Re: [Mpls] North Minneapolis is a Red Light District

2001-11-10 Thread Matthew Dufresne


This is an issue we deal with on a daily basis in Central.  It is
extremely frustrating and I'm not sure how to deal with it, but know you
are not alone.  You seem to be doing the right things by not allowing
people to feel comfortable doing this in your neighborhood and calling
it in when you can.

Let's see how our new City Council and mayor choose to deal with this
and take it from there.  Mr. Rybak, Mr. Biernat and Mr. Lilligren how do
you plan to address this?

Matthew Dufresne,


Scott McGerik wrote:
 This morning, at about 9:15 AM, I had the displeasure of dealing with
 yet another prostitute and her client. As I was opening the window
 shades to let in the beautiful morning sun, I noticed a female riding a
 mountain bike being followed by a male in a silver Ford Contour. They
 stopped in front of my garage, which is a favorite hiding spot as they
 are partially blocked from view, where the female, entered the car and
 proceeded to perform oral sex upon the male. I went out there and told
 them to leave, but when they just stared at me, I called the 911 and
 logged a call. Unfortunately, the police did not arrive in time to catch
 the perpetrators, so I canceled the call to the the police.
 Witnessing prostitution or finding the evidence of prostitution is a
 weekly occurance for me. Every day that I come home from work, I walk
 along the street to pick up the ever present trash that is blowing down
 it and, at least once a week, I find a used condom during this clean up.
 Scott McGerik
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Re: [Mpls] Plugged driveways and pedestrian intersection crossings.

2001-11-04 Thread Matthew Dufresne

Great idea Neal.  I've had the same problem before with similar
feelings.  This seems to be an issue that can and  should be easily
remedied, especially in an area like Mpls. where this ice is so common. 
CMs, prospective CMs and ditto for the Mayor and prospective mayor, what
do you say about trying to implement something like this.  It will
obviously cost something, but I think that many of us would be willing
to have our taxes rise by a few dollars to help take care of some of
these livability issues.

Matthew Dufresne,
Central Neighborhood


 I enjoy the variation in weather that our
 Minnesota seasons provide.  However, I don't
 appreciate having snow plowed into my
 driveway, especially if it should happen soon
 before I need to leave for an important
 appointment.  On such occasions, there is
 no time for me for get help and I must remove
 the snow very carefully with small shovelfuls,
 at a time in my life when I am about twice the
 age of a person who might be told to hang up
 the snow shovel for good.
 For some time now, a snow plow attachment
 has existed that has a gate that can be
 lowered temporarily when the snow plowing
 vehicle approaches a driveway.  This
 attachment blocks the flow of snow from the
 curb end of the plow until the plow has passed
 beyond the driveway.  The result is that there
 is very little plowing residue left in the driveway
 entrance and the home owner only needs to
 remove the precipitated snow, if not done
 beforehand, not the heavy, packed snow that
 the plow leaves.  This snow plow attachment
 also works at public crosswalks where many
 people have difficulty climbing over mounds of
 snow in order to cross the streets.  In addition
 it would remove the danger of children sliding
 into the path of a vehicle when they might be
 on a crosswalk mound while waiting for a
 vehicle to pass.
 Why hasn't the City of Minneapolis been using
 this procedure?  I would guess that to do so
 would be unnatural in the Minneapolis City Hall
 where improvements in basic services may be
 deferred in order to bring about grandiose
 schemes that should have a lesser priority, if
 implemented at all.  But I will give the denizens
 of City Hall some help.  The name and address
 of the manufacturer of the attachment that I
 have described is as follows:
 Root Spring Scraper Co.
 527 West North Street
 Kalamazoo, MI 49007
 Let us all think carefully about how we are
 going to vote on November sixth.
 Neal E. Simons
 Prospect Park
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Re: [Mpls] Strib poll and racial tension

2001-06-26 Thread Matthew Dufresne

Bill and the rest of the group,

Do you feel that Non-European immigrants, Such as the Somali or Hmong,
would have the same feelings towards African Americans and advantages of
white privilege that other Europeans may have had in the past?

