[Mpls] But it's clear that the days of risk taking and progressive politics are gone.

2005-10-16 Thread David Strand
The following is an article from the City Pages
following the election of Don Samuels to the city
council and the defeat of an antiwar resolution by the
city council.  The article is dated February of 2003.

How many feel this analysis is spot on and how many
feel it is off base?

What can we do to empower those attempting to enact
progressive policies at city hall in the upcoming
elections and after?

David Strand
Loring Park

A year ago city hall was infiltrated by a majority of
first-time office holders, a regime that introduced
not only Rybak and Johnson Lee, but six other new
council members--and the promise of sweeping reform.
Yet aside from some victories for Rybak, the rest have
encountered an old guard that is still very much on
its game. 

Council president Paul Ostrow and Barb Johnson and
Sandy Colvin Roy seem to be carrying a torch for the
way things used to be. Despite public distaste for
what was perceived to be self-interested leadership at
city hall--Cherryhomes, former mayor Sharon Sayles
Belton--and the felony convictions of Biernat and
former Eighth Ward council member Brian Herron,
there's more than a hint that old alliances are alive
and well. 

The other council vets, onetime outsiders Lisa Goodman
and Barret Lane, have joined the traditional voting
bloc. Rybak has mostly lined up with them, leaving the
other less experienced ward leaders to fend for

This was evident recently, when Paul Zerby tried to
introduce an antiwar resolution in a committee
meeting. More than just a plea for peace, Zerby's
resolution (co-authored with Dean Zimmermann) laid out
the detrimental financial impact a war with Iraq would
have on the city's finances. The resolution was
returned to author, a rare move that essentially
killed the idea. 

Two days later Zerby brought up the resolution again
before the Committee of the Whole--a dress rehearsal
for the next day's council meeting--this time adding
fellow council newcomers Robert Lilligren, Gary
Schiff, and Johnson Lee. (The two other first-year
representatives, Dan Niziolek and Scott Benson, did
not sign on.) 

Ostrow immediately spoke against the resolution,
arguing that it was not germane to the business of
the council, and that he intended, as council
president, to rule it out of order at the next day's
meeting, thereby killing any discussion. (Ostrow
followed through on his promise.) Then he, Lane, and
Goodman left the meeting, without even participating
in the committee's debate. 

The power play was surprising, given that the city
council can spend more than two hours debating far
more trivial matters, such as, say, zoning issues.
Several cities across the United States, including
Philadelphia and Chicago, have passed similar antiwar
statements. That three council members did not even
discuss an item signed by five of their colleagues was

But the reaction went beyond personal feelings
regarding war and peace. Most council members opposed
to the resolution, and Mayor Rybak, have expressed
antiwar sentiment outside of city hall. The utter
disregard for debate has less to do with council
protocol than with political paranoia. It's no secret
that Minneapolis is concerned with proving its mettle
to a new state legislature dominated by budget-cutting
Republicans. Most council members have bent over
backward trying to curry favor at the capitol in hopes
that state lawmakers won't pull funding for various
programs that the city relies on. The city does not
want to stir any partisan waters right now. 

And there's a profound fear of the federal government
among city leaders as well. The investigations of
Biernat and Herron haunt city hall to this day. The
prospect of facing a federal mediator from the U.S.
Department of Justice to quell bad feelings between
the Minneapolis Police Department and minority
communities has met with unease. And the status quo
successfully fought against adding subpoena power to
the restructured Civilian Review Authority, the
citizen board that handles complaints against the
city's cops, for fear that all city workers would be
vulnerable to federal subpoenas. At the moment, few
city officials want to malign Bush Administration
policies or antagonize U.S. Attorney General John

Concern over the city's financial troubles has divided
the council as well. Though a five-year plan to cut
fat from the city's future budgets, heartily endorsed
by Rybak, was approved by the council two weeks ago,
debate again fell along old-guard/new-guard lines.
Zimmermann and Schiff questioned the plan for
burdening the poor--and increasing police--in their
wards. Lane struck back by accusing them of engaging
in class warfare to drive out the city's richest

It's not that dissent is not welcome on the city
council. And it's not that the council isn't moving
together on some very tough issues. On January 31, for
instance, the council earmarked $10 million of 

[Mpls] Lloydletta's Nooz Gets Plug from Politics in MN for Identifying Stop Scott Blog/Push Polling by Lilligren?

2005-10-16 Thread Eva Young


Lloydletta's Nooz Gets Plug from Politics in Minnesota

Your Democratic publisher is a big fan of Air America's concept. Locally, 
Janet Robert and former Congressman Bill Luther have done a great job of 
building the local Air America station (950 AM) -- sometimes in spite of 
the talent and personnel issues they have encountered, and many believe 
Robert has created.

One personnel issue they haven't taken on is as much of a personality issue 
as it is anything else. Former WCCO substitute host Wendy Wilde found 
herself in a lucky spot when Air America first launched and comedian Jeff 
Gerbino quit after two or three days of working for Robert. But now Wilde 
is in a different sort of spot. Kudos go to the local blog Lloydetta [sic], 
run by long-time political activist Eva Young, who got Wilde to confess 
that she started one of these famous attack Web sites written anonymously 
against Minneapolis City Council candidate Scott Persons.


I also covered the dispute between Janet Robert and Nick Coleman. The 
question is whether the infamous No Guns, Gays or Abortion memo distributed 
by Robert to station staff was designed to help 6th District Candidate 
Elwyn Tinklenberg.


