,
in 4 weeks--after the election). 

 If the City Council previously unanimously
voted in favor of the Federal Mediation Agreement,
the MPD is seemingly trying to do its best (despite
obvious interference, behind the scenes, from 
someone outside the Department) and the PCRC
continues in its willingness to work with the
process...who in the Hell has been holding up 
progress? Three guesses and the first two don't
count. The MPD has my empathy and understanding...
it is an unenviable position; to have to explain
an atrociously botched situation not of their making--
at least from my standpoint.

In summation, I keep seeing these problems 
downtown; homelessness, public safety, PCRC gridlock,
NRP and Neighborhood exasperation...If the Police,
Neighborhoods, Advocates, the City Council, 
Community Leaders are all at the table (repeatedly)
on these issues...well, it don't take a rocket
scientist to figure out the missing element in
the equation.

   For those of you who doubt the verity of what

Re: [Mpls] Condo Conversions

2005-10-12 Thread m1r3201
There was  recent City Council Study session regarding the issue of condo 
conversion. I haven't seen it yet, but plan on seeing it.
for people interested in learning more about the issue, these study sessions 
get rebroadcast quite a bit on cable.

Margaret Hastings
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[Mpls] Condo Conversions

2005-10-12 Thread Barbara Lickness
The building across the street from has converted to condominiums. The 1 
bedroom condos range from $70K - $120K. Calculating 100% of the cost of the 
condo at a 5.75% interest rate I arrive at a monthly payment of $408 - $700. 
The association dues on this building run a little over $100 month. 
That seems pretty affordable to me. Way cheaper than paying rent for a one 
bedroom apartment. 
What does concern me about Condo Conversions is that for the mostpart the 
mechanicals in the building are not updated. People buying these condos may 
realize sooner than later that the furnace needs to be replaced or the roof 
leaks and needs replacement etc. In that case, the owner is generally required 
to produce the cash out of pocket for replacement either fully burdened or 
partially burdened. (a good condo manager knows about deferred maintenance and 
plans it in their association fee structure.
Barb Lickness 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Chris Johnson

Jon Gorder wrote:

  Does anyone have any comments on the actual
newspaper, the one that you unfold while you drink
your coffee? That's what I've been reading for fifty
years   (I learned how to read from the funnies and
comic books) and  I intend to keep on reading it in
that manner until my feet are free from this earthly
domain. I just like the tactile response, the feel of
the fresh news in my hands.
Marshall Macluhan (sp?) once said "reading a newspaper
is like sinking into a warm bath" and I think he was
right. You can't envelope yourself in a screen.

My wife and I always preferred reading the news in such a fashion.  The facts 
that coffee learned to irritate my stomach only about 10 years beyond the 
point I learned to love its taste, and that my eyesight, like that of everyone 
who ages, made it harder and harder read (strangely, a brightly lit computer 
screen is easier to focus on), still didn't stop the paper news habit.

But what did stop it was when we discovered the Star Tribune delivery people 
were stealing parts and then one night, all, of our weekly milkman delivery 
orders.  We canceled the paper simply so we could get our milk, orange juice 
and food.

It's a sad world we live in these days when the paper delivery person drops 
off the paper and steals your breakfast.

Chris Johnson

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[Mpls] student documentary

2005-10-12 Thread m1r3201
I was contacted by a U of M student who is working with other students on a 
documentary exposing
what is happening to people living in low-income neighborhoods that are
being invaded by high-price condominium developments; associated with the
"dot-condo" movement.

If you would want to be contacted for an interview by this student for the 
film or can give him referrals to other people, please contact me offlist and I 
will let him know to contact you.

Margaret Hastings
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[Mpls] Best Block Club Projects

2005-10-12 Thread Tim Erickson
My neighborhood in St. Paul is planning our annual Block Club Leaders 
workshop. One idea that we have, is to invite folks from 4-6 other 
block clubs in the area (metro) that have done really interesting or 
cool projects

This is a request for help!

What are some really cool projects, parties, or initiatives that you 
have seen implemented in Minneapolis at the BLOCK (not neighborhood) 

Thanks for your ideas and feedback.

Tim Erickson
St. Paul, Minnesota - USA

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[Mpls] My Town -- Urinetown

2005-10-12 Thread Christine Viken
Just finished reading the Downtown Journal's account of the Park Board  
proposal to rent out the Stone Arch Bridge and Plank Road for events to 
raise $$$.

Considering the proposed rates and costs involved, it's doubtful they'll 
actually clear anything of significance. If it's income they're seeking, 
there's an easier way to rake in the bucks.

Hint: Any of you see "Urinetown" at the Orpheum? Simply get events scheduled 
at every conceivable space -- the Stone Arch is just the beginning. Have the 
exclusive caterer serve free or really cheap beverages ... then charge to 
use the restrooms.

Of course, you'll probably have to cover the cost of Park Police to keep 
people from illegal use of bushes, bridge rails, etc., but I'm certain it'll 
turn a profit. And, by gosh, isn't that what it's all about.

It may mean revising the city's motto, however:  Minneapolis -- City of 

Christine Viken
Living in Stevens Square/Loring Heights and valuing Wirth's philosophy of 
Parks for People 

Sihope Communications - The Twin Cities' FIRST all digital, all x2/56k ISP.
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[Mpls] Mayor R.T. Rybak fails to implement the Federal Department of Justice Agreement

2005-10-12 Thread Barbara Lickness
While the Mayors staff report his great success on the Strategic Safety 
Partnership, they failed to mention his failure to implement the products of 
the Federal Mediation Process. A large group of people attended the City 
Council Public Safety and Regulatory Services Committee (PS&RS) today to get an 
"update" on the progress that has been made to implement the Memorandum of 
Agreement that was crafted between the members of the Police Community 
Relations Council (PCRC),the Mpls. Police, the City Council and the Mayor in 
2004 after the intervention of the Federal Department of Justice. Minneapolis 
entered into the mediation process voluntarily in an effort to avoid a "Federal 
Consent Decree" which would have turned over operations of the Minneapolis 
Police Department to the Federal Department of Justice. Consent Decrees are a 
very expensive way to solve our local problems. Just look to the Holman 
The reporters from the police force gave a report that in brief said "they have 
not implemented many of the issues outlined in the agreement, that as of today 
it is no ones official responsibility to implement the agreement, and that it 
wasn't even clear whether it was the Mayor or the Chief of Police that was in 
charge on assigning responsibility. 
The community membership that participate on the PCRC respectfully expressed 
great disappointment with the lack of progress to date. Reverend Ian Bethel, 
Co-Chair, Community Unity Team gave powerful testimony to frame the issues and 
sequence of events. He emphasized how they have made many attempts since 2004 
to open the lines of communication between them and the Mayors office and did 
not even receive responses to letters or phone calls until just a few days ago. 
The Community members praised the participation of the rank and file police 
officers in this process. The PCRC committee members expressed that while 
implementation of the agreement has been a failure to date and officially the 
city is out of compliance that the group remains commited to the work of the 
Council Member Natalie Johnson Lee did a fabulous job of ferreting out the real 
message the police were attempting to communicate today. She was able to 
articulate what many in the audience were feeling. Nothing has been done, it 
isn't anyones job to get it done and there isn't anyone claiming responsibility 
for ensuring anything gets done. There was sense that when people talk to the 
chief it is the Mayors responsibility, and when they talk to the Mayor, it is 
the chiefs responsibility. Council Members Robert Lilligren, Gary Schiff, Dan 
Niziolek and Paul Zerby did a good job at clarifying issues today as well. 
I left that meeting today very very concerned. This mediation process was 
agreed upon in an attempt to keep the tempest from leaving the teapot in the 
crime ridden neighborhoods of north and south Minneapolis. To receive a verbal 
not written report back nearly two years later that says nothing has happened 
and the open refusal by the Mayor to enter into respectful communication with 
the community left many in that room pretty dismayed. 
The points made at this meeting today simply confirm an on-going theme in the 
cities management style. There is no respect for the ideal of citizen 
involvement in the decision-making process at city hall. A signed covenant and 
months and months of work is being openly ignored and summarily dismissed with 
no apparent remorse for the action, except by the police who participated.  
The PS&RS requested that a report be prepared by November 9Th:
1. Outlining the cities progress toward the items agreed upon in the Memorandum 
of Agreement.  
2. Budgetary impacts on the work of the PC RC
3. An implementation plan with a time line on the items addressed by the 
Memorandum of Agreement. 
Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] values & bookmobiles

2005-10-12 Thread WJKAHN
I'd agree with those folks who believe values are a personal sort of thing; I 
remember the Scout Law and various other litanies connected with scouting, 
but I also remember what a bunch of little hoodlums my troop was composed of 
back when. Learning the words is fine, but until a human beings brain is 
fully developed, I think explicitly defining cultural norms and enforcing them 
social settings is the ticket to better society. I don't think home schooling 
cuts it; if a public school education is good for anything, it is in 
socialization. How do home schoolers do it in Minneapolis? What presents the 
problem for society? Lack of supervision in a public school setting or in other 
learning environments?

As far as the bookmobile, the last I heard (might've been more than a year 
ago) the Minneapolis Public Library bookmobile was just plain worn out from the 
heavy use. At the time, I thought that a trailer would make more sense 
considering the things wrong with and the high cost of replacing it; I think a 
trailer is easier to maintain and provides the flexibility of using different 
vehicles, perhaps even a semitrailer and truck although access to some stops 
might be an issue. Maybe something less fancy that that million dollar Lottery 
trailer would do the trick?

Bill Kahn
Prospect Park
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Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Jon Gorder

  Does anyone have any comments on the actual
newspaper, the one that you unfold while you drink
your coffee? That's what I've been reading for fifty
years   (I learned how to read from the funnies and
comic books) and  I intend to keep on reading it in
that manner until my feet are free from this earthly
domain. I just like the tactile response, the feel of
the fresh news in my hands.
Marshall Macluhan (sp?) once said "reading a newspaper
is like sinking into a warm bath" and I think he was
right. You can't envelope yourself in a screen.

 I understand the economic concerns involved (My
God, we're only making 23% profit!!!), and I know
there have been more severe strictures at other large
papers but I still wish there were local owners
involved in this.

   All that said, I wasn't really as disturbed by
todays delivery as I had feared. Of course with
headlines like a Hastings Matri/Patricide and the
Vikings SluzeCruise how could anything go wrong?

   I think I'll reserve my judgement for now. Until
the next front page "Prom Dress Distress" essay comes

   Jon Gorder
   Cathedral Hill

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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[Mpls] Wendy Wilde is Stop Scott

2005-10-12 Thread Eva Young

As I mentioned here yesterday, Wendy Wilde is behind the Stop Scott Blog.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wendy Wilde Explains the Stop Scott Persons Blog

As reported here earlier, I contacted Wendy Wilde for comment. Here is her 
response, which I post here after asking if her it is ok to make this public.

Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 21:49:36 -0500
From: Wendy Wilde
To: Eva Young
Subject: Re: Scott Persons

Hi Eva,

I do not know who Minneapolis Upside Down is, but I put 
StopScott up. I kept my name off because at 
the time I didn't think it was fair of me to go public with this 
information because my name was well known. But after thinking it over, I 
decided that the right thing to do was to tell what I experienced, so I 
did, on my show Monday.

I joined the Lyndale Neighborhood board of directors in the middle of Scott 
Persons' 2 year term as President. That year the neighborhood overspent its 
budget by some $42,000 with an $8000 phone bill. This information is 
readily available to anyone that wants to see it on the atty general's 
website... there is a direct link on look at the 
numbers for yourself.

The next year (Scott was no longer the President but was absolutely still 
influencing the direction of the board under new President Julia Copeland), 
there was an $82,000+ write off. I tried to ask a few questions but was 
rebuffed with "we told you the auditor approved the write off" and scorn 
from Jeannie Cunningham the treasurer and snears from Scott. I was new to 
dealing with this kind of money and I figured they knew what they were 
talking about so I voted to approve the financials.

Later I overheard a conversation among LNA high-ups concerning that money 
and a comment of "we were lucky to get through the audit." And another 
comment that refered to "illegal activities." This was in reference to the 
$82,000 write off.

I was worried and asked a non-profit attorney for advice. She said to write 
a detailed letter to the Board of Directors, the Secretary of State, the 
Mayor, Minneapolis NRP and anyone else that might be in a position of 
responsibility and accountability concerning the money. I did speak with an 
investigator with the state and she said she would make notes in the 
Lyndale Neighborhood Association file about my concerns but that they 
didn't have the resources to research the incident.

There were other concerns besides the money. Two of my african-american 
neighbors and 1 african-american board member had told me of less than 
equal-opportunity experiences they had had with the neighborhood 
association. By my standards this was even worse than the money issue. I 
included this information in my letter to the board, as well as my 
complaint that Scott Persons would shoot down anyone that asked questions 
in board meetings.

I was subsequently voted off the board in a kangaroo monthly neighborhod 
meeting at which only people hostile to me were called on to comment, even 
though supporters raised their hands.

I have been told that the following summer other residents called for an 
investigation into a $50,000 grant not accounted for... I believe that 
grant was part of the $82,000 write off.

Let me be clear, while I do not believe Scott Persons had a hand in how 
that $82,000 was spent, he was hostile to my request for a full 
investigation and full disclosure to quell neighborhood questions.

Further, Scott Persons ran the neighborhood association with what I believe 
were extravagent expenses when he was President, including the -$42,000 
budget and the $8000 phone bills the 2nd year of his presidency.

I have come forward now because the secrecy and ruthlessness I experienced 
with Scott Persons as President of a neighborhood association are not 
qualities I want to see elevated to a position of power... nor placed in 
charge of taxpayer dollars.

Wendy Wilde

Eva Young
Near North

Lloydletta's Nooz
Dump Michele Bachmann

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)  

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Re: [Mpls] Scott Persons and Lyndale Neighborhood Association's Missing 82K

2005-10-12 Thread Scott Moore
I went back to the archives and found this reply to one of Ms. Pareene's 
Wendy Introwitz Pareene writes:
> This link is to the charities division of the Minnesota
> attorney general's office for one Minneapolis neighborhood ...
> ...A 1 year budget of $450,000+
> about $200,000 goes to staff salaries, bennies, office space
> for the staff, phone bills ($8000 for 1 year?). $82,000 gets
> written off because NRP refuses to cover these expenses for
> whatever reason(?). That leaves... about $120,000 for actual
> projects/programs for this neighborhood.

Doug Walter replies:
Wendy, I read the State Auditor's report on Lyndale Neighborhood
Association entirely different. It actually states that Lyndale put
$368k back into the neighborhood ("Program Service Expense") in program
funds--not the $120k that you deduce.

The "red ink" $82k that you say is written off by NRP appears to be
nothing of the sort, but the difference in assets from the year before
("Changes in Fund Balance"). Their payroll is low, and most other
expenses are more than reasonable.

I agree that the $8,144 listed as "telephone" seems high when taken at
face value. However, that amount may depend on how they classify
expenses--it may include their web development and ISP/Hosting charges,
etc., which I don't see listed elsewhere.  I do know--having been
through the process--that the State's auditors miss nothing.

Doug Walter

Curious as to how LNA's AG Charities Division information stacks up 
against other neighborhood Associations, I looked up a random selection 
of reports on:

For the Fiscal Year Ending  12/31/2002
Telephone $3,933

For the Fiscal Year Ending  6/30/2002
Telephone $5,930

For the Fiscal Year Ending  12/31/2002
Telephone $4,353

for close to the same fiscal year as LNA: 5/31/2002
Telephone $8,144

In the same series of reports, the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood 
Association listed $7,563 in Expenses for Postage & Shipping.

Take a look at page five of the AG's Guide to Minnesota's Charities Laws:

Under the Annual Report section, item number three it states:
An audited financial statement prepared in accordance with generally 
accepted accounting principles, if the charitable organization received 
total revenue in excess of $350,000 for its most recent fiscal year. The 
audited financial statement must bear the opinion of an independent 
certified public accountant, if the charitable organization received 
total revenue in excess of $350,000 for its most recent fiscal year. In 
preparing the audit, the certified public accountant must take into 
consideration capital, endowment or other reserve funds controlled by 
the charitable organization. A review or compilation does not fulfill 
state requirements for an audit.

The Total Revenue for the LNA report, cited in Ms. Pareene's archived 
post, is $457,351. The information from the AG guide would perhaps then 
explain some of the $13,189 listed as Accounting Fees. It is my 
assumption that based on this information, there was an opinion from an 
independent CPA. If that's the case, what is the likelihood that the 
$82K, listed as Changes in Fund Balance, is "missing"?

Eva Young wrote: 

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Scott Persons and Lyndale Neighborhood Association's Missing 82K

I went fishing for more information on the allegations on Minneapolis 
Upside Down and Stop Scott on the Minneapolis Issues list. Wendy Pareene 
(better known as Wendy Wilde) was the board member of Lyndale 
Neighborhood who wrote the letter according to one source.

I have contacted Wendy to get the scoop. Wendy Pareene has 
posts about 
this topic in May and June 2003 on the Minneapolis issues list.

Scott Moore
Happy Accident Productions, LLC
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Re: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak and Chief McManus Report on Success of StrategicSafety Partnership

2005-10-12 Thread Terrell Brown
Meanwhile I hear that at a small neighborhood grocery store a block or so 
from where Rybak lives, where the clerk got rolled as he was leaving the 
store at closing time a couple of weeks ago, the Police will be endorsing 

With what crime is doing in Minneapolis this year, that the Mayor is 
claiming credit for anything is a bit beyond belief.

Terrell Brown
Loring Park

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Forum Mpls Issues" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak and Chief McManus Report on Success of 
StrategicSafety Partnership



October 12th, 2005

Contact: Jeremy Hanson

Phone: 612-673-2785

Mobile: 612-306-5274

Mayor Rybak and Chief McManus Report on

Success of Minneapolis Strategic Safety Partnership

61-day summer initiative reduced homicides, shootings and gang activity

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and Police Chief William McManus today 
reported that the Minneapolis Strategic Safety Partnership successfully 
reduced the number of homicides and shootings in Minneapolis and increased 
the number of guns confiscated.  As one of the Police Department's (MPD) 
primary 2005 public safety initiatives, the Partnership ran from July 1 - 
August 31 and coordinated numerous federal, state and regional resources 
to enhance Minneapolis' capacity to prevent and respond to violent crime, 
especially gang-related crime in key neighborhoods.

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[mpls] MPRB meeting 10-5-05 highlights

2005-10-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Regular Meeting called to Order at 5:00
Agenda rearranged a bit to provide speaking time for the new Exec 
Director at the Minneapolis Institute of Art Bill Griswold

Mr. Griswold expresses gratitude to the MPRB for its support and 
partnerships ( the MPRB serves as the conduit for money from the 
taxpayers to the Museum )
he also invites the commissioners and superintendent to a tour of the 
new wing opening this fall.  He also mentions that he is looking for 
input from the community in how the museum can better serve the people.

Reports of Officers

Lake District ( Paul Hokeness )

Some flooding at 50th and the Parkway during the storms
areas that usually flooded at  Lake of the Isles aren't
Hiawatha Golf Course did flood
The first meeting for the 2006 Loppet was held
Palio (sp) was celebrated at Kenwood Park
The Twin Cities Marathon was handled well by staff and park police
All sailboats should be off of the lakes by Oct 10th and the docks will 
be coming in soon
Check out your neighborhood park for their Halloween party schedule 
( )

He then mentions the Lakewise newsletter (who gets this)

Circe du Soliel's performance schedule was interrupted by flu and he 
has had no complaints about Circe site

River District  ( Jon Oyanagi )

Lots of clean up of trees in this district after storms (Liz who lives 
in NE will vouch for at least 5 trees down in her neighborhood alone)
The Bottineau skatepark equipment is going in soon ( and he mentions 
the River Review...  again what is this and who gets it??? )
The Victory Memorial Trail ( bike and walking trail) is moving along  
(It looks like a 2nd street down the middle of the grassy area)
The Cleveland Park wading pool is getting updated and there are public 
meetings for

Edgewater Park ( Oct 6) and Jordan Park ( Oct 11)
The NE and North Parks also having Halloween parties

Commissioner Young asks about the Peace Pledge banners at Folwell and 
if they could be displayed in the board room ( they are property of the 
Folwell Neighborhood Association)

Minnehaha District (Eileen Kilpatrick)
The Bob Casey Field dedication was held and next year Mr. Casey's son 
will be coming to throw out the first pitch of the baseball season at 
Stewart Park
Had a School's Out day on Sept 30th at Wabun Park with 78 kids doing 
tours of the Lock and Dam, games and eating hot dogs cooked up by the 
park police
Youthline received a grant and there will be Art Projects with 
professional instructors and studio tours at Sibley and Longfellow 

The first Scooter School will be October 22nd
There will be a Family event at Wabun Park on Oct 29th (that includes 
some haunted houses)
Bossen Field was under water after the storms and a service road in 
Minnehaha Park washed out

Commissioner Erwin asks if flooding of Minnehaha Creek needs to be 
address to increase capacity or flow rate

GM Mike Schmidt gives some flood management info...
1) Flooding of parks and golf courses is preferable to homes and streets
2) Flood mitigation falls under the cities public works dept. ( with no 
funding currently dedicated there )

3) We could have more ponds
4) Changing anything about the creek would be a regulatory improbability

Commissioner Berry Graves comments on the beautiful reports (Lakewise 
and River Review etc.-.???) and hopes that 50th and the Parkway can be 
"fixed" to not become so flood prone

Commissioner Kummer asks if a meeting with the watershed folks might be 

GM Mike Schmidt mentions they will be before the board in November.  
They are going to make a report on their "vision" for Minnehaha Creek

He then moves into his report
The  Minneapolis Tree Inventory completed by the Dept. of Ag on a 
recommendation from the state DNR which will be given as a report on 
the 10/19 meeting. It  will discuss our urban forest and the MPRB's 
forestry practices

He also mentions that the MPRB won the National Roadside Vegetative 
Associations, Municipalities with Excellent Vegetation Management Award 
after being nominated by MNDOT.