How do you all feel about what African Americans might be feeling
towards the Somali community as well as other immigrants from other
African countries?

Maybe there is room for discussion here on race relations as they start
as a new immigrant and how we as an already established community (the
City of Minneapolis) may positively effect where this challenging issue
may go in the next decade and generation.


Matthew Dufresne

 On the relationship between Black and new immigrant communities there is a
 famous Malcolm X quote.  On witnesing some newly arrived Eastern European
 children at the airport, all dressed in native clothing he said such pretty
 little children.  The first English word they're going to learn is nigger.
 America has a long history of immigrants leapfrogging over the Black
 community.  Racism has always been a way of proving you are a real American.
 Many immigrant communities may even object to being called white but have no
 objection to white privelege.  I speak of communities but of course each
 individual makes his own choice on this issue.
 Irish and Italian are now clearly white, others have attained white status if
 not name.  Perhaps this is what the 44-year old woman was refering to.
 Bill Cooley
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Re:[Mpls] Affordable Housing

2001-05-24 Thread Matthew Dufresne

I wanted to add my two cents in here, but I'll try to make it short and sweet.

I believe that everyone has a right to decent and affordable housing.  I
don't believe too many people disagree with that idea.  What concerns
some, typically middle to upper class folks, has more to do with how
renters and/or lower income individuals/families live or how they
behave.  So now it becomes more of a class issue and values issue
between these two groups.

To preface my background; I grew up for a good part of my life as a
renter and on welfare due to various life circumstances.  I'm neither
proud nor ashamed of that fact.  It's just my life experience.  Then, 2
years ago, my family and I were lucky enough to be in the position to
purchase our own home in Central Neighborhood.  My personal attitudes
have never changed as to how I took care of my home (meticulously, being
a rather anal-type of person with a very orderly mother) either as a
renter or a homeowner, although I probably do put a bit more time into
trying to make my home look more like who I feel I am, which as a renter
I was not able to do many times.

What I have come to learn is that what the fear of affordable housing
is has more to do with the fear that those who live in it will not or do
not take care of it as well as others might like them to.  I believe
that there are enough examples of this for all to agree on and at the
same time there are as many reasons behind why people chose to live the
way they do that are just as valid.

I believe we could bridge this gap for the most part if we would be able
to get more people to take more pride, ownership and responsibility in
their homes whether they be apartments, townhomes, single family homes
etc...When our values start to come together the things like class,
race, ethnicity, culture don't seem so far apart.

Until we reach that point we will continue to have the very debate we
are having right now though and each side will feel equally right and
virtuous.  This will take some time and flexibility on the part of us
all, but we can do it if we so chose.

Matthew Dufresne
Central Neighborhood
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[Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

2001-05-24 Thread Matthew Dufresne

I have only been on this chat line for a few months so forgive me if
this issue has already been worked over, but how do you all feel about
idea of having the Minneapolis Police Dept. begin following a truly
community based model of community policing?  I would also be very
interested to see what the candidates for Mayor and City Council have to
say on this issue.  If elected or re-elected, would you not only
support, but push for, community policing in Minneapolis?

I feel that it would be a win-win situation.  The police dept. could do
a better job, the citizenry would be much more involved, we would know
and trust our officers and they of us, crime would most likely go down
considerably and maybe we could avoid some of the issues that have
plagued the dept. and the City of Minneapolis for so long.

I'm not quite sure why Mayor Sayles Belton or Chief Olsen have not
worked towards this up to this point, but maybe it's time to try
something different since what they have done before doesn't seem to do
the job the way many of us would like to see it done.  I don't think
this is asking too much or being too unreasonable.  Maybe it's time to
make it a priority for our elected officials so that they do implement it?

So let the discussion begin.