Comments on 5th Ward Race:


Margaret Martin (David Strom's wife) discusses the 5th Ward Race:


Is the Robert Lilligren Campaign doing Push Polling:
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Is the Robert Lilligren Campaign Doing Push Polling?

**Lloydletta's Nooz Exclusive**

Minneapolis 6th Ward Incumbents Robert Lilligren and Dean Zimmerman were 
thrown together by redistricting. It's a tight race.

A friend of mine who lives in the 6th ward told me about a strange call she 
got. The call came from Voter Registration Survey, and wanted to ask her 
some questions. She questioned the caller, and eventually the caller - a 
woman - admitted to being from the Robert Lilligren campaign. My friend 
didn't know to let the caller ask all the questions.

I called the Dean Zimmerman campaign - and they have gotten one other call 
that told them about something like this. I left a message with the 
Lilligren campaign for comment.

Developing. . .

Here's a good place to catch up on the local blogs quickly:  MNSpeak Blog 
news Aggregator:


Some blog search engines:



Eva Young
Near North

Lloydletta's Nooz
Dump Michele Bachmann

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician,  printer (1706 - 1790)

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Re: [Mpls] Lloydletta's Nooz Gets Plug from Politics in MN for Identifying Stop Scott Blog/Push Polling by Lilligren?

2005-10-16 Thread Barbara Lickness
Nothing nefarious going on here Eva. I don't know why you would say the call 
was strange. There are no strange questions being asked. Pretty run of the 
mill for a political campaign in my mind. Certainly as long as you have mingled 
in politics you can't think polling voters is a new or strange phenomenon. 
The woman doing the polling is not from the Lilligren campaign as you quoted, 
she was hired by the campaign. There is quite a difference in those meanings. 
Robert is mailing literature to the voters, doorknocking the voters, appearing 
at events and celebrations voters are hosting and yes, educating them to get 
registered, showing them where to vote and polling them through an independent 
source to find out who they may be supporting and what their issues are. 
Robert wants to convince the voters of the 6th ward that he is passionate about 
his desire to represent them, that he is working hard to get their vote and 
through his accomplishments as a freshman council member that he is the best 
choice to represent the people of the 6th ward. 
Barb Lickness
Ward 6
Passionate supporter of Robert Lilligren

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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re:[Mpls] Today's city council budget presentations: CPED, NRP, Mpls public library

2005-10-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Cheryl Luger notes that during her presentation to the city council 
Director Kit Hadley mentions the following...

   In what looks like a pretty good apples to apples comparison, The 
libraries situation vis a vis the city and parks certified tax levy 
and LGA show from 2003 to 2008 :

  Librrary board experiencing a decrease of l.5%
 City of Mpls shows an increase of 13.79%
 Park Board show an increase of 9.56%

 From 1994 to 2008 (Certified tax levy, LGA, HACA)
  Library board shows an increase of only 41.62%
  compared to the city incrase of 77.37% and ther Park boards increase 
of 75.23%.

If the Parks are showing an increase of 9. 56% and 75.23 %  why are 
they always cutting programs.  Inflation certainly isn't running at 
75.23 % .  What happened

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[Mpls] Re: What's Wrong with Minneapolis - PIM

2005-10-16 Thread Dan McConnell
As the author of the resolution in question I would like to respond  
to several factual errors that are contained in this article.  First  
the claim that Minneapolis charges $500 for residential permits, I  
have seen this claim and am not sure where it came from, the minimum  
fee for an electrical permit in the city of Minneapolis is $60.

The claim that the department is losing $437,000 per year is  
completely false, this claim is based on a study that placed 48% of  
the overhead costs for a department with 63 inspectors on the backs  
of 10 electrical inspectors.

Also the claim that the electricians union authored the resolution is  
completely untrue, I personally wrote the resolution on the floor of  
the meeting and had several non-electrician non-union people help me  
do so.  While I am a member of the electricians union, I acted  
without the knowledge or consent of my union.  My resolution make  
absolutely no mention of any city council member and does not condemn  
anyone as can be seen by the text of the resolution which is probably  
the only part of this that is factually correct.

Finally the assertion that the city council is controlled by the DFL  
State Central Committee which is controlled by labor union is so  
misinformed that it is laughable, if that were true none of this  
would have happened.  I would also like to point out that I posted on  
this issue several weeks ago and I reiterate that this is a public  
safety issue.

Dan McConnell

 the  city charges $500 for residential permits, which works out  
to be more than 600%  higher than the state fee
of $82.  A smart move for the city because  despite the high fees,  
the city is

still losing money on the program – about  $437,000 in 2004 alone.

Enter the Minneapolis electricians’ union.  The group brought  
the matter  to
the DFL State Central Committee and got the group to pass a  
condemning the four Minneapolis City Council members who voted to  
use the state
electricians.  The resolution read, Be it resolved that the  
central  committee
of the MN DFL strongly urges the DFL members of the Minneapolis  
City  Council
to adhere to the principles of the DFL platform by upholding the  
rights  of

city employees to bargain collectively without threat of reprisal.
The four city council members wrote a letter to DFL State Party  
Chair  Brian
Melendez which said, in part, The City Council’s action was  
the  right action
for our taxpayers, for our consumers and for our citizens.   The  
and effective delivery of services must also be a value of our  
DFL  party.  [We]
hope and trust that future discussions of the State Central   
Committee will
be more informed and show a greater respect for our policy   
Signing the letter were council members Scott Benson  (Ward 11),  
Lisa Goodman (Ward

7), Paul Ostrow (Ward 1) and Don  Samuels (Ward 3).  The Minneapolis
electricians filed for and were  granted an injunction to prevent  
the city from turning

matters electric to the  state.