Minutes are approved for the 9-21-2005 meeting ( you can see these on 
the website, they are the agenda with notations as to votes or actions 
taken, if you want to hear discussion you can order a copy of the 
meeting on DVD for a fee)

Consent Business
The board moves and passes 7 items with little discussion including pay 
raises for 2 unions and having a non- appointed Citizens Advisory 
Committee for the Jordan Park and Shingle Creek tot lot improvements


coming in part 2 ... the budget for 2006 and some frustration from 
neighbors in the East Phillips area during OPEN TIME

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park


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[Mpls] 11th Ward Race

2005-10-12 Thread Diane Wiley
Well, no one has taken up the 11th Ward discussion so far.  If you want to know 
about the incumbent, Scott Benson, here is his website.   
He has great values and has done good work. 
Diane Wiley,  11-3
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[Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Ray Marshall

I'm a news geek also and I'm still having the same problems  with slow
loading (I sent this comment to the paper directly).  Only the LA Times was
slower in opening, and now since they have brought out a new site, the Strib
is slowest of all.  By far!  The left side of the screen opens before the
right side (frames?) and if I click down too early, I lose everything but
one line of copy, repeated a jillion times).

I don't think my system is abnormally weak (Pentium 3, 933mhz, 128mb RAM,
Win ME and a 56kb modem).  I'd be interested to know if others are having
problems with the Strib.

The new Strib page seems to have a lot more stories on the home page.  I
like that.  A lot! They should have even more local stories as I don't
depend on them for the National or International news unless there is a
Minnesota angle.

They should let the reader know that those "red" headlines are actually
links to more stories.  Only serious types would get that.

I suppose reporters don't like getting too much email, but I like it when
reporters are linked to their email address so I can drop them a note
quickly when I am inclined to.

In many respects for layout purposes, I like the Telegraph's site
( )  What I like about it is that when they have a
story that continues over time, sometimes for years, they will place a small
link for those that didn't read or can't remember the details, say of a
crime which might take over a year to come to trial.

They will also have small links to stories related to an article, links to
fact files on countries and companies in the news, links to the next or
previous story of the day that can be clicked on immediately, rather than
having to click back, finding the story and then clicking it again.  A click
in time saves nine, they say.  (The Strib does do links with current related

This year was the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar when the
British fleet whomped the French fleet in one of the all time great naval
whompings (like when the English archers slaughtered the French Nobility 390
years earlier at Agincourt).  The sesquicentennial of Trafalgar was a big
deal in England and there were multiple articles that the Telegraph kept
linking to previous or related articles on the story.

Ray Marshall

Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005
From: "Steve Brandt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

Curious what people think iof the site's new look.

Steve Brandt
Staff writer

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[Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Ron Lischeid
I found news (local, national and world) but WHAT HAPPENED TO MY POLITICS??
How will I know when some elected official does something stupid?  And 
occasionally, when they did something right!!
I even looked under sports- remember, in Minneapolis and Minnesota, politics is 
a FULL CONTACT PARTICIPANT and SPECTATOR Sport.  I'm more likely to wear a 
helmet when I am involved in Politics than I am when I am riding my motorcycle.
Ron Lischeid
University Neighborhood
Work Downtown
Office in Windom
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Brandt 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:26 PM
  Subject: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

  Yes, it crashed around 6:30 a.m., after demand overwhelmed the servers in 
North Carolina.  Back up around 10.  Curious what people think iof the site's 
new look.

  Steve Brandt
  Staff writer
  Star Tribune
  Phone: 612-673-4438
  Fax:  612-673-4359
  425 Portland Av.
  Minneapolis, MN 55488

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[Mpls] Star Tribune!

2005-10-12 Thread Annie Young
Well, I just took my first trip through the new Star Tribune design.  It is 
sort of better if you like the basic running blog type of reading. I 
personally like a little more design with highlights and glitz at times. 
Then I went to look for the comics and my cryptogram puzzle and found 
nothing - not even under entertainment.

The biggest story today should have been the one about a warmer winter - 
-  but there doesn't seem to be any real news-must read - stoppers!

Now really after the Letters to the Editor what is more important than the 
comics and after you read about the sexuendos of those VIKINGS (what about 
their wives??? and who paid for it???) one really needs to focus on a 
puzzle or two.

Get real - bring back or tell me how to find my favorites.
Annie Young
East Phillips

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[Mpls] fire alarm/evacuation at city hall today; need for better procedures?

2005-10-12 Thread c lee

as mentioned in previous message on city council hearings today, a fire 
alarm/evacuation was announced ending the library board presentation before 
completion of questions.

Light flashing in council chambers, announcement that there was a fire in 
the building, evacuate and do not use the elevators.

a well attended council hearing was evacuated.  There was one little 
glitch...while city hall employees knew that it was fire prevention week and 
there would be a drill (what I was told later by 2 offices), visitors to 
city hall  treated it as a real emergency.  I can't take steps (joints, 
vision, asthma) and slowly crawled down 3 flights of stairs...blocking those 
behind me.  It wasn't until I reached the mezzanine area that some one 
(yellow jackets)saw the problem and kindly offered assistance (there's also 
a handrail gap on the mezzanine level).  By the time I reached the street 
level, I needed asthma Rx.  It was kinda scary.  I was literally, the last 
one out of city hall on the 4th st. side.
And, all the way down, I smelled something burning...turned out it was 
strong, burned microwave popcorn("oh yeah, that happens all the time").

Okay, think there's a problem here.  Drills are vital...but if staff is 
noticed, shouldn't people entering building be noticed (on both the 4th st. 
and 5th st. LRT entryways)?  Why  did it take 2-1/2floors before someone 
noticed I was causing a backup and why wasn't I told at that point it was a 
drill and not to hurry?   What if it had been a real do you 
assist disabled people out of the building?  At least announce at the 
beginning of public meetings, that there is a possibility of a fire drill.

I went back and left a request for the mayor to call me...the buck stops 
there (that was at 11:45).  No one was in his office except the fact, it was hard finding anyone in the offices after the 
drill.  It being 11:30, looks like everyone went to lunch.  Was still in the 
building at 12:20 and still didn't see too much action.  And the library 
board presentation was not reconvened, nor a notice on the door (no one in 
councilmember reception area either, except for 4 individuals obviously 
waiting for appointments or assistance...they finally left(after I told them 
about "drill").

A little FEMA, a little homeland security?

Best wishes,
cheryl Luger

On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to 
get there!

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[Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Nathan Hunstad
A couple things I've noted.  Overall there are no problems with the
new design.  When I load the site in Firefox, however, the Flash items
jump all over the page momentarily until it is entirely loaded.  I
don't think this happens in Internet Explorer, so maybe it is a case
of not testing the site on alternative (<*-cough-*> better
<*-cough-*>) browsers.  Also, I like the fact that under news stories
there is a link to related stories; what I don't like is that a
dropdown list appears with those related stories when you simply mouse
over the link.  Unexpected dropdowns are never fun.  It would be
better if users had to click to get the list.

Some of the sections are a little busy with the list of stories quite
compact with little to break them up and show that they are separate

On 10/12/05, Steve Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, it crashed around 6:30 a.m., after demand overwhelmed the servers in 
> North Carolina.  Back up around 10.  Curious what people think iof the site's 
> new look.
> Steve Brandt
> Staff writer
> Star Tribune
> Phone: 612-673-4438
> Fax:  612-673-4359
> 425 Portland Av.
> Minneapolis, MN 55488
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> If you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
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Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN

PGP DH/DSS public key --

Do you Gonzo?!
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RE: [Mpls] Publicizing Community Forums & Debates

2005-10-12 Thread Tim Bonham

I read about this event in the Southwest Journal, but it was not on the DFL
Schedule of Events (, which is one
of the more comprehensive lists of candidate events.  It seems that the DFL
site doesn't list events that do not include DFL endorsed candidates -
though it lists nearly all of the mayoral debates.

We'll list any events where DFL candidates are present to meet with people.

But I have to know about them to list 'em.  The Monday 10th Ward one 
wasn't there just because I missed hearing about it.

Anybody is welcome to send info about events to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] Civilian Review concerns get no MPD feedback

2005-10-12 Thread Shawn Lewis
Civilian Review concerns get no MPD feedback
By: Michael Friedman
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 10/12/2005 

During the past two years, the Minneapolis Civilian Review 
Authority (CRA) Board has sent several letters to the 
police department detailing training or policy matters that 
need to be looked into.

Posted By Shawn Lewis, Minnetonka, MN

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[Mpls] Mayor Rybak and Chief McManus Report on Success of Strategic Safety Partnership

2005-10-12 Thread Jeremy Hanson




October 12th, 2005


Contact: Jeremy Hanson

Phone: 612-673-2785

Mobile: 612-306-5274


Mayor Rybak and Chief McManus Report on 

Success of Minneapolis Strategic Safety Partnership


61-day summer initiative reduced homicides, shootings and gang activity


Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and Police Chief William McManus today reported 
that the Minneapolis Strategic Safety Partnership successfully reduced the 
number of homicides and shootings in Minneapolis and increased the number of 
guns confiscated.  As one of the Police Department's (MPD) primary 2005 public 
safety initiatives, the Partnership ran from July 1 - August 31 and coordinated 
numerous federal, state and regional resources to enhance Minneapolis' capacity 
to prevent and respond to violent crime, especially gang-related crime in key 


In a report released today, the Partnership is credited with reducing homicides 
by 33% and reducing violent shootings by 4% when compared to the same period in 
2004.  Only one homicide occurred in the priority areas during this time and it 
did not appear to be gang-related.  Homicides reduced 63% in the 4th Precinct 
(Northside) and 67% in the 3rd Precinct (Southside), both of which were 
priority areas for the initiative.