Matthew Dufresne
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Re: [Mpls] Police, prosecutors, judges and graffiti

2001-05-12 Thread Matthew Dufresne

Mpls-Issues tip: PLEASE trim the previous message when responding. The redundant 
characters make tough reading for Digest subscribers and needlessly lengthens download 
I agree that graffiti is a real problem for the City of Minneapolis and
we all need to pitch in and take care of it.  I was at the Neighborhoods
USA (NUSA) Conference in Phoenix, Arizona last May (2000) and came
across a great program the the residents of the City of Phoenix had put
together.  It was very simple but involved the work of various
residents, local businesses, the police dept. and others.  Basically all
they did was paint over graffiti within hours of it being put up.  This
had the immediate effect of slowing graffiti to less than 90% of what it
had been previous to them starting this program.  The reason that
tagging is so popular is that others can see it and identify it.  When
you take this away from them you take away their will to do it in the
long run.  If any of you are interested in learning more about it I can
give you further contact information.

On another note, I would disagree with Mr. Sabri about getting rid of
the SAFE units.  They are our only true connections between the
community and the police dept.  We really do not have community policing
other than what the SAFE program offers us.  The SAFE program has proven
its effectiveness time and time again and I really feel that we should
move to true community policing model.  If we did, you would see much
happier police officers who interacted with residents, much less in the
way of misunderstandings between the community and the police dept.,
less police brutality and racial profiling etc...This all comes from
knowing and working side by side with those you serve.

*I would challenge Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, all of our Council
Members, Chief Olsen and the Minneapolis Police Dept. to move towards
true community policing.  Then and only then will we see a real change
in crime, community/police relations and a better level of well being
for all the citizens of Minneapolis.*

Until we do that though we must maintain the SAFE program, work to make
it bigger and better and continue to demand that our representatives
work towards true community policing.  In the mean time, call your
friendly neighborhood SAFE team, stay involved and keep up the good work.


Matthew Dufresne
Central Neighborhood
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[Mpls] CNIA's NRP funds frozen again

2001-05-08 Thread Matthew Dufresne


I spoke to Robert Miller and Robert Cooper, of NRP's Citizen
Participation office, and was told that CNIA's funds were once again
being frozen (or already had been as of last Friday?), due in part to
ongoing inconsistencies and the latest claim by the current CNIA board
that $110,000 of funds had gone missing.

This is very upsetting to me to see our neighborhood organization
continue to go down the crapper because of poor judgment and leadership
by various current board members and staff (A side note:  I believe that
the people involved have good intentions for the most part but are very
misguided in their thinking and actions).

I know that this is not new news, but I would be interested to hear from
those of you who have weathered similar challenges in your respective
neighborhoods and how you were able to overcome them.  I don't want to
see Central Neighborhood and its residents continue to suffer while a
few misguided individuals take the rest of us down a very bad road.

I know that we can make it through this challenge but I feel that we
really need the support of our other neighbors and neighborhoods to make
it out in one piece.  We have our annual meeting coming up on May 22nd
and there are a number of issues to be brought up.  any ideas on how to
bring them up in a positive and constructive way.  Is there anyone out
there who would be willing to observe our meeting and/or act as a
friendly, volunteer mediator of sorts?  We can use all the help we can get.

Thank you in advance for your ideas and support.  Let's hope that we
will not have to repay it in the same way further down the road.


Matthew Dufresne
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Re: [Mpls] Ventura Village Meeting

2001-04-11 Thread Matthew Dufresne


Congrats on your successful thwarting of Basim Sabri and his
strong-armed techniques.  That is no small feat.  Keep up the good work
and keep control of a neighborhood where it belongs, in the
neighborhood's hands and not in the back pocket of a developer.