Just so I understand this correctly...the city council is not  
running the


The DFL State Central Committee, controlled by the labor unions, is
the city council board members?

Dorie Gallagher/Nokomis

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[Mpls] fwd: People for Independent Parks press release

2005-10-16 Thread nikkicarlson001
I received this from the People for Independent Parks group. I am a member. 
This seems like pretty strong language to me, but I am glad the false, personal 
and inappropriate attacks by the reform group are being challenged.
Nikki Carlson, Linden Hills
Parks are for People!
For Immediate Release
Julie Idelkope 612-805-5493
Barb Johnson
October 15, 2005
Minneapolis Citizens for Park Reform Dupes Public; Its Major Contributor 
Planned to Build Townhomes on Park Land: Are They Watchdogs or Lapdogs?
On Friday, October 14th, Minneapolis Citizens for Park Board Reform (Park 
Reform) issued a statement disagreeing with the process the Park Board used to 
acquire its new headquarters on the Mississippi River. In a startling 
revelation Park Reform claimed that a citizen offered to donate his building 
and property for the Park Board headquarters.
In a major omission, Park Reform didn't disclose that this altruistic 
individual did not offer to give the Park Board anything; rather he wanted to 
swap his land for parkland that he desired to develop.  His first plan was to 
build a personal residence on Park Board land adjacent to his.  Another and 
related plan was to build a luxury townhouse development on Lake of the Isles 
Park Board land! Yes, it wasn't a donation; it was a swap. And quite a swap 
at that!  This same individual who wanted to donate his land and building is 
the same individual who has provided nearly 50% of Park Reform's budget in the 
form of a $5,000 cash contribution just before the Primary election 
http://www16.co.hennepin.mn.us/cfrs/welcome.do . (Click Political 
Committee/Fund, and go to Minneapolis Citizens for Park Board Reform) and Park 
Reform also didn't bother to disclose this fact in its email.
The individual who gave the $5,000 to Park Reform is William E. Weisman. 
Weisman owned land on Lake Street adjacent to the Calhoun Beach Club. Mr. 
Weisman wanted to obtain the land owned by the Park Board located next to his 
property to build a personal residence.  Mr. Weisman also suggested a swap of 
his land for Park Board land on the south side of Lake of the Isles where the 
new dog park is located.  Weisman thought luxury townhomes would be a better 
use of public property than the public open space.  Apparently, Minneapolis 
Citizens for Park Reform likes his thinking.
Park Reform claims there was no public discussion of the Weisman Plan.  In 
fact, there was a neighborhood meeting on the concept and it was soundly 
rejected.  Park Reform claims to oppose back-room deals and claims to be 
committed to transparency, openness, accountability and stewardship. Having a 
major funder with a major conflict of interest smacks of a closed, back-room 
arrangement, especially when nearly half of Park Reform's funding comes from 
one person. When that conflict of interest goes against the public interest 
then the arrangement is even more insidious. And when a group masquerades as a 
watchdog when it actually appears to be the lapdog of a would-be developer, 
serious questions of credibility are raised. Trading our dog park for private 
townhomes is not being a good steward.  They were very deceitful to suggest 
that the Park Board could have gotten a better, cheaper headquarters through 
the false largesse of their major funder as they did in their email today.
Park Reform has a continuous history of omitting the salient points whenever 
they shout out their slogans. In this case they omit the fact that Weisman's 
offer was not a donation at all. Earlier they claimed that the Park 
Superintendent had a $500,000 slush fund; in fact there is no such fund and 
there never was such a slush fund. They attack the Ft. Snelling fields as not 
making money, not mentioning that parks are not supposed to make money.  They 
attack the fiscal decisions of the same Board of Commissioners that has brought 
the concessions at the lakes out of the red and into profitability.
They must think that no one is watching or reading.
Minneapolis Citizens for Park Board Reform's tactics define duplicity.  They 
say they oppose privatizing park land and yet their major contributor solicited 
park staff with his plan to develop luxury townhouses on Lake of the Isles 
land.  Is this duplicity the standard of truth we can expect from that group's 
slate of reform-minded candidates as well?  Minneapolis Citizens for Park 
Board Reform and their endorsed candidates need to be honest with the public.
We wish we didn't have to send out so much information but we need to get the 
truth in your hands.  We apologize for the flurry of e-mails, but we know that 
our words are important and that you are a thoughtful person.
In the meantime, are these people really watchdogs or are they merely 
Stay Tuned for our endorsements this coming week.


Re: [Mpls] Lloydletta's Nooz Gets Plug from Politics in MN for Identifying Stop Scott Blog/Push Polling by Lilligren?

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Snyder
On 10/16/05 9:24 AM, Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nothing nefarious going on here Eva. I don't know why you would say the call
 was strange. There are no strange questions being asked. Pretty run of the
 mill for a political campaign in my mind. Certainly as long as you have
 mingled in politics you can't think polling voters is a new or strange
 phenomenon. The woman doing the polling is not from the Lilligren campaign
 as you quoted, she was hired by the campaign. There is quite a difference in
 those meanings.