Citywide Change in Murders Before and After Strategic Safety Partnership: 

1/1/04 – 6/30/04 = 20

1/1/05 – 6/30/05 = 31

% Change Pre-MSSP = +55%


7/1/04 – 8/31/04 = 12

7/1/05 – 8/31/05 = 8

% Change During MSSP = -33%


"Our main purpose with this strategy was to target gangs, drugs, and guns," 
Chief McManus reported.  "Our goal here was to reduce violence in the five most 
problematic neighborhoods in the City.  We accomplished that goal by reducing 
duplication of efforts, coordinating leadership, assigning accountability for 
specific gangs, enhancing intelligence, and leveraging our limited resources."


Rybak and McManus released details of the report in North Minneapolis' North 
Commons park, one of six city parks where evening youth activities were 
integrated into the broader public safety strategy.  The General Mills 
Foundation, Target Corporation, U.S. Bank, Cub Foods, Minneapolis Foundation, 
Northway Community Trust, and the Minneapolis Empowerment Zone contributed 
funding to extend the hours of parks in the most troubling neighborhoods in the 


"On average, 225 kids participated in the extended park hours each night," 
reported Mayor Rybak.  "Moreover, there were no violent assaults in any of 
these parks during this time.  We believe that by working with the community we 
can enhance the good work of our police and reduce crime in the most troubled 
areas.  These business and philanthropic efforts helped make our community 


Rybak said that the unique partnerships employed by this crime-fighting 
strategy were based on best practices collected from around the country and 
could become a model for other cities.


"Leveraging innovative partnerships is critical because, although they're on 
the front line, Minneapolis Police officers are just a part of a larger 
public-safety team.  In 2004, 70% of the people accused of murder in 
Minneapolis were repeat offenders on probation from county corrections when 
they committed murder, so we have engaged our county and federal partners in an 
even more tightly coordinated effort to stop crime at its source," Rybak said.


Federal partners included the Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Alcohol, 
Tobacco and Firearms, Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. 
Marshals, and U.S. Attorney. State of Minnesota partners include the Gang Task 
Force and Department of Corrections.


Local partners included the Hennepin County Sheriff, County Attorney, County 
Corrections and Probation, Metro Transit Authority Police, University of 
Minnesota Police, St. Paul Police Department, Minneapolis Police Community 
Relations Council, Step Up/Achieve Minneapolis, Minneapolis Parks, Minneapolis 
Empowerment Zone and the Minneapolis City Attorney.


Community organizations that participated included Folwell Neighborhood 
Organization, Jordan Area Community Council, Hawthorne Area Community Council, 
Pillsbury United Communities, Mad Dads, and the Minnesota Black Chamber of 


"I am very concerned about gang-related violence and its affect on our 
neighborhoods. We responded with a targeted and coordinated plan to keep 
residents safe.  This strategic approach to preventing and responding to 
violent crime is exactly what we needed and must be continued.  Now we can 
learn from our progress and integrate success into our ongoing efforts to 
reduce crime," Mayor Rybak said.   


# # #

Jer Hanson
phone: 612.306.5274

"if you asked me what i came into this world to do, 
i will tell you: i came to live OUT LOUD." --E. Zola


[Mpls] Today's city council budget presentations: CPED, NRP, Mpls public library

2005-10-12 Thread c lee

These will  be replayed tonight beginning at 6pm and this weekend.
Watched CPED.  Important because of its function and amount of budget 
resources it is allocated.
Presented new report (available in Mayor's office) Housing Development, 
Rehabiliation and Ownership resource guide.  Variety of programs available 
and important for those interested in corridor development and affordable 
housing.  Donated one copy to Nokomis Community library.  These should be 
available in all of our libraries (hint, hint).

NRP-informative presentation by Bob Miller and for the first time in several 
years, he wasn't the recipient of alot of criticism and negativity.

Library Board presentation:

 Director Kit Hadley did an excellent presentation involving equity of 
funding among City, Park and Library board since l994.  A large group of 
ordinary residents turned out to support this presentation (usually these 
presentations have more staff than residents).
 Unfortunately, only 5 of the 13 council members were there to here 
it--Natalie Johnson Lee, Paul Ostrow, Barbara Johnson, Dan Niziolek, and 
Lisa Goodman.  I realize other council people can listen to it on tape (if 
they can find the time) but nothing beats being right there to ask 
questions.  The Mayor was not present.
 Issues were service charges the city wants to increase and overhead cost 
recovery charges (they are also attempting charges to Park Board on 
Sewer/water even though the Park Boards lakes, etc. act as retention ponds 
for city (talk about charging back the city).  Costs are being shifted while 
revenues are decreasing.  Costs are being shifted to independent 
boards...are these costs justified? and if they are why aren't revenues also 
being increased to the independent boards.   (my comment: If these charges 
go through, it will wreck havoc with the good budget business plan the 
library has done for next 5 yearsunless that's the intention)
 Trends: digital divide showing up in greatest proportion with have-nots 
and the state of education in a competitive global economy (one reason why 
lib. is working more with schools and parks, witnessess overwhelming success 
of last summer's Marshall Field sponsored kids reading program).
Mpls has lowest open hours in country for city of its size and budget based 
on 2 libraries being closed.  when No regional and east lake reopen, other 
libraries will be cut (or closed?).
   In what looks like a pretty good apples to apples comparison, The 
libraries situation vis a vis the city and parks certified tax levy and LGA 
show from 2003 to 2008 :

  Librrary board experiencing a decrease of l.5%
 City of Mpls shows an increase of 13.79%
 Park Board show an increase of 9.56%

 From 1994 to 2008 (Certified tax levy, LGA, HACA)
  Library board shows an increase of only 41.62%
  compared to the city incrase of 77.37% and ther Park boards increase of 

Ms. Hadley asked for a review of the formulas.  Ms. Goodman asked from where 
she wanted to take the money..the parks, public works (my humble comment, 
there are still a few savings which can be made if priorities revisited like 
outside consulting (and I used to be a consultant)...this has been brought 
up by others, mayor's proposed increase in downtown planners, appointed 
staff salary increases of 14-15%, avoidance of lawsuits, high staff use task 
forces, etc.)  The Library board is not at war with the park board and I 
hope the dialogue doesn't lead down that path.

Mr. Ostrow said he doesn't see the council supporting the library's request 
on this.  Ms. Hadley stated that she was only asking for the council to look 
at this.  Closings of libraries came up (and it could very easily happen in 
2008).  One council member complemented the  library on the process it used 
to take the pulse of residents several years ago and not close libraries.  
Ms. Hadley asked that the formulas be revisited on a yearly basis and 
stressed the importance of representative democracy and openess and 

A fire alarm/evacuation occured and prevented further questions.  This 
afternoon, council session held on police/resident issues (iincluding law 

With best wishes,
cheryl Luger

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[Mpls] Parliamentary-procedure seminar, Fri. 28 Oct.

2005-10-12 Thread Melendez, Brian
I am forwarding a message about a seminar on "Parliamentary Law
in Real-Life Meetings" that I am teaching later this month for the
Hennepin County Bar Association (for the fifth consecutive year). The
seminar is geared toward nonlawyers as well as lawyers, and will cover
topics relevant to procedure in public bodies and political
organizations, for example. The normal cost is $115, but I have asked
that the bar offer a special rate for nonlawyers; the Association has
agreed to a rate of $25, which covers the materials and a small fraction
of the program's overhead.


Brian Melendez
Lowry Hill (Ward 7)

-Original Message-

Have you ever felt at a disadvantage in a meeting because you
didn't know parliamentary procedure? ever chaired a meeting where you
wished that you were more comfortable with the skills, tricks, and traps
of presiding? ever gotten frustrated by a "rules geek" who
singlehandedly tied a meeting in knots, regardless of what the majority

You probably already know more parliamentary procedure than you
realize and, by mastering a few common-sense fundamentals, you can be
comfortable in almost any real-life meeting. The Hennepin County Bar
Association is sponsoring a seminar on "Parliamentary Law in Real-Life
Meetings" that covers these fundamentals. The seminar is a
continuing-legal-education seminar, but is geared toward lawyers and
nonlawyers who are interested in running and participating in effective
real-life meetings. The instructor is Brian Melendez, past president of
the Hennepin County Bar Association and a member of the American
Institute of Parliamentarians and National Association of
Parliamentarians, who has served as parliamentarian for more than a
dozen organizations. Last year's participants ranged from attorneys
representing public bodies to volunteers active in nonprofit, political,
and religious organizations.

The seminar will be held on Friday 28 October 2005 from 8:30
a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the Hennepin County Bar Association, 390 Minnesota
Law Center, 600 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis (ph. 612.752.6600). The
Association has applied for 3.0 hours of continuing-legal-education
credit. The cost is $115 for bar members, $140 for lawyer nonmembers. (A
special rate of $25 is available for nonlawyers.) To register, or for
more information, please contact Carol Berg (e/m [EMAIL PROTECTED], ph.

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[Mpls] Beware of regular folks in Ward 9

2005-10-12 Thread Gina Palandri
For immediate news release:

Beware upon election day; as thousands and thousands of UFOS might be sited 
over Ward 9.  They will be depositing "regular-family-business-as usual" 
folks(you know the kind-the ones that have mortgages and jobs and kids) that 
will come and write in Dave Shegstad for City Council.  We have never seen 
these folks before, as they only come out when called upon by the powers 
greater than we know.  

Be ware on election for these people.  they will be staring at you- 
them regular folks.
Gina Palandri
A not so normal human from Ward 9
wanting a website called
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[Mpls] Living Wage

2005-10-12 Thread nikkicarlson001
A living wage policy for Minneapolis:
Ostrow: is supportive
Zerby: is supportive
Progressive MN: supports it, is pushing it
Mpls Central Labor Union: supports it, is pushing it
several faith organizations: support it
McLaughlin: fully supports it
Rybak: isn't sure...
What's the deal?
Nikki Carlson: supports it
Linden Hills
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[Mpls] Values?

2005-10-12 Thread Steve Cross
Michael Atherton published a list of "what values are important to my 
fellow Minneapolitans."  His list was:

1. Kind
2. Honorable
3. Happy
4. Intellectual
5. Successful
6. Disciplined
7. Brave
8. Polite
9. Generous
10. Respectful
11. Law abiding

I'd suggest this list:


Don't thank me.  Thank the Boy Scouts of America.