Matthew Dufresne
A not so fortunate Central Neighborhood resident
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Re: [Mpls] Alert for Minneapolitans Driving to St Paul

2001-03-29 Thread Matthew Dufresne

My mother always taught me that if you weren't doing something wrong, you
wouldn't normally have something to worry about.  And if you were doing
something you shouldn't be, then maybe you better rethink what you were

Just a thought.

Matthew Dufresne

ferma001 wrote:

 Heads Up  -  Minneapolis residents who drive to St Paul should be warned
 that St Paul is using unmarked police vehicles in the vicinity of the
 bridges and other crossovers from Minneapolis.  Mid-day, today, I noticed
 two motorists just beyond two bridges were stopped.  The St Paul vehicles
 are dark colored sedans - they do not have top light bar and no police
 markings.  One bridge was the Lake Street, the other the Ford bridge.

 John Ferman
 Harriet Avenue
 Kingfield Neighborhood
 Ward 10 Pct 10

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[Mpls] Twin Cities Community Garden Fair-April 7th

2001-03-25 Thread Matthew Dufresne

For all of you gardeners, block beautifiers and green thumbers and everyone

else here is something to put on your calendars.

Matthew Dufresne
Central Neighborhood

 Please pass this information on to any and all community gardening

 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY GARDEN FAIR, sponsored by the Sustainable
 Resources Center - Urban
 Lands Program, Perdita Butler (for more information, call Perdita at

 Pick up tips from Master Gardeners, learn about native plants, find a
 summer youth gardening program for
 your children, sign up for a plot at a community garden, see a play
 about your lunch and then satisfy your
 appetite with tasty snacks at the Twin Cities Community Garden Fair,
 held Saturday, April 7 from 1 to 3
 p.m. at Brackett Community Center, 38th Avenue South at East 28th Street
 in Minneapolis.

 The Twin Cities Community Garden Fair is presented free of charge by
 Sustainable Resources Center's
 Urban Lands program.  Fair activities include:

 * A slide talk on "Small Space Vegetable Gardening" presented by
 Hennepin County Master Gardeners.
 * In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater performing its
 youth-centered puppet show, "What's
 for Lunch?" which follows the adventures of a chicken sandwich traveling
 from farm to school lunchroom.
 * Garden questions answered by Master Gardeners, representatives from
 the Minnesota Horticultural
 Society, the Minnesota Native Plant Society, Sustainable Resources
 Center's Lead-Safe Landscaping and
 Home Gardening projects, community garden coordinators from St. Paul and
 Minneapolis, youth garden
 directors and many others.
 * A booth where visitors can locate community gardens near their homes,
 or learn how to start a new
 community garden.
 * Seeds and tips on how to grow them.

 Vicky Vogels
 Community Outreach Coordinator
 Minnesota State Horticultural Society
 Tel. 651.643.3601, Ext 209
 Fax. 651.643.3638

Please pass this information on to any and all community gardening

TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY GARDEN FAIR, sponsored by the Sustainable
Resources Center - Urban
Lands Program, Perdita Butler (for more information, call Perdita at

Pick up tips from Master Gardeners, learn about native plants, find a
summer youth gardening program for
your children, sign up for a plot at a community garden, see a play
about your lunch and then satisfy your
appetite with tasty snacks at the Twin Cities Community Garden Fair,
held Saturday, April 7 from 1 to 3
p.m. at Brackett Community Center, 38th Avenue South at East 28th Street
in Minneapolis.

The Twin Cities Community Garden Fair is presented free of charge by
Sustainable Resources Center's
Urban Lands program.  Fair activities include:

* A slide talk on "Small Space Vegetable Gardening" presented by
Hennepin County Master Gardeners.
* In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater performing its
youth-centered puppet show, "What's
for Lunch?" which follows the adventures of a chicken sandwich traveling
from farm to school lunchroom.
* Garden questions answered by Master Gardeners, representatives from
the Minnesota Horticultural
Society, the Minnesota Native Plant Society, Sustainable Resources
Center's Lead-Safe Landscaping and
Home Gardening projects, community garden coordinators from St. Paul and
Minneapolis, youth garden
directors and many others.
* A booth where visitors can locate community gardens near their homes,
or learn how to start a new
community garden.
* Seeds and tips on how to grow them.