Might Eva or Barbara share what the questions being asked were, which would
allow the rest of us to decide whether they are strange or not?

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] Public Debt

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Snyder
On 10/15/05 1:01 AM, Phyllis Kahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The truth is that RT  (and his fellow  economists on the city
 council) are bonding for public pensions; an act of fiscal
 irresponsibility that is practised by no other city in the state and
 prehaps even in the country. A practice forbidden  by our constitution
 to the state. Even worse, these are fully taxable, unlike tax exempt
 municiple bonds. All because our city leaders refused to deal with the
 MERF and Mpls police pension funds in a timely manner.

While I certainly agree with Rep. Kahn that bonding for public pensions is
not the preferred approach, I have difficulty taking her chastising
seriously given the unwillingness that she, and other Minneapolis
legislators have shown as far as holding the police pension board
accountable for: 

1. really short-sighted benefits administration (my primary concern).

2. really, really bad investment decisions.

The State Auditor office has independently confirmed the various
shortcomings demonstrated by the police pension board that the mayor and
city council economists have complained about for years. What does Rep.
Kahn intend to do to address these concerns and protect the interests of her

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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[Mpls] Push Polling by Lilligren?

2005-10-16 Thread Russell Raczkowski
There is no evidence of *push polling* by Robert Lilligren.  Push polling is 
the practice 
of conveying negative information about an opponent by asking contrived 
questions in a  
manner suggestive of polling.

Wikipedia gives the example of the Bush campaign's alleged *poll* where they 
the question Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain 
president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child? during the 
campaign in South Carolina.

Russell Raczkowski

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Re: [Mpls] Heating the great outdoors

2005-10-16 Thread Nathan Hunstad
On 10/16/05, Jim McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I realized a while ago that a by-product of the smoking ban is that bars
 are going to be providing heat outdoors for smokers using heat lamps or
 whatever works.  Personally, I think this is a bad idea.  It will provide
 small comfort to the smokers, of course, but heating the outdoors in the
 winter in Minnesota is a silly idea at best, but I know from talking to bar
 owners near me that they are already making plans to do just that.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but why exactly is this a bad
idea?  The way I see it, if bar owners want to spend their money to
attract smokers in this way, it is no different from spending money on
other things to attract customers.  It has nothing to do with me.

Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN

PGP DH/DSS public key -- http://www.angelfire.com/mn/freakpower/nhpubkey.txt

Do you Gonzo?! http://www.angelfire.com/mn/freakpower
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RE: [Mpls] NRP nixes LNA $80,000 request - Other Sources Sought

2005-10-16 Thread Anderson Turpin
Scott Moore wrote:
What's all this I hear about a missing $80,000? Where did the money 
go? Seeing a dollar amount in red ink with a minus sign in front of it 
might be alarming. It has been stated in this forum a couple of times 
that the Changes in Fund Balance amount of -$82,023 did not come from 
NRP. Here's a quote from a letter by Michael Wilson, the CPA who audited 
the financial statements of LNA:

The LNA was engaged in activities that a major funding source, the 
Minneapolis NRP, chose not to fund. While these activities appeared  to 
be consistent with the LNAs overall mission, they were not  consistent 
with the NRP's contracts.

Here's a quote from the letter posted by the list manager addressed to 
Wendy Pareene. It is a response to her letter of February 10, 2003:

As has been explained to you on several occasions, due to disagreements
that arose in 2000 about the way that staff time should be accounted for
and reimbursed, NRP declined to reimburse LNA for a sum of approximately

Some LNA staff worked some hours, put in some time and got paid but when 
LNA went to NRP, one of their funding sources, to cover this expense NRP 
said no? That's what appears to have happened. Staff time may be 
accounted for in a budget under operations or supportive services. Since 
the money LNA was hoping to get from NRP did not come it had to come 
from other sources.

Mark Anderson replies:
I've been an accountant in the private sector for twenty-five years, and I
was Treasurer at the Bancroft Neighborhood Association for three years.  I
have a pretty good feel for what the books should look like on the detail
level.  I gotta believe that Wendy Wilde received more information as a
member of the executive committee than has been provided on the Mpls Issues
List.  But if the information provided here is representative of the usual
reaction to her request to know what's going on, then she has a right to be
angry.  Maybe the financial management of LNA is out of control.

The letter from the outside auditor was worthless.  I hope he provided a
more detailed accounting of what happened to the Board, or he should be
fired.  It's been stated several times that LNA spent this money and then
NRP decided not to cover these expenses.  That's all well and good, but it's
not an explanation.  The question is why didn't NRP reimburse LNA for the
expenses?  NRP does cover the normal administrative costs of running a
neighborhood office.  What was so extravagant about these costs that NRP
wouldn't pay them?  Maybe there are perfectly reasonable explanations for
it, but it certainly does bear explaining what happened.  $82,000 is a lot
of money.  I sometimes felt a bit irresponsible for agreeing to $25
expenditures that NRP wouldn't cover.  $82,000 should be explained in great
detail to anyone who asks.