Steve Cross
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread Michellehill64
Gregory Reinhardt writes:
I and others were hired and/or promoted because of excellence of character.  
Our moral character reflects the department's core values of courage,  
commitment, honor, character, and pursuit of excellence.  These traits  are 
no less prevalent and are consistent with all types of peoples  regardless of 
race, color, sex, creed, and other points of diversity.   Should it be any 
less? Points are given for possessing the elements moral  character: 
deliberation, discretion, compassion, honesty, leadership  potential.etc.
Michelle Hill responds:
While this description may fit this particular officers and some others, it  
clearly does not fit all Minneapolis Police Officer. If point are given for  
possessing the elements of moral character, what is given for possessing an  
abusive character? I'm sure that Minneapolis strives for the best qualified, 
 what looks good on paper doesn't necessarily mean its good in person. 
I think Minneapolis Police Officers, like every other citizen should have  
the right to choose where they want to live and where they want their children  
to grow up and what schools they want their children to attend. But elected  
official should live in the city and their children should attend public  
schools. Only then will the elected official understand what every other parent 
complaining about. 
I do need to make it clear that I DO NOT completely blame the poor success  
rates in the public school on the teachers. Parents are just as  responsible,  
as are our children when they reach the age of understanding.  Let's be honest 
some of our kids act an absolute fool in school.
Michelle Hill
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Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Steve Nelson

Bill Dooley


Regarding the new web site, I think the new layout and graphics work well
for the casual news reader. However, for a hardcore news reader like me, I
prefer a "Print Edition" version similar to what is available on the 
Post web site. I like to go through a newspaper web site as if I was 

the  actual newspaper starting with page one: list of stories with short
description,  national news: list of stories with short description, and 
metro news:

list of  stories with short descriptions, etc.

That option was available for a paid subscription to Newsstand with the old 
Strib but I haven't checked whether it still is under the new format.

I do have one complaint with the new format, however--get the movie theaters 
back online!!

Steve Nelson
Willard Hay 

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[Mpls] Johnson Lee and Samuels Both Endorse Remington

2005-10-12 Thread WLDJ36
Per a note in today's Minneapolis Observer "Ballot Box." Here is the link:  
_ ( 
Bill Dooley
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Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread WLDJ36
I assume it crashed because of the Vikings Sex Cruise story.
Regarding the new web site, I think the new layout and graphics work well  
for the casual news reader. However, for a hardcore news reader like me, I  
prefer a "Print Edition" version similar to what is available on the Washington 
Post web site. I like to go through a newspaper web site as if I was reading 
the  actual newspaper starting with page one: list of stories with short 
description,  national news: list of stories with short description, and metro 
list of  stories with short descriptions, etc.
The true test will be how the site treats breaking stories and  updates 
current stories. Sometimes I get the feeling when reading the site  late at 
that some stories are held for posting early the next  morning.
Bill Dooley
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Re: [Mpls] Issues

2005-10-12 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Wednesday, October 12, 2005, at 01:16  PM, Earl Netwal wrote:

Here the current (values) conclusion of the
DFL is: Education, Jobs, Health Care and Transportation.

On Wednesday, October 12, 2005, at 09:57  AM, Michael Atherton wrote:

I would be very interested in knowing
what values are important to my fellow
Minneapolitans, especially in an election
1. Kind
2. Honorable
3. Happy
4. Intellectual
5. Successful
6. Disciplined
7. Brave
8. Polite
9. Generous
10. Respectful
11. Law abiding

I'm with Earl on the values. People often confuse values with ethics or 
beliefs. I'd call Michael's list ethics, a creed, or even attributes. 
For example, not everyone has the capacity to be intellectual.

My short list of ethics includes:

1. Fairness
2. Collegiality
3. Generosity
4. Trust
5. Respect

Best wishes,

Como Neighborhood

 Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
AFSCME Mn Council 5
Minneapolis Building and Trades
Stonewall DFL
Minnesota Women's Political Caucus
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414
Minneapolis, MN

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[Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread Steve Brandt
Yes, it crashed around 6:30 a.m., after demand overwhelmed the servers in North 
Carolina.  Back up around 10.  Curious what people think iof the site's new 

Steve Brandt
Staff writer
Star Tribune
Phone: 612-673-4438
Fax:  612-673-4359
425 Portland Av.
Minneapolis, MN 55488

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RE: [Mpls] Values?

2005-10-12 Thread Jon Gorder

>  Values as such are unneeded promises if the
practitioner of such values only follows the "Golden
Rule". Almost all cultures espouse some form of this
rule though obviously none actually practice it. Still
a perfect measuring stick of human values.

 Jon Gorder

Yahoo! Music Unlimited 
Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
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Re: [Mpls] values & bookmobiles

2005-10-12 Thread Barbara Lickness
Not true. The Whittier neighborhood contributed $120
NRP dollars toward the purchase and build of the
bookmobile in 1994 I believe. I was the lone volunteer
that helped to implement that strategy in the Whittier
NRP Plan. Prospect Park contributed NRP funds towards
books for the bookmobile. The Library Board
contributed the rest which was quite a bit as I
remember. I think the total cost was somewhere around
$365K. Not sure on that number. Just a ballpark. 

The bookmobile has always served Mpls. well. It serves
to reach populations that do not have ready access to
physical library facilities. I hope continuing this
mobile library service is a high priority for all
library board candidates. 

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Issues

2005-10-12 Thread Earl Netwal
It is already clear that different people have different ideas as to what
the word/concept of Values is.  There are, of course, no right or wrong
values, as anything a person values is a value. Recently the DFL as a party
has been struggling with the concept.  Primarily in response to some of our
opponents insistence on claiming "Values" as their terrain. But also because
there is a desire to clarify our own message and image.  This turned out to
be a difficult task. Afterall as the party for the people, we discover that
people have a wide range of values. The recently released results for now
focus on four "process" values: Opportunity, Accountability, Prosperity and
Fair Play. These seem to hold promise, and at the same time serve as a
challenge to our party and others. For advocating values and living them are
always a challenge. That is the value of "Values."  There is a more
practical way of looking at values as well. A more concrete version of what
values we stand for and will work toward. Here the current conclusion of the
DFL is: Education, Jobs, Health Care and Transportation.  These values
provide a more concrete framework around which to frame a discussion and a
direction. Both sets are clearly values. One set a bit more philosophical,
the other a bit more concrete. Both are likely to change over time. 
That said, as important as a set of value may be, the ranking of a set of
values differentialtes us all further. In a universe where the values under
discussion were Job, Family, and God. there are six possible rankings. The
ranking one chooses may well vary throughone's lifetime, but if we consider
this simple set we can understand that a person who has the same values:
God, Family & Job may respond to things differently than one who ranked Job,
Family and God or some other order. 
Values are interesting and meaningful, but personal and evolving. For now I
am comforatable with the set of Values the DFL is trending toward as sound,
but there will always be those who might suggest others or rank others
higher, etc.  That process is what we call, "Politics." 
Earl Netwal
Musing in the urban forest of the Nokomis East Neighborhood. 
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[Mpls] values & bookmobiles

2005-10-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just want to call attention to the fact that St. Paul was able to raise 
$143,000 for a brand new bookmobile, larger than the old one and able to carry 
at least 5000 books, tapes, cd's etc.  Minneapolis, however, has not yet been 
able to do the same.  I believe that a new Bookmobile is a high priority and 
that prompt attention be paid to raising the required funds - perhaps through a 
donation from one of the major auto manufacturers

In regard to Mr. Atherton's request for candidates' values, I am happy (#3) to 

1. Integrity
2. Truthfulness
3. Love - encompassing kindness and generosity
4. Commitment to social justice
5. Critical thought/questioning of authority
6. Respect for the dignity of all life
7. Responsibility to oneself and the collective
8. Courage
9. Openness to new ideas

Samantha Smart
Smart libraries are OPEN libraries!
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RE: [Mpls] RE: Values

2005-10-12 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
I wonder then if we should uphold the Boy Scouts for its efforts at
discrimination against the GLBT community then? 
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

Ray wrote:
I suspect that some folks will run screaming when I bring this up, but
one can't do much better than to use the Boy Scout Law:

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Friendly, Helpful, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent!
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Re: [Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread wmmarks

Gregory Reinhardt wrote:

I and others were hired and/or promoted because of excellence of 
character. Our moral character reflects the department's core values 
of courage, commitment, honor, character, and pursuit of excellence. 

I wish this were true throughout, but it is not. If it were true there 
would be no thumpers and we would not be having all the federal 
mediation and other stuff around the issue of abuse of power by police 

Personally, were I a cop (something I'm sure the cops would have cardiac 
arrest over), I would not live in the city I served. Yes, if a cop lives 
on your block, you will have a very quiet block; however, the cop might 
not have a quiet life to come home to and people could be knocking on 
the cop's door at all hours for assistance. Quelle bummer. Further, a 
cop is required to wear his/her weapon when inside the city limits. How 
does that work with putting your kids to bed or horsing around with your 
kids in the yard?

I've met some very dedicated cops who do not live in the city, but are 
totally into their work and aware of who they serve when they are on the 
job. So far as I'm concerned, they can live up trees in the wilderness 
if it suits their fancy, so long as they do the do when they're here.

To see the other negative possibilities of a requirement to live in 
Minneapolis, remember Charlie Stenvig. From all reports, that guy was a 
walking disaster. When he was elected, cops had to live in Minneapolis 
and they used the federation to get him elected. Oi and vey too.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Values

2005-10-12 Thread nikkicarlson001
Seven Heavenly Virtues:
faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, prudence 
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
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RE: [Mpls] Values?

2005-10-12 Thread Lenief Heimstead
This is an interesting question.  My own ideas are noted below, but first I 
think it's important to distinguish between values held by individuals and 
values held as a society.  I especially would want candidates for office to 
make that distinction.

When it comes to social values, as a Green Party person I recommend the 10 
key values of the Greens, as listed at

As for my personal values, I would remove "happy" and "successful" from 
Michael's list [as states that don't happen just because we strive for them] 
and I would balance "intellectual" with "artistic".  In fact, I would put 
"balanced" as number 1.  High on my list would be "nonviolent, just, honest, 
helpful, patient" - making a list of 16 personal values.

Lenief Heimstead
Stevens Square

From: "Michael Atherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Values?
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:57:04 -0500

I started a discussion about values in a
homeschooler list and then realized that
I would be very interested in knowing
what values are important to my fellow
Minneapolitans, especially in an election
year.  It would also be interesting to
see the responses of the candidates.  So,
below are the values that I am hoping
to instill in my children and that I
try to abide by myself (ranked in order
of importance, 1 being most important).
Please feel free to change the order or
add and delete values.

1. Kind
2. Honorable
3. Happy
4. Intellectual
5. Successful
6. Disciplined
7. Brave
8. Polite
9. Generous
10. Respectful
11. Law abiding

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] RE: Values

2005-10-12 Thread Ray Marshall
I suspect that some folks will run screaming when I bring this up, but one
can't do much better than to use the Boy Scout Law:

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Friendly, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient,
Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent!