Vicky Vogels
Community Outreach Coordinator
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
Tel. 651.643.3601, Ext 209
Fax. 651.643.3638

[Mpls] Mpls: A Dirty City

2001-03-22 Thread Matthew Dufresne

I would like to address an issue that I believe to be fairly important;
lack of a clean city.  It is especially apparent at this moment given
all of the trash, sand, mud etc. that has been uncovered with the spring
thaw, but it is not a new issue.

Clean and tidy living quarters have always been a sticking point for me,
being rather "anal retentive", and I do not feel that the City of
Minneapolis or its citizens as a whole have done a very good job at
keeping it as such.  I think that when we are surrounded by clean and
well kept surroundings that we tend to keep them that way and generally
act better.  The reverse is also true in that when our surroundings are
shabby, dirty and run down that people tend not to care as much and thus
do not bother showing pride in their surroundings which many times leads
to less-than-desireable effects.

This isn't to say that all of Minneapolis looks like a rat-hole, but I
believe that we can all think of many places around Minneapolis that
have trash on the streets and boulevards and unkempt yards and
businesses.  This trash issue is both a cause and a symptom of larger
issues such as lack of civic and public pride, crime, hopelessness, a
movement away from personal and community responsibility and a lack of
personal and public leadership.

Unfortunately, we are all guilty of this to a certain extent.  It would
be easy to point fingers at certain groups or officials and say that
"they" are the ones responsible, but the reality is that we all play an
important role in the communities we live in and how we form and
maintain our communities.

I would like to see a real effort both by city officials and the
Minneapolis public to clean up our city and keep it that way.  It may
seem difficult at times but if each of us would pick up around our homes
and neighborhoods and the city would make an on-going and concerted
effort to clean the streets, enforce our city trash ordinances and
provide a good example for its citizens, I believe we could have a very
positive effect on our wonderful city in a very short time.  So let's
give it a real effort and I am sure we could reduce certain crime and
livability issues to a noticeable extent.

And finally, the best part about cleaning up the city is that we can all
take part in and pride and responsibility for its success.  It's a
win-win situation for everyone.  No one is excluded and everyone

I am interested to see what others think and feel about this.


Matthew Dufresne
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Re:East Lake Hotel

2001-03-20 Thread Matthew Dufresne

In reply to Tim Connolly's reply to Eva, I would just like to say that
there are many more people in the neighborhood who feel strongly about
putting a hotel/motel on this location.  Although, not everyone is so
inclined to put their necks out there for some of the spiteful and
vindictive people that seem to be out there to hack off at will.

I do not believe there is anything wrong with not wanting something in
your backyard or even in your neighborhood if you feel that it is going
to adversely affect you or your family.  This is a normal defense
mechanism we all have and use and people need to be able to express
their concerns and trepidation's with those around them.  It would be
pretty unlikely for others to support us in our causes if we
half-heartedly expressed them.  It is only when others truly feel your
concerns that they can share them and work with you towards alleviating

I believe that the people in the neighborhoods that surround 2nd and
Lake have seen more than their fair share of the prostitution, crime,
filth and poverty that we have in our city and don't care to see any
more.  We feel that this hotel/motel will only add to problems we
already face and we have the right to feel so.  I'm proud to be a NIMBY
on this given subject because I feel that it can only lead to more
problems for the area.  I feel that the city, neighbors and investors
can come up with a better solution to this empty lot than a budget motel
no matter how you gloss it up.

If the people who feel strongly about having this hotel/motel are really
in support of it, then maybe they should try offering to put it in their
backyard.  It never seems quite as nice when the shoe is on the other
foot, does it?


Matthew Dufresne
Central Neighborhood

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