When I was Treasurer of BNA, I always felt that every penny spent was public
information.  I explained the financial events to the Board in our monthly
meetings in as much detail as they asked for.  I wasn't always clear about
some of the complicated goings on, but I was willing to take as long as it
took to make them understand the financial status of the neighborhood.  And
I would do the same for anyone who lived in the neighborhood.  I don't live
in Lyndale Neighborhood, so I don't feel owed an explanation on what
happened, but I do feel some sympathy for Wendy.

I agree that one needs to take the volunteer labor into account when judging
how a neighborhood is run.  At BNA, we certainly made plenty of mistakes,
and we never had time to run the association as well as we'd have liked to.
But that is no excuse for not having complete financial transparency.

The whole reason Wendy brought this up was to torpedo Scott Persons' council
hopes.  I don't know if that is reasonable.  Even if LNA was somewhat
dysfunctional financially and Scott was the president some of the time, I
don't think you can put all the blame on one person (pun intended).

Scott Moore continued:
So if NRP didn't give LNA this money, how did LNA cover this staff time?
  $457,351 fiscal 02 revenue
-$428,357 fiscal 02 expenses

  $ 28,994 fiscal 02 excess

  $209,954 fund balance at beginning of year 02
-$156,925 fund balance at the end of year 02

  $ 53,029 difference
+$ 28,994 fiscal 02 excess

  $ 82,023

Mark Anderson replies:
What kind of explanation is this?  It explains nothing.  All it says is LNA
had extra money in 02 so it could pay off the deficit from an earlier year.
The question is where did the funding come from?  I can't imagine a funding
source like McKnight or Otto Bremer agreeing to pay off the $82,000 just to
cover LNA's deficit.  What funding source paid off the $82,000, since NRP
wouldn't do so?

I'm not accusing LNA of any 

Re: [Mpls] Push Polling by Lilligren?

2005-10-16 Thread Barbara Lickness
Thank you for clarifying that Russell. I would also like to state that the 
Lilligren campaign is definately NOT engaged in push polling. We are just 
polling voters.  Robert has guided all of us who are working on his campaign to 
stay on the high road and run a campaign based on the issues and why he is 
the best person to represent the 6th ward during the next term. 
Barb Lickness
Avid supporter of Robert Lilligren in the 6th.

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[Mpls] Buckthorn removal in Seward

2005-10-16 Thread Svattheriver
I have been working on getting funding for Buckthorn removal in Seward for  
several years. I want to thank the Park Board environmental and forestry crews  
and the great volunteers who showed up to haul out this invasive species from 
 the river gorge. 

In one area there were 28 ft. trees and areas that  was entirely Buckthorn 
thickets- all now wood chips. I want to thank Marcia  Holmberg from the Park 
Board and Elizabeth Storey from the Friends of the  Mississippi who helped 
organize this event and Great River Greening who are  doing forest restoration 
this area.
Thanks to Gary for coordinating the  Forestry crew and to Elwood whose 
infectious enthusiasm for cutting down  buckthorn is a joy to behold.

We have some great folks working for the  Park Board and it was pleasure 
working with them this  weekend.

Scott VreelandSeward
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[Mpls] 6th/8th/10th Ward Races/Response to Mike Krause column in Lavender/Call paid for by Lilligren Campaign

2005-10-16 Thread Eva Young

1.  6th Ward Race
2.  8th Ward Race
3.  10th Ward Race
4.  EM Boatner's column on Gay Youth Programs
5.  My response to Mike Krause's column on local races and need for gays to 
focus on legislative special elections

6.  Lilligren Campaign Polling Calls to Voters

Lavender Magazine has an article about the 6th Ward Race


Candidate Dean Zimmerman drew a sharp contrast between he and openly Gay 
Robert Lilligren in that race:

Zimmermann, in answer to the statement that the choice between him and 
Lilligren will be tough for many GLBT voters, remarks, Tough? What's tough 
about it? I have a history of being outspoken on questions of civil liberties.

When the issue of equal benefits for spouses/partners came up at the 
Council, I and Council Member Lisa Goodman were the only ones who spoke up 
about how the gays on our Council were being short-changed.

Zimmermann adds, Robert just sat there on his hands. I think this shows 
the clear difference between Bob and me.

Whether it is GLBT issues, policy issues, or constituent service, I'm not 
just a vote; I am an advocate.

Dean Zimmerman's Ad:

Dean on his bicycle in his Green Tutu, standing next to the Fire Chief 
(disclaimer says that photo doesn't imply endorsement).

8th Ward candidate interviews in Lavender:
All 8th ward candidates support gay marriage.

10th Ward Race:

Scott Persons has an effective ad that has non-Minneapolis resident, Paul 
Skrbec (Stonewall DFL Chair) promoting him.  Ralph Remington has an Ad - 
but the ad gives no information beyond his name.

Ralph Remington has made his Stonewall screening answers public here:


I'd like to challenge Scott Persons to make his Stonewall screening answers 
public - because many gay voters would just as soon see both questionairs 
then make their own decisions on who to vote for.

Managing Editor EM Boatner discusses Gay Youth:


Time Magazine in its October 10 issue and our Northland Notes column 
this issue both address the issue of out gay youngsters, making me aware of 
a trend I didn't even know existed.

According to John Cloud's feature article in Time, Ritch Savin-Williams's 
recently published The New Gay Teenager (Harvard University Press, 2005), 
and numerous other sources, I learned that thousands of kids are coming out 
as young as 13 and 14.