Ray Marshall


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:57:04 -0500
From: "Michael Atherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Values?

I started a discussion about values in a
homeschooler list and then realized that
I would be very interested in knowing
what values are important to my fellow
Minneapolitans, especially in an election
year.  It would also be interesting to
see the responses of the candidates.  So,
below are the values that I am hoping
to instill in my children and that I
try to abide by myself (ranked in order
of importance, 1 being most important).
Please feel free to change the order or
add and delete values.

1. Kind
2. Honorable
3. Happy
4. Intellectual
5. Successful
6. Disciplined
7. Brave
8. Polite
9. Generous
10. Respectful
11. Law abiding

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Police Residency (was Accountability)

2005-10-12 Thread Aaron Klemz
I think Greg Reinhardt makes great points about
qualifications, but I think there's something missing.
I don't believe that where you own real estate makes
you inherently more qualified to be a police officer
in any city, Minneapolis included. But I do know that
police officers and their families are the kind of
households that strengthen blocks and neighborhoods. 

It's not so much an issue of qualification, as a
desire to populate Minneapolis with people who
overwhelmingly represent the very kind of folks who
make this city great and can help even more to make it
greater. I think some sort of incentive program makes
sense. It's a wasted opportunity for the city that so
many of its police officers choose to live elsewhere,
and I wonder what it says about the city that it fails
to attract qualified candidates for the police force
that also want to live where they serve.

aaron klemz

"The main thing that marks my methodology
is that I really do use myself as a control. 
I pay very close attention to myself, my 
feelings because then I have a base. 
And it is not intellectual... You are the 
instrument of research. This is a very 
important point to underscore. We really 
should pay more attention to the senses and 
to ourselves." 
 - Edward T. Hall

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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[Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
I grew up in Minneapolis, what priority did it give me when I was hired to 
serve? None.  I lived in Minneapolis, what priority did it give me for 
promotions? None.  Am I less deserving of my job, assignment, or rank 
because of where I live?  I can't care enough because I bought a home 
elsewhere? Nonsense.

I and others were hired and/or promoted because of excellence of character. 
Our moral character reflects the department's core values of courage, 
commitment, honor, character, and pursuit of excellence.  These traits are 
no less prevalent and are consistent with all types of peoples regardless of 
race, color, sex, creed, and other points of diversity.  Should it be any 
less? Points are given for possessing the elements moral character: 
deliberation, discretion, compassion, honesty, leadership potential.etc.

It isn't real estate (location, location, location) it's policing and all 
about character.

The Community Service Officer (CSO) program is the great opportunity for 
getting exactly what you want.  Young men and women who are employed by the 
city, trained on the job, given an opportunity and funding to earn a college 
degree in Law Enforcement, coached in behaviors, attitude, and service.  By 
the time they are eligible to be hired a police officer they have been 
observed and have established a strong work record with the city.  But it's 
incredibly slow.  Takes years.

Hiring qualified officers under a lateral transfer program is a quick way of 
diversifying the ranks.  It's a common business practice to hire away the 
competition.  But you do sacrifice community familiarity.  However, as 
Delatte states "it's easier to teach police about an area and residents than 
to make good police from unqualified candidates".

Nevertheless, you hire only the best of character.

Gregory W. Reinhardt

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Re: Re [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white

2005-10-12 Thread mike skoglund
On Wed, October 12, 2005 11:56 am, Loki Anderson said:
> My apologies to Wizard for attributing her remarks to the wrong
> neighborhood. Precincts 8-5 and 8-10 are the portions of the Ward, east of
> I-35, south of Sabathani going all the way down to the creek . Not King
> Field. The City Pages was responsible for bringing King Field into the
> conversation, not Wizard.

Can anyone provide (or direct me to) a nutshell description of the
political history of the various precincts in Ward 8?  I am new to the
area (I live in 8-8) and don't yet have a grasp on its politics.

FWIW, I didn't have any experience with doorknockers, but my roommate told
me that Marie Hauser stopped by at least once.  She also had many more
signs in our neighborhood than the other candidates.

Mike Skoglund // Bancroft

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RE: [Mpls] Publicizing Community Forums & Debates

2005-10-12 Thread Jeanne Massey
I read about this event in the Southwest Journal, but it was not on the DFL
Schedule of Events (, which is one
of the more comprehensive lists of candidate events.  It seems that the DFL
site doesn't list events that do not include DFL endorsed candidates -
though it lists nearly all of the mayoral debates. The local newspapers
typically list events with advanced notice.  You can also link to
candidates' web sites for upcoming forums and other events for the various
candidates, though I've found these sites are variable in their listing of

Jeanne Massey

-Original Message-
Of Michael Mackey
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:27 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Publicizing Community Forums & Debates

I was disappointed to learn, after the fact, that I missed the 10th Ward
debate on Monday night (Oct 10).  This forum is my primary source of
information for local politics.  


(1)  Can this forum be better utilized to keep citizens informed of upcoming
events?  Any suggestions?  A weekly post by the moderator or another
volunteer with a preview of upcoming events?  

(2)  Are there other online sources I should be aware of that might keep me
better informed (community calendars, etc)?


P Michael Mackey, Uptown




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Re: Re [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white

2005-10-12 Thread Loki Anderson
My apologies to Wizard for attributing her remarks to the wrong neighborhood. 
Precincts 8-5 and 8-10 are the portions of the Ward, east of I-35, south of 
Sabathani going all the way down to the creek . Not King Field. The City Pages 
was responsible for bringing King Field into the conversation, not Wizard.
My bad. Mea Culpa.
By the by, Precinct 8-5 was won by Hayden.
Loki Anderson

wmmarks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fredric Markus wrote:

>The voters in 8-5 and 8-10 south of 38th and east to Chicago will decide
>this matter, by and large, and none of us will know for sure to what degree
>race may have influence in these decisions.
Those two precincts were most hostile to African American candidates in 
the past before the ward boundaries changed. When I door knocked with an 
African American candidate in those precincts, one householder spit on 
the candidate and several refused to speak to the candidate. On one 
block the whites made the atmosphere so hostile that even black voters 
dared not speak to the candidate for fear of retaliation from neighbors 
who were avidly watching them.

> What is clear is that class has
>already made its point and that, I think, ought to be understood by the city
>generally as a legacy arranged for by the majority redistricting
Actually, it was not class, but a lack of class on the part of the 
redistricting commission as well as others that produced this situation.

>WizardMarks, Central
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RE: [Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread Michael Hohmann
Aaron Neumann says, in part,
> Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
> for all City employees...

[MH] I believe this issue has been discussed on this list in the past.  In
general, I think residency requirements simply serve to limit the pool of
qualified individuals eligible for any given position-- a result that is not
in the best interest of city residents and taxpayers.  Residency
requirements also unfairly restrict an individuals ability to choose where
they want to live, etc.  Consider for a moment what would happen if all
surrounding municipalities enacted residency requirements-- all Mpls.
residents employed outside Mpls. would loose their jobs!

Mike Hohmann
Linden Hills

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Aaron Neumann
> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:45 AM
> To:
> Cc: 'greendiscuss'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Green Party of
> MN'; 'UofM Greens'; 'Mpls-5thDistrictGreenParty'
> Subject: [Mpls] Police Accountibity
> As many of you know, there is a public City Council Public Safety &
> Regulatory Services Committee meeting today (Mpls City Council
> Chambers, 3rd
> Floor, City Hall, 350 South 5th Street) where there will be an opportunity
> to speak out to improve police/community relations in an effort
> to implement
> the Minneapolis Federal Mediation Agreement (MFMA). The City specifically
> agreed to diversify the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD),
> foster cultural
> awareness and sensitivity among the MPD, and to end all racially biased
> policing, to name a few.  I believe a comprehensive,
> multi-faceted strategy
> to demonstrate that we are committed to effective, responsive, and
> respectful policing is essential to our mission.
> Let's also create incentives for community policing that include financial
> benefits for officers who choose to live in the neighborhoods they serve.
> Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
> for all City employees, including our police. Let's restore two-officer
> teams for their safety, but tied with foot/bike patrol and a community
> policing policy. Let's increase conflict resolution training to better
> community-police relations. Let's strengthen the Civilian Police Review
> Authority (proper funding and expedient appointments to the Board) to hold
> reckless officers accountable officers who are in fact guilty of
> misconduct.
> We must support the newly created Police Community Relations
> Council (PCRC)
> that came out of MFMA. One area of concern in the MFMA is section 2.2.12,
> which calls for the development of "a protocol for communications
> and media
> contacts" by PCRC members on "critical incidents, high profile police
> misconduct allegations, and other topics identified by the PCRC." Let's
> ensure that this does not become a muzzle for community's ability to
> criticize the MPD and to demand accountability. And last but not least,
> let's restore "To Serve and Protect" on all marked squad cars, better yet,
> let's add "respect" (and that does go both ways) to our mission to read:
> "Serve. Protect. Respect."
> As I've stated in previous posts, we must restoring nobility and
> respect to
> our police department and the communities that they serve and protect. I
> believe these worthy goals, agreements and policies are
> imperative to truly
> having accountable policing, and to developing the most effective,
> responsive, and respectful police today for the generations of tomorrow.
> Aaron Neumann
> Candidate for Minneapolis City Council  (Green)
> Ward 3 - Northside * Northeast * Southeast
> Neighbors for Neumann!
> 1828 Marshall St. NE #18
> Minneapolis, MN 55418
> 612.788.1284
> Bridging our Diverse Communities with Social, Economic, and Envrionmental
> Justice - Authentic Progressive Priorities for the 21st Century
> "Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement
> of people's lives." - Paul Wellstone
> 1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at
> If you think a member is in
> violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before
> continuing it on the list.
> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> For state and national discussions see:
> For external forums, see:
> Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion
> - Mn E-Democracy
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[Mpls] Looking for piano teachers

2005-10-12 Thread Justin . Huenemann

I have a question.  Not a hot button political question, sorry.  I have a
six year old son that we would like to have begin piano lessons.  Outside
of the typical large music companies, does anyone know of your more
private, in your home piano teachers in the south Minneapolis area?  I live
in the 8th ward and would love to find a trusted and recommended individual
who provides piano lessons to young kids.  Any suggestion would be great.