This avalanche of new queer youth has come as a surprise (and shock) not 
only to the religious and conservative right, but also to the GLBT 
community itself, which, for the most part, has focused youth-oriented 
efforts on the troubled, the homeless, substance abusers, or hustlers. 

Read the whole thing.

Krause analysis of Minneapolis/St Paul Races - especially Minneapolis:

Lavender columnist, Mike Krause discusses the political maturity of the 
GLBT community:


Lisa Vecoli, a GLBT activist who herself ran for a State Senate seat from 
South Minneapolis in 2000, observes that GLBT political power built up over 
the last 20 years is being undermined, at least this year, as much by 
political apathy as any other factor.

Vecoli helped engineer the endorsement of the Stonewall DFL Caucus for 
Minneapolis mayoral candidate Peter McLaughlin, but she acknowledges that 
the GLBT vote in the city seems to be fairly evenly split between 
McLaughlin and incumbent Mayor R.T. Rybak.

Some analysts would argue that having the GLBT vote spread among many 
candidates and campaigns is a sign of a maturing political movement.

It also reflects that support for the civil rights of GLBT residents, at 
least within most of the urban area, is a consensus issue not even part of 
the political debate.

This year, GLBT voters are more likely to decide among the mayoral 
candidates based on their positions on the city- and county-enacted smoking 
bans as on a candidate's positions on GLBT issues.

EY:  This shows that in Minneapolis Stonewall DFL's endorsement does not 
translate into GLBT votes.  This was true 4 years ago also.

What Krause is missing is political gays in MN focus excessively on 
Minneapolis and St Paul - at the expense of working on swing legislative 
districts.  Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota has met with and had a good 
discussion with Plymouth candidate Judy Johnson.  Johnson will also be 
meeting with the anti-gay groups:  Minnesotans for Marriage (misnamed), and 
the Minnesota Family Council (also misnamed).  The meeting was an 
introduction meeting - not a screening session.  Three of us went and 
observed the Republican District convention district 43.  Unlike the 58th 

[Mpls] Sunday afternoon

2005-10-16 Thread wmmarks
I was driving up my block at around 4 p.m. today while the sun was 
hitting Marjory, the maple tree in my front yard, full on. Marjory 
flamed against the white pine and the half green-half red high bush 
cranberry. It was enough to fill the heart with joy for a breathtaking 

WizardMarks, Central
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RE: [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-16 Thread Anderson Turpin
Loki Anderson wrote:
Does anyone want to look at ALL the factors in this primary or do we just
want to focus on race? Why doesn't this article mention the fact that there
were 10 candidates in the race all trying to get their message out? Why
doesn't it mention the fact that Hauser, Glidden and Dennis Tifft seriously
out raised Hayden in campaign funds? Or that labor and name recognition
played a part in boosting Hauser? Or that Glidden is from King Field and
that she got a big boost from the vote totals in those two precincts?


I would never say that there wasn't a racial component to the race, but to
say that it was the primary factor in Hayden's loss doesn't tell the whole

Mark Anderson replies:
Thank you Loki.  I think the council race had very little to do with race.
It appeared to me that people voted for the person they thought would do the
best, without focusing on each person's outward appearance.  Which is how it
should be.  Instead of bemoaning the lack of a Black winner in a Ward where
Whites are in the minority, we should happy that people are looking beyond
such trivialities.  Certainly in my neighborhood, there are a lot of Blacks
and Whites and various other races living amongst each other.  I have
noticed very few racial issues in the 19 years I've lived here, and I think
that is a good thing.

In any case, Blacks are not a majority in Ward 8 either.  There seems to be
a presumption that non-Black minorities will likely vote for a Black over a
White.  I think that's not true.  If Hispanics or Hmong vote on the basis of
race, it will as likely be against Blacks as for them.

Mark V Anderson

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[Mpls] Reasonable questions / answers on -$82,000 Scott Persons

2005-10-16 Thread Wendy Wilde
Mark Anderson replies:
I've been an accountant in the private sector for twenty-five years, and I
was Treasurer at the Bancroft Neighborhood Association for three years. I
have a pretty good feel for what the books should look like on the detail
level. I gotta believe that Wendy received more information as a
member of the executive committee than has been provided on the Mpls Issues
List. But if the information provided here is representative of the usual
reaction to her request to know what's going on, then she has a right to be
angry. Maybe the financial management of LNA is out of control.
 Wendy Response: No, Mark, I never was given more detail than the lump sum.
The board was never given more detail than the lump sum. That is why I
asked, and was rebuked as though I was a foolish child. I was intimidated by
the condescension into voting to approve the write off. I later heard
realized that I had allowed myself to be intimidated into approving
something that I really should have had more information on. I heard
comments from former and current board members that made me uncomfortable
with how I had voted.
 So I made a motion at a board meeting for an independent investigation and
full accounting to the board of how that money was spent... and was shouted
down and run off the board... voted off the board suddenly after 2.5 years
for being rude within 2 months of pressing for an investigation.
 I was threatened with slander lawsuits on several occasions by Scott
Persons and some of his neighborhood friends.
 Bottom line for me is... I don't want to see such secretive and vicious
croney behavior in Minneapolis City Hall and that is why I brought my
information to the public eye.
 Mark Anderson writes:
The letter from the outside auditor was worthless. I hope he provided a
more detailed accounting of what happened to the Board, or he should be
 Wendy response: The Board was never presented with more than his letter,
and that was only written after I pressed and pressed for a full accounting.
 Mark Anderson writes:
I agree that one needs to take the volunteer labor into account when judging
how a neighborhood is run. At BNA, we certainly made plenty of mistakes,
and we never had time to run the association as well as we'd have liked to.
But that is no excuse for not having complete financial transparency.
 Wendy responds: transparency and itemized accounting of where that money
went... that's what I asked for. Anyone can make mistakes. But instead of
just opening the books and answering questions, people became red faced with
anger and became outraged and couldn't work with me any more. They were so
busy telling everyone how hostile I was that they never did get around to
answering the question of the itemized accounting, instead distracted
everyone from the real issue with the dramatics.
 Mark Anderson writes:
The whole reason Wendy brought this up was to torpedo Scott Persons' council
hopes. I don't know if that is reasonable. Even if LNA was somewhat
dysfunctional financially and Scott was the president some of the time, I
don't think you can put all the blame on one person (pun intended).
 Wendy responds: Last thing we need is more Mpls City Council people being
raided by the FBI over $7000 or sent off to prison over other financial
indiscretions. The poorly managed -$42,000 budget and the next year's
-$82,000 write off without itemized accounting... and the subsequent
machinations of Scott and his circle of friends to keep me from getting an
itemized accounting of that money is more than worthy of my fellow citizens'
attention at election time.
 Wendy Pareene
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[Mpls] The scope of responsibility for a City Council or Mayor

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Hanson
David Strand reminded us of a 2003 City Pages article that discussed an 
anti-war resolution proposed by Council Person Paul Zerby, and other related 
topics on the make-up of the council.

David's question to the list was:

What can we do to empower those attempting to enact
progressive policies at city hall in the upcoming
elections and after?

Well, the answer is easy - elect the most progressive people you can find to 
City Hall.

Otherwise, I'm wondering what sort of empowerment you're suggesting - do you 
want the procedural rules changed to make it easier for progressive policies to 
be enacted?  

In the meantime, I'll argue that resolutions about national/international 
affairs have no place in the City Council chambers.  It's a waste of time. If 
individuals on the council have strong feelings either way, they should 
exercise their First Amendment rights like anybody else, and speak as private 
citizens.  We're not paying people to sit in City Hall offices and debate 
Washington DC policy making.

Mark Hanson
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] 6th/8th/10th Ward Races/Response to Mike Krause column in Lavender/Call paid for by Lilligren Campaign

2005-10-16 Thread Paul Skrbec
10th Ward Race:

Scott Persons has an effective ad that has non-Minneapolis resident,
Skrbec (Stonewall DFL Chair) promoting him.  Ralph Remington has an Ad -

but the ad gives no information beyond his name.

Ralph Remington has made his Stonewall screening answers public here:


I'd like to challenge Scott Persons to make his Stonewall screening
public - because many gay voters would just as soon see both
then make their own decisions on who to vote for.

First, I would like to point out that I am quoted in Scott's ad as the
Chair of Stonewall DFL. Stonewall DFL is a state-wide organization
chartered under the MN state DFL party. This is a perfectly legitimate
action on Scott's part, but for the record my address was Minneapolis
for a short time in the mid 1990s prior purchasing a home in St. Paul
for 10 years. I now reside in the suburbs *gasp* along with over 40% of
the GLBT community in the state.

With regard to Scott's questionnaire, any person that would like a copy
of any of our endorsed candidate's questionnaires, they just need to
request it from me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will be more than happy
to forward it. Stonewall DFL will not - however post this information in
a public forum. Screening questionnaires are available to the public by
request only.

What Krause is missing is political gays in MN focus excessively on 
Minneapolis and St Paul - at the expense of working on swing legislative

districts.  Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota has met with and had a
discussion with Plymouth candidate Judy Johnson.  Johnson will also be 
meeting with the anti-gay groups:  Minnesotans for Marriage (misnamed),
the Minnesota Family Council (also misnamed).  The meeting was an 
introduction meeting - not a screening session.  Three of us went and 
observed the Republican District convention district 43.  Unlike the
District convention in Minneapolis (and from what I've heard of the 59th

district convention), there was no wingnuttery, no anti-gay lit pieces,
speeches about people marrying animals - or perhaps trees (this was 
congressional candidate Dan Matthias's speech) - just discussion of 
accountable government.  Judy Johnson is President of the League of
- and used to live in Minneapolis.  She used to intern for John 
Derus.  Some democrats have encouraged her to join the Democratic Party
and she is staying in the Republican party.  Friends of mine in
said that Stonewall was not there helping when the notoriously anti-gay 
Michele Bachmann was running in 2000 and 2002.  Stonewall DFL's
could have made the difference in those races.

With respect to your comments about Stillwater and Michelle Bachmann - I
appreciate your passion and fixation on the topic, however 1) this is a
Minneapolis issues list, therefore your commentary on it is not
consistent with the topic of the list and 2) for the record, I was not
on the board of directors in 2000 or 2002. To make an implication that
the actions of past years leadership holds valid today is not an
accurate assessment of the current administration. Out of 13 members of
our board of directors, only 3 have records that go back that far in
history. This is almost entirely fresh blood in the party. Please don't
compare apples with cantaloupes. Additionally, nearly 50% of our caucus
leadership (myself included) have residency outside of the city limits
of Minneapolis as is appropriate and expected for a state-wide caucus.