Justin Kii Huenemann

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Re: [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-12 Thread Loki Anderson
 An irony here is that 
minority candidate Ralph Remington is doing well in the majority-majority 10th 

>After reading Wizard's post I would imagine the reason Remington is doing so 
>well in the Tenth Ward is because the King Field neighborhood was moved into 
>the Eighth Ward where their cracker politics are wreaking havoc (sarcasm 


Does anyone want to look at ALL the factors in this primary or do we just want 
to focus on race? Why doesn't this article mention the fact that there were 10 
candidates in the race all trying to get their message out? Why doesn't it 
mention the fact that Hauser, Glidden and Dennis Tifft seriously out raised 
Hayden in campaign funds? Or that labor and name recognition played a part in 
boosting Hauser? Or that Glidden is from King Field and that she got a big 
boost from the vote totals in those two precincts?


I would never say that there wasn't a racial component to the race, but to say 
that it was the primary factor in Hayden's loss doesn't tell the whole story.


Loki Anderson (Mr.)




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[Mpls] Values?

2005-10-12 Thread Michael Atherton

I started a discussion about values in a
homeschooler list and then realized that
I would be very interested in knowing
what values are important to my fellow
Minneapolitans, especially in an election
year.  It would also be interesting to
see the responses of the candidates.  So,
below are the values that I am hoping
to instill in my children and that I
try to abide by myself (ranked in order
of importance, 1 being most important).  
Please feel free to change the order or 
add and delete values.

1. Kind
2. Honorable
3. Happy
4. Intellectual
5. Successful
6. Disciplined
7. Brave
8. Polite
9. Generous
10. Respectful
11. Law abiding

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-12 Thread WLDJ36
My question regarding this story is what are the rules regarding write-ins  
for Minneapolis City Council races? I do not know what Jeff Hayden's intentions 
 are, but it would appear to me that if he could motivate his base to show up 
and  write his name in, if permissible, that Hauser and Glidden may split the 
 minority vote and Hayden could make a race of it. An irony here is that 
minority  candidate Ralph Remington is doing well in the majority-majority 10th 
Bill Dooley
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[Mpls] Publicizing Community Forums & Debates

2005-10-12 Thread Michael Mackey
I was disappointed to learn, after the fact, that I missed the 10th Ward
debate on Monday night (Oct 10).  This forum is my primary source of
information for local politics.  


(1)  Can this forum be better utilized to keep citizens informed of upcoming
events?  Any suggestions?  A weekly post by the moderator or another
volunteer with a preview of upcoming events?  

(2)  Are there other online sources I should be aware of that might keep me
better informed (community calendars, etc)?


P Michael Mackey, Uptown




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Re: Re [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white

2005-10-12 Thread wmmarks

Fredric Markus wrote:

The voters in 8-5 and 8-10 south of 38th and east to Chicago will decide
this matter, by and large, and none of us will know for sure to what degree
race may have influence in these decisions.

Those two precincts were most hostile to African American candidates in 
the past before the ward boundaries changed. When I door knocked with an 
African American candidate in those precincts, one householder spit on 
the candidate and several refused to speak to the candidate. On one 
block the whites made the atmosphere so hostile that even black voters 
dared not speak to the candidate for fear of retaliation from neighbors 
who were avidly watching them.

What is clear is that class has
already made its point and that, I think, ought to be understood by the city
generally as a legacy arranged for by the majority redistricting

Actually, it was not class, but a lack of class on the part of the 
redistricting commission as well as others that produced this situation.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Police Accountibity - Mayor Accountability

2005-10-12 Thread gemgram
A suggestion as a start for Aaron Neumann and those sitting Council Members 
whether they be "Green" , Blue, Red, or Black, or even White Party "DFL".  A 
small pay incentive to live in the City is great, but there are better ways. 
Give priority to hiring police officers who grew up in the inner city of 
Minneapolis.  Give priority to hiring police officers who ALREADY live in 
Minneapolis.  Give a priority to those qualified people who already chosen 
to buy a house in Minneapolis! What ever their ethnic background those are 
people who KNOW our City, share in our Minneapolis interests, and have 
chosen to be a part of our City. Add points to the applicants with that 
SPECIAL qualification!

Their are qualified Minneapolis residents who would love to work for THEIR 
city.  They and the residents of Minneapolis deserve to have that 
opportunity BEFORE we go out searching for people who have no interest in 
our City other than as a job opportunity.  We need police officers who think 
of Minneapolis residents as their friends and family.  Who are "ACCOUNTABLE" 
to their families friends, and communities!  I doubt if a officer who grew 
up and whose family lives in Minneapolis would ever advice people who are 
crime victims to move out of Minneapolis because it is a crime ridden hole. 
I have heard more than one Minneapolis police officer say that over the 
years. So have other readers on this "List".

Just a note, the vaunted hiring of 70 new police officers has a whole 
different perspective when one considers that retirement and other attrition 
will soon account for more than one hundred additional officers leaving the 
force.  With that attrition we will have a net loss of officers , not a 
gain.  Unless new academy classes are begun immediately.  Use our own first. 
NOT LAST!  We should be building a better City for the future, not a 
campaign for a political office.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village Neighborhood, Phillips Community. (Where there were TEN 
rapes last month)

- Original Message - 
From: "Aaron Neumann"  Police Accountibity

As many of you know, there is a public City Council Public Safety &
Regulatory Services Committee meeting today (Mpls City Council Chambers, 3rd
Floor, City Hall, 350 South 5th Street) where there will be an opportunity
to speak out to improve police/community relations in an effort to implement
the Minneapolis Federal Mediation Agreement (MFMA). The City specifically
agreed to diversify the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), foster cultural
awareness and sensitivity among the MPD, and to end all racially biased
policing, to name a few.  I believe a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy
to demonstrate that we are committed to effective, responsive, and
respectful policing is essential to our mission.

Let's also create incentives for community policing that include financial
benefits for officers who choose to live in the neighborhoods they serve.
Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
for all City employees, including our police. Let's restore two-officer
teams for their safety, but tied with foot/bike patrol and a community
policing policy. Let's increase conflict resolution training to better
community-police relations. Let's strengthen the Civilian Police Review
Authority (proper funding and expedient appointments to the Board) to hold
reckless officers accountable officers who are in fact guilty of misconduct.
We must support the newly created Police Community Relations Council (PCRC)
that came out of MFMA. One area of concern in the MFMA is section 2.2.12,
which calls for the development of "a protocol for communications and media
contacts" by PCRC members on "critical incidents, high profile police
misconduct allegations, and other topics identified by the PCRC." Let's
ensure that this does not become a muzzle for community's ability to
criticize the MPD and to demand accountability. And last but not least,
let's restore "To Serve and Protect" on all marked squad cars, better yet,
let's add "respect" (and that does go both ways) to our mission to read:
"Serve. Protect. Respect."

As I've stated in previous posts, we must restoring nobility and respect to
our police department and the communities that they serve and protect. I
believe these worthy goals, agreements and policies are imperative to truly
having accountable policing, and to developing the most effective,
responsive, and respectful police today for the generations of tomorrow.

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Re: [Mpls] Scott Persons and Lyndale Neighborhood Association's Missing 82K

2005-10-12 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher

This is why I no longer support local NRP groups where there are no
projects and meetings become activities, we could be using the money
more wisely.

I support the idea and the original beginning of NRP but it is far removed
from that ideal. Changes need to be made so the money  given for
projects are used for projects and not just housing salaries and overhead.

Dorie Rae Gallagher/Nokomis

This link is to the charities division of the Minnesota attorney general's 
office for one Minneapolis neighborhood. I don't know about other 
neighborhood assns... but this one is certainly an eye-opening example. 
Let's follow the money down the yellow brick road to your tax bill... got 
your ruby red slippers?

A 1 year budget of $450,000+ about $200,000 goes to staff salaries, 
bennies, office space for the staff, phone bills ($8000 for 1 year?). 
$82,000 gets written off because NRP refuses to cover these expenses for 
whatever reason(?). That leaves... about $120,000 for actual 
projects/programs for this neighborhood.

So... spend $300,000 to provide $120,000 in programs for the neighborhood. 
This is a good thing?

Don't misunderstand... it is a GOOD thing for the city to let 
neighborhoods decide how to spend municipal money in their area. BUT... 
why doesn't Mpls just tell the neighborhoods... okay... here's $200,000 
for your neighborhood... hold one big meeting with all the neighbors, vote 
on what you want to spend it on, and we'll cut the checks and send them 
out. Done. No extra layers of beaurocracy. No office building... no 
staff... no benefits... no $5000 in meeting expenses... no $8000 phone 
bills... and NO $82,000 write off... and our property tax bills don't have 
to go up to pay for such foolish waste.

How are the people running these orgs in any real way qualified to do so? 
Are they successful business owners who know how to run a $450,000 dollar 
per year business successfully? Or are they (in some cases I have seen) 
career beaurocrats used to paychecks from government bodies who use 
neighborhood assn as as a way to get their hands on more government money 
and hire their friends and make themselves feel powerful?

What kind of business could operate this way for long?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 
1790)  Eva Young

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[Mpls] Star Tribune Web Site

2005-10-12 Thread WLDJ36
The first day of the Star Tribune revamp and I cannot get on their web  site. 
Has it crashed?
Bill Dooley
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Re [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white

2005-10-12 Thread Fredric Markus
David Brauer is right in correcting G.R. Anderson's assertion regarding the
electoral footprint that the Kingfield precincts had on primary day. I
myself think that the fundamental motives in the minds of the majority
redistricting commissioners had to do with incumbency protection in the
"four corners" - Wards 1,4,12, and 13 - and with an assertive reaction to
the arriviste council members in the inner wards. Reinforcing the influence
of the seventh ward - the "downtown" Ward - was also a deliberate choice
that had a pernicious influence on several of the adjacent Wards. 

I've been satisfying my curiosity about the core long-term voting population
of the city and I'll have some systematic material about that ready in a few
days, most likely on a website similar to the one I made available during
the active life of the 2000 redistricting commission. What strikes me in the
eighth ward is found in a comparison of the registration/2005 primary
turnout and the long-term voting habits of the eighth ward's current

There are as many long-term voters in 8-10 as there are in precincts 8-1,
8-2, and 8-3. 8-10 is at the base of a column of precincts that run along
the east side of I35. The other three precincts are at the top end of the
ward and include much of the Powderhorn area. The addition of 8-6 and 8-7 in
Kingfield west of I35 roughly balances the relatively quiescent 8-4, 8-8 and
8-9 areas due south of Powderhorn, leaving 8-5's voters sandwiched between
the northmost and southmost areas along the east side of the freeway.

What is immediately apparent from the primary results, and regrettably
predictably so, is that the core settlement of minority voters who were
expected to elevate a person of color were outvoted by supporters of the two
ladies and left with these two primary victors. The notion of a "minority
majority opportunity" ward - advanced by the majority of the redistricting
commission - has fallen victim to the grinding realities of
underparticipation by the "minority" electorate.