Paul R. Skrbec
Chair, Stonewall DFL
Inver Grove Heights, MN

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Eva Young
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 7:14 PM
To: Minneapolis Issues Forum
Subject: [Mpls] 6th/8th/10th Ward Races/Response to Mike Krause column
in Lavender/Call paid for by Lilligren Campaign

1.  6th Ward Race
2.  8th Ward Race
3.  10th Ward Race
4.  EM Boatner's column on Gay Youth Programs
5.  My response to Mike Krause's column on local races and need for gays
focus on legislative special elections
6.  Lilligren Campaign Polling Calls to Voters

Lavender Magazine has an article about the 6th Ward Race


Candidate Dean Zimmerman drew a sharp contrast between he and openly Gay

Robert Lilligren in that race:

Zimmermann, in answer to the statement that the choice between him and 
Lilligren will be tough for many GLBT voters, remarks, Tough? What's
about it? I have a history of being outspoken on questions of civil

When the issue of equal benefits for spouses/partners came up at the 
Council, I and Council Member Lisa Goodman were the only ones who spoke
about how the gays on our Council were being short-changed.

Zimmermann adds, Robert just sat there on his hands. I think this shows

the clear difference between Bob and 

Re: [Mpls] The scope of responsibility for a City Council or Mayor

2005-10-16 Thread David Strand

--- Mark Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the meantime, I'll argue that resolutions about
 national/international affairs have no place in the
 City Council chambers.  It's a waste of time. If
 individuals on the council have strong feelings
 either way, they should exercise their First
 Amendment rights like anybody else, and speak as
 private citizens.  We're not paying people to sit in
 City Hall offices and debate Washington DC policy
 Mark Hanson
 Prospect Park

This is complete abrogation of responsibility.  The
city has an intergovernmental relations committee for
a reason and there is reason for the city to speak out
on many issues that will impact the city and yes Mark,
the wasteful war of choice in Iraq will have an impact
for years to come on the ability of the federal
government to prioritize needs of importance to the
city due to the financial sinkhole it has created.  To
the extent the shift in priorities necessitated by
engaging a supposed pre-emptive war which is by
definition a war of choice impacts the cities
priorities and access to resources, it is the
responbility of our city officials to speak up.

I presume Mark thinks that the city councils of New
York City, Chicago, Los Angles, and numerous other
metropolitian areas were off base when they passed
antiwar resolutions pertaining to the war in Iraq
because the war distracts from what those city leaders
felt where higher priorities.

The strict seperation of levels of government
philosophy is detrimental to the city in other ways
and is often applied in the other direction to say the
city shouldn't act on issues that the county, state or
federal government SHOULD take responsibility for.

I think of some of our city council people's attitudes
towards the city's dept of health and human services
which has been the first responder to so many issue of
importance to the city on issues which the county,
state or nation have not yet had political will to act

I think of how the department of health and human
services has historically worked with local citizens
seeking to address glbtiq youth issues, HIV/AIDS
prevention programs and many many other issues in the
city at a time when these issues where nowhere on the
radar of the county, state, and federal government.

As the closest level of government, the city can be
far more responsive to the unique and emerging needs
of it's population in the areas of health and human
services than higher levels of government.  Often this
response has meant bringing together private sector
actors and supporting initial formation of
organizations that become funded by a combination of
private funds and grants from higher levels of
governemnt as the importance of the work becomes
apparent in excercise.  The city has been very
successful when supported by the political powers of
the city in helping leverage resources to address many
of our cities most pressing health and human needs.

Strict seperation of government folks would want to
pigeon hole such responsibilities at distinct levels
of government which restricts responsiveness and
therefore effectiveness.

So if the county, state or federal government are
failing to take action on a health or human need in
our community is the solution to have local government
neglect to address the issue itself and let people
suffer and or die because it's not the appropriate
role of city government?

So many private and public nonprofits and services in
our city which make it a better place to live and in
the long run save us all money by reducing healthcare,
welfare and even criminal justice costs would not
exist if it were not for the involvement of the city's
department of health and human services with local
citizens and institutions looking for innovative
solutions to the cities problems.

Social invention that moves our quality of life
forward almost always begins at the local level and
spreads to other local jurisdictions and communities
before ever being supported by higher levels of
government, just as the most innovative ideas in
business usually start with small businesses before
being adopted by large businesses, not the other way

David Strand
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] Heating the great outdoors

2005-10-16 Thread David Shove
Back in high school the guys smoked outside even on the coldest day,
without winter clothing. I'm sure none of them are any less hearty,
heroic, and macho now than they were then. In fact, they are more so, more
stunningly masculine with each passing day. Cold? You think THIS is cold?
Ha! This is NOTHING!

Would you want to take this away from them, converting them into a race of
nanny-bar sissies?

--David Shove

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Jim McGuire wrote:

 I realized a while ago that a by-product of the smoking ban is that bars
 are going to be providing heat outdoors for smokers using heat lamps or
 whatever works.  Personally, I think this is a bad idea.  It will provide
 small comfort to the smokers, of course, but heating the outdoors in the
 winter in Minnesota is a silly idea at best, but I know from talking to bar
 owners near me that they are already making plans to do just that.

 I'm just curious if anyone else has given this any thought and what could
 be done to lessen the impact of this.

 Jim McGuire

 Check out the Usual Suspects Blog - http://www.browncross.com/usualsuspects

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