The voters in 8-5 and 8-10 south of 38th and east to Chicago will decide
this matter, by and large, and none of us will know for sure to what degree
race may have influence in these decisions. What is clear is that class has
already made its point and that, I think, ought to be understood by the city
generally as a legacy arranged for by the majority redistricting
commissioners. Small wonder that I voted against this plan.

Fred Markus, Phillips West
2000 redistricting commissioner  

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[Mpls] Federal Mediation Agreement: PS & RS Committee Meeting today at 1:30

2005-10-12 Thread Guy Gambill
Hello Minneapolis,

  Just a reminder that this important PS & RS Meeting
will be taking place this afternoon in Main Council
Chambers. Please try to attend.

Guy Gambill

Speak Out to Improve Police Community Relations
Implement the Federal Mediation Agreement

Mpls City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 350
South 5th Street 
(City Council Public Safety & Regulatory Services
Committee meeting)

When: Wednesday, October 12, 1:30 p.m.

The City Council already voted unanimously to support
this agreement.
Hold the City Accountable for these promises:

  Diversify the Minneapolis Police Department, MPD  
“The MPD will exercise its best efforts to meet its
own stated goals for recruitment, hiring, and
promotion for protected classes, to include people of
color, African Americans, American Indians, women, and
people of disability.”  

“As part of the official recruitment strategy, the
Minneapolis Police Department and the PCRC will
establish partnerships with community based
organizations.”  And, “the MPD will consult with the
Police-Community Relations Council (“PCRC”) to
identify potential barriers to effective recruitment;
to identify community based organizations willing to
enter into a partnership with the MPD to assist in
recruiting from within the members of these

·   Foster Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity. 
“To recognize and to acknowledge the diversity within
the community and within the MPD, the MPD will work
with the Police Community Relations Council and other 
community leaders, and will recruit community contacts
and experts for consultation.”

“Because language differences can be a barrier to
effective communication, is one indication of cultural
affiliation, the MPD agrees to: …use officers and
contract with community members of different cultures
or ethnic backgrounds to assist in training 
regarding topics involving interacting with people
from other cultures, races, 
ethnicities, or sexual orientations.”

·   End All Racially Biased Policing. 
“Racially biased policing is the act of making law
enforcement decisions solely on the basis of race. 
Often called “racial profiling,” racially biased
policing is not only wrong, it is illegal.  The MPD
agrees to …  provide its employees with training:
regarding undoing racism, ethnic stereotypes,
prejudice and white privilege;  regarding the
inappropriate conduct that fosters perceptions of
biased policing;  regarding human rights.” 

Contact:  Farheen Hakeem 612-395-5559
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Angel Morales
612-724-7457 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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[Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-12 Thread David Brauer
G.R. Anderson, Jr. explains how redistricting led to two white women (Marie
Hauser and Elizabeth Glidden) facing off in a majority-minority ward.

I think G.R. is on solid ground with his main thesis. I think there was a
conscious effort on the part of some redistricting commissioners to add 35
whiter, higher-income Kingfield blocks to the 8th to pull it into Southwest
Minneapolis's orbit.

The goal was to create a more taxophobic ward, more like the 13th than, say,
the 6th. (I don't believe race was a factor propelling the move - however,
making minority representation less likely was an inevitable consequence.)

That said, I noticed one significant error.

The story states that, "the precincts in Kingfield, just two of ten in the
ward, boasted 47 percent of the overall voter turnout." 

That's wrong; the actual share was 24 percent - a much lower figure that
undercuts the notion that Kingfield voters swamped the polls.

Kingfield precincts (8-6 and 8-7) cast 803 votes out of 3,330 (see
Their 24 percent this year was actually down from 27.4 percent in the 2004
School Board primary.

Another way to look at overrepresentation: compare turnout to voter
registration figures. Registration is high because of the 2004 Presidential
election, when many non-white and lower-income voters registered.

As primary day dawned, the two Kingfield precincts accounted for 22 percent
of the ward's registered voters (3,592 of 16,517). On primary day, they cast
24 percent of the votes. Not much overrepresentation there.

Kingfield voters did go overwhelmingly for one of their own (Glidden), and
that pushed her into the final. But they didn't swamp the polls to do it.

Again, redistricting definitely help Glidden because it added those 35
Kingfield blocks - including her own. However, the effect was not as
dramatic as some indicate.

By the way, you can see the 8th ward boundaries changes here:

David Brauer

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[Mpls] Giving a darn for safe livable neighborhoods

2005-10-12 Thread Aaron Neumann

V.L. Freeman wrote (in a way earlier post that I am unable to find, but was
compelled to save this paragraph!):

What we need is a person to actually give a damn about this side of the
river, just like the other side of the river. In other words a
“multitasked individual.” Is this even possible? For the runners of ward
three, what are you going to do about the struggles we face here in this
hood? How will you balance the needs of both sides of the river? I’ve went
to Diane’s site and posed some very well respected questions for her, and
this was over a month ago, to date there was no response. I thought I was a
constituent too, or is it because you don’t care enough about this side of
the river. You can email me off list, to respond, that is if you care enough
to respond to this constituent.

Vanessa L. Freeman
Hawthorne Neighborhood
As you all know, there are great challenges facing Minneapolis, including
the Northside, that span gangs (drugs), crime and violence, lack of
opportunity for young people, and laundry list of environmental concerns,
among others. I believe we must get at root issues, offer new solutions, and
have a collective vision for long-term livability in all of Minneapolis.

Vanessa, you ask "what are you going to do about the struggles we face here
in this hood?" We need to address deeper causes of crime and violence that
plague our beloved city – primarily rooted in poverty - and set long-term
policy and vision to create the most peaceful, sustainable, and just
Minneapolis possible. And I'm not talking about an income number when it
comes to defining poverty, either. Poverty is making difficult choices.
Having to choose between healthy food and rent is poverty. Having to choose
between transportation needs or a phone bill is poverty. It is these
difficult choices that we aim to reduce through city policy. That's why it
is so important to have all voices, like yours and mine, at the seat of the
decision-making table. To this aim, we will give a damn and make a
difference by advocating for social and economic justice in all of our city

For example:

Fair and low-cost housing. Homeownership is a fundamental economic engine
and builds pride and community, therefore our priority is to make owning a
low-cost home as accessible as possible. We must eliminate predatory lending
through an ordinance, allow for carriage houses (accessory units) to be
available to our communities, and respect tenants' rights as a priority
ensuring that all of our fair housing polices our strengthened and enforced.
The Northside Home Fund can immediately help, so we must ensure that it is
adequately funded and implemented, so that boarded up houses on the
Northside can be bought and renovated by working families who rent.  Fair
and low-cost housing policies make livable neighborhoods and provide for
concrete improvements in people's lives.

Police Accountably. We must restoring nobility and respect to our police
department and the communities that they serve and protect. There is a great
tension among police and minority communities.  Cops show up fast when you
really need them (but not always), and they have for me in the past and I am
grateful or their service, but too often there is disconnection and
resentment between the police and the heavily policed communities.
Ultimately, I believe we need a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy to
ease this tension, and we must demonstrate that we are committed to
effective and respectful policing. I believe police accountability is a
central component to this strategy.

Sensible Drug Policy.  We must reform of our nation's draconian and failed
drug policy at the municipal level. The time has come for an honest dialog
about our nation's failed War on Drugs, its negative effects on our people,
and what we can do as a city to reduce the harm that is a direct result of
our failed national policy. At first glance, the problem seems too large.
African Americans are imprisoned at 20 times the rate of Caucasians, mostly
for drug offences. Data from the Uniform Crime Reports and the United States
Census Bureau show that in 2000, 44% of all African American Hennepin County
men had been arrested and booked. Minneapolis ranks 4th in the greatest
disparities in Black and White marijuana possession arrest rates in
metropolitan core counties. The drugs laws, disproportionably enforced, have
crated a huge underground and decentralized illegal market where the
storefronts are in poorer urban neighborhoods like in some neighborhoods on
the Northside, and where gangs are willing to kill over the marijuana market
- a drug in which no one has ever died from its use. The War on Drugs itself
has shattered millions of lives, left many families torn due to harsh
incarceration sentences, and has added fuel to the fire in respect to gangs
in Minneapolis. It's time for a sensible drug policy, and there’s much we
can and must do at the city level.

Local Small

[Mpls] Police Accountibity

2005-10-12 Thread Aaron Neumann
As many of you know, there is a public City Council Public Safety &
Regulatory Services Committee meeting today (Mpls City Council Chambers, 3rd
Floor, City Hall, 350 South 5th Street) where there will be an opportunity
to speak out to improve police/community relations in an effort to implement
the Minneapolis Federal Mediation Agreement (MFMA). The City specifically
agreed to diversify the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), foster cultural
awareness and sensitivity among the MPD, and to end all racially biased
policing, to name a few.  I believe a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy
to demonstrate that we are committed to effective, responsive, and
respectful policing is essential to our mission.


Let's also create incentives for community policing that include financial
benefits for officers who choose to live in the neighborhoods they serve.
Let's advocate at the Legislature for a Minneapolis residency requirement
for all City employees, including our police. Let's restore two-officer
teams for their safety, but tied with foot/bike patrol and a community
policing policy. Let's increase conflict resolution training to better
community-police relations. Let's strengthen the Civilian Police Review
Authority (proper funding and expedient appointments to the Board) to hold
reckless officers accountable officers who are in fact guilty of misconduct.
We must support the newly created Police Community Relations Council (PCRC)
that came out of MFMA. One area of concern in the MFMA is section 2.2.12,
which calls for the development of "a protocol for communications and media
contacts" by PCRC members on "critical incidents, high profile police
misconduct allegations, and other topics identified by the PCRC." Let's
ensure that this does not become a muzzle for community's ability to
criticize the MPD and to demand accountability. And last but not least,
let's restore "To Serve and Protect" on all marked squad cars, better yet,
let's add "respect" (and that does go both ways) to our mission to read:
"Serve. Protect. Respect." 


As I've stated in previous posts, we must restoring nobility and respect to
our police department and the communities that they serve and protect. I
believe these worthy goals, agreements and policies are imperative to truly
having accountable policing, and to developing the most effective,
responsive, and respectful police today for the generations of tomorrow. 


Aaron Neumann 
Candidate for Minneapolis City Council  (Green) 
Ward 3 - Northside * Northeast * Southeast

Neighbors for Neumann!

1828 Marshall St. NE #18

Minneapolis, MN 55418

Bridging our Diverse Communities with Social, Economic, and Envrionmental
Justice - Authentic Progressive Priorities for the 21st Century

"Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement
of people's lives." - Paul Wellstone 